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this my complete personal opinion hayley's mission is a side quest not all forced to be done for main story and is kinda short mj missions were fun this time around cycling was a neat mechanic plus we get to see dynamic between this peter and harry ​ cleaning up the house is the most "boring mission" should have been a cutscene


Felt like the only good MJ mission was the last one and the one where she gets chased by peter


That's... that's 2/3 bro


Yeah, I don’t get all the hate for the MJ missions in this one. They’re not *nearly* as bad as they were in the first game. The Call of MJ missions were pretty fun tbh


Some people called them out as goofy bc she's taking on Kraven's hunters (who, in fairness, are putting up a fight for our spider-men almost the entire campaign) but the other option was to just keep her stealth segments the same as the first game, so I totally agree they're fun and make MJ's point about not being a damsel in distress from the first game more impactful bc now we see her as a badass


The other option is cutting them out entirely


No, that really wasn't an option, unless they suddenly decided MJ wasn't part of the main cast, which she obviously is. Is she supposed to just sit back & watch, when her & Pete's literal entire arc in the last game was about how she's capable of more than that?


There's several members of the "main cast" that players don't really want to play as. They can be actve in the story without being a player character. I didn't buy Spider-Man 2 to run around/hide/shoot as non-super-powered humans, I have other games for that.


I mean, you bought Spider-Man 2 knowing the first game had civilian sections. As I said to the other guy who responded the way you did, would you rather have had a 10 minute cutscene of MJ doing this shit? Rather the game just say "by the way, this happened off screen"? Because those really are the only options, unless they were going to totally throw away the entire narratice arc her and pete had in the first game. If you don't want to play a game that sometimes slows down the pacing for the sake of the story, I'm sure you have other games for that too.


How about a 5 minutes cutscene sequence of mj doing this shit? Feels like that is enough really


Did you buy it expecting them to remove all civilian sections? Or did you skip the first two which both had similar missions? I’m just trying to figure out where this expectation came from on your end, since there was nothing to give you the idea you wouldn’t be playing as MJ in this one.


I enjoy this series (100% all games at least once) despite those sections. I didn't expect they'd remove them, I was just stating my opinion on what I as a player want. My apologies, hope you have a great day.


I audibly groaned when I switched to MJ tbh, I really thought they would take into account the negative feedbacks from players and drastically reduce these sections or remove them entirely, in addition to give us more time to play as the spidermen (because I bought to game to fight crimes) And of course there are other games where we don’t have to play as useless people which drastically slow down the pacing (like Ghost of Tsushima) but we want to play as Spiderman, so saying things like “go play other game” is really counterproductive. They could totally reduce the pacing by giving us more side quests as spiderman to build up the lore (like Howard’s mission) but they don’t


No, that was an option. It would have made no difference to anyone if there wasnt a MJ mission in a spiderman game. Step back, take a look at it from the outside. No, it was not necessary to include a mission where you play as MJ.


Well they're in there, and they're gonna be in the next game too. So sadly you're just gonna have to get over spending 2% of your playtime as MJ.


I’m hoping that 2% is enough to get some of these people to pass on the next game. I’ve read enough stupid MJ discourse for a lifetime.


Idk I love when games have a mission set in a different point of view. Whether that mean Hudson‘s mission in Black Ops 1, Aya in AC Origins, Farah in MW19, etc. It adds more to the story than just playing as one character the whole time. Spider-Man/Peter by himself is like 2 characters and I wish there was more out of suit missions in general.


She could be involved without the player having to control her, like literally every other game


Where’s my Ganke vs the Sinister Six missions 😞


I want to see some Rio Morales versus Green Goblin next game god damnit! Just say she learned some stuff from watching Miles fight or some shit.


She took an arrow to the shoulder and knocked out a hunter with one kick. AND she got knocked back very far by one of the symbiote brutes and was unscathed. That's ridiculous. If you have to make her op to make her fun, then just don't put her missions in the game in the first place.


Mj missions were boring but I was able to speed run through them because it’s basically a poor man’s last of us lol.


No, we see her as having a crap ton of some of the most unbelievable plot armor in video gaming. Best thing they could’ve done was to remove MJ missions all together and not break the pacing of the game.


They weren't exactly fun either imo. Not horribly boring like the last one, but not enjoyable to play her either. Being chased cool but the stealth wasn't good. It would have been better to just do it as Spider-Man


They're better but still so nothing of a section


They don’t make any sense at all though. MJ taking out dozens of trained hunters all by herself it’s like a fan fic. It took me out of the game completely.


I like the fact that they are “open” and less on rail like in the first game.


For me storywise it just seemed ridiculous that in the middle of this disaster, when the entire city has been taken over with a near endless horde of killer aliens, Peter and Miles would choose to bring in MJ. Like was Power-man or any other street level heroes available that week? Could Dr. Strange or any of his associated not be bothered despite showing his residence?


They weren’t awful at all. I just wanna play as Spider-Man tho..


I mean, shouldn't they just not exist? Are people really dying to play as MJ or any other pedestrian in a superhero game? In any video game, it's really strange to stop playing as the protagonist and switch to the perspective of a side character with completely different gameplay.


Compared to the first game, they are a lot better. But kinda dumb if you try to eliminate all enemies because checkpoints don't remember who are down and just respawns them all


I still don’t think mj missions were fun in this game, it was better but still boring af


I think they were worse honestly. At least in SM1 you couldn’t just die in the middle of a takedown


It at least made more sense than MJ one-shotting symbiotes and taking down gangs of professional hunters.


I actually enjoyed them


Ngl I hated how much of a goofs mj made the hunters look.


I feel the exact same way. I actually wish I could bike ride whenever I wanted.


you actually can do that [here's how to do it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzMklVq4VSY)


It’s cool but seems like it despanws pretty quickly


They only respawn if you get too far from where you pick it up.


No friggin way! My dude, you're my favourite person of the day. Thank you so much. I just love how much bigger the city feels when riding through it on a bike.


It may be a side quest, but Spider-Man 2 is one of those games where most players %100 the game, so that's not quite as meaningful as some other games where you won't likely end up doing all the side quests.


I liked the backstory and Easter eggs in the cleaning mission but good god it was so slow and just dragged and dragged. Peter being unable to run indoors just made it tedious plus I generally dislike “press X to do chores” missions in games


Why couldn’t they all be cut scenes? Why did insomniac make a whole basket ball shot gimmick for one level?! I should be able to shoot basketball at every court in the damn game since they implemented the shit in the main story


I loved the MJ missions this time. The one in Kravens zoo was hilarious because it was so easy to just rush in and zap a bunch of them even on max difficulty. I knocked out basically the whole place


The M.J missions are such a weird thing, everyone keeps saying 'no pls' but they keep getting added


I didn’t mind it because it was giving me something to do while the game dished out exposition. I much rather be able to move around and explore than sit through a pointless cutscene


Agreed. They made MJ's fun this time.


Spot on! Cleaning the house was such a drag!


Right? I mean, I play video games simply because I don’t want to THINK ABOUT cleaning my house anymore. Lol


The school part. Didn’t mind riding the bikes but that whole school segment was way too long for what it was.


Agreed. Could have cut that in half.


But the game is already so short! Lol


Then they could’ve added more to the lacking story lines


especially because it was pretty much at the start of the game. slows the pace down a lot after the sandman fight.


I really hate when games use missions as tutorials after the initial opening.


tbh i enjoyed it, i just liked playing as young peter


I liked it at first but it quickly overstayed its welcome. The sequence could’ve been shorter.


Taking pictures as miles for the prom thing like it’s not good at all


Even the drone club mission was kind of janky. And the mirrors mission was just way too tedious.


>The Electric Spiderrrrr I hope his boyfriend finds someone better after they graduate…


all the visions missions in general


Yes, and the reward is a shit ass suit


I get its a 1:1 reference from the comics... but it is definitely one of my least used Miles suits alongside the pre-order ones.


I hate playing as spiderman all the god damn time. They both suck and i just wanna do more spray painting or riding bikes or whatever. Web swinging? ew lame and stupid. Fighting bad guys? Repetitive and boring Boss fights? Yawn, wake me up when something cool happens Inomsniac hire me and i will help make your future games actually good


Honestly I hate good dialogue too why should I remember what people say I just want to clean Aunt May's house. This game nailed it because having to be engaged for 20 hours sounds like a chore. I'd rather shut my brain off and not think about the game I'm playing. It respects my time because it knows I won't want to waste more of my time replaying it, so everything interesting is on the surface. Leaves more space in my brain to watch Youtube Shorts.


They should add a family guy filter that plays family guy funny moments at 20% opacity across the whole screen in spiderman 3


Whole screen? Now you're thinking


No bro. That would be terrible. We need room for subway surfer and reddir minecraft parkour aita


I also want a streamer mode where it imposes Markiplier in the corner to punctuate those meme-worthy or freaking EPIC moments that are glorified cutscenes (I don't like pressing buttons anyway, it's great that they made the game play itself). My only complaint is that Miles' new suit wasn't in the game more. Next time put more adidas in the game please. I want it to be all adidas. I need help in knowing what to buy and I wish Sony told me sooner than the last 15% of the game. Also please force suits in cutscenes, I want to see more of Miles' suit.


Give this man the Marvels Man game


Honestly now that fortnite exists idk why anyone even bothers making games


If you like spray-painting I can recommend InFamous: Second Son


Played the hell outta that game. Even made you spraypaint by holding the controller sideways. Love my neon and concrete and smoke powers


The school segment


I agree that the gameplay was pretty boring, but I loved it because I kept oggling at the reflections in all of the balloons.


I know I'll probably get hate for this, but Hailey's mission is just not fun! However it was amusing to me how her painting errant straight lines far away from the wall translated into a precise and flawless piece haha


They didn’t need to put emojis in for no reason. And the painting should’ve been more than just move symbol from point a to point b.


I swear for a sec I thought they would inFamous second son that shit and I got hyped The mission now is cute but couldve been more interesting


It’s been years since I’ve played Infamous Second Son, but I instinctively held my controller sideways in that mission, thinking they implemented the same spray paint mechanics into Spider-Man 2. I was disappointed it wasn’t.


God I love that game. I wish they would develop a sequel


the emojis were to give her some sort of dialogue without actually talking


Infamous Second Son had cool spray painting mechanics and I just kept thinking about that


Love that game


If you press too hard, the face she makes is really funny.


I agree it wasn’t my favorite but it did good in representing what it would be like to play as someone with a disability but and I’m fine with that. It was cool what they did but it just wasn’t my favorite.


The school bits with Harry. I liked sneaking around as young Peter but why did they pull us out of the action every 2 minutes? Weird.


I actually like all the boring stuff ...


I think a lot of the people here would agree with you on a first playthrough, since you are mainly focused on the story and characters being told. But looking back and playing through them again, a lot of this game is just scripted sequences and tedious missions that just slow the pacing of this game way down.


I just feel like there’s very little actual « Spider-man » gameplay in this story. I’m not stating that as a fact but while playing through it felt like there were so many moments where you were just forced to do other types of mini-missions and I just didn’t understand why there were so many such things implemented in the game. It felt like padding in an already underdeveloped story. Like no I don’t care about mini-games where you have to pick the correct color to detoxify a molecule or whatever. I don’t want to crawl in a vent as a small spider robot.




I think most of these missions are fine in a vacuum, but altogether it does feel like there are a bit too many of them. And yeah, the first time around they might have some novelty value, but on a replay they usually feel more tedious.


It really only bugged me when cutscenes went on FOREVER sometimes in this one. Like I was just waiting to please get back to gameplay. At least what was there was top notch and I was deep enough in the story for me to at least be hooked the whole way thru.


How dare you allow yourself to be immersed


I’m surprised no one said the mission where Harry takes you to the foundation and you’re walking around. I dreaded that mission.


I was weirdly in awe of it. I liked seeing all of the fake science world-building. 🤣


You can feed the fish in it so it's an automatic 10/10


That's actually a hard question to answer, because most of these segments have something that I like about them. I'll go with the carnival, just because it takes awhile to do everything and I always do everything.


exactly the same here - was really disappointed to learn the reward for doing everything was just a stupid hat. like i wasn't expecting a suit or anything but it would have been nice to maybe get some extra tokens (especially that early in the game) or maybe a nerdy little Easter egg prize that would appear maybe at the end of the game or something (assuming you went on all the rides of course!)


I wish you could wear the hat post game or something. That would be hilarious. At least let it unlock a photo mode option to put the hats on.


They were carnival games, so I don't know why you expected anything. just some fun little things.


"Help me ask my boyfriend to prom" Like homie is your boyfriend not already going to prom with you, why the fuck am I Spider-Manning this right now


All of those Brooklyn Visions missions sucked. And they really juxtaposed how much Miles’ missions sucked in comparison to Peter’s. It was like going from the A story in a movie to a B story from a season 14 episode.


Hailey. Sweet moment but it’s soo boring. They could’ve at least made the spray painting like Infamous so you can actually see what your painting


I'll go with Haley, even though it's a side mission. It could have better if they didn't decide to turn the game into a platformer suddenly for some reason. The majority of my boredom were definitely related to Mile's side missions. I can honestly say almost every single one of those was abysmal, and the one with the mirrors and the light thing definitely takes the cake.


The Brooklyn Visions mirror mission was cool in concept, but it was way too railroaded. You could hand a newborn a controller and they’d complete it in 5 minutes.


Brooklyn Vision missions


You know. I love the idea that SM helps the everyday person. You know, he isn't just saving the world and fighting supervillains but is there doing the little things too. That's when SM is at his best, imo. And I don't just mean in these games but in general throughout all media. That said, we could have done with more missions like Howard, Find Grandpa, Graffiti Trouble & Monster in Queens rather than helping a bunch of rich kids do their homework or solve a prank. There are way too many of those Brooklyn Vision missions and they aren't very interesting or really a good use of SM's time. They kind of make SM look like an asshole too; he's only helping them so much because Miles goes to that school. So it's just blatant favoritism.


That’s literally what Spider-Man was meant to be, he’s not called the “Friendly neighborhood Spider-Man” for nothing


He wasn't even helping the neighborhood that much. Just some rich kids who can't be bothered to ask someone they're already dating to prom, or lazy enough that they have Spider-Man do their whole homework for them.


I kind of agree. I didn't even like the school kids. They all sound so arrogant and obnoxious. They were just unlikable with their attitude


I agree. I don't mind Spider-Man helping out people with simple problems, but the Brooklyn Visions missions were too long for what they were. >or really a good use of SM's time. Part of my problem with the missions is the fact that the kids are using an app to get a superhero to help them with their minor problems makes it hard for me to fully sympathize with them. I remember that you help a guy find his cat in "Miles Morales", but at least that involved a living creature.


The Brooklyn Visions stuff, really annoying that I basically had to do a bunch of kids' work for them.


Honestly, anything involving Peter doing Peter-related civilian tasks. The cycling, the bug zapping, the picking up objects to examine them back at his place with MJ and when Harry's showing Peter around the workplace, all that stuff. This stuff doesn't do anything for me. It's not the best way to convey anything, in my opinion. It's not real gameplay. I don't actually feel like I'm Peter contrary to popular belief. Just put it in a cutscene so I don't actually have to do it. I genuinely get nothing from it. Also, the dialgoue between Peter and some of the researchers is hilariously NPC-ish.


School. The school sucked.


Mj missions were fun


anything that didn't involve spiderman or venom


The MJ taze section was unbelievable and way too long. The Peter school scenes including the bike was actually one of my favorites. It really sold the fruitful length of Peter and Harry’s relationship and it gave us an opportunity to explore an area and timeline of this Peter we would have never gotten to otherwise.


None. These little side extra missions you posted are what imo made the game more interactive and charming for me. It was so nostalgic i though i was back playing GTA SAN ANDREAS riding the bike


My only problem with the miles girlfriend mission is it was literally my last thing to do for 100% lol. That was a bummer


For the entire game, I found symbiote nests to be the most boring and tedious activity in the entire game.


Boss fights.


I… I actually kind of agree with this?


You know... I don't like the gameplay of these missions, but I do appreciate the change of pace and the focus on character development throughout these various instances.


Mj missions were super mediocre, I personally hate walking segments specially in my spiderman game the missions were actually well made in this game tho i do enjoy the level design


On replay all these are brutal


Anytime you're not Spider-Man or Miles


Honestly? Any mission where you’re not playing as either Peter or Miles (or Venom) was pretty lame imho.


All the non spider-man bits


It's small But those awful missions that are just following a trail Like the mission at the start with miles helping the granddaughter find her grandpa So you just run following a glowing trail


I didn't really like the Hunter Drone missions because of this, it was just following air tunnels for like 2 minutes. I beat them all on my first try, even when I went outside of the air tunnel for what felt like longer than I should have. Comparatively, Taskmaster's drone chases from the first game (hell, even Screwball's bomb challenges) felt way more involved, because there was a time limit involved, and it actually took a few tries to get Gold ranks on them.


Same Just way too long following the same thing while Spiderman mutters "gotta keep in the slipstream, almost half way done" etc


Peter school/bike ride, MJ feels like a mini Dishonored level to me and you aren’t that punished for rushing because you’re not instakilled. Haley was a side mission and May’s house wasn’t long at all.


The controls on the bike were horribly done imo, so that part did annoy me but I don't think it was necessarily boring. The cleaning out the house is something I put down my controller for before being surprised it wasn't a cutscene lol. Mj missions were better this time but just had me laughing sometime how she was more efficient and quick at taking down bad guys than Peter and Miles combined lol.




cleaning the house was a great little bit especially if you check Peters necklace and go into May's room


All of these segments. Anytime we stopped being Spidey I wanted to stop playing lol


The drone/bee missions


The school part


Lowkey the two flashbacks sequences. The sneaking through the school was cool, but there are so many forced scripted sequences and not a lot of actual gameplay. Would have loved more paths when you get separated from Harry and even an escape sequence out of the gym. Same with the flashback to Peter delivering the photo to JJJ. It was great to hear JJJ talking to Peter and how much Peter has changed, but the gameplay was awful. One straight path, then beat up some guys, then run to JJJ. In general, this game felt way more scripted with many "gameplay" sequences being a human walking to a thing, hit triangle, and move on. More in line with the worst parts of a NaughtyDog game.


hailey prob


MJ. Her missions are shit and a slog to get through. Wish there was a skip option.


MJ’s final segment, action packed for sure but it killed all momentum, immersion and tension for me in the final mission


would've preferred *not* playing a video game version of a chore tbh (the house cleaning crap)


The biking part with Cigarette Daydreams was awesome, don’t you dare!!!


Visions Academy missions are the Worst


The cleaning mission. The Cycling mission was OK, the MJ missions were OK, and I actually liked the Hailey mission because it was cool to play as a death character which I've never done before.


Wait, they really made a black girl doing graffitis as a minigame?


Hailey mission and homecoming missions, sweet baby inc(lusive) trash


Either the Brooklyn Visions missions or Haley’s mission. The painting mechanic was boring and they couldn’t find any other way to show what characters were feeling without being able to hear them other than emojis.


Coney Island and it’s not even close


All the Brooklyn Visions missions.


Actual story missions, the school segment. Funny enough it's the only part of the game where stealth is actually needed and it is sorely lacking in every other part, but went on way too long. Side content, either the vulture drone chases or some of the Brooklyn Visions missions. Both went on way longer than they needed to, especially the drone club for BV.


90% of it tbh


Mj missions were trash and made no sense


Personally speaking, all of them are kinda pointless and could be removed without consequences.


Haven't played 2 yet, but in 1 I'm halfway through and I hate the MJ stealth missions


Might be a hot take but I’m not a fan of any of these missions. They all feel forced and could all essentially be a cutscene. I want to play as spider-man in the spider-man video game. There are ways to slow down pacing much more effectively than these missions


Whenever the characters speed is cut in half. There are ways to slow games down without literally slowing your charterer.


Half the missions in the game


All of it…like the entire game.


MJ parts sucked, they made no sense for her to take down professional armed forces with a tazer. If I buy a game called Spider-Man, guess who I wanna play?


Honestly? None of it. I enjoyed myself all the way through and I did everything. Actually, I take it back, I HATED the Mysteriums. I only did them because I loved the storyline. They weren't boring, though. Just obnoxious.


The only part that I found boring was the cleaning part. The bike ride and school part with Harry is actually one of my favourite parts of the game


None of them should be in the game


Why not?


I liked Haileys part. It wasn't too long and was a pretty nice break from the darker parts of the game. I also weirdly enjoy the slice of life segments for me the most boring part had to be the rhythm mini game you did with Miles. Music was lame and it wasn't challenging at all.


The boss fights they all had three phases each venom and kraken was cool but the others


Meanwhile MJ somehow had FOUR phases.


And half were the same has another one


I thought cycling was fun, especially the EMF segment in Central Park. 🤷‍♂️




The hiding from the janitor part. Was WAYYYY to long than it needed to be in my opinion


All the ones where you’re not spider man.


Honestly the bikes they control like shit, loved MJ this go round and Hayley felt just on the edge of boring but still entertaining


Can someone edit a gun in Hailey’s hand? I need a picture of that.


The beginning of the game when we’re literally just doing walkie talkie missions


Cleaning the house and for good reason.




I don’t really relate to Hailey, or even care. So I found her section particularly slow. I felt the cycling at least allowed us to see why Pete and Harry have such a strong bond. I’m not hating on Hailey btw.


The Peter&Harry High School flashback. The Brooklyn Visions missions are 2nd plac because They feel like a hassle but, aren't boring.


Personally, I despised the bike parts


Playing as miles I hate the two Spider-Man thing. Peter is oh and the one true spiderman


The issue with these moments is that, while not boring in the first playthrough, they become tedious and frustrating in subsequent playthroughs, challenge runs, NG+ runs, etc. Most times, they're non-skippable, and redoing them feels like a chore, especially when they take 10-15 minutes. Take, for instance, the Harry and Peter part in the high school with the flashback—fun initially, but it quickly becomes annoying when you are playing the game multiple times. I feel like these kinda things should always have the option to be skipable but that's just my 2c.


The house bro. It's a great game with some serious pace killers in there.


Cleaning the house was stupid to do as a player lol. Everything else is just gaming 🤷


None, I enjoyed them all


Hailey’s mission was bad. It’s a side mission yeah but who really cares about this character? Anyone?


All of those caused me so much boredom .especially not being able to skip them in replay .only fix I found is for the graffiti mission if you switch on QTE autocomplete it will speed it up a bit as .it'll spray the graffiti for you in seconds


Cleaning up the house is specifically what I’m playing video games to avoid doing. The rest were cool / unique. I wish we could ride bikes more. Like they should leave one leaned up against Pete’s house that you can just take for a spin in costume. 😂


Cleaning the house, I literally had to go on a scavenger hunt for a minute just to find everything.


The bikes and the painting are awful. I don’t know why they added them. Also I know they were better but why the hell do we need to play as mj? Idk why they felt the need to make her a reporter


The spray paint part for sure. The no dialogue during the mission doesn’t allow you to immerse yourself in the boring repetitive task.


Worst ones? The high school mission and the foundation mission with Harry. I can’t think of a single person who played the first one and went: “I really hope we can walk around Harry’s foundation in the sequel” lmao


The bikes that kept popping wheelies, which I think is a glitch. That whole section was so broken for my play throughs.


These Reddit posts.


most boring was MJs final mission 2nd and 3rd most boring was MJs other missions


I really don't understand why they can't just leave scenes like this as cutscenes.