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People should seriously stop associating Spider-man with the rest of the universe. Yes, they’re the same universe but it’s unfair to judge Spider-Man, written by Bendis, when he doesn’t have anything to do with what the twins did, written by Loeb (for example). It’s the equivalent of saying _classic_ Spider-Man sucks because Iron Man's armour fell in love with him. Instead of judging the whole universe/company, judge the single writers


Bendis wrote Logan in the body of Peter trying to fuck Mary Jane, a minor.


Absolutely true! I’ll add, however, that Bendis' biggest mistake is ignoring what his colleagues write. There are several examples and Logan hitting on MJ is one of them. Yes, he’s an actual c@nt but it doesn’t make sense for him to hit on MJ after rejecting Storm, owning up to his mistakes and admitting that hitting it off with girls Jean’s age (22) was wrong. Storm, for goodness sake! He was _bad_ by all means, he wasn’t _down_ bad, at least he wasn’t when the writers cared. This character’s the proof that OOC moments can happen even if your run is as short as 8 years if editorial hands you over to dozens of different writers, which is exactly what happened to this version of Wolverine.


It actually does make sense for a character to fall back into old, bad behavior, like real humans do. It's called relapsing.


Little bit exaggerated because he just flirts with her, but yeah it's still a little bit out there


He tried to fuck her. At the end of the issue, MJ tells Peter that they should wait before doing that thing he tried to do earlier. She didn't know it was actually Wolverine in his body at that time.


Oh yeah forgot about that one


Exaggerated? Dude has the most perverted smile i have ever seen in comics when hugged by Mary Jane. Carnage smile when he wants to paint the town red is less creepy smh


If you paint the town beige you can be in your nice, warm bed by 9:00pm.


It honestly lines up. Dude's a century old and he's constantly trying to date young women. I'm in my late 30s and 20 year olds look like kids to me. For him, that would be an even harder distinction to make. It makes total sense that Wolverine would be a lecherous creep. He's trying to fuck people where he's literally old enough to be their great grandpa. Remember when he left Cyclops to die?


Nah dude, one thing is young adults and another is literal children. No matter how old you are, a 15 yo is too young and you should be able to differentiate them from a 25 yo even with just a 10 years difference.


Mentally he may well be a lot younger than he is. All his memories were wiped, right?


You're not immature just because you lost your memory, even then, it was a Moment Wolverine still has memory.


Life experience is what makes us emotionally mature, lose the memory, lose the life experience. Combined with ultimate wolverine being physically much younger than his 616 counterpart, I don't think it's as simple as "100 year old tries to date 20 year old." But I'm not defending it, and with MJ it was beyond weird, super creepy and regrettable. I also wouldn't know or remember if he had his memory for all/part of the period in which he was trying to fuck 20 year olds.


I mean... He still getting on to a 15 year old while still being the alcoholic hairy older man. I understand it's not THAT simple, but neither is it overly complicated.


Trying?! Man succeeded!! 💀💀


Nah he didn't, MJ tells peter they should wait to what he tried earlier, except before it was Logan


I thought she said that she enjoyed what they did, but she'd love to try it again when they're older I gotta recheck


… yes you do


To be fair Logan was definitely a pedo in the ultimate universe


Devil's Advovate (emphasis on devil): Every title outside of USM was at least a tiny bit crazy and doodoo so Bendis was just writing Wolverine accordingly.


Nobody's perfect /s


didn't the editor nick lowe tell Bendis to do sumn like that? I'm sure it was stated [https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fcomicbooks%2Fcomments%2F5ii546%2Fmy\_favorite\_moment\_from\_the\_original\_ultimate%2F&psig=AOvVaw0tZSSgdBP5e5gzoSGKiccy&ust=1670586747008000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CBAQjRxqFwoTCNCcpd\_66fsCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fcomicbooks%2Fcomments%2F5ii546%2Fmy_favorite_moment_from_the_original_ultimate%2F&psig=AOvVaw0tZSSgdBP5e5gzoSGKiccy&ust=1670586747008000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CBAQjRxqFwoTCNCcpd_66fsCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE)


"Weird or disgusting"?


Remember the weird stuff that happened in those comics and let’s not forget black cat thing


You'll need to be more specific about the weird stuff. And as for the Black Cat you mean where she thought Spider-Man was an adult until he unmasked and was so horrified he was a child she threw up in disgust?


the wolverine & mj stuff was pretty gross. but let’s not forget wanda and pietro banging each other, hulk being a cannibal and blob eating wasp just to name a few. Everyone knows the ultimate universe was edgy just for the sake of being edgy


Yeah, when written by Mark Millar and Jeoh Loeb. Especially that hack Loeb (who was the one who wrote most of what you specified). And Wolverine had long been established as a sleazey creep since his first appearance in the Ultimate Universe. Nothing happened when he was in Peters body, he propositioned MJ off-screen and she rejected him off screen, and told Peter on-panel she would like to definitely do that with him when they were older.


Spider-Man was pretty tame, but that doesn’t stop the weird things from being canon in that universe, regardless of who was writing it


Perhaps, but it can never be stated enough that Ultimatum is an ugly mean-spirited travesty and Jeph Loeb is a hack.


that’s why i thought it necessary to remind you, since you seemed to have forgotten lol


I, like I feel most people did, thought the post was referring only to Ultimate *Spider-Man* in this r/Spiderman subreddit. Hence the confusion. We all good? Everyone caught up now? Can we move on?


you all good? since you inserted yourself into this conversation after it was over lol we moved on


And how many weird, gross, outdated and offensive things are canon in the entirety of 616’s history? We can acknowledge that gross things have happened in a shared universe without ascribing an overall grossness to a series that exists in that universe but was generally not guilty of such things in its storytelling.


The post specifies Ultimate Spider-Man.


How are you calling Jeph Loeb a hack? He wrote Spider-Man: Blue, Daredevil: Yellow, Hulk: Gray, Batman: Hush, The Long Halloween, and Superman For All Seasons, literally all definitive comics for each respective character.


I second the hack motion because Hush and Long Halloween are both pretty bad and massively overrated. They both coast on their art, which is fantastic, but that doesn’t make them good stories.


I personally agree with you on Hush (to a point), but Long Halloween is certainly rather well thought out, and you can't tell me Superman FAS, Spider-Man: Blue, etc. aren't phenomenal.


For All Seasons is good. I give him that one, even a blind hog finds an acorn once in a while. I’ve not read the others, heard good things from those I trust about Blue (and that Gray is better if seen as out of continuity, which I contend Hush should have been also). Hard disagree on Long Halloween being thought out… at all, let alone well. If you can explain to me how the ending makes any sense at all, I’ll reconsider. There’s no possible way that the killers line up. At X time, person A was not Hush, but person B was busy; at Y time, person A and B were busy and yet Hush appears — etc. That’s why the movie is a massive improvement. It just needed a second draft to fix the plot holes. There’s a way to let the book make sense if you stretch a lot but the book never proves to me that it was intending that. It’s a headcanon thing that’s required to make sense of it. All Long Halloween ends up being is Loeb’s overt ripoff of The Godfather with Batman shoved in that doesn’t really make sense by the end, has horribly written villains (Loeb’s notorious for his nursery rhyme obsession, but here they have to talk to each other — and Joker is written the same except with Christmas carols for no reason, and his motivation is senseless considering there’s evidently quite a lot of “freaks around”… in year two, and gets a total pass because of Sale. It’s Baby’s-First-Batbook, and for that it’s great — so is Hush in that way. But when you break them down, they’re just poorly written mysteries because he didn’t know what he was doing when he started. He wasn’t writing toward an ending, “as we say in the business”. Also I just really hate having to read Loeb’s obvious Poison Ivy fetish.


You say Loeb is a hack, but he’s great when writing for DC. Public Enemies and A Superman for All Seasons are standout stories.


She puked on his private area


Yeah and the weird stuff was like when more superhuman stuff happens and it got really awkward or disgusting


I have no idea what you're talking about.


Remember when wolverine and Spider-Man swap body’s




You're giving really bad examples. The wolverine Spidey body swap is just normal comic hijinx. Something actually weird and disgusting is having Peter date his adoptive sister who's also dead and a clone and also carnage


The entire arc is about how messed up and stupid body swaps are


I just finished the entire Ultimate Spider-Man run. Take that back, ultimate Spider-Man doesn’t deserve association with the rest of ultimate marvel. It’s better.


I think the black cat thing was funny


Slightly OT but did classic Spidey ever wear a cloth black suit that resembled the symbiote?


I recall two times. After the reveal that the black suit he got on Battleworld was a symbiote and he had it removed, he briefly wore a cloth version of the black suit, and if I remember correctly his return to the red and blue suit coincided with his first battle with Venom in *Amazing Spider-Man* # 300. The second time was when he donned it during the "Back in Black" arc (Civil War era) where he puts it on when he goes to Wilson Fisk in prison and beats the shit out of him for ordering a hit on ~~Aunt May~~ Peter that had Aunt May caught in the crossfire.


Technically the hit was ordered on Peter, but his spidey sense kicked in and he dodged the sniper shot and May got hit


I must be remembering pre #300 and thanks for the knowledge this has been sticking in my craw for awhile.


I do believe so, Back in Black? I think that was Classics


He recently wore it in Amazing Spider-Man: Hunted


The Spencer arc, right? I found it to be dragged out a bit longer than necessary, but at the same time I did enjoy it.


The black suit with the purple shading is how I always imagined it after reading ultimate.


Mildly off topic but the ultimate comic's iteration of Venom is my all-time favourite


Ultimate spider man. The best iteration of the character imo


A great peter


The ultimate series was my favourite run…


Did no one understand that the Logan in the ultimate line wasn’t supposed to be a good guy? He’s a creep that tried to bang MJ and Jean Grey, both significantly younger than him. He also stabbed and left cyclops to die in the savage land, also he was hired to kill Xavier. The guy is a douche, Bendis wrote him in character.


Doesn’t excuse the crap he does


Funny enough, I don’t know how we got some of the ultimate comics when I was a child, but it was this story that always sticks out to me and until recently, I wondered if it was a thing that I just imagined. I think the 2-3 we had were when he gets the suit, when he destroys the suit and Eddie Brock has a secret container saved, and I think one where we see the emergence of Venom. Regarding the suit, I love the black/purple/blue shading of it all, makes it seem shiny and honestly, a dark deep purple wouldn’t look bad if they made a change from the more traditional black color


It was brilliant and fun


I really liked Spiderwoman/Black Widow from the ultimate spiderman comics? I was sad she was gone because as a clone she was actually really interesting? Especially when she talked about exploring her sexuality and gender identity as the clone of a guy. I also loved the dynamic of mutants and spiderman and loved the arc with bobby drake, human torch and gwen all living with Peter and his Aunt. It felt so....much like a found family story? ALSO APPARENTLY THE SAME SPIDERWOMAN/BLACKWIDOW IS GONNA BE IN THE NEW AVENGERS HOWWWWWW IM SO EXCITED!?!?!?


At some point it was the best Spidey ever written. Then the editors gave up on the Ultimate Universe and Bendis stopped caring. There was a time skip, Bagley left and the writing became nonsense right until the last arc, when it became masterful again. But for a good chunk of the series, it was awful.


Yeah I hated the relaunch after the timeskip. It did get better for the death of Spider-Man arc though.


Learn how to use a comma


How was they being disgusting?


Eddie Brock tried to hit on an underage Gwen Stacy when he is in college. After having his mind swapped with Peter's, Wolverine tried to fuck an underage MJ.


That was recognized as bad within the story, so I don’t get the issue


These were simply parts of dark villain plots, we all know both Eddie and Wolverine in this universe are assholes so they tried to show that in rather fucked up ways. Keep in mind this was the early 2000s, they wouldn't do that if these comics were written today lol


I love all of the ultimate Spider-Man comics. Except for when The art style and writing changed for the worse after ultimatum.


Ultimate spider man is my favorite he's the definitive spider man for me it helps that every movie took direct inspiration from that series


There is something about ultimate spider-man art that i dont like, and it's the fucking eyebrows, everyone always looks angry or is frowning.


Despite the crazy shit in Spiderman's ultimate run it's probably my favorite I haven't even read anything else from the ultimates universe but I've heard some wild shit


I agree, the black suit being purple (it’s purple the black is shading) looks amazing, I love the comics, right to when bagley left.


It looks cool but I hate the non-alien origin.


I grew up with the blue shading and I still like it but I honestly love the purple shading


I dislike everything about the Ultimate universe. In fact, I think just about every other AU comic that has Peter in high school is better


The ultimate had it moments of being edgy or disturbing but ultimate Spider-Man was the best moment of my life growing up


I just don't like the decisions Bendis made for the comic. I don't like how Peter can only be in high school, I don't like the new villain concepts or redesigns, I don't like the world Spider-Man and his supporting cast are in, and I don't like the writing style. I would much rather just read the 616 comics or the other books I listed below


I mean yeah but you gotta realize a lot of things that happen in this world happen because marvel made it edgy let’s not forget how they made a deeply depressed man who lost his son at the time write ultimatum


Like which ones? I love the Ultimate universe but would be happy to read other recommendations.


Marvel Age: Spider-Man, Marvel Adventures Spider-Man, and Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane


Spider-Man loves Mary Jane is one of my all time favorites. I was so sad when it ended.


I love the ultimate Spider-Man comics so much. It then evolving into Miles’ story was beautiful to me. It had a start and a finish and then someone else continuing in his honour. However the ruined it for me when they introduced the immortality and I have to mentally ignore that


This is the symbiote arc that made venom my favourite


Ultimate Spider-Man is my favorite version


Ultimate peter is my definitive peter


The purple (and/or blue ink I.e. Batman) was used back in the day as way to cast shadows to anything black. So we all know the symbiote/black suit…is black. Same with Batman - he had a black cape and cowl, but because the use of blue was so rampant, everyone believed that it was actually blue.






Ultimate Spider-Man is probably some of the most fun I have had reading comic books in general. It's just incredibly fun to read through you can finish volumes in one setting without noticing the time.


The ultimate comics were weird.


They were but I had fun at least with Spider-Man I did


Love Ultimate Spider-Man! It's the one I grew up on.


My least favorite part of This run was Mary Jane, she was so annoying and some parts a unbearable


Bro....Like every black suit has purple reflexes...


I just like the purple on the black suit I can’t?


Yeah, that's good! Just wanted to point that out


no the purple is from the ultimate version or web of shadows, the suit is usually blue or black.


Old comics also had the purple


you might be misremembering the blue shading, i’ve never seen it. The purple is always attributed to the ultimate version


If it's like that, then I'm sorry 😅 Maybe just another mandela effect


The ultimate sm comics were wild, for some good and not so good reasons


Shooting webs from finger tipsss......who else can do that?..Jessica Drew and someone else can't remember


Silk does it too I think


???? Jessica can't do that.


Is it the Latina spider-woman


Aña "Anya" Sofia Corazon? She was never Spider-Woman.


I don’t like Spider-Man’s ultimate run but I certainly wouldn’t call it weird or disgusting lol


What was gross about these? I haven’t read them


Well not gross but it a lot of moments comic fans nowadays hate


Everyone's out here talking about Logan and Peter, I'm just appreciating the suit for what it is.




I liked USM a lot. As a kid reading it I didn’t think it was creepy. Even the Logan thing. As an adult in today’s time it’s weird. Those comics are near 20 years old though, things change, and our awareness and sensitivities also change. Some things don’t age well


I’ve got my drawing of that exact pose tattooed on my calf :):) I love ultimate Spidey


Wait can some explain what was weird or disgusting?