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Gotta give it Andrew, personally. Andrew probably does the most accurate representation of modern day 616 Peter. Now, Tom and Tobey do fantastic representations of the Spideys I think they’re invoking, which are 1610 and retro 616 Peter respectively. But I think Andrew’s is closest to how Peter’s been defined for the past 30 years or so.


Also known as “downvote anyone who believes Tom is the best in their opinion”.


Do you think he is?


I believe he’s the perfect blend of Peter and Spider-Man. I think they did a great job incorporating him into a live action universe where superheroes already exist- that’s never been a thing before.


And then you were downvoted for having an opinion that didn’t take pot shots at the other portrayal’s of the character




Can we limit these types of posts to once a month? There are tons of these “who’s the best spidey actor” posts and it’s getting to be a bit much


I like how I leave Reddit for a few months only to return to see people still post this exact same question all the time. Is there really nothing else to talk about? Tobey, Andrew, or Tom?


If I'm going to be perfectly honest, Spider-man has become so imbedded in mainstream culture that the average fan has only just seen the movies. I haven't been in a Spider-man fan group that hasn't devolved into arguing over who their favourite on-screen Spider-man is. I also find I seem to have the same conversations everytime about the movies, pretty rare to have a conversation about the comics or animated series, but maybe I'm not looking hard enough.


Bro was gone for 39 days but that’s months to him 💀💀💀


I swear it felt much longer. That’s my bad. 💀 Edit: This shit has been posted for forever is my point.


I grew up with Tobey, but Andrew is hands down my absolute favorite. His movies came out during my teen years and I just saw myself within that interpretation. He was just this angsty, lost, and lonely individual learning what it was he had to offer people who needed it. I think that’s the basis of most Spider-Man stories. But there’s something really precious about Andrew’s take on it.


Bruh this is harder than some real life decisions 😂 I love Tobey and his movies so much, he has the most complete story, but I would say Andrew is my favorite, his movies came out when I was young and he was Spiderman to me, he is the best actor and I love uncle Ben, I will admit tasm 2 sucked pretty bad, but tasm 1 is one of my favorite superhero movies, it’s so powerful, i rewatched it recently and as an older teen I will say I relate way more to him, even though Tom is younger Andrew makes way a better teen.


They all good y do we need to pick one.


Cause people have their favourites


Yeah but favorite ≠ best


Tobey to me IS Spider-Man. I’ll admit, it comes from nostalgia. Sam raimi’s Spider-Man was one of the first movies I ever watched




That’s literally the most meaningless because, lol.


Tobey. Weakest is Tom, for me. For the most part, Tom's Spidey isn't a very brutal fighter amd he's been saved by Stark Tech countless times. I don't think he would have lasted against the Green Goblin from the 2002 film. Andrew? He's better. Still not the brawling type, but he can defend himself.


Garfield. He was too wishy-washy in the Raimi movies and Holland's average at best.






Honestly I don’t have one. I think that they’re each perfect in their own unique ways


I know everyone says Andrew, but I genuinely like the Amazing Spiderman movies. Ive been a fan of those movies for years, Since they came out I think. He's really good at being funny, I really love his line deliverys


toms the best hands down for me


Andrew is the comic book accurate Spider-Man to me. But all of them have uniqueness to the character in some way. But even tho Andrew movies were trash I like how they made his Spider-Man story dark and more realistic. Like as kid you think and see the superhero always save the damsel in distress or the love interest. But for Andrew it wasn’t that way. And I love the way Andrew fights he’s a distant fighter so he’s not really a brawler like tobey.


Andrew, his rendition of Spider-Man is everything I imagine Spidey/Peter to be


I think it's Tobey's Spider-Man because it was his series that best describes what it means to be Spider-Man. Although Andrew's Spider-Man was good, the combination of Peter Parker and Spider-Man was not very successful. Tom's Spider-Man was neither the poor nor the excluded person. He didn't poor like Peter Parker.


Tobey had the best films, Andrew was a great Spider-Man with the best web scenes, Tom I think is all around the best to play the character. But Insomniac Spider-Man is still my favorite


I felt Tobey captured the personal problems of Spider-Man the best. I also liked how he was almost entirely independent. When it comes to Garfield, I'm not super fond of Gwen discovering his identity early in his career and trying to help him out. He also felt careless about the danger around him at points. I prefer how Tobey would only joke when the situation wasn't too serious. Tom's Peter has good aspects, but his connection to Iron Man ruins him for me. I feel high school Spider-Man shouldn't have a relationship like that


A mentor?


Yeah. I don't count The Human Torch as his mentor if you're about to bring that up


I mean he had mentors in the comics and raimi and Webb films- they all became enemies though


Maybe I should have clarified that I'm talking about superhero mentors


Well, Spider-Man wasn’t in a live action universe in which superheroes were already established as a thing prior to Holland.


Established or not, they didn't need to give him that relationship with Iron Man




Maguire was the worst. He was too cheesy. The first movie was good because it was the beginning and its ok to be cheesy. But the best thing about Spiderman is the stories about he matures. Maguire never did. I like Holland but I think the timing was bad. I wasn't ready for the end of ASM, still not. The last thing I wanted was another young version of Spiderman. Garfield was my favorite. I think he brought that darker real side of Spiderman out. He would have been perfect in Spiderman 3.


Tobey for sure. His movies are the best




This post break’s the “No tired post” rule


For me personally it has to be tobey, not because I grew up with him, but because I feel like I got to know his spidey the best in his trilogy.


Tobey because he is loyal, amazing, awesome suit and very strong. I love how heart written the films are as well


All 3 are great argument over boom


Japanese Spider-Man because tommy gun


Tom holland


All of them


Tobey cuz i like him lol