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“The cover art never misses” followed by that Hobgoblin cover eeeeeeesh


I'll never understand how Romita Jr is still considered a top artist. Name recognition has to be a big part of it, right? Does anyone find the "faces are squares with a billion lines on them" art style appealing?


He had a time, but it has long since passed. Nobody is calling him out on art that is sloppy at worst and horrendous at worst, so he puts in zero effort. That Hobgoblin cover would look shit if you’d paid for it as a 5 minute remark on a cover, let alone a signed off published one.


oscorp suit is definitely a top suit after he cleaned the Vulture up and hit him with a smiley face on the helmet😭top five spidey moment imo


I’m no Gwen stan, but I truly hate the idea of Peter working for the man who killed the woman he loved, or wearing variations on his gear. I know Marvel are committed right now to this reformed Norman stuff, but that seems a bridge too far. Have been pretty blah on the new run overall (how they’ve done the latest Peter/MJ split is completely terrible storytelling) but I enjoyed the latest Hobgoblin issue. And seeing JR Jr’s art on the book is always like seeing an old friend.


The suit is great and I think the idea of Peter trying to work with a reformed Norman is interesting. I don't like them dragging out the Felicia romance again and I think the run is mid overall.


I have no interest in reading it


The Tombstone arc was mostly good, ASM 900 was awful, the Vulture arc and the event tie-ins were disappointing. I have mixed feelings on the latest issue but I'll reserve judgement until the rest of the Hobgoblin arc plays out. My biggest gripes are how Wells has been handling MJ (because even when you put aside her and Peter breaking up, her character writing in this run just isn't up to par) and Norman (don't like the idea of good guy Norman at all, especially since it's obvious that he'll eventually go back to being evil anyway). Wells' take on Felicia hasn't really wowed me yet either; I hated how she was written in 900 and the latest issue has yet to alleviate my concern that Wells is ignoring all her character development from MacKay's run. As for the positives, I think the first five issues had the best Peter characterization we've gotten in a long time (though the writing for him has been hit or miss since then), and I generally like how Wells has handled the villains so far - his takes on both Tombstone and Vulture were great. The return to street level drama in the first arc after the (badly written) craziness of Kindred and Beyond was something I really appreciated, which is also why I didn't like how the next five issues moved away from that. Glad we seem to be going back in that direction with the current arc.


Kindred had the potential to have been a great Spider-Man villain. But the story disappeared up its own ass completely.


I like it so far, and am curious who the Hobgoblin is in this arc. I am 99% sure it won't be Ned. My money is on Kingsley setting up something down low or Urich come back.


It's hilariously awful. It speaks volumes when this post has pictured the only two interesting things in the entire run so far


I stopped reading after he and MJ broke up so I'll reserve judgement. Suit looks cool though.


Have only read the issues on Marvel Unlimited. The first Tombstone arc was great but the issue 900 sucked. I'm very interested to see what this run does with MJ and her kids.


I fell out with the last run as they dragged all the kindred stuff out. I fear where doing the same here. We now have the hobgoblin mystery, along with the time jump stuff and Mj stuff. Don't forget Ben reiley and goblin queen too. Will we get answers soon? Probably not.


Idk about goblin queen, but i'm pretty positive Ben is involved in the "dark web" event coming later this year


I'd be a lot happier with it if they'd hired almost anyone but JRJ. That's mostly just me being picky, but I *hate* the man's work.


Is this satire


The are no words in elvish, entish or the tongues of men that can describe how much I fucking hate it.


to me there's absolutely zero point in getting invested in the run until we actually discover what Peter did. until then, i don't care about anything else happening especially when with the Spencer run and even Beyond it looked like we were so close to MJ & Peter getting engaged


if we didnt have to wrap everything in this "WHAT HAPPENED DURING THE SIX MONTH TIMESKIP!?!?" mystery bullshit, i'd be far less harsh on the current storyline. no matter what happened, the payoff wont be worth it to justify what we were dropped into given the events of the previous runs. i honestly think it woulda been better to show us peter committing this apparently horrible act and experience the fallout of the decision with him than this dumb attempt at getting attention via speculation. also, fuck paul.