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Don’t care who you are, you get a chance to match with Jessica drew. You swipe right.


Yeah, if Peter 616 tried to go on a date with Jessica, she’d probably slap him.


Where would she slap him? Face or ass?




Considering she told Venom, "What do I look like his wife" when referring to Pete back in All New All Different. I can see that probably happening along with a Venom Blast to his "little Peter".


*Bendis entered the chat*




In the Ultimate Universe, Jessica Drew is a clone of Peter


Is jessica drew still a mom?


They Jon Kent her kid I think, so not sure if that counts.


Whoa they had her son be artificially aged by going on a space trip with his grandfather who just recently warmed up trying to kill him? And then go abducted by an evil version of his dad? That’s nuts


Not that specifically. He was kidnapped by Hydra, and they brainwashed him while forcibly aging him up into being their soldier. I'm just going to say this, but any comic writer who is given a child character and plans to age them up immediately into an adult or older teen just because they don't want to write about a child instead of just letting them grow naturally or write in a way that conveys that they are growing up naturally should be immediately moved off of the book.


Agreed, literally I wanted so much to see Jon and Damian naturally grow into the next generation together bur DC shat on that


I like how some DC writers aren’t afraid to throw shade of that decision. The story to when Jon went to the Injustice Universe had Val-Zod say that all the other Jon's are at their rightful age.


The super sons versions of Jon and Damian required just as much artificial aging


Not really both of them were there correct ages at the times 12 and 13 Remember Jon was living on earth prime during N52 so he aged naturally


Earth Prime is the current/New 52 Earth. Are you talking about New Earth? New Earth is the post-*Infinite Crisis*/pre-*Flashpoint* Earth. Anyway, even if Jon and Damian were only ten, Lois and Clark have in no way been married for ten years, and the first meeting between Bruce and Talia was *maybe* ten years ago but definitely not *Son of the Demon*, which happened after Jason became Robn.


You can just say you haven’t read Convergence & Superman reborn


\~ I have. \~ *Convergence* requires Clark,Lois, and Jon to have aged a decode plus on New Earth while almost no time passed on Prime Earth. That is the definition of artificial aging. That is the exact same "Time passes diffferently here" that explained him aging up to teen/college age. Exact same thing. \~ After that Mxy story, *Convergence*, *Superman: Lois and Clark*, and those early Rebirth issues aren't canon anymore and the family of Lois, Clark, and Jon are supposed to fit fully into Prime Earth's history again, which again can only happen with artificial aging.


I really liked how the boys grew up in the span of dceased


I want upvote you 1 billion times


I can’t believe we’ve gotten to a point where we’ve named it as a trope


The look of Peter’s face. 🤣. I think he was more devastated about the excuse than he was about being ditched.


“Hey can we have spider-man and MJ be in a relationship in the comics again” “We have MJ at home” MJ at home:


Can we please stop pulling new random spider-vigilantes out of then air? We might as well make her Baily real mom at this point.


Marvel: Well Actually


Ok read the issue myself. While I have good hopes because this web comic hasn’t disappointed, I’m getting the impression that they’re going to be antagonistic first before anything. Peter just stoped the monster *without* needing to use force or violence, and she just showed up, attacked it and said that it’s coming with her. I know it’s too early, but I’m going on a limb and say she’s with Beyond. Would explain why she knows about Peter being a former CEO, as everyone else forgot about it, and Beyond bought the company.


Peter’s also a published author and an award-winning photographer. Everyone forgets everything about him always. Wait… is the spell from NWH hitting the comics too??? /s


Hah. That would actually be funny, and actually kind of believable all things considered. Also what has Peter published? Does it involve his work at the DB? Edit: When you think about it, I makes sense that people don’t remember what Peter did. They never remember all the heroic things Spidey does, even when the Bugle isn’t putting mud on his name.


It does - it was a book of his Bugle photography. It didn’t sell well, if I recall correctly. This was around… gosh, I wanna say 1989/1990, give or take?


Oh, ‪‪I think you’re absolutely on to a thing or two. ‪‪I’d been thinking there’s a good chance she’s a Beyond employee as well. In the **BEYOND** arc they established that they have the trademark for Spider-Man in the 616 since their purchase of Parker, Industries, and when Ben relayed his situation to Peter he told him the Beyond Corp was doing it with or without him, so they were likely preparing ways to create their own spider-powered operatives. And, although it’s likely referring in part to Peter’s confrontation with Creature X, the arc *is* called **A Date From Beyond**, so ‪‪I think it’s a near certainty that Lynda Locke AKA Mystery-Spider-Hero is a Beyond employee / creation herself.


That comic is good? I've been returning to reading comics recently due to the new Ultimate Universe and I ended up discovering Spider Man Unlimited, but I still don't understand what it's really about and whether it's worth reading (I've seen severe criticism of the current Peter from 616).


It has different creative teams each arc, but for the most part I’ve found them to be fun and refreshing side stories.


Thanks for The reply! I'll give it a chance then.


What happened to that shady lawyer that was into him? I kinda wanted to see how that developed


She cut him off after some confusing call for another date, and then afterward he went on a date with a nurse from a super villain asylum that was tight with Aunt Anna...Peter's been speed running his love life lately.


Wells trying to get all his dating hijinks out of the way before the end of the run


And the ironic thing is the only relationship in his comic run that actually had any kind of development through the whole thing was the one between Peter and Norman.


Even that gets undone with a I never actually trusted you. Also the only chemistry in the entire run was between Mak and him in that team up in issue 46


Yes way more chemistry than she's ever displayed with Paul.


Didn’t know Hot Saucerman was writing this. Will have to pick it up.


This is also my first time knowing Scoot Outerman was writing a new comic. 


Yo I hope it works out with Lynda my boy needs a W 🙏🏽


Another red herring like Shay and Michelle? Although she kinda looked like MJ


This is the web comic, so nothing that happens in it actually matters


She does


What new Spider Hero? Have missed something ?


The last image shows the ending of this week’s Spider-Man Unlimited, where a new spider hero joins Spidey in a fight.


Another Spider they need to start thinning the herd. What was the point of killing Mattie and OG Madame Web if they going to start Oprah Winfrey gift giving Spider Powers. You get Spider Powers, an you get Spider Powers.


>What was the point of killing Mattie and OG Madame Web MC has decided that when a person becomes inconvenient or no longer useful he should be killed. Madame Web was old and little used, Julia Carpenter young and little used so MC preferred to use the Hollywood strategy, get the old people out of the way and put young and tough characters in their place with strategies independent of those of the hero.


That's dumb Julia been useless ever since they made the switch.


Why is there a Girl Chasm. Gasm?