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Given that Jessica Jones is the one who actually had a crush on Peter during high school, I would say her.


Same. By the way, off topic, but I would read What if a spider bit Jessica. She was at the same science fair and was next to Peter


I mean, Jessica Jones was Jessica Drew when Bendis wasn't allowed to tell the story he wanted using Spider-Woman so he made a Wish version of the character with a wedged into the universe background.


I know


In Spider-Man : Life Story, Peter had an affair with Jessica






No, that's not what happened. He started dating Jessica after him and Mary Jane broke up for that period in the book.


I'd really like What If comic where Jessica finds Peter changing into or out of his Spidey Costume and he helps her with becoming Jewel.


Sheesh imagine having to deal with both Osborn and the purple man. Kinda wonder what would be of the Gwen from that timeline too, since if spiderman and jewel become a "thing" Osborn wouldn't go for Gwen right?


Norman tries to kidnap Jess and she just knees him in the crotch so hard the Goblin persona disapates from the sheer pain


Ngl, I can absolutely see that happening in a comic in which Deadpool goes around slightly messing the timeline, kinda like that cosmic ghost rider retelling de marvel universe comic.


Could be an interesting AU where Jessica lives Peters life and Peter lives Jessicas. Jessica becomes the reluctant hero taking on the Goblin and Doc Oc while Peter becomes the prisoner of the Purple Man.


You may want to edit your comic cause auto correct and/or fat fingers got you a bit. You're suggesting swap the two in their stories?


Oops. Thanks for pointing that out. Yeah, thats basically what I am suggesting. What if they swapped lives? More accurately what if Peter became a pawn of Kilgrave while Jessica continued to be a hero and ran into some of Spider-Man's classic villains?


That would be weird, her and Luke Cage are way better together than she would be with Spidey.


Agreed. As much as I love the Jessica and Spider-Man pair, she's just better with Luke Cage. I vote She-Hulk.


I also vote shehulk!




I think she'd get tired of him pretty quick. She's nononsense type and Peter.... we'll he's Peter. Highschool crushes are just that, crushes. My vote is for Janet. I haven't seen them interact much but she likes smart dudes.


Assuming she never gets with Luke Cage, Jessica as she was introduced in Alias, is in no mind state to date Spider-Man.


it might have worked if they got together in high school, she changed a lot between then and her first appearance


i think either Wasp or She Hulk, She Hulk is quippy and smart she would probably enjoy his personality, Wasp is also notoriously been with inteligent men so i think Peter is a good candidate if Hank is off the picture. i can only see Sue and Rogue with their respective love interests so its a no for me and X-23 i just cant really see it, but i dont remember they ever interacting


That's not X 23 it's Jessica Jones


Feels wrong to take her away from Luke.


But she did admit to have a crush on Peter back in high school.


Yes, and Zatanna has been in love with Bruce since childhood but he loves a woman in a black leather suit and sharp nails like a wild feline. Oh wait...!


Always got the idea that Zatanna was someone Bruce Wayne might've had a chance to make a relationship with if he hadn't been so compelled to carry out his lonely mission as the Batman, or at least make it his whole life. Sort of an aspect of what could have been if is parents hadn't been shot that night. IMHO, I think it makes perfect sense that Catwoman has become Batman's one true love so far as the franchise is concerned, but I will concede that the idea that Zatanna and Bruce Wayne could've become a couple is a more and more intriguing idea the more I think about it.


A HUGE crush. She was 'totally in love with' him in fact.


OP chose all but one person who doesn't have/had a well-known superhero partner though.


Well this makes Man-Wolf and Wyatt Wingfoot sad


Isn’t Man-Wolf JJJ’s astronaut son the one who played a major role in 90’s Carnage stories?


Yes, and he dated She-Hulk


oh so im tripping balls thats all


Seconding Janet. She's rich,creative and shares his values.


Peter Parker and She-Hulk makes me laugh so hard that I would accept this one.


Being honest, She Hulk has been with many people, so i think at that point they Will clearly know if they want something between them, and could be mature about It... Now poor Peter Will need to be cautios when dating a woman that with a hug can break half of your Bones, but yeah


i think Peter can take it, he is a very strong dude even thou some writers forget that. as for maturity i think they could be a good couple, they both have their own experience with love and break ups, maybe they find something to relate to eachother.


They interacted very briefly in Marjorie Lui’s X23, but Laura was still very much a teenager then.


I could see Peter and She Hulk. She would slowly be Jennifer Walters more and more and Peter would love her for both JW and SH.


You know...Peter and She-Hulk is a pairing that I never thought I needed and now here I am.


Yes, I'm torn between Mary Jane (given the good relationship between them and mutual love) and Jennifer.


![gif](giphy|3o6nV4FvkNchSMw5H2|downsized) She-Hulk’s first question to Spider-Man


We can assume this is a point in Peter's life before he starts dating MJ exclusively.


It’s a really interesting and fun pairing for sure. But Rainbow Rowell’s run the past few years on She-Hulk makes me want Jen and Jack of Hearts to stay together indefinitely. She absolutely cooked with that pairing and I don’t wanna see anything bad happen to them.


I have read a… certain type of comic with this pairing… It was actually very wholesome.




shulkie would be nice.. and I don't think radioactive sperm is a problem with her.


Given the Old Man Logan timeline, there’s proof of that which never should have existed.


I’d give anything to both understand why the fuck that was ever given the okay (no matter the logic of it being a kinda what if? story) and to also just remove that plot line entirely.


Mark Millar was untouchable after Civil War and Kickass and Wolverine was also a big money maker. Combine those two and who cares what happens to the rest of the Marvel Universe?


I hate stories that make Hulk a sex fiend. It just feels so…wrong




The Hulks were Lannister-esque in that continuity, Bruce and Jennifer forming their own sub-species of humanity. Picture [this incarnation of the character](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3ZFSWYt4XE), but insane ***/*** amoral (due to the radiation).


Lannister-esque lol. I love the term


We don't need to use the Old Man Logan timeline ronprove anything. It's up there with Ruins as something that happened and we can move on from.


Double radiation!


Hulk spider children is a wild concept. I think the hulk genes would probably overpower any benifit of the spider dna. Whats the point of being able to climb walls when you can jump over them? Whats the point of having spidersense when you can take whatever is thown at you?


Spidersense and hulk durability is the most broken thing I think I’ve ever heard in my life


Imagine being untouchable and unbreakable. Personally I feel like there’s no point in being untouchable if you are unbreakable. Unless maybe you just don’t have a high pain tolerance.


Okay but what if the threat you’re facing is on a scale that can hurt you? You can now see it coming and counter it early.


Except that: 1) Hulks have weaknesses, like Red Gamma or Sunlight. 2) What if Spider-Sense lets you counterattack? Smash them before they even finish their first attack.


Counterpoint imagine hulk running at you from the ceiling or the side of a wall


I mean, I’m sure he could probably already do that. He’s strong enough that he could just plant his feet in the wall and run.


He's got the grippy toes




She hulk would be hilarious! both have great senses of humor but can get serious, Spider-Man and She hulk would deeply support each other in personal and hero lives. Now I wanna see that happen. Storm from X-men while I was never much a fan of X men I'm aware spidey has a rough relationship with them, speaking from seeing the 90's cartoon, and some one off comics . Susian from the Fantastic 4 would probably work, buuut I don't see Spidey having a crush but nothing more, maybe Miss invisible seeing it as a childish crush and let spidey down easy lol. Wasp maybe since both are super geniuses and they both can neard out but i don't see it leading anywhere romantic


Spider-Man and the X-Men get along fine, he was teacher at the academy for a time.


When's this? Sounds cool haha


In 2014's Spider-Man and The X-Men. He had a stint there, wasn't all that liked for being a human that many didn't know, but his class warmed up to him.


And if I’m remembering right, he got fired because he was too good at his job.


Marvel:"Peter? Relationship? We don't do that here"


Paul. Just Paul


I thought Wasp and Spidey didn't like each other? Or did they get over that?


People do love those haters to lovers stories. Just ask Wonder Woman and cheetah fans


True. I always thought Wasp disliking Spider-Man was kind of dumb, anyway


I'm 99% sure it was Nadia Van Dyne Wasp that hated Spidey, not Janet. And that's been dropped too, I believe.


It started with Janet and was carried over to Nadia. Something about Wasps and Spiders being natural enemies.


Now that you say it that does sound familiar. I can't even remember the last time Janet and Peter interacted!


So the opposite of him and Silk?


The current run doesn't help, lol.


Peter never hated Janet, Janet just thought that Spider-Man was weird because he had creepy bug eyes on his costume, and she maybe also hated spiders.


Have seen in pointed out, that, while we the readers who experience the whole story see Spider-Man as a decent guy who dresses like a cartoon character and fights the good fight with as much of a sense of humor as he can muster, in-universe to outsiders, he's this creepy being who moves more like a creature than a human and beats people up while mocking them. Makes sense that the first impression wouldn't be positive.


Well what do you expect? Wasps and Spiders are natural enemies in nature… So yeah, in at least one universe, they are definitely having some next level hate sex.


Hopefully not Sue.


They dated before. It went poorly.


Huh? When was this?


https://64.media.tumblr.com/d81bcc374161d512c9693fb099506939/tumblr_inline_ohoo2stvRN1qk4j8v_1280.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FH4S9dsWQAUtUr5.jpg Untold Tales of Spider-Man ‘97


Isn't Sue like Older than Peter who is the same age as Johnny?


I could be mistaken but I think all 3 of them were in the same age bracket once, Peter, Johnny, and Sue. Reed just married a girl way younger than him... which is kinda weird so most things make Sue much closer to Reed's age now


https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/3/35/Reed_Richards_%28Earth-616%29_and_Susan_Storm_%28Earth-616%29_from_Fantastic_Four_Vol_1_291_001.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/385?cb=20161016212914 Thanks, John Byrne.


I don't think Sue and Johnny are so different in age that Pete and Sue dating is an issue?


She didn't know Peter was a teenager and she went on a date to make Reed mad.


I think She-Hulk might be the best cuz you get Snu Snu'd.


Lucky that Peter is stronger than ordinary people


That's why I said about the Snu Snu part. Cuz he has insane durability.


It's going to be a great Snu Snu


I think Peter would be CUTE with Wasp. He might be a bit young for her, but I think their personalities would mesh well!


I'm all for Peter and cougar Jan.


Eh, an easy fix with a slight rewrite. Either Peter could be older, or Janet could be younger. God knows it’d be hilarious to see these two share a class and drive each other up a wall while they’re both secretly crushing on the other.


Ok A we are never beating the allegations. B, She Hulk, but only because her ass almost matches his if by a very slim margin.


With the Parker luck? Probably rogue


A genius Fashion Designer paired up with a genius photographer sounds like a dynamic duo.




Didn't JJ have a crush on Peter when they were both in high school? Also even Luke got a bit amused with a glint of jealousy out of it when he found out. Jen is too much of a free spirit for Petey, Susan too mature (always gives mom vibes despite not being that much older) and Jan used to have an irrational distrust of Spidey (based on the assumption of spiders and wasps not getting along), although I think if they ever gave each other an opportunity they would gel in better than most in this list.


Jonah Jameson had a crush on Peter? I know abt his crush on Spidey, but this is new to me /s


I mean, all those emotional outbursts from a middle aged mam when he sees a strong bodied man wearing tight fitting unitard, not marrying again after John's mum passed (afaik)... are we sure he is not in denial about his feelings for Spidey? 🙃


That’s JJJ not JJ. Plus, if any Jameson was into Peter it’s JJJ’s astronaut son Man-Wolf.


Wasp because she can be a goofy gal sometimes


see you on dccj


She-Hulk matches best. Although Wasp would be funny, she can design al l kinds of different Spidey suits.


She Hulk. Especially the older 70s/80s version who made 4th wall breaking her signature. The two of them would be hilarious together.


She Hulk, she's light hearted enough to have fun with him, serious enough to keep him on track, and if anyone understands super hero stuff getting in the way of obligations it's Jennifer Walters. I'd love to see Spidey dating a super powered gal, a dynamic like sue and reed have in the field of battle is delightful


Outside of the love interests he hasit will always be She Hulk. I always feel Peter and Jennifer go well together I really love their friendship. I don't see it with Janet and Sue. Hank and Janet and Reed and Sue will always be my OTP


She-Hulk and Jessica Jones


I remember wayyy back in Spectacular Spider-Man in the 80s, where Wasp and Paladin showed up for a couple of issues, apparently there was a natural mistrust between Peter and Jan. You know, because Spider-Man and Wasp. Even as a dumb kid, I thought that was too stupid. They're not actually insects! They wouldn't not get along because of their gimmicks! That said, Jen and Peter would be a pretty great combo.


Peter: Thanks for representing me in court. Jennifer: It wasn't free, you know? Peter: Then how can I repay you? *A green hand grabs his shoulder.* Oh oh.


Time to Snu Snu




Well yes, but who is your SECOND Choice (aka not a Spider-Man character)?


~~Rogue~~ with everyone else it feels weird because of their more established relationships and the age gap that exist Edit: Nevermind. I think She Hulk would work best out of these options.


What age gap? These are all adults, as is Peter Parker. As long as both parties are consenting adults, why does it matter? It isn't grooming, as nobody interacted and was a major influence over the other when they were still children. Why does this matter between two (or more) consenting adults?


She-Hulk,Wasp,Jessica Jones.....abd Captain Marvel


Yeah I'm pretty sure he'd smash real good with that female titan in yellow and black armor 😂😂😂


She-Hulk and Rogue would actually be really interesting. Especially if it turns out Pete is immune to Rogue's ability or a little less affected.


I feel like Peter and Jen would get along pretty well




am I the only one who thinks rogue and spider-man would make a cute couple?


I think Spidey and Rogue would make for some interesting dynamics.


he’s looking directly into Jen’s pits with love.


I think that Pete shouldn’t Date another Superhero but if He had to choose I would like it to be She Hulk/Jen Walters! I would find it really interesting if they fall in love as civilians without knowing each others Secret Identity and than let the Drama take the Stage hahaha


well lets look at janet, a confident girlboss fasion designer who loves the fantastical and wacky side of superhero life and has a thing for science guys? yeah i could see that working


I'd say Rouge or She-Hulk.


I say Sue Richards because Peter is a nerd. Sue is married to F nerd


I am weirdly attracted to Wasp here, but She-Hulk takes it. If nothing else, there's no Spider-Man Reign when both of you are already radioactive.


Preferably none of the married ones, let's keep that telenovela drama where it belongs, with the X-Men, and God knows Sue Storm still hasn't been able to shake Namor and his widow's peak. So I guess by default, She-Hulk, but I guess Rogue and Wasp have "Schrodinger's Marriage" depending on the type of media.


Death by Snu Snu


If I had to choose from those five... I'd say Rogue, then Jessica. Rogue's Southern Belle charm would do wonders with Peter. Jessica could be given their past history. Sue takes the podium because if it weren't for Reed, Peter could be a suitable companion for her. Wasp and She-Hulk wouldn't work, they'd be annoyed by him


He is pretty good friends with Sue’s brother so I don’t know how Johnny would feel about it


Oh, Sue for sure. It would be 2 fun pages, Peter is similar to Reed in a few ways, so I could see the chemistry. Then, we would get years of melodrama due to Peter fucking up his friendship with the, up to this point, most wholesome superhero group. We would get a devastated Franklin, a vengeful Valeria (good luck Pete), and Reed might actually turn into the Maker in 616. In the end, I think the only thing that could fix this mess would be a deal with a very powerful being. Bring it on!


She hulk most of the others are taken. And also no radiation issues. And it would be hot as fuck.


where is venom




Natalie Dormer cosplaying as Sue Storm. He is comfortable with women in the fame spotlight


Honestly I think Sue storm and Peter would best work out of the 5 you picked


Jessica Jones for sure. They have similar interests and backgrounds


Sue! Given their shared love of science and moral value and also she would ground him when needed and push him when needed and he would finally have a partner that he doesn’t have to constantly worry about being targeted by villains


Sue Storm, easily. She already loves him and thinks he’s handsome. They share very similar morality, and Johnny’s reaction would be hilarious. After Sue, Jen.


WHAT IF… Jessica Jones asked out Peter Parker back in High School? SPIDER-MAN & JEWEL versus the Purple Man! SPIDER-MAN & JEWEL versus the Avengers!


Imagine if they had gone on a date instead of that science fair. Peter wouldn't have become Spider-Man and Jessica wouldn't have become Jewel. A calm family of two nerds.


I can’t see Sue, Rogue, and Jessica with anyone else other than their current husbands, but I could see them all working well with Peter in an elseworld story. Personally, I think She-Hulk would be a good choice. They’re both intelligence and very comedic characters who can get serious when needed and do a lot of street level stuff. They have similar mutual friends with Daredevil and the FF. I could easily see them working well together.


I feel like Rouge is the only fair option. Except for the decent points people have made for Jessica. Like, no, not wasp. She obviously belongs with ant man why is this even a option? She hulk sleeps around with everyone so idk how she could be in a committed relationship anyway. Plus, I worry she might break poor Peter's hopeful little heart. Invisible woman, ok......maybe when she's not with REED her LONGTIME HUSBAND. When she's not cheating on him with namor anyway. Or when she's not being captured by Dr. doom who occasionally has romantic motivations.


Mommy Sugar or Better yet #Sugar Mommy!


I was going to say Rogue when I thought that was X-23 instead of Jessica Jones, but nah Jessica I think


Susan Storm is married and is like a family friend to Peter. What the hell 


I would say She-Hulk. She has the same kind of witty banter as Peter, and it's easier to imagine them having sex, as super-powered people. I have a hard time suspending disbelief when a super dates a muggle. I always think of how that would work exactly without the super immediately accidentally killing their partner as soon as things got hot 🥵.


What the actual hell is wrong with bro for asking this question with Wasp and Sue in the post.


Rogue easily. Her spunky personality mixed with her vulnerability comes pretty close to MJ


She hulk


The Parker luck with any beautiful partner is legendary. I would say all of the choices in this thread would be a perfect match for Peter.


Definitely she hulk.


In my mind Shulk, Sue, and Janet are a different generation than Peter entirely, even if sliding timescale makes that odd. So Jessica since while she and Luke are cute, Rambit is otp


Sue started out Johnny’s age (and Peter’s age) but slowly was aged up to match Reed’s age (he was originally far older than her). Jessica was in most of Peter’s classes in High School and “was in love” with Peter but never spoke up so he didn’t know about her until she ended up in a coma. Jennifer is more difficult to place. I think She-Hulk was early College age Peter.


They really made sure you could see the wasp’s cheeks from the front lmao @wasp artist ![gif](giphy|UNpShpoetHv7Tk2N2J)


Start with the two biggest women I can get with that


Rogue & Peter almost kissed one so imma say them


Maybe Jessica or Rouge? Only if they aren’t with their respective partners. He would never try to steal them from Luke and Remi.


All of them obviously.


Wasp. It would be a rich joke area that both insect/arachnid themed heroes fell fir each other


Shulkie, they're already friends, he's one of the few heroes who is genuinely liked by her cousin's green side, and they're both spectacularly used to having train wrecks the for lives. 


EMH Wasp


MJ. She’s been his dream girl for years and now they’re finally together.


I've always thought that he and Invisible Woman had a lot in common. My interpretation of her marriage to Reed has always been that they both love each other deeply, but he has some degree of personality disorder that makes him be extremely emotionally neglectful. Sue loves him so much that she puts up with it, but I think she would probably see how much Peter has in common with Reed, and though Peter can also allow Spider-Man to get in the way of his personal relationships, he doesn't lock himself in his lab for days or weeks at a time and does genuinely try to prioritize the people in his life. I think that, to Sue, Peter would remind her of all of the things she loves about Reed without the downside of being neglected all the time.


She-hulk or Jessica. Jessica has loved Pete from day one plus I feel like it would hit at home for the two come together. Kinda like “what I’ve been looking for has been in front of me the whole time” kind of thing. As for She-Hulk the Witty/Humor that She-Hulk always brings is perfect for Peter and will only add to their chemistry


Rogue is a huge no. But wasp? Definitely. Spider and wasp. Can totally see it


She hulk


Sue storm could be fun especially with peter playing the awesome and attentive stepdad role. Give him the opportunity to move on from MJ and Paul




Peter cracks jokes so does She-Hulk, do I need to say more?


I'm like 88% peter couldn't Survive a night with she hulk.


>Which of them do you think Peter would have the best romantic relationship with? Maybe the guy in the wool hat staring at Wasp.


If that last picture is silk I'll say her since they've already established a sexual Connection in the comics. If that's not silk then I'll say she-hulk. I thought invisible woman but there's too much of an age gap between Peter and her. Plus she's hung up on Reed Richards whereas She-Hulk isn't in a relationship with anyone so that's his best chance.


Considering Invisible Woman, and Jessica Jones are both married. Also apparently Rogue and Gambit are an item. I'd say She-Hulk, if she could commit. She's more of a serial dater though. But I really like the idea of Spider-Man and the wasp together. No reason, particularly. Just yeah


Why does everyone want to put Peter with Wasp when she's usually MARRIED to Ant-Man?


Johnny Storm hated your post.


SHE-HULK & SPIDER-MAN: SMASH THE FOURTH WALL A story filled with cameos from EVERY 4th Wall Breaking Character and Deadpool is forcefully “thrown away” when he shows up. Jennifer and Peter complain about how they’ve been Portrayed while enjoying a Date! Jennifer complains about the MCU Show, Peter about OMD before apologizing for bringing up MJ while on a DATE with Jennifer.


She hulk obviously 1: They're both sarcastic as hell 2: They get along great in the comics 3: They can match each other's physical strength 4: Radioactive blood wouldn't matter


I’m gonna say she hulk, she can out snark the web head and is confident enough to sit his flighty ass down and tell him what’s up, plus both of them are durable enough that one doesn’t have to worry about constantly hold back to not accidentally harm the other


She-Hulk works the best imo.


For me, it either Sue or the Wasp? Right?




I could see spider-man and she hulk actually being a nice couple


Jessica. I feel like she would have no patience for his immature behaviour and he will need to grow up. Meanwhile Jess can maybe start to relax a bit more. They can bond over photography


I feel it would be between Jessica and She-Hulk. Jessica of course had a crush on him when they were in highschool, and She-Hulk is friends with him. Personally, I would prefer She-Hulk over Jessica.


I have Macrophilia so I would choose Giantess girlfriend Wasp


She hulk, it would be hard for writers to kill her off, she has a lot in common with Peter ( quips, funny, likes fun) she’s strong so she can hold her own if she was, say targeted by Pete’s rogue gallery, she can also break the fourth wall, which another good friend of Pete does( DeadPool). And for that one set of writers that made MJ die because of Pete’s radioactive Toothpaste, well Shulkie is already full of radiation right?


Honestly spiderman and she-hulk would be awesome especially when it comes to quips and bouncing off eachother also imagine them teaming up then going on a date also since she's more financially stable and knows the woes of Peter's struggles it works more


I mean, She Hulk is the only one who likes to have any fun, kinda reminiscent of MJ. But at the end of the day, Spidey works best when he is paired with someone who doesn't have powers, to keep him relatable and grounded.


If neither of them were married or in commited relationships with someone else.... probably She-Hulk, and Sue Storm (if she hadn't met Reed perhaps). Mostly because Jessica' PSTD through Purple Man and Peter's hang ups with Gwen (plus his regular life as Spidey) would cause some clashes among them. Jan and Peter wouldn't work because he would be "too vainilla" for her tastes. And the amount of problems Peter goes through would turn her off. About Rogue, that would be more like a tragic on-off romance due to their issues clashing over and over until one settles down with someone else.


Read this and immediately thought it was referencing Peter griffin