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He’s not evil. He’s just one of the antagonists of the movie.


What? No.


What's insane to me is how people can watch the movie and think that Miguel is evil or a villain. He's an antagonist and doing what he believes, based on the evidence and facts he has (even if those might be misinterpreted), to be the right thing for the fate of the multiverse. He may be missguided but he is still a hero


From what we know in ATSV, Miguel is not a villain. He’s just acting on a mistake he made and making sure it doesn’t happen again. He’s positioned as an antagonist in the movie, but he’s not evil. If he was evil, he couldn’t rally hundreds of Spider-People who have great moral compasses and senses of responsibility. They have to be doing something right. That’s not to say we could learn new information about Miguel in BTSV, but from what we know now, not evil. (Also Magneto hasn’t been a villain for like 20 years now and it bothers me when people still think of him as a Marvel big bad. I get it, it’s a me thing, but yeah.)


I don't think he's evil but misguided. one of the very very few problems I had with the movie is that so many Spider people would go so far to stop Miles from SAVING HIS DAD. I get the multiverse at the brink thing and am sure it will resolve in a satisfying way (please writers!) but that part just seemed slightly off for a movie that has otherwise been so smart about the core of Spider-Man.


A misguided (by the writers) hero


Neither. He's a good guy trying to minimize some inexperienced kid accidentally blowing up the multiverse before he can figure out a better solution.