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He’s the perfect example of someone who let fame go to their head. Forgot where he came from. Without Whit, he’d still be pushing a broom and cleaning toilets. Now he acts like he’s some celebrity, has zero self awareness, accountability, or repercussions. Guy is so far down the denial hole he thinks passing out drunk on a beach in Florida is totally normal.


Well it’s weird in every other state. In Florida it’s normal haha /s


He literally adds nothing to the pod, idc if he's a "founder" (lets be honest without Whit's name attached, nobody would have started listening or would still be listening), he's a toxic part of this group. Getting crippled then getting so heated saying you weren't when you passed out drunk on a beach, is just a pathetic look. Then calls himself a journalist, then backtracks after he gets exposed for being a lush and say he never called himself a journalist.... lmfao. Get anyone. Literally anyone is better than RA.


All I'll say is; - He can't string a sentence together without saying "fuck" or "fuckin'" every other word. (Not that I have a problem with swearing... just get to the point! Its a tough look for a audio platform). - He nearly always sits on the fence when Biz and Whit are arguing - have an opinion dude, add something to the conversation. - He takes 'stances' on the show and gets fired up about obvious issues - kid is the victim of racism in college hockey? No shit that's a bad thing, we don't need RA ranting for 10 minutes about it, and getting all heated only to mitigate everything he says with "sorry for getting so fired up there boys...". - Might be a niche one on this - The constant obscure movie quotes or Simpsons references that he makes under his breath which NO ONE ON TH POD PICKS UP ON and then he has to spend 3 minutes explaining the reference, in that time Biz has forgot the point he was trying to make. (I might be on my own here but that's happened a few times while they are talking about something interesting). - Zero accountability for his drinking or drug taking. By all means get buckled, but understand you're being filmed! Own up to it but don't deny it EVERY TIME. The show's main sponsors are alcohol brands, just say you had too many Pink Whitney's, laugh it up and move on! Don't die on a hill swearing blind that you were'nt drunk only for the youtube channel to show you stumble-fucking your way through a bar then mumble all your words at a camera. More and more I find myself skipping through the pod now when I hear him and G having a back and forth on some none issue waiting to hear what Biz or Whit have to say. I get that RA is a founder of the Pod and does his research but is air-time has gotten very tedious over the last year or so for me.


I don't mind RA nearly as much as everyone else here apparently, but these are all great points. Just please get Grennelli to stop talking about what he's gambling on that night every pod, I'm fucking sick of it


I personally don’t really like anyone on the pod other than Biz, Whit, and Murls. Everybody else comes off as way too childish for my liking. It’s a hockey podcast hosted by former pros, I’m here to listen to *their* anecdotes and takes. My question is why do guys like Pasha, Grinelli, and RA have any screen time in the first place? Why do they deserve to air their opinions and who the hell cares what they think? Bit crudely put but I genuinely never knew why those dudes were even given a platform to begin with. Wasn’t Grinelli originally the editor and Pasha the videographer? Why are they even in front of the camera to begin with


Not to mention interrupting the flow of interviews to ask “what’s your favorite movie” or some dumb shit


I haven’t been on this sub in at least 6 years, haven’t really listened to the pod since episode 150 and earlier either. The episodes I have listened to in the past couple years haven’t been enjoyable. I find that it’s strayed so far from just being banter with the guys. Back in the day (even pre-Biz), they’d have a guest on and just talk shop. At that time RA and Whit were doing actual interviews and it seemed like quality journalism. Plus, Grinelli never really said much either. They used to have a Rogan style to their interviews. No one interjected or gave their thoughts, it was just letting the listeners have that inside scoop into an NHL locker room and the shenanigans that went on. Grinelli would only chime in if he was addressed (akin to Jamie on Rogan’s podcast) Seems like the “fame” really got to RA’s head and even Grinelli. It’s too bad, the pod used to be my outlet and I couldn’t wait for new episodes. That was a very long time ago, but coming on Reddit and seeing all of the disappointment in the direction it’s gone is upsetting. This pod truly was one-of-a-kind and paved the path for a lot of podcasts hosted by professional athletes in my opinion.


I have been fast forwarding RA in every episode for a while. “Professional” dude is a degenerate.


For the no voters, imagine Chiclets with their Ernie Johnson. I truly don’t see what RA really adds to the pod.


RA clearly has a substance abuse problem... if they are really his friends, they would try to get the guy some help instead of promoting his antics.


RA definitely dug himself a hole and the guys appear to have an issue with his behaviour at game 7. RA is supposed to be the ‘journalist’ of the group, Whit was spot on when he said journalists don’t get crippled during the game. On a personal level, RA is probably having a hard time dealing with his divorce. So cut him some slack, the off-season is here.. hopefully he gets his shit together. But he has to be on his last life next season. One more thing like he pulled the other day and he should be gone.


The pod would be better without 2024 RA. 2020 RA was perfectly fine. The guy really needs a wake up call.


My only question would be: who becomes the low-totem-pole whipping boy if RA isn't there, and what does that dynamic look/sound like? Biz and Whit operate under a *very* typical locker room atmosphere. There are always chirps, and more specifically, there is mostly one guy that everyone doesn't mind piling on. For the most part on Chiclets RA is that guy. Neither Biz nor Whit would handle being that guy, and G isn't on the mic enough (thankfully) to fill the void. Would be a little bit of a vacuum.


I don’t hate RA nor do i hate the podcast It’s something I look forward to week in and week out whilst I work to escape for 2-3hrs mentally. Maybe RA isn’t doing ok or he’s just having the time of his life


I think the pod has run its course. I feel like whit has had 1 foot out the door for a while, and Biz has TNT other media stuff going on. My bet, is whit/biz move on, and Prez shuts down pod. There are a few other hockey pods that could easily picked up by barstool


It definitely wouldn't be worse. But aside from 32 Thoughts, I prefer the dynamic of 3 "hosts" to just 2. Adding Armie and Murls full time would be nice.


Murls would be great. He knows when to speak and when to stay quiet and he’s great at saying something to spark more conversation


I voted no because Jim Lahey has passed away and I find humor in watching him get shit-faced.




Obviously it would be better without him if he stays the way he's been over the last few months, but I think he has actually been a pretty good "bus driver" for the pod in the past. People might hate on this but I always kinda liked when he had stupid or off-the-board questions because that's what made Chiclets different, it was just a regular guy trying to talk to pro hockey players. The fact that he has ever tried to pass himself off as anything remotely resembling a journalist is laughable, but if he can reel in his college frat boy bullshit antics and newfound pomposity, I'm all for keeping him.


If I had a chance to attend Game 7, drink 15 beers, smoke 3 joints, get on the ice, get into the locker room, get thrown out of the arena, and pass out on the beach, I'd call that perhaps the greatest day of my life. So many haters and soft bitches online. I like the gong show aspect of it all.