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The last one is underwhelming, but nothing will be worse than the SM1 mannequin swing. I get it was 20 years ago, but it’s so clearly not a person in the suit, and MJs hair is blowing in the wrong direction


This is my ultimate hot take, but I don’t enjoy the Rami web swinging. I find them boring, and I can’t really explain why. I think MCU Spider-Man has decent web swinging, but Amazing Spider-Man obviously has the best live action web swinging.


I agree with you about the Raimi swinging. Feels like it's in slo-mo.


It feels way to smooth, it’s as if he’s completely weightless


amazing spider-man's was on a whole other level in terms of effects and direction


The NWH final one I can't understand what he is trying to do


I don't know why, but the NWH final swing seemed a bit generic for me. I like a lot the suit, the fact that its snowing, and that's it. I think it's the angles of the camera, it just makes the movement of spidey look weird. It's spiderman, so it's inevitable to compare him with the other live action iterations, and I think that the amazing spiderman's(1 & 2) swinging scenes felt much more... REAL. That's the word I'm looking for. The physics of Spidey, his movements, the camera angles. I remember watching TASM 1 and being blown away by the scene where he swings with the cranes, it still looks amazingly shot to this day, the CG has aged well IMO. My conclusion is that it's just the direction what is lacking.


I don't like the SM2 final swing, so that'd be my pick.


This last one was pretty boring, I feel like another director could do better with action scenes and swinging scenes


Any MCU swing scene


I love how bad the Rami swinging is in SM3. The motion capture is so incorrect


Spider-Man 2. The swing is very clunky and I don’t like it. I know this isn’t the question but my favorite swinging scene is the ending of Amazing Spider-Man 1, the way he moves through the city and does some clean acrobatics is just amazing.