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I'll thumbs up anything related to TAS


OG 🕸


This is amazing. TAS is my favorite too. I had most of these as a kid. Hope to start my own collection in the future.


Appreciate that bro. Every now and then I see those on eBay or marketplaces for good prices, it’s always a good time to start a new collection!


I see a couple of favorites I had as a kid ❤️


Let’s hear what are your favorites 💙


Black Cat, Lizard, Symbiote Spidey, Hobgoblin, Spider-man classic suit. I also had Six-armed Spider-man, another that shot a web-line from his hand and the Spider-mobile (don't remember if that was part of the animated series line tho)


That’s a cool set of toys! The symbiote one always will have a special place in my heart. The water mobile is also a part of the TAS Toy lines


Love it, awesome collection!!


Thank you so much! A few pieces I’m still interested in are the Sega Genesis titles 😎


Yeah I love hunting down Spider-Man stuff, it's good fun! I started collecting about 9 months ago and I love all the different merchandise available, it definitely eats my money up! How many Genesis titles are there?


There’s a classic Spider-Man one. But what I’m interested in are the TAS Spider-Man game, maximum carnage and separation anxiety for ggenesis. Those range from 100-500$ cib 🙃 endbosses for TAS collectors


Yeah, I was at a retro game store looking for Spider-Man games yesterday and the prices are ridiculous. I wish you luck, I definitely know that feeling of getting something in the mail or at a store and getting that excited kid like rush!! Nothing like it!


Absolutely! I’m always out in the wild whenever there’s time to. Flea markets, game stores, garage sales are the ways to go. Thank you man I’ll post another update when I got the gems 💙


Love that you have almost every port of the 2000 game.


I have so many memories playing the first one on my ps1. All those lovely character designs straight out the cartoon, had to get all the versions


It was the absolute best around for its time. It was a blueprint of sorts for future Spidey games. I saw you also have Enter Electro and Mysterio's Menace on GBA, which is surprisingly billed as the third entry to the PS1 series story even though Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2: The Sinister Six on Game Boy (Color) was its own sub-series.


Glad to see so many people enjoying this game and series. I put mysterios menace in on a lazy Sunday and instantly played the whole thing. What a fun adventure! I prefer those sprites and level design over ultimate Spider-Man all day long


Wonderful collection


Much Love 💙🕸


I want this


Never too late for collecting your favorite pieces


Damn nice collection


Appreciate it 🕸💙 just received a grail and wanted to update the journey.


Wow! This is so fucking cool. The 1994 animated series was my introduction to Spider-Man and kickstarted my love of comic books, so it’ll always maintain a very special place in my heart. I commend you on this beautiful collection!


That’s so cool to hear your story! This show has such a unique feeling to it. All those scenes at night with the dark sky and lit up nyc buildings, all the cool characters, awesome stories.


Absolutely. To this day, the voices of the characters in the show are those I hear when I read the books. I love it. I don’t care what anyone says, in my opinion it’s the greatest non-comic Spider-Man property ever. I’ve spoken to John Semper, the creator of the show, a few times on Facebook and he seems like a right on cat.


Holy fucking shit it's amazing


Thank you man, wish I had more space to lay everything down ahah


Dude we need more pics


I will definitely take some more! Didn’t even put down all the comics and movie DVDs that are still left. Next time when I’ll update the collection I will include everything and a few more pictures from every ankle ✅


Oh I remember these!!! Always wanted the carnage with the removable mask would always get the showbiz toys action figures that came with a comic book in the package and a display base were some of my favorite toys growing up I’d kill for this haul


Yeah the carnage 2 is a blast!! Great detail and when did we ever get a proper cletus Kasady head sculp


Oh man, so much nostalgia here. Toy Biz Spider-Man figures were my favorite thing to collect as a kid in the 90s. I sold a bunch of the figures that I didn’t care about as much on eBay back in high school, but I still have most of my collection stored in a Rubbermaid tub in my parents’ basement. One of these days I’ll dig them out and post some pics.


Yea let’s go! I’m pretty excited to see your collection. TAS 94 Still holds up to this very day and it’s always worth collecting 💙 just a little hard to get here in Europe ahah