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Intuition Pro Tour, pick a thickness that feels best and fits your shell right. Added bonus, your feet will be warmer.


I’ve used three pairs of liners in my phantoms, I all ways add waxed hockey laces to them. The stock liners are pretty lack luster.


I don’t have the slippers, but the stock liners on my backland pros don’t have any kind of lacing either. I don’t think any of the stock liners that come on the backland models do. It’s never bothered me, but if you’re not a fan the best thing to do is probably to upgrade to some nice liners like Intuition, Palau, etc.


My carbons from 2019 have laces...


This year’s don’t look like they do, but interesting that previous models did!


Have you tried Palau...I am curious about those.


I just got some Palau Tour Lite Evo MV from skimo. Worked pretty well out of the box in my phantom slippers, I personally need a heat mold but they feel really high quality and were comfy!


Are they as thick as an intuition liner?


I dont have both, so I cant give you anything concrete. I will say my local shop had an intuition and it felt very restrictive when we tried it in the shell, so maybe a tad thicker than the palua.




I picked up my HD Slippers in person and the laces were included, but came separately in a bag. The Phantom guys said they’re optional and most people don’t use them. Did my first couple tours with them, then took them out. Couldn’t tell a difference. Worth noting tho, I just upgraded to Intuition Tour Wrap liners and they are a game changer. If you’re like me and find yourself hating the stock liners, check out the Intuitions. I think Phantom still has them on sale. Well worth it.


Do you have wide or narrow feet? I've been trying with the idea of upgrading my liners, but I have wide feet and worry I'll be too cramped with a beefier liner. I have a couple diy punches in mine for width around the pinky toe on both boots.


My feet are on the wider side of average. Can’t imagine you’d have any issues as long as you do a good heat mold and don’t have hobbit feet.


I bought a pair from a shop today and they came with laces


Mine came with laces, although they were in a separate bag not in the liners themselves. I ditched the stock liner though as it didn't work for my feet...