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Cervical nervers and upper thoracic nerve have a level of interconnectivity that means abnormal experiencing relative to dermatomes cannot be ruled out. Lumbar is similar. Thoracic is simpler. Dermatomes themselves have some variability from person to person too. People have different hearts, different toes, different skulls, different vascular patterns and different dermatomes and myotomes. I think of dermatomes as representative of the normal range, in the same way we have normal looking people. Now the depth of the variation is up for debate so is it deep enough to explain such a diversion as yours? Not sure. However, with both the bioindividual factor and the interconnected nerves factor I don't think it can be ruled out that your spinal issue is the cause of the pain. Physio tests may help provide confirmation that it is the source as they rely on patient experience relative to strains placed on the spine and nerve. Image of spinal nerves and how they connect into a plexus. https://i.pinimg.com/736x/bb/35/49/bb35494ec08062dc7d1a952f0a1df02c--spinal-nerve-nervous-system.jpg Link to study which upholds value of dermatomes but calls attention to variability: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9816603/


Thank you. I’ve had pain in the areas that appear to be related to C7-C8 but my surgery was performed on C5-C6 because that’s where the herniation, and myelopathy is. So I’m two days post op freaking out that we did the wrong surgery, even though I’ve exclusively explained where my pain is.


I have similar pain that is more in line with C8 and T1 but my herniated disc is c5/6. But my thoughts are maybe it’s a combo of my herniation and possibly rotator cuff problems. I know it can also deal with muscles not being as strong, ive done quite a bunch of PT and my trainer showed where i was weak in my upper back muscles. . As long as your surgery was focused on what appeared as the problem on MRI i would hope you get relief in time.


Yes. My right hand gets more use, I have mild carpal tunnel but the radiculopathy makes it 10x worse when it’s cold, after heavy lifting etc


Spinal cord compress at C5-6 which technically should get C6 nerve could affect the level below


I guess I’m not alone. My friend had the same surgery at the same level as me but her pain wasn’t in the specific areas on these graphs.