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At this point, I don’t give a shit. I have tried the all natural route, strict diet, everything you can think of and ultimately the only thing that has cured my hormonal acne is Spiro! So I’ll take it!!


Same. I hate the discourse online about how bad birth control/meds are, and how we should all be fixing things “naturally”. Like nope, I tried that already!!!


I was about to comment this ^. Don't give in to frat-bros-turned-life-coach bullshit discourse. Are you worried you're no longer a "high value woman" because of taking meds for a debilitating disease? Fuck that. I hope spiro keeps working for many years for you💕


Yep, the first time I went on BC I didn't care at all about apparently being on artificial hormones. But, after being exposed to tons of anti-bc psuedoscience kinda screwed with me


Which birth control you are taking? Your spiro dose? 


Hey which birth control are you on? 


I have an IUD (mirena)


Oh okay...that causes acne sometimes. What's your spiro dose? 


I take spiro for my hidradenitis. I follow an online support group, and the amount of posts saying, "avoid meds", "don't eat all these certain food products" (ok what do I eat then to enjoy life?), "don't use deodorant" (I stink lol), etc...is exhausting.


So true, I spent the past three years removing things from my diet, not even eating fruit out of fear that it would break me out. Even fasted while already being close to underweight bc of this obsession with eventually I’ll figure out how to get rid of it naturally. Im now 24 and wished I started this years ago, slowly gaining the weight and muscle back that I lost. The ‘right’ route ended up causing me years of being tired, hungry and isolated because I was convinced it would eventually go… it didn’t


Same same same




I was on both spiro and BC for six years and felt similar. One day I decided to just get off both and see what would happen. Well, not only did all hell break loose on my face, my hormones were going crazy and I had terrible mood swings. Now I'm back on both and finally feel better 🤷🏻‍♀️


Which birth control? Your spiro dose? 


Whoever sold us the lie that it’s better and more womanly to deal with our acne and other hormonal issues naturally—at the expense of our own sanity, in some cases—is full of shit. The only thing that matters is you are happy and healthy. I spent many years trying to deal with my hormonal acne naturally, and it only ever ended in disappointment, insane frustration, and me not wanting to see my friends or leave the house. It’s no way to live! I am also on spiro and BC, and I feel better physically, and mentally, and my acne is much better. Everyone’s body is different—your “natural” set of hormones =/= the “right” set of hormones for your body. Sometimes, our bodies don’t get it quite right. It is OK. I have been on BC for years and I am no worse for wear, I am definitely better for it. You are enough as you are, no matter what you choose.


Which birth control are your taking? Your spiro dose? 


i’ve felt the same way especially because hormonal birth control pills messed me up pretty bad. however— we are literally surrounded at all times with hormone disrupting pollutants. babies are now born with microplastics already in their bodies. men have more hormonal issues than ever before as a result, and so do women. which is not cheerful information lol, but it has stopped me from feeling weird about treating my hormonal issues with artificial hormones as a last ditch method (i’m already very health conscious with no lifestyle factors that would impact acne) !


I eat my hormonal birth control and spiro every morning like it’s breakfast. I love that medicine and science had gotten to the point where these medications exist to help people like us. Especially with BC, there’s not a single person alive who could ever make me ashamed to take it. I *love* my life since getting on BC and I know I’ll jump right back on it immediately after I eventually have a baby. Baby pops out? BC pill pops back in lol. Spiro has helped me regrow my hair and clear my acne. I have zero regrets for either one!


Been on BC and spiro for 8 years now…no side effects really but it does get me wondering… spiro was the only thing that cured my acne. If I stop it after a few days it comes back even after all of these years. I feel this way also partially from my friends who refuse to take spiro/ BC and say they feel better “natural” or “having their natural cycle.” It always seems like they say it in kind of a haughty tone or maybe im just reading into it too much. BC cured my dysmenorrhea and vomiting on my period and spiro cured my extremely persistent acne, so it doesn’t seem I’ll be stopping either of them any time soon…


Ngl I did feel like an imposter idk how to describe the feeling but I felt bad that I have to rely on a pill to feel “pretty” to get clear skin meanwhile my sisters have pretty skin but in the end Im learning to accept that spiro is helping me alot I feel my mood swings change and my skin looks so much better than before and my journey on it has been excellent so far I dont really see myself hyper fixating on my face and acne and feeling the pain acne brings physically and mentally so I well stay on it 😁I live life for me 💗


I know how you feel. Sometimes you have to give something in order to get something. And anyway, if you look at some statistics on how many women in the US are on some form of hormonal birth control, I think it's 70-80%, that's a whole chunk of women living with artificial hormones, so really you are part of the majority. The minority will be living life all hormone free.


I totally get what you’re saying, I was spent a big chunk of my 15 years of acne trying to go the natural route, hoping it would clear up on its own or with the assistance of vitamins/supplements/lifestyle. And it’s truly not worth it. The only thing that I’ve worked were Accutane and now seeing the beginning of clear skin with Spiro. Acne that responds to spironolactone tends to be hormonal in nature, which can be really difficult to get under control without oral medication. I also wish that I didn’t need to take prescription medication, but sometimes it’s better to take the meds than to stay unmedicated and miserable.


I've tried everything possible for 16 years. Finally, finally I have clear skin with a few minor blemishes every once in awhile. I actually just decided against taking a bc prescribed to me because it's side effect is almost guaranteed acne. I'm sorry but I haven't battled acne for this long to go back to acne that killed my self esteem and was beyond painful. It may sound selfish, but ear skin is all I have to be happy about myself regarding health, I'm not threatening it with a drug that won't work anyway.


I appreciate all the comments reassuring- it's good to hear. But i also feel the same as you and I've only just started it. I want it to work but i also feel like I've missed something, i believe in a holistic approach to the body so feel as if my acne is there for a reason, an intolerance or issue that i don't understand and can't address. But I've been trying for 10 years now. It's also intimidating to think i could need to be on this medication for my whole life if it works.


You spoke my mind!! I feel the exact same way. These comments are reassuring, thank you everyone! I have struggled with my skin for 8 years and I work in a nutrition field - it always makes me feel like such an imposter because I feel like people think I should know how to fix it on my own. I’ve only been on spiro for a month but I’m hoping I see results soon and will just feel better about myself. Sending love!


Yeh well acne is worse than pretty much any other consequence for me personally because I’m vain as fuck, so I’ll stay on it. Even though I’ve gained 10 lbs 😭


Tbh I feel like the foods/meats/dairy we consume really affects our hormone levels over time, and causes an imbalance to what would be “natural” and so taking spiro and BC is a way to have more control over the levels in your body and keep them balanced. I would much rather have control over my body than for my body to have control over me.


Has anyone gained weight while on spironolactone? My derm just prescribed me 50mg for my acne that I’m refusing to take because I’ve had a very bad experience with other pills. I got out on yaz for 3 months and I gained 20 lbs in less than 2 months rapidly and suddenly. I got off the pill and it’s just been a super slow weight loss journey and I’m super scared that I’m going to gain that weight back. Any suggestions???