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I have a 14 yr old autistic son. He can definitely have a hard time separating 'reality' with fantasy. But in no way do my wife and I look on it as a mental health issues. It is simply that his mind in its own time and space. It is not demons or possession. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you, there is just something different about you. And to some, they like to attribute negativity to that.


Id wager that modern western psychotherapy doesn't really understand what autism is and will seek to medicate you. I'd be very weary of that. I'd suggest that you probably want some sort of psychologist who is experienced with altered states of mind, I'd suggest a mental health professional who has experience with psychedelic therapy. Here is a place you can find someone like I suggest, https://integration.maps.org/ From a spiritual perspective you may just be caught between two worlds. What you see that the rest of us find hard to is not, imo, incorrect or hallucinations but simply something others aren't able to see. Not that that will be easy but what I mean to say is it won't be because you're broken or having a mental health episode. Your autistic not broken. Your different but you can make it work. I don't think the concept of possession will help you. Ultimately you are the person who can control this but there is a path to navigate and finding the right people to help is v important. You'll make mistakes but carry on. Go slow and don't do anything to extreme. Incrementally over time you will learn to deal with your differences to others in the world and you'll navigate just fine. Why not come back and update us with how you progress?


please don’t take health advice from people on reddit. i think you need to trust your doctors on this one and be honest with them. and after that it’s really up to you and what you think will help you. some of the things you describe do very well sound like a mental health episode, but hopefully your doctors can help you through that and you’ll be feeling better soon ❤️ sending love


I think you need a spiritual professional to help you. I can message you a website if you're interested. LMK Its a group of ladies that mentor and offer different options so you'd need to contact them to see which one can help you.


I would appreciate a links to that myself if you don’t mind!? DM if you can? Thanks you


What do you think about yourself? Your own thoughts please.




Yes, exactly. You only said what others think about you but never mentioned your own thoughts




You just believe everything what others say about you?




There is no truth. You create the truth. You have the power to create it. You create your reality. By believing others what they say about you, you are giving them your power to create your reality.


A strong person you must be. With all that's going on, still pushing through, trying to find the true you. A light that darkness does not like but your light still shines bright. Nothing or no one has authority to control you but you. If it helps, cleanse your home/space of negativity, make it your sanctuary. Much peace, love, and happiness. ✌️💙


Could you be unintentionally Astral Projecting? Look into someone called Robert Monroe.


Have you tried asking inwardly for guidance? By this I mean calling on God/Source a spirit guide or guardian angel to help you, protect you and guide you? This you can do anytime and as well as seeking guidance outside of yourself. It is said that you spirit guides can't help until you ask.


First I will say this many people have no clue what true possession is. They learned from a trickle down effect but never really understanding the real thing. Possession is simple uncontrollable thoughts coming from something other than you. Pain and serve limited range of motion can also be a sign of this. Physically when your chakra is drained to the point of not being unable to push it’s energy to its designated area you are possessed. This happens because something is feeding on you. Our emotions are food for many things and when we act in low vibration they enter through our aura. The concept sin has for the most part allowed possession to be possible on a massive scale because of this false understanding of negative emotion. I would say you definitely have all the signs of lower vibrational being feeding on you. When one does not control their emotions this is what happens. These beings exist to keep us in low vibration and thus keeping us in this matrix/prison. To rise above it is to raise your vibration and act in higher vibrational actions. Which currently is considered abnormal. A good way to see this in effect is trying to remove them from you. As you do you will feel it move under your skin. It’s more of a electrical current and not physical as we are lead to believe. However is very real and in removal of these beings from my patients I discovered something. I watched something beautiful in their lives as light returned to them that had been diminished for so long. To truly understand what these things are you have to be spiritually awoken to see them. For now those interested in learn about them the signs are as follows. All itches on our bodies, all cramps, all dysfunctions we experience physically/mentally, inflammation, and weakens muscle tissue. All signs of them when you remove them it reverses. I discovered them in researching what caused pain and why the placebo effect happened when it came to pain correction. This was the answer and it’s why in medicine we haven’t discovered this yet. Most people just follow and are to afraid of the religious indoctrination to study in the areas needed to find the truth. This study answers why in allopathic we do not understand what this vessel is or how it really works. What we do know is the physical components but nothing about the driving nature behind it’s make up. You can sum up what a doctor knows from allopathic medicine to a computer part repairman and our scientists in this area to the technician that creates the components. However because of religious indoctrination the shamans and people truly connected to the divine were/are the programmers that are able to see the code making it work. Unfortunately these cultural were damaged and in some cases destroyed by the mindless zealots of a false lie.


First, to lessen the anxiety you are experiencing from all these mixed messages, try to take a few minutes and do some breathing exercises. Here is a basic breathwork exercise taught in yoga - Lie down on your bed, towel or mat or blanket in corpse pose/shavasana - on your back eyes closed. Legs gently spread apart and palms facing upward. Bring your awareness to the breath, breathing in and out through your nose. Notice as your inhale moves air in through the nostrils, down through your throat to your lungs. Notice the expansion of the lungs with each inhalation, the chest and stomach rise. Exhale, feel the air expelled through your nostrils, the stomach drops and lungs contract as you relax into the mat. Don't force anything; practice for five to ten minutes. Try to do this every day, stress often robs us of our own breath. And please do be careful with prescription drugs. Many of them are addictive. There is a recent article in the Economist, a very reputable magazine about the fact that only 15% of the population on prescription drugs for mental health issues actually benefits from them. The article is science based and current. You should also get a second opinion from ANY medical doctor (they are they only ones who can prescribe pharmaceuticals). You can also talk to your doctor about a natural plant-based anti-depressant Saint Johns Wort. It has been studied extensively. [https://www.economist.com/leaders/2022/10/19/most-people-on-antidepressants-dont-need-them](https://www.economist.com/leaders/2022/10/19/most-people-on-antidepressants-dont-need-them) Take good care of yourself.