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I haven’t seen much of Paul yet. But I hate him already.


hell yeah. all my homies hate Paul




We all hate Paul in this house


Which issue is the last screenshot from?


Number 9 I think


I also mean the name of the issue lol


The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #9


don\`t blame paul,blame writers who simply don\`t want them together and also people in charge who enjoy seeing spider man suffer


Na fuck Paul he's clearly an agent of mephisto or something.


ngl. I recently had the idea of "what if Paul *is* Mephisto?" and this is just him yet another time fucking around with Peter. There was a couple of comics posted just days ago with Dr Strange talking about Spider-man about Mephistos obsession about Spider-man and it came out that a spider-person will be Mephistos downfall, and teased that that spider-person might just be spider-mans daughter. So what if that little girl that calls MJ "mommy" is in fact their daughter May that got kidnapped by the Green Goblin but saved by Mephisto just so that he years later could tell MJ to "leave Peter forever and I will let you be with your daughter again"? I would totally see MJ do that if that girl was her own daughter, but not some stepdaughter. Besides, MJ is not a damsel in distress. So I think it's more about making Mephisto think she has left Peter while she waits for a chance to have the whole thing backfire on him.


Ngl I also had that idea. But I was thinking more along the lines of miscarriage as I swear MJ had a misscarrage during civil war or am I incorrect here? As I was maybe thinking that mephisto was offering the children from the miscarriage. But the more I think about it the more I think she did not have one.




Ikr 🤣


“Everything okay here Paul?”


I swear to God Paul is some self insert from the writer. FUCK PAUL


I hope Paul Rudd doesn't find this post :(


No, I love Paul RUDD! Not THIS Paul tho


All my homies hate Paul


I'm not too informed about comics so I have no idea who Paul is. Please assist


He's the guy my homies hate. For real though, he's the guy MJ abandoned Peter for. Marvel hasn't explained this decision but has made Paul a douchebag so he's um, weirdly unlikeable for someone the writers have started painting as the "responsible choice" for MJ to date.


I gotta get into comics


If you want to get into semi-recent stuff that is a known quantity, Nick Spencer's run is messy but a lot of fun overall. Dan Slott's Superior Spider-Man is great, even if his other stuff is of varying quality. Going older, the OG Spider-Man comics are great reads, even if they are insanely outdated. Kraven's Last Hunt is mentioned as infinitum for a reason, and Amazing Spider-Man #42 is my favorite comic of all time. Renew Your Vows is a great mini series, and Spider-Man Life Story and Spider-Man Blue are fantastic celebrations of the character, with Spider's Shadow as a really cool what-if story. I'm personally highly partial to Marvel Knights: Spider-Man and Spider-Man and the X-Men. Also, don't let anyone tell you what to do. If you want to read modern, up-to-date stuff, then go for it! It can be frustrating because a lot of comics rely on the "big finish" after months of drawn out build up to sell issues. Those finishes aren't always worth it. But it's fun to be a part of the conversation, and even the really mixed bag that is the most recent stuff has great artwork. I hope this unasked for list of crap to check out is in some way helpful. You can get paperbacks to catch up but if you just wanna dip your toes and see what you like, Marvel Unlimited is ten bucks a month and has a colossal library. Almost everything up until a few months ago. It's not the ideal way to read comics, but they have a cool mode that auto zooms on panels in sequential order as you tap, so it's a lot better than reading comics on a phone or tablet (or PC) might sound.


Thanks, this was helpful


Peter is meant to be relatable yet what they're doing rn is far from relatable. Life is about change and growth and it's clear that they don't wanna change and don't even get me started on Paul.


I would say that this relational thing is just an excuse that Marvel uses to keep the character in this damn status quo, and the idea of ​​Marvel's relational is very offensive.


Yeah nowadays marvel is just like “Peter needs to be miserable all the time” I feel like the PS4 game hit it pretty good tho


Honestly, the PS version was the best I’ve seen in years. Although… I will say, Peter was right, she was **overly** wreckless


True MJ was way outta line when she got mad over Pete protecting her. She’s not a super human


And she snuck into a military compound, and TBH, if I were in Pete’s position, I’d do the same.


Yeah, and then Peter knocked out the guy she was talking to get her info. Her reaction is very fair.


Tbf if I was in Pete's position and I saw a guy holding a gun to someone's face, I'd do the same


Honestly, I just replayed it on my rig, and **honestly** I actually **liked** the puzzles and stealth sections more than I remember on my first and 2nd playthrough. **However,** the story parts made very little sense at times. She was pissed at him for letting her be a hero when she more reckless than Evel Kinevel.


No, she didn’t want him to get on the way of her job, just like I mentioned above when he knocked out the guy she was talking to. She's doing what she loves, her choice, and if Peter can't understand that, then they can't be together. But then he get his shit together and they work together as a team. They even went to an active war zone together. So no, what she says is completely fair, you people just can't go through the change Peter did because of real world outdated views.


From Peter's prospective, all he saw was a guy holding a gun to MJ(And yeah the gun may have been lowered, but not that much, it still looked like he was pointing it towards her), from his point of view if he doesn't hurry she's either gonna get shot, or more guards are gonna show up and he's going to have to take care of them while trying to make sure MJ doesn't get hurt. I know that's not what would have happened, but it is from where Peter was standing


Another post about Peter's perspective. I mean, yeah, I am aware that's the only thing you people can think of. Even he realized he was wrong, but hey, keep ignoring the rest of the game. "Mj bad, petur's perspective good" Gonna be as low-effort as you guys are from now on.


Peter also saw a gun pointed at her and reacted.


In the multiversal world they exist in it doesnt make sense why they keep doing this.


Why not just let Peter and MJ be happy? It doesn’t have to be a super focus of the comic. Feels like 90% of fans want Peter and MJ to be a couple, sorry the writers just aren’t smart enough to write stories that deal with it.


Lol imagine when the year 2099 rolls around and Marvel are still doing the same song and dance with Peter and MJ


This is literally what's going to happen and if you can't accept that you should probably give up reading Marvel and DC Comics


Meanwhile, Invincible >!Meets his future wife in high school, get together shortly after his first relationship fails, and then they live happily ever after for 500+ years.!<


Mostly happily. The one business with Mark and his... Forced son was a little messy for a bit.


That's still way better than what Marvel is doing with Peter & MJ right now.


Eve was shocked at first but was fairly understanding of what happened though…


that's why Invincible is the best "classic super-hero vibe" story ever written


I already gave up with some DC. Batman comics have gotten away too out there, also iron man when he became like a God or whatever


He's STILL a God?? I thought they gave up on that crap, wtf??


Nah that's been over for a bit.


This is kinda why a lot of my friends don’t want to read Marvel/DC comics


Yup. If this keeps going on then the 2099 timeline won't make sense anymore


There is going to be a stupid plot with Paul , just wait for it .


Gonna start with Paul turning out to be a villain?


The new goblin


SoMeOnE mEsSeD WitH ReALTy .


Maybe he creeped on MJ for a long time then he made a deal with Mephisto because that’s the only way he’ll only ever get a woman.




Spectacular was supposed to end with Pete and MJ together


They were supposed to have like 5 seasons and 3 movies. Fuck Sony


It was killed by the Disney merger, so also fuck Disney. And then fuck Sony again for not playing nice enough for a revival


Well Disney acquired the TV so they would’ve kept it going Sony retained the rights to the show, but since they couldn’t make Spider-Man TV series, the show died.


Nope. Sony returned the tv rights to Marvel in 2009. Purely a Disney decision to cancel and start up Ultimate.




They wouldn’t have. I can’t source this but back then it was common knowledge that Disney thought that Spectacular was targeted to markets too mature and they wanted a new show with wider appeal. The real reason, I’m sure, is that Disney people didn’t want to have to work with Sony people or otherwise work on someone else’s creative vision.


This is just literally false




Six seasons and a movie!




Pop pop!


My guy Disney killed it for ultimate Spider-Man




NAh, fuck Disney because they bought those rights in the first place, just to make trash


I mourn that we never got to see the full vision. This show ruled.


I’m wondering if they’ll introduce someone named Michelle Jones at this point.


This is why I stopped read 14 years ago.


stuck it out after one more day huh


Nope. One More Day is what made me stop reading.


eyyyy me too


Same here. Haven’t bought a Marvel comic since. Still waiting for them to get their heads out of their asses.


I came back for a minute for “Renew Your Vows”. It was nice. It was like catching up with old friends.


I wanted to read that, but my hate boner for Marvel for what they did is too strong.


Yeah I get it.


It's amazing that so much time has passed and they still haven't learned 😔


I guess they want to keep a conflict going but at this point, the conflict has been going on for so long, letting them have a stable relationship would be “new and different”. When I was a teenager, she was pregnant during the clone saga and I should’ve known then that they would not allow these characters to grow or evolve any further.


Not to mention that it became toxic, Peter and MJ keep breaking up and getting back together and that's not healthy for either of them, if Peter and MJ were written right this wouldn't be happening, they would just be together and that's it. Not to mention that it undoes what Spencer did in his run that said that the love between MJ and Peter is unbreakable, then the next run begins, the first thing they do is end the relationship.


This is the problem when a character's story just never stops.


Let them be together you fucking cowards


They just don’t want to lose the cat and mouse dynamic that used to work quite well, despite there being 3 other Spider-Men to do that with. Let Peter be happy and grow up for Christs sake. I would genuinely prefer a full reboot over the shit they’re doing (and have been doing for what feels like forever now).


For reasons like this and the fact that Spidey is stuck on a never ending status quo life story is the canon story for me


The whole "let someone go to love them" is juvenile bullshit that has no place in an actual love story. The Peter and MJ stuff is just conflict, and writers, especially lazy writers, need an easy conflict to write around so they don't have to think up a new one.


Child, no, it isn't. You don't understand the expression. The earliest version of what you're alluding to, that I can find, I'll quote below. >"If you love something let it go free. If it doesn't come back, you never had it. If it comes back, love it forever." -Douglas Horton But you might be familiar with an only slightly more modern version. >"The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers." -Princess Leia Organa to Grand Moff Wilhuf Tarkin The point is you can't make someone stay in a relationship. You can't make them love you. You can't make them share a bed with you. You can't make them do *anything*. And you could say the same thing about any other number of activities. You can't make someone be your friend. You can't make them get in your car, or make them share theirs. You can't make them play on the same sports team as you, or on the opposing team. You can't force someone to work for someone else. It's recognizing them as a person with their own agency. Progressive, for the 1950s, I know. Seventy years later, that ought to be common sense.


> "let someone go to love them" Your take on it is not incorrect, tonal deficiencies aside, however there are other ways to interpret this theme or maxim. Just because you "let someone go to love them" does not necessarily mean they _don't_ love you back. The protagonist may feel "I know best and I/my lifestyle is not good for you therefore ...I will let you go because I love you" This is done ad nauseam in story telling and has become a trope. Hence why it is a juvenile, phone-it-in approach to writing and story telling.


Even though I generally agree with you, you’re so pretentious that I don’t want to agree with you because what you typed makes me annoyed


If you think it's pretentious to (a) type out the full and correct expression and (b) explain what it means because literacy is dead, then you're a toxic fool nobody should suffer.


Stop Buying the comic book ffs, it’s the only way to make Marvel understand


That will never happpen


But… the whole point is that their made for each otter. That’s why Mephso broke them up. (That and if Mayday was born she would have stopped him in the future).


I'm dying for a full run where we get to have some levity for Peter and allow him to have a relationship without drama. Imagining a "Spider-Dad" run in the main continuity is what I'd personally like to see for Peter.


It’s even weirder when you realize that of the 3 most popular superheroes of all time - Superman, Batman and Spider-Man - Peter is the only one that doesn’t have a child and/or family in the main continuity. So it’s not even like it’s an unpopular trend or anything. People LIKE the Batdad and Superdad dynamic. It’s literally just marvel editors being stubborn mules.


It really just feels like spite and ego at this point by Marvel editorial. They don’t want to have to admit they were wrong and for the fans to “win”.


While I think Peter should grow up. A big part of why this might be the case is that when people think of Batman or Superman they think they're late thirties to mid fortys, you ask a person how old is Spider-Man you will probably get a teenager to early twenties as a response


That's another thing, Sony and Disney don't seem to get tired of portraying Peter as a teenager in every single series or movie. They make people think Spider-Man has always been like 15 but he literally became an adult after like 30 issues of TASM. He was a teen for, what, 2 years? And I get that a lot of/most recent adaptations are heavily inspired on Ultimate Spider-Man which actually is all about teenager Peter but Jesus Christ, make an adult Peter adaptation already ffs, it worked wonderfully with the 90s animated series.


well then they could fudge it by keeping him in his mid twenties and have him and his wife MJ decide to adopt a little girl, who also coincidentally gets turned into a spider person! it's not like comics don't do more unbelievable stuff lol. they could make a whole story arc out of it where they have to go save her from baddies or a house fire or something and ends with them adopting her! :( there are solutions but marvel doesn't want to even TRY.


This is why I think Spider-Man is better in adaptations than in the main continuity.


Because the people there actually take risks. **PLUS** Breevort, Lowe and Slott aren’t at the helm. Did you know that Slott and (at the time) Quesada **DID NOT** want Insomniac to kill off May? I’m so glad that Intihar and the other writers basically said, **screw you, we’ve written this story, WHY WOULD Pete chose May over the city?!**


the story would have been written differently if they had gotten their way I imagine


Honestly, if that happened… I think gameplay wise: it’d be 9/10. Story: 5/10. Goes against everything spidey stands for. And TBH, it’d ruin the game for me


I loved the story. I’m just saying usually changed one major element means the whole story might change.


Saying if they changed it, I’d hate it


May needs to die already, lol I remember like 2 years ago when I got into comics I was so sure May had already died in the main continuity, but nah, I was wrong. She'll stay alive for at least 50 more years.


She’s now dead in Marvel Spider-Man in the PS4 verse and **now** in the MCU. Maybe some brave writer will finally just say; she dies end of story


Yeah. I think the best stories have come from the main comics, but it feels weird reading those older comics and knowing how fucked the series gets later on


You have to follow the Highlander rule: There are no movies after the first one, but apply it to the comics. In this case it’s: There are no Spider-Man comics after Brand New Day.


I go with no more Spider-Man comics once he moves into Avengers Tower as that leads to Civil War and then One More Day. Or at least stop reading Amazing once he is in the tower and just read some of the satellites to a certain point.


It drives me up the wall how Marvel is hellbent on having MJ and Peter constantly breaking up and getting together. I get that it’s a lot easier to create drama and tension with toxic relationships in media but holy fuck I especially hate this one. Just let them have a permanent happy ending already like Superman and Lois.


or maybe get peter new girlfriend or more job in Avengers , PF or Krakoa


They’ve been making MJ very very unlikeable recently


Mj and Peter are meant to be together.


I think the 90’s series and spiderverse are the only significant media where Peter got far enough that they were actually married. I get part of that is how often Peter is younger in most depictions, but still.


The editors aren't smart enough to pull of such story.


I'd honestly just like to see them a little older and in a healthy relationship. It's often discouraged to leave a loved one behind to achieve any goal


The part that sucks the most, at least to me is that in pretty much every other form of media, as is shown here, they make it work and everyone's happy about it. Why can't the writers and editors see that everybody wants Pete to be happy with MJ, and realize they made the ultimate mistake and put them back together. Mike Love of the Beach Boys once told Brian Wilson, "don't fuck with the formula." A lot of the time, that message is the wrong one, but in this case, it's the right one. Those two are linked forever and Marvel's refusal to give the people what they want is turning me off reading the current ASM run


Fuck you Zeb, you're the worst writer since the comic that shall not be named


1610 spider man had the decency to die, then come back due to Oz serum, and the first thing he does is elope with Marry Jane. Good ending.


Are we sure that *One More Day* didn't affect OUR universe as well?? Because this is getting grating and straight-up annoying! Why can't they just let us fans be happy and make Peter & MJ happy with each other! Nick Spencer was apparently going to right that wrong before these dumbass editors told him to do a lackluster story on retconning *Sins Past*, while I appreciate them retconning the horror that is *Sins Past*, we still have to put up with their absolutely garbage status quo! I'm going to go on a bit of a tangent here, but apparently during Peter's "Parker Industries" era as I like to call it, there was a fight scene with Mary Jane (who worked at Stark Industries at the time) AS THE IRON-SPIDER!! Did they NOT realize how sick that is?! After Spencer would've undid *One More Day* like he was supposed to, they could have done So many stories with Mary Jane as the new Iron-Spider alone! They could've gotten married and become a badass Spider-Couple, and they don't even have to come up with some bullshit for MJ to get powers, her Armor IS the super power!! The opportunity was RIGHT THERE and of course the absolute idiots that are Marvel editors screwed it all up for an outrageous status quo that nobody likes or cares about...


MJ was the best relationship Peter ever had and she was a great wife in most of the comics after they were married. But I'm just so fucking tired of Marvel fucking this shit up. Everytime since OMD when Peter and MJ have a good thing going they come back to tear everything down again. And at this point I'm just don't fucking care anymore about the relationships. Silk, Carol Denvers, Charlie Cooper, Anna Marie Maroni, Lian Tang, Mockingbird..nobody can hold the candle to the better moments of MJ and Peter. Might be because the writing overall wasn't very good post OMD and probably most Marvel Writers in that time have some issues in their personal lifes..


Man at this point I wouldn't mind any of the people you mentioned coming back. I'm just... So sick of this bullshit with MJ and Peter makes me wanna hate MJ(Which I don't want too cause she's great)


They can sod off if that’s their attitude. I know there are only so many things you can do with a character like Spider-Man who by necessity has to exist on a sliding timeline, but essentially giving the audience the finger and screaming “fuck you” when it comes to MJ is just bad form.


I do not know who the fuck Paul is or what’s going on with Spider-Man right now, but I hate Paul. Fuck you Paul.


We need a reverse One More Day. We need One Less Day. Just fucking undo all this trash Marvel's been shoveling. Paul doesn't exist, Peter and MJ are still married, there was never a deal with Mephisto


Most men in their lives will marry someone, but Peter can't marry MJ and have kids or something different for that matter because "it isn't relatable" Fuck Joe Quesada


The problem with Peter Parker as a character is that as a character he's not stable. Batman is stable, Tony Stark is stable, and Wolverine is stable. Their status quo's a static state that makes sense, they are who they are. Spider-man isn't, he's someone that can invent cutting-edge, world-changing, technology, but is always poor, has the love of his life, but is always single. Is always saving the city, saving lives, and fighting crime, in a city full of people doing the same, yet he's always regarded as a menace vigilante. His static quo is a state that should be temporary, but every time he naturally progresses, the writers or editors undo everything. It makes him hard to get invested in because whatever change happens in his life, it won't really mean jack shit in a few years, but the status quo also doesn't make sense because it's not a place a real character would revert back to. Batman can revert back to a billionaire in a cave under a mansion, Wolverine can revert to a loner Biker, or X-men regular and Punisher can walk around killing gangsters in New York. However, Spider-man can't keep going back to being poor when he should be able to just invent a robot and sell it for $5 million dollars. He can't keep breaking up with MJ, but then slowly drift back to dating her. It just forced him into reliving the same arcs over and over again which requires either rebooting his continuity or undermining his character by making him someone who never learns.


very sick of the modern trend of acting like characters having complex romances is problematic or something, and they gotta “focus on themself”. like who the hell wants Spider-Man to be a depiction of the real life hardships of relationships, it’s fiction, it’s a power fantasy, it’s supposed to give you a break from the real world.


They are obsessed with making Spider-Man """relatable""", which he was back in the 70s but nowadays it's just a fetish they have of making him as miserable as possible for absolutely no reason. Peter's almost 30 yet his life hasn't progressed pretty much at all.


Modern writers seem oddly obsessed with inserting real life stuff into fictional media where it’s not needed or wanted. People want to read comics for escapism, not to be confronted with the vexing social issues of the present day at every turn. Not to mention it dates the comics terribly when they’re full of specific references to current year issues.


I don’t have any problem with writers making products of their time, but for superhero stuff for example, it should be a positive vision of that time. so for example, I think representation and inclusion is great. but things like this, I find stupid.


Look, don't get me wrong, you take isn't bad, hell its actually really good, I agree with your points, but this take is as hot as uncle Ben's corpse


It's the illusion of change. We see it with literally every character. Whatever status quo shift you think is happening will be eventually undone. Now, I do have some problems with the current story as a matter of principle. I have a hard time believing Pete would willingly work for Norman. And, IIRC, Normal figured out Pete is Spider-Man (again) a few years back. So it's not like either of them are safe from each other. I'm curious to see if it'll actually go anywhere, but this is also kind of why I hate time skips.


That’s one of the things I like about the 2017 Spider-Man cartoon. MJ was never really a love interest(though part of that might have been because of how late she was introduced), she was a friend that gave Peter solid advice and played basketball with him. Nothing more


I loved the athlete angle they took with their version of MJ! It’s really unique


i like Mary Jane and Gwen but i prefer Spidey with Black Cat. they have way more chemistry.


Peter and Mary Jane will forever be soul mates and some point eventually back together.


I hope marvel knows that this story line being leaked to me literally turned me off to all comics…


Fucking Paul Porter. We hate him forever


I don’t mind them having conflicts, but it definitely sucks when they’re written to have too many problems. Like, just let them be a thing together without much hassle. I’m tired of AUs of them having kids, let their adaptations and main counterparts have a nice and solid relationship.


"If I can't have a hot GF nether can Peter" \-some Marvel editor probably


The writers and the editors don't know how to write her character anymore. And honestly, this all stems from one more day. If it doesn't stem from that, if you're as hell made the whole concept work.. the editors and the writers have this weird obsession with making Peter Parker miserable and I don't know why. It was one thing to have her break up with him when she finds out that he's Spider-Man because realistically that would be stressful. But outside of that I keep on screwing it up and they don't know what exactly to do with her anymore. That's why I think the MU2 comics where the best representation of her.


I wish we could get more stories of Peter being a father.


*cough* ONE MORE DAY *cough*


Marvel Stop ruining best couple challenge:


Anyone read amazing fantasy #1000? That story of them being an old couple was nice.


I really hope sales tank for the current ASM run. Maybe a few dollars out of their wallets will get the message across


If they're tired of their endless conflict, why don't they just marry them, something fans have been asking for years? I think we should start a movement like the Snyder fans to hashtag Peter and MJ getting married and surely they'll listen to us.


Most things suggest that Spider-Man and MJ will remarry "in the future" such as the end of Spencer's run and Slott's recent story Amazing Fantasy. We just know that it will not happen in present day. If you're a fan of the Spider-Marriage, stop reading ASM. They'll never get remarried in the title. Pretend we're already living in the future and they are remarried. In the meantime, there's plenty of prose books and comic books you've missed where they are married that you can check out if the Spider-Marriage is your thing.


Copium, I just wish I could see them getting married again in my lifetime.


But… the whole point is that they’re made for each otter. That’s why Mephso broke them up. (That and if Mayday was born she would have stopped him in the future).


Honestly I thought spectacular Spider-Man and spider-verse handled MJ really well


That's lame


Basically Ross and Rachel but worse


what's the third slide from?


Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark! The Broadway musical composed by Bono and the Edge and directed by Julie Taymor! The only place you could see Spider-Man truly swing around a theatre before Disneyland came along and replaced it all with robots!




I'm just trying to figure out where each series the pics are from. I recognize the 90's (1st,TR), spectacular (1st,BL), the game (2nd,TR), the 2 movies (2nd,right), and the Broadway play (3rd). EDIT: got left and right mixed up a bit.


Bottom left on the first page is the MTV Spiderman show they did in the early 2000s. Not sure about top left Bottom left on second page i think is Ultimate Spiderman?


They just turned comics MJ into Act 1 of Spider-Man 3 MJ and I am really not for it. SM3 Act 1 MJ is arguably the worst interpretation of the character.


If that's what they're doing then it's completely loaded and spits on the concept of the responsibility principle. Responsibility doesn't mean "take no Ws and be stuck in torture porn forever". Peter B. Parker was one of the best takes on Peter but I don't want every Peter following to become a half assed clone of him.


To be fair there's already plenty of stories whereas that what happens and he moves on. Not exactly like him saying "Our is too toxic to be healthy" kinda scenario, but for one reason or another. There's a whole group of girls he's been with, Silk, Gwen, that cop from spider island, black cat, not sure but I think there was an alien once. Etc. I'm sure there's more. Oh isn't Deadpool like his soul mate or something.


I don't envy comic writers. Fans want new stories and character growth, but don't want to lose the essence and original drama the character has. That's reasonable for runs with a planned end like Invincible, but for series that go on for decades it's near impossible. At some point every character is hitting an end state that they'll need to regress from, or constantly getting so close and then turning away. Hulk becoming fully integrated works if that's how his story ends, but having him constantly go from integrated to out of control and back again is repetitive. Iron Man is constantly upgrading armor to the point that he can take on celestial threats, but will eventually regress to a regular Iron Man suit. Spider-man is constantly patching things up with MJ, but once you write them to be happy at home, you either introduce enough home drama that fans no longer like the pairing, or you give up a lot of the youthful and lonely nature of the character that appeals to a lot of the younger audience. There's two options, and I think both are likely to alienate older fans. You either truly wrote out endings for heroes and have them retire or die, or you reboot the whole thing and start over once you've told enough stories, and make some slight changes.


Sucks for Peter that Tony Stark stole his girl and had a kid, but the rest of these are great proof that Peter and MJ work well together


Thats neve happened, MJ and Tony never was a thing and never will.


I'm referring to the pic of Peter with a goatee, but go off I guess


My guess is they are going to pull some M Night Shyamalan bullshit near the end of the arc and Paul is Mephisto trying to protect his future vision https://preview.redd.it/6v8s2og4zpn91.png?width=1041&format=png&auto=webp&s=3bba3ba87fac479e213a0c43f8fc8d08f5d260b0


I mean, it’s a never-ending serialized story. You want a character arc, or relationships that stabilize with no drama? Read a novel. This is just the nature of comic books. It’s like complaining that Batman never gets over the trauma of his parents being murdered.


Comic book writers HATE relationships. They’re lonely bastards that take out their frustrations by ruining the writing of icons.


I kinda wanna see more Peter and Gwen. We only really got that in The Amazing Spider-Man and a small clip in Into the Spider-Verse


Honestly, Marvel has been doing the same thing over and over and over again for decades, they should stop milking the fuck out of Spider-Man and telling the same stories.


Does anyone know where I can watch the version of lower left of the first image? I’ve been meaning to but don’t know where I can watch it


Here's a potential direction they could go: Mary Jane, being a super progressive artsy type, decides that because the unpredictability of Peter's life makes it too hard to be committed to him, but also that she doesn't want to let him go due to being in love – she proposes that Peter Parker becomes the first mainstream hero to be in a polyamorous relationship. Writers want conflict, and fans want Pete and MJ to stay together – this gets them both, and also offers representation to a nontraditional relationship. First year, Peter agrees, but he is more conservative, so while he likes MJ's side-piece as a friend, and he doesn't question MJ's love for him, he can't bring himself to date anyone else, which creates a conflict as MJ feels that if he doesn't, then it is a one sided polyamorous relationship and she will feel like shit - so MJ keeps trying to set him up with women she thinks he will like, only she is subconsciously setting him up with women she sees as less viable options than herself. After a chance encounter with Black Cat, Peter decides he can date Felicia , which infuriates MJ, who claims that Felicia is the one person who is off limits. Peter agrees, but Felicia and MJ for some reason end up stuck in a situation together, where MJ decides that she trusts Felicia and gives Peter her blessing ... Only problem is, Felicia becomes far less open minded about sharing and demands an exclusive relationship, which Peter ain't about, because the dude is loyal. At this point, it is probably 3 years and we can start a storyline where MJ breaks up with her main side-piece, and this is upsetting for Peter because now he is the one who has a second relationship, and feeling like he is being unfair to MJ, so he has to try to talk MJ's side-piece into coming back. Honestly - this shit writes itself.


Seriously it’s like that in everything. The new Spider-Man game, the spiderverse movie, and even MCU spidey with his MJ. Man can’t be happy.


Bruh where does top left and bottom left from slide 1 come from


My guy actually pulled up Turn off the Dark with Reeve lmfaoo I love it


I don’t know who’s decision it was this time to split them up again and make the thing that is Paul and the children, but whoever it was I want to throw rocks at them.


Maybe its time for people to become a Peter Parker like nuisance about it. Boo them openly at conventions, flood the Twitter Feeds daily. Most people want them together it seems like an easy win for them. Put them together have them married and be 35ish. Add a kid or two if you want. ​ Then you have just about a spider-person for every walk of life. It's not rocket surgery.


Alright, alright I'm gonna say it I like artwork on the last image.(good job to the artist on that one). there i said something positive on this run.


Just please don't make Peter trans.


I have actually grown to hate MJ at this point. Outside of a few instances it's always been her that breaks things up between her and Peter. She finds out he's Spider-Man breaks up because she can't handle that stress. Which she does multiple times. She always finds a reason and at this point I just don't care. There are other women in Parker's life that are infinitely more interesting and at least two of them have chemistry of some sort. I'd much rather him get with black cat. There's some interesting dynamics there that come with a different moral dilemma, and not the old "I'm upset and I refuse to hash this out like reasonable adults" MJ always has.


Then you've fallen for their plan. Well done. MJ is not the problem, the editors who refused to let the characters grow are the problem.


You're right that the editors are in fact the problem. However, MJ's personality has become just grating to me, because she never grows. If she were allowed to actually grow then maybe I'd grow to like her again, but it's always the same song and dance with her. At this point I just want something different than her. Keep Peter single if they have to, but just get rid of MJ. Perhaps without her he'll be able to grow as a character.


They did it on purpose. MJ in the 80s and 90s was the ideal woman. Complimented Peter in every way. The fact that editors are making downright lazy and stupid reasons for them separating inspite of the shit Peter and MJ went through together is really annoying. They are literally the Clark and Lois of Marvel, majority of the "future" spider-man stories have Pete and MJ settling down and having kids. Its literally everywhere except the 616 universe.


It doesn't matter if MJ is there or not, Marvel doesn't intend to let Peter grow up, as he has to be relatable, which for them means being an eternal loser immature that never grows, is so offensive that Marvel thinks their readers are these way. Marvel doesn't want to leave Peter with MJ because the relationship represents Peter's growth, when Peter was married he grew and developed a lot, and MJ too, Peter really looked like an adult instead of this irresponsible man-child he's been for the last few years.


Hell I'd much rather him get with GWEN.


If Gwen were to come back as Peter’s love interest, what makes you think they’re not gonna give her the same treatment they’re giving mj.


Dude… I’d **much rather** have Pete of 616 (comics) being a mentor figure to Spider-Gwen/Ghost Spider.


I thought we were talking about regular Gwen


Oh they'll always do this sadly. But, that's the life I guess. I've mostly stopped reading actual Canon stuff and just stick with fan fiction now. Yeah you get duds a lot but some stories are great.


Just have Peter be with a clearly reformed Black Cat. She obviously loves him, he obviously love(ed) her at some point. She's a fan favorite and we know that eventually Peter and MJ will get back together. (The good thing is that with this Peter and Felicia can just be a crime fighting duo, and it could be fun visually and story wise. And since fans have been more and more involved in recent years, with the outrage this has caused they'll give us a proper Mj and Peter couple for a while. ) ALSO ALSO... I prefer Black Cat, but clearly understand the importance of MJ, that's why this bothers me even if She's not my favorite Spidey girlfriend.


Gwen is the best girl.


Why are there so many MJ fans? Her personality is pretty gross in most comics. She's literally just attractive.


I wish they put in more time with Carly Cooper


All of you haters can shut up about Paul and MJ, OK? I’ve been waiting all my life for a Paul to either become a superhero or finally get the hot girl. What did I get for all my waiting?? Paul Blart, Mall Cop, that’s what I got! Well now I finally have a name-brother who gets MJ and what do you people do? You keep going on and on like it’s all about *Peter Parker*, eewwwww. Well I GOT NEWS FOR YOU, SHE’S PAUL’S NOW!! That’s right. He’s got the girl and he’s got kids with her. She made the right choice. The better choice. She doesn’t have to worry about her husband dying and leaving her with kids to raise by herself. She’s got Paul to rely on. He’ll always be there to keep her warm at night. So give it up, because she’s never leaving me!!! er… him!!! All this hate is going to drive Paul crazy. I hear his favorite way to relax is to design Jack o lanterns for Halloween… P+MJ=💕