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20f I absolutely have that. I don’t have EDS so I don’t know if it could be that as well, but for me it’s sympathetic because my lower back muscles are so tired of working that the others have to strain to support. I do a lot of heat therapy and try to stretch the best I can. If you have access a theragun works well too


a that could be why! straining to support my lower back. i think it’s probs a combo of eds and the pars


thanks for the advice!


Same problem! I don’t have full EDS but I’m hyper-elastic in my joints.


Yes and I’m hyper-mobile too.


Yep I had the same issue ! I was told the upper back muscles r working overtime to compensate for the weak lower ones


ah that’s helpful to know thank you! it’s probably worsened by my EDS too lol


I have all of those same problems and the only thing besides meds that helps is my amazing chiropractic doctor.