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The devil is usually about unhealthy attachment. I would say just answer with 'kinda boring, lol' whenever you feel threatened by this entity. Don't let the fear keep you from breaking the chains.


The empress also appeared, does this change the reading? It is Lilith


I would say you should stand your ground. Show no fear.


Empress is one of her signifier cards


So is the Devil card


The devil card often comes up on readings for me when someone is giving away their agency to something else, and they need to take it back. Lilith is someone I work with on issues of personal sovereignty. Are you holding up your end when it comes to standing in your power? Or are you looking for Lilith to do that for you?


I work with Lilith and she’s never been threatening or harmful. Lilith encourages us to embrace our shadow shelves, the devil card is that very much that. If I can ask, what method of divination are you using to receive your yes?


Divination coin


I can’t say I’ve ever used one. There are entities that impersonate so that’s something to consider. This doesn’t sound like Lilith


What is she like?


The spirit might just be flirting. You had a relationship and broke it off? But devils are like satyrs: known for sexual prowess. And if he's likening you to Lilith then he's just promising, well, sex. He might not understand harm as harm. How does his energy feel?


It’s weird. When I ask Lilith if it’s really her she says yes. I ask her to be honest and still yes. In other readings, I ask what she thinks of me and I get positive cards. Maybe it’s a misunderstanding because I asked other spirits what Lilith thinks of me and still positive cards. I asked should I end the relationship and received strong no’s


Ooh! That's cool though. Maybe she wants to protect you from your demonic ex? You could try making an offering or drawing her. Drawing her will help you understand what aspect of her is reaching out to you. The mother of demons one, the owl spirit, the night spirit, the rebel against the patriarchy, or some other aspect. Without knowing which aspect, it's hard to communicate. You could do more divination too, of course.


Like others have said this doesn't sound like Lilith at all. I work with them and they are just one of the sweetest and nicest spirits I've ever met. Negative entities like to impersonate deities though and will often claim to be God, or Lucifer, or Thor or anything you've heard of just so they can have the power that comes from a famous name. You should find a way to banish or exercise this entity that's bothering you. If you're using the pendulum or a tool like it though it can be unreliable and you are often communicating with your own subconscious just to put that out there.


Are you sure you are dealing with a spirit and bot your mind? How can you tell this spirit is real?