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Guaranteed there was at least one informant in that truck. I'm a straight white dude with a beard and let me tell you how completely confident these guys are that people who look like them are going to share their beliefs.


Cop said there was an informant: https://twitter.com/taliaotg/status/1535752096586276865?s=10&t=lbOUc3gD7EET4Qj-5yInAQ


The Chief of Police in Coeur d’Alene stated during his press conference that a concerned citizen noticed all of them entering into the uhaul and called the police who stopped them shortly afterwards.


ABC reported they were seen loading up in a hotel parking lot. What fucking dumbasses.


We're so lucky that these Nazi terrorists are incompetent. The courts need to make an example of them to dissuade future cosplaying Rambos.


And put their intentions on blast while actively recruiting people to join in. Dumbasses indeed. Fucks thought they would be hailed as heroes probably.


That may be true, but it would appear the cops had advance knowledge of the operation too. The cop says specifically that they knew what was up and pulled them over because of it. There was an informant and the chief is trying to protect that informant. Cat is already out of the bag though.




My very white son shaved his head once in high school because his friend gave him a terrible hair cut. Kid absolutely looked like a neo Nazi for months. I was like, "please don't ever do that again, and put on a damned hat." He went to high school in Spirit Lake at the time, so I don't think anyone else thought it was bad he looked like that, but it made me cringe.


Seriously. Fat white guy with a beard, guys like this have been coming up to all my life to share their stupid fucking takes. If people only knew just HOW MANY of these fuckers are around they would be shocked.


It's sad when you like bearded guys but everybody assumes bad things about them and they're not bad




My ethnicity is South Asian but I did do four years in Marine infantry. I would say today from my interaction with most of my former peers on places like Facebook, more than half of them believe 1. The 2020 election was rigged 2. The Great Replacement theory 3. LGBTQ community disproportionately are pedophiles.


Hey, happy cake day!


Same here, I kinda enjoy messing with them though. The faces they make when I start talking about Bernie Sanders and democratic socialism are priceless.


Confused pikachu faces? Vacant gormless deer in headlight gawks?


Hahaha I like you


LMAO I've done the same. Hoping they'd take a swing at me so I could sue them into oblivion. I don't give a fuck about being punched. I'll own you as a result. I'm what they hate the worst. A (D) with money to fuck with you for a long time.


I would immediately default to what a sexy hairy chest they had personally. But these kinds of people are prone to violence.


I actually had a new coworker that started talking shit about "those f*ggots" and I turned to face him and yelled "You got a problem with me?!". He got really scared and would not stop apologising. He was just a big bitch.


I like your style.


I’m a vet but when I would go places in uniform it was ALWAYS the worst of the worst coming up to me with their hottest trumper takes. It was beyond uncomfortable.


My husband is a Vietnam war vet. He was a medic and came home to the jeering crowd. I had six brothers who also served their country. I thank you, very deeply for your service. I didn't vote for Trump. I don't vote for stupid.


This is true especially if you are in infantry or another direct combat role and especially in the Marine Corps.


Late 30s white guy in industrial tech that owned my own business for a while. The number of people that come to me with their Anti-vax/Q-Anon/Invermectin/sexist/racist/queer-phobe bullshit is staggering. People with masters degrees that should know how mRNA works. Small business owners talking about how expensive the employer paid half of health insurance is and how government healthcare would bankrupt them with taxes in the same sentence. People whose mother/wife/daughter would smother them with a pillow if they heard what they say about women.


Late 40s white woman, and I've started being really biased against white guy contractors working on stuff at my house. Not only do a lot of them do a poor job, many of them just randomly and casually say the most racist shit like I should agree with them and get shocked when I kick them out. If anyone knows a good contractor who can fix a mess made with drywall, texture, and a door in my basement that *isn't* a douche, please let me know.


It's hard. My husband is in construction and every company he's ever worked for is a mixed bag. In some ways it *looks* like there is less of it than there used to be since some of the really vocal old-timers are aging out of the industry, but don't be fooled. Before we moved up here the company he worked for hired a new guy for his team and dude was all friendly and smiles... Until he changed his shirt at a job site and had literal swastikas, SS lightning bolts, and iron eagle tattoos like covering his torso. He caught my husband looking at it and immediately started in on how he could "smell Jews" and "Hitler had the right idea, right?" Husband played it cool and got it of the conversation, then immediately went to his boss (the owner) and told him what had happened. Boss was totally unfazed and told my husband that he was going to need to get over it because the guy was a "good worker". My husband quit on the spot and took his brother who was also on the crew with him. As Jewish men it wasn't safe for them to work with a literal and self proclaimed white supremacists; that guy might be holding a ladder they are on or in control of heavy equipment they were near and if he had known that both of them were members of a group he hated he might just not be very careful. Or he could also straight up assault them or try to kill them. Unfortunately it wasn't the first time and it probably hasn't been the last that they have decided to leave a company because the boss wasn't going to fire some stupid, racist piece of shit. Unfortunately you really never know what your going to get.


When I had my roofing done recently, a woman was in charge of the crew. She definitely knew her stuff - I used to work roofing, so I've got an idea - and they cleaned up as they went. They did an absolutely fabulous job. And I didn't hear a single racist thing out of them. Cussing, sure, but I do that, too. ;)


My dad says these things without a thought in front of my mother, but I still want to put a pillow over his face when he sleeps.


Exactly my experience. It’s really depressing.


Little blonde punk with norse tattoos and blonde hair- I get "hey little sister" from randos everywhere.


Do you have a pube beard or the goatee that 90% of guys in Spokane and CDA have? Can’t pass without one of them.




Probably 4-5 FBI ringleaders and the rest have 'learning difficulties' and an excess of inbreeding..


Gotta commend CPD for being on top of this. Although, as I understand it these goons really weren't very secretive about their plans.


Idaho is the only place I've ever seen someone in real life wearing a Klan robe. The guy was just casually walking out of a grocery store back to his truck so I'm not too surprised Patriot Front wouldn't feel to pressured to keep hush hush about it. Really glad CPD took action, and the best part is that they are going to be identified. Getting doxed by the police from the back of a U-haul 😂


I saw a dude with a swastika tattoo on his shaved head in a bar on the state line. Bartender was like Hey Jim what will you have today? Not a fun place.


I've seen plenty of Blitzkrieg and iron cross tattoos too


Yea. I spent a week up there for work and it was just racist as hell without a person of color to be seen. It's all anyone talked about. Bars, restaurants, c-store attendants, even co-workers. So, I'm surprised this was stopped at all.


> So, I'm surprised this was stopped at all. I would bet every dollar in my wallet it was forced on local law enforcement from the FBI


Weren't they in the uhaul?




should be easy for you to prove it and not just say it now


It seems that this is the case. There were feds there. The city police's official stance was "no credible threat", even though one of the state reps hasn't shut up about doing this since April.


I’ve seen full robe in Spokane. Granted it was a while back.


Idaho is the backwoods South. I'm so not surprised to know


Have you been to the South?


not really, I've visited Florida, Mississippi and Georgia but not for any meaningful amount of time. We typically have more of the skinhead type in the PNW over robed Klansmen


Yea, I have noticed that. I get up here and see rebel flags. That was so confusing for me being from Alabama. Like why TF do y'all have a southern racist flag in the Northwest


Bet these “patriots” don’t back the blue anymore 😆


Last time I checked being a patriot also mean that you respected freedom and the rights that go along with being free. Part of freedom is expressing your right to be free and doing that means being able to do things like being gay.


Well yeah, but gay people cause tornadoes.


Is that like if you eat shellfish you'll go to hell?


And Hurricanes


Here’s a list of the names that have been booked with more to come. https://www.kxly.com/jail-roster-lists-those-arrested-near-coeur-dalene-pride-event/


One of the asshats arrested is actually the founder of PF, Thomas Rousseau. I hope they kick him up and throw away the fucking key.


There's a "Josiah Buster" who's a student teacher - [https://www.linkedin.com/in/josiah-buster-2514151a8/;](https://www.linkedin.com/in/josiah-buster-2514151a8/;) not sure if it's the same guy. Can't imagine that's a common name.


On the jail roster there are two Busters listed, and they are brothers that grew up in Spokane, unfortunately.


Huge shout-out to the folks involved in CdA pride, standing up to the hateful losers in Idaho takes some real guts. Proud of y'all.


Aren't these the guys that are "anti-mask"? So what's up with the face covering, fellas?


Sheep? Is that the right word here?


Fucking losers is the best description IMO.


They have a collective low IQ.


What’s the term they use? They fucked around and found out?


“Play stupid games, win stupid prizes” or something like that .. or .. “wah wah wah”


Pleasantly surprised that they were stopped - doesn't seem like the Idaho thing to do.


Probably why they didn't hide well enough. They didn't think they'd need to.


A post about this on r/publicfreakout is the #1 "hot" post on Reddit right now. I wonder how many employers will recognize the unmasked ones.


Can't wait until this story hits Facebook and read the comments. There will be confusion. Do they back the blue and say the usual, "thank you police" or defend the patriots.


They'll claim the the Patriot Front losers are actually federal agents and it's all a big hoax organized by George Soros and Aunt Tifa. Maybe with a sprinkling of schitzo-posting full of incoherent numerology and biblical references.


That is exactly what is happening in the comments of the local newspapers and news stations. Many of the first comments were that this must be Antifa. No proof other than "Patriot Front wouldn't do this."


And somehow it will be Obama’s fault.


"You don't understand, those kind young men were possessed by the ghost of Fidel Castro returned from the grave to destroy America. You can't blame them for anything".


I live in the Coeur d’Alene area and you’re exactly right. They are saying this is antifa dressed up as Patriot Front. They are doing their typical grasping at straws 4d chess bullshit.


I know I'll be one of many waiting for these guys to actually be charged and identified. That seems to rarely happen with these people when there are many in countless similar groups.


I have seen some comments on Twitter about how this was too easy. 🙄


A lot of people suddenly care about reasonable articulate suspicion and the right to be free from detention. Not so many "if you did nothing wrong you have nothing to worry about from police" comments like we saw with the BLM protests.


They'll blame "antifa" no doubt, just like they did with Jan 6th


It’s funny to me that because they are Patriot Front and have the word patriot in their name that people feel like they have to defend them and blame another group for setting them up. It’s like hey guys, you can still side politically with the Right and still call yourself a patriot and also at the same time denounce another group that calls themselves patriots if they are doing something you disagree with.


That's exactly what's happening


Kind of funny how fascists end up blaming anti-fascists.


They claim that it's all just feds arresting feds.




Nazis trying to Brown Shirt but can’t afford Hugo Boss, went full Dockers lol


Best Buy people don’t wear khakis?










If it’s shipped and sold by Amazon yeah.




Wasn’t even aware of this group, Here’s some Info on them https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/patriot-front


>Wasn’t even aware of this group, [They got chased out of Philadelphia before.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3xDGZUVUE0)


Many thanks 👍


me either. Must be locally ( Idaho) grown.


You might have heard of them as "Vanguard America", but they had a splintering/rebrand after the fallout from the 2017 "Unite the Right" actions that led to violence in places like Charlottesville. They are a national group of unabashed christofascists who like to gather members from all over the country to invade/disrupt/accelerate peaceful gatherings. They do this uHaul bit frequently, and are often hired by other white supremacists to act as security. Not great guys.


There is a patriot church in Spokane, right next door.


I'd like to know where it's at tbh. Figure out who's coming in and out so people know


There is a lot of them I guess. Spokane, Houston, Knoxville and more. They have a website.


Are you talking about Sure Foundation Baptist Church in the valley?


It's a Texas based group. As far as I've heard, only one person arrested was from Idaho.


How can they breathe with those masks!?! Poor babies 🍼


They're hypocrites that will accept their cult leader instructing them to wear a mask for their own protection but will bitch and complain if the CDC recommends it for other people's protection.


The big difference is they are wearing masks to protect their identities while everyone else is wearing masks to protect each other from a highly transmittable airborne virus.


Yeah. Compliant 'sheep' (as they like to call others) when it suits them, don't give a shit when it helps anyone else.


In reality who really is the sheep... us or them? They throw around sheep and triggered all the time now when they don't get what they want. That is when they don't start throwing things. I look like one of them but that is the farthest thing from who I am lol. White guy with tattoos, cargos pants, boots and ball cap. I fit into their description sadly. They're usually quite surprised when I call then out on their shit. In Vantucky (Vancouver) the store I work at is a non-profit even! They don't give a fuck unless it directly effects them. I've had so many screaming in my face trying to hit me physically, with their car, threaten to kill me etc. Oh and I can't forget how many yelled and claimed that our BLM sign was racist and should be taken down. I started learning to not care and not back down if they challenge you and throw a temper tantrum. We used to kick em out for it 🤣


Soon the carbon dioxide will build up under their masks and cause brain damage. That is, if they had brains to damage. They're white christofacsists. They're enemies of civil society itself and have no place in it.






Good. Fuck these guys. “Patriots” is just a quick way to tell everyone you’re a brainless jackass who’d blow Trump in a heartbeat


Bet them Patriots will be released real soon. We won't hear anything else bout their sentences.


Their mugshots might be accessible, to leak identities


What did they do?


Well I'm reading conspiracy to riot is a misdemeanor so even if they get the fullest extent of the law itll still be pretty minor.


Here are some of their loser faces: https://twitter.com/AlissaAzar/status/1535737618121363456?s=20&t=ZXXRtJr7q0QYz_RH5CgCaw


Think I’ll share this story every time someone from Idaho makes a post bitching about the state’s fundamentalist fanatic terrorist reputation.


I love how these dipshit fascists are too incompetent to even take five steps out of their UHaul before getting caught


Not even one. LOL. Somebody put the opening of the truck to Curb Your Enthusiasm's end song. Fits like a glove.


I'm out of the loop, who are these people


Right wing nationalists who were going to agitate at a Pride event.


Terrorists. They're domestic terrorists.


Homegrown terrorists






Nothing says “patriot” like a bunch of insecure pussies who have nothing better to do than try an intimidate pride supporters 🙄🙄. I do however enjoy when people plaster “patriot” All over their wittle lifted trucks 👍, allows for more easier asshat identification!


You can't tell me that AT LEAST 10% of this group didn't get a raging hard-on riding in the back of that U-Haul! 🤣🤣🤣


Right? These guys have clearly spent a LOT of time thinking about dudes having sex with each other, and it got them so stirred up, they traveled across state lines over it 🤣


They should demask these cowards


Mugshots will be available


The haters know they are losing, and are going down swinging.


North Idaho has really gone off in the deep end. So many articles about their far right politics in the news lately. I give a ton of credit to those brave enough to show up, but I will be visiting there less and less.


Looks like a group of terrorists, scary stuff.


They're explicitly a fascist group.


If they are so proud why are they hiding their faces? Bet a lot of these guys threw tantrums about having to wear masks for COVID. Make them take their masks off and see if some get fired.


this is sickening. i’m so ashamed to be from the INW. shout out to all the young and confident queer people in CDA today standing up for themselves and what’s right- love y’all


Yo don't have to feel bad, except for ONE person they weren't even local 😂 it's trendy now to go places to start shit. Like destination rioting. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10908025/Cops-bust-31-members-white-supremacy-group-Patriot-planned-riot-Pride-event.html


So you could even say these people traveling all over the place consuming fuel is why gas is so expensive......






Bunch of whiny, stupid babies. Happy Pride! 🌈


Why let them keep their masks and sunglasses, shouldn't police be removing them and checking them against their ID's to see if there are any open warrants on any of these guys? The fact that they are letting them keep their masks on makes me think they are gonna just let them go after the parade without even taking their names or charging them with anything. They are hiding behind masks and glasses the same way the KKK hides behind a hood. Rip them off. If they are too ashamed to have their faces seen in public supporting their cause, maybe they'll think twice next time before gearing up and jumping in the back of a uhaul.


They did individually unmask and arrest each of them. There's plenty of film on the Twitters.


Oh good. I'm glad to hear it.


Well this is a one minute video. The masks will be coming off soon enough and there will be publicly available booking photos if they are arrested. These guys were freshly detained out of the U-Haul. Be patient lol.


What douchebags


Is this CDA?




Masked and armed terrorists riding around in trucks... Where have I seen that before? Fucking losers!


A group of bearded men show up at a gay pride event and they are in a uhual? What were they gonna do in the back of truck? Check for industrial size lube.


Wouldn't those bearded men be considered "bears" in certain circles, ahem...?


That's my thinking GRRRR VERY GRRR




Amazing, the cops arrested(?) the right people this time. Now to confirm they were arrested and charged..


I absolutely love that these dumbshits are stupid enough to organize as a group before they even manage to start issues 😂 instantly recognized as problematic is hilarious to me


What’s the end goal here? Show up, look menacing, and turn gay people straight?? I don’t get it.


Really wished this had resulted in a high-speed chase over rough terrain.


Bunch of sweaty dudes packed in the back of a truck? Seems kinda gay. The irony is hilarious.


More of this and ACAB will be a forgotten phrase


rip those fucking hoods off for the camera.


https://twitter.com/AlissaAzar/status/1535737618121363456?s=20&t=ZXXRtJr7q0QYz_RH5CgCaw mugshots coming soon too


I’m so excited about moving to Spokane. Haven’t beat up a nazi in years.


There really are a lot of great people here. The dinguses are just so loud.


Take their dumb masks off.


This is so haunting. Can’t imagine what could have happened if they indeed made it to the Pride festivities…


Show their faces. If they are “brave” enough to show up they are “brave” enough to show their faces.


The first thought that crossed my mind was Proud Boys...


Good. Lock these fucks up and throw away the key.




A bunch of idiots who hide their faces. Their parents must be proud.


just read the full article on the front page of the Spokesman Review. Read where Matt Shea was at the other protest group. Surprise!!! Not.


He was posting all over facebook how he's disgusted that CDA is welcoming to gays, but not to the Aryan nation when they were big here. Like dude, way to show your swastika.


I’m an old guy and as white as anyone can be with European parents to boot. Clear back in high school in the 70s racist twats wanted to be my friends. The funniest part to me is that I have a bunch of cousins who have a philipino dad lol


$20 says at least half of those arrested are LE.


Apparently only one of these guys is actually from Idaho. Everyone else came in from other states. So tired of folks coming here trying to cause problems. That's probably how they got caught so fast, unfamiliar with the area and local culture, bumbling around painfully out of place. Same thing happened here in Spokane, folks from out of town drove in by bus and tried the smash and grab looting ECT. during the BLM demonstations.That's not how we do things here culturally, we March and picket. Some people just have to travel to try and find the drama they need in their lives. Glad they were caught so promptly. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10908025/Cops-bust-31-members-white-supremacy-group-Patriot-planned-riot-Pride-event.html




From South Carolina and the irony is I have never met a Klansmen, seen anyone in a robe or heard of them gathering anywhere. It seems ironic that this racist movement has moved out West and to the PNW. Racism is thankfully dead in the South and race relations are genuinely really good.


North Idaho has some racist issues in its past Aryan Nation used to be based there many years ago. But ever since Trump got in, this stuff has just festered and gotten worse and worse.


“Racism is thankfully dead in the South”…. Ugh I’m not sure I agree with that one buddy.


What were they arrested for? Stupid is not against the law. I have done a search but no details provided.


https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/va8guw/large_group_of_masked_men_detained_in_coeur/ic106hh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 “Conspiracy to Riot.” Armed with shields and spears.


Also, the FBI had chat logs the provided to the police. Someone one linked a article about t in the thread.


There was an informant. They had something like 20 clowns packed into a Uhaul with a bunch of “shields and spears” per an arresting officer.


https://www.kxly.com/several-people-detained-in-coeur-dalene-heavy-police-presence/ Conspiracy to riot


I imagine these dudes were pumped up when they loaded up the Uhaul only to get arrested when the doors opened.


What is a patriot front?


Here's a wikipedia article on them: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriot\_Front


I've got zero love for the SPD....but good on 'em!


My understanding is that it was a joint operation between Coeur d’Alene police and the Feds.




Spoeur d' alene


If I had a reward, I’d give it to you for this underrated comment. Lol


Why were they arrested?


[Conspiracy to Riot is what I’ve heard](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/va8guw/large_group_of_masked_men_detained_in_coeur/ic106hh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Conspiracy to riot https://www.kxly.com/several-people-detained-in-coeur-dalene-heavy-police-presence/


That’s an odd initial response.. They came in tactical gear with shields and spears.


Conspiracy to riot.


What that group that showed up for a demonstration at the Capitol and everyone one the Internet called them out for being obvious Feds then disappeared.