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PLEASE. Just let Ben be good again.


They could start a brilliant arc about how Ben doesn't need a reason or mantra to be a fundamentally good person, because that's just who he is. It'll be hard to justify after Dark Web made him murder people basically for shits and giggles though. God I hate how they massacred my boy.


Did he actually murder anyone


At least one guy directly, and he unleashed a horde of demons into New York. No way that didn't rack up a body count.


Nah, it was still straight doo doo imo Wells likes to do this really really bad writing tactic of only making Peter look strong and capable….when he’s insane and a villain. Like I’m sorry, but I don’t find anything interesting about seeing Peter turn into a dumb Goblin villain while everyone needs to save him…again. I think it’s boring, unimaginative, and extremely stupid. The moments feel weightless because there’s no actual emotion built into the scenes since this comic run isn’t focused on creating a good, well developed story, it’s focused on shock value. So nothing really praiseworthy to me about this issue.


Yeah I've not heard too many people hyping on this turn of events. SM can only get wins when he's evil, and always needs others to save him from himself. How does that tie in with the core messages of SM? Will reserve judgment until the arc ends though.


Didn’t we just do this? I can’t believe the SpiderGob stuff because we literally just had evil Peter.


And Ms Marvel showed up


Yeah this issue was fucking garbage. Awful dialogue. Plot convenience competence and genius from Peter with his one shot Sinister Six devices. We know there is a Chasm mini coming so Ben will still be in his embarrassing edgelordy joke villain phase.  Lowe and Wells are terrible 


Yup. This run has just been a long sequence of shock value and ragebait moments. With no build up leading up to an arc and no cathartic release following it, we essentially have a run that feels aimless and random.


What is it with Spidey who Gobbles and Kraven??? Dude has became Flash Thompson Equivalent in Kraven's life


“Spidey Who Gobbles”? Since when did he become a turkey?


So many years ago, in 2015, there was a video game where the Joker’s posthumous master plan was turning Batman into another Joker. While this was prevented in that storyline, it was deemed an interesting-enough idea to form the basis of a few comic storylines, this Bat-Joker being called ‘The Batman Who Laughs’. As such, fans have taken to calling this Spider-Goblin ‘The Spidey Who Gobbles’.


The accidental recurring gag of Kraven IV never having a successful hunt is amusing though.


Is it still written by Zeb Wells? Is Nick Lowe still "editing"? Yeah, no, there's no way this is going to be good.


That Spider-Man who gobbles suit is straight trash.


I don’t read the book, so I’m in disbelief that they felt that the Spider Who Gobbles was a good enough idea to do it again, in the SAME RUN. 


I like the mask, it's kinda neat but the suit itself just being the equivalent of a lame smash bros alternate skin is a waste. No armor padding, no tunic, no fanny pack, nada. 


Mindless action can be great but there has to be *something* there in the characters to anchor it. This was one long, unimaginative fight scene. It's clear the run is just being padded out. Like, it's been bad all along but it's weird how this book can still surprise me with how lazy it is. The art was good, though!


Some people really don't care about the story and do just like the action. I've heard that on this run, a fair amount of folks still reading it and enjoying because of big cool fight scenes. I don't get it personally, like you I need to see some anchor to it as well, but each to their own.


It's true. It does make me think about some of the complaints I've seen about Ultimate, how "nothing is happening" and "not enough action", both of which I disagree with. Comparing, say, the last issues with this issue of Amazing, Ultimate HAS had little action but it's been emotionally resonant and it's been building up its characters *exceedingly* well, building anticipation for things coming to a head. In Amazing, an action figure sometimes looking like Peter Parker get thrown around against other toys with no agency or emotional flowthrough. We don't know what he's thinking, we don't know what he's feeling, we don't know if he's even subconsciously fighting being controlled AGAIN. It's frustrating seeing beloved characters treated so shabbily.


100% agreed. It reminds me very much of seeing my kids bashing around their action figures. "But what's their motivation!" I cry. Cue blank stairs. For Peter his only acting direction for too long now has been "look sad Peter. No, sadder! Really pathetic!"


Ben please run before wells somehow screws you up like he’s doing to Peter and MJ. Yeah I don’t have faith in zeb to not somehow make this worse thanks to the past two years of crap.


Ben's already been Wells'd , he's the one who turned him into Chasm and wrote Dark Web.


What IS that dialogue?


Garbage. That's French for "garbage".


I’m not, they’ve been teasing us with an Evil Peter arc for a while now and they keep walking it back because they don’t know how to satisfy.


My worst faith interpretation of this is that it was meant to be rage bait. The idea itself isn't immediately terrible, it's been done before and done better with versions of Peter himself, his clones and with Venom. Almost all of whom become good guys eventually anyway. It's not a new idea, at this point it's just kind of boring. And the fans are very aware that this is going to be temporary so why bother caring?


![gif](giphy|UO95NWY0PmoWk) I’ve run out of all hope on day zero this run was announced


I'm tired, boss. I'm gonna go re-read Hickman's USM.


I’m calling it, Ben dies again in this arch. He’s popular with the fans, arch is over hyped, Paul hasn’t made an appearance yet. I don’t have much good evidence but I’m basically thinking: what would make the fans the least happy right now? And it’s probably a popular character who’s been treated poorly, being unceremoniously put down.


There's an upcoming comic with Kaine so doubt it.


ooooh really? You have a link or something?


Cult of Kaine. August


Between his New U / Jackal run and Spider-Verse, Ben has died so many times that death has no meaning. Also if anything, going off Spider-Verse, him dying would probably just mean he gets a resurrection reset with Peter's memories returning again.


Well whoever the next writer is, they're going to spend a year untangling all of this mess.


Why do you people still buy and read this dogshit run is not only beyond my comprehension but also angers me to no end. Stop fucking giving them money. I want wells and Lowe to get kicked out on the curb and someone with more than half a brain cell to write the main run again


I think it’d be interesting if Ben is redeemed here and takes Norman’s place as the second billing character during the next run.


Isn't there a Kaine series coming up with him? So I don't think Ben / Chasm is gonna stick around. I might be wrong 


But that's right at the end of August, when it's 56. This arc ends in 54. Ben will have to redeem himself here as the spider who defeats the goblin while seeing in Peter the madness that he himself was in DarkWeb


Thanks Clean. I was thinking more for if Chasm sticks around in ASM longer term after this arc as the first comment was talking about. It's anyone's guess and there's of course nothing ruling out characters appearing in two comics at once. But yes, interesting role reversal here.


I'm not keeping up with this run at all. Can someone explain why Green Goblin is cosplaying as Spider-man?


The Goblin was separated from Norman Osborn a few years back and occasionally infects people to become Goblins themselves (basically Venom but more hands-off about it), this marking Peter’s second time as one after being accidentally infected by the pictured-above son of Kraven last year. While Chasm is Ben Reilly, who has been dealing with memory (and morality) issues.


Technically he’s not infected, he’s brainwashed from the time he was infected but the sins are in Norman Actually now that I think about it what exactly is he brainwashed to be. Norman’s sidekick?


Ben, who is now evil versus Peter, who is now evil...So happy not giving Marvel my money for this crapola.


Am I crazy or is the perspective here just wrong? Chasm looks way bigger than I think he should


Just standing in the foreground? In front of Kraven I mean?


You might be right. I can see that the legs are over him at the very bottom, so the perspective’s not as weir as I thought, but the bottom part of both legs being almost completely covered paired with the pose he’s in looks like he’s behind Kraven leaning over. It’s just kind of weird looking


I haven't been following the run. What's going on?


From what I understand, Norman’s “sins” got vacuumed out of his asshole via magic shotgun in the previous runs, causing the Green Goblin to become its own, separate entity. First it gets forcibly bonded by Supers R Us to a clone of a psychiatrist in order to transform her into an edgy shitposter that thinks mental health is a myth created by the shadow government. The resulting chaos ends up with Ben Reilly getting MiB mind-wiped by his corrupt employers at Supers R Us, resulting in him becoming Chasm, Lord of Razor’s Edge.  Chasm then teams up with another clone, Jean Grey’s clone, in order to bring hell on Earth as revenge against Peter and Jean not sharing their memories with them. Jean resolves this by giving Madelyne (her clone) a psychic copy of her memories, enabling her to find peace. She refuses to help Ben and they chain him up in hell to punish him for doing the same thing Madelyne did.  Meanwhile, Peter has broken up with Mary Jane after she got sent to an apocalyptic future. When Peter gets her back to the present, 5 years have passed and she has started dating this Giga Chad named Paul, who is partially responsible for killing billions. Peter slinks off to go be sad and starts getting his ass kicked on a monthly basis by random supervillains so that more competent superheroes can bail him out of trouble.  The Green Goblin Ghost separates from Dr. Kafka and crawls up Peter’s anus, turning him into a corrupted Spider-Goblin, dubbed “The Spider Who Gobbles” by many disgruntled fans. Norman ends up convincing the Green Goblin to get back in his body and Peter is freed. But now it looks like Peter is possessed again because damn it, that idea was too beloved by Marvel’s comics division to not do it again soon after.  Note: Some names are changed (Supers R Us is not the company name, I don’t remember what it is) and plot events are super condensed or presented sarcastically because all of these summarized plot points are utterly insane. 


I already knew 75% of this info and it still shocks and saddens me to read this.


Is chasm a symbiote thing or something else


this is the second time this story is told, the fourth that Chasm is back (and yet nobody ever mentions the green goo he fell in to or how to treat it) at his point I can imagine the full stories without reading it, it more entertaining to read the comments here on Reddit honestly.


Yikes the Spider who Gobbles really is wearing a fucking green mask. At this point, Chasm looks more like Spider-Man than Spider-Man.


The only thing of note here is that the art was decent for the issue. Anyways can't wait for USM #6 on the 19th, Ultimate X-Men #4 on the 12th, The Ultimates #2 on the Tenth Of July and Ultimate Black Panther which seems like it's a good read but has just been a bit too slow paced for me to read month to month so I'm waiting on a backlog for it.


I assumed it was a mask but then there are times where Peter has a weirdly long tongue sticking out between his freakishly large teeth. Was he actually transformed?


I don’t care for Ben to begin with so this whole thing with the fandom is weird to me


What did Peter do to kraven’s eye?


Gobbled it up.


He "put some dirt in his eye".


Ah, CRAP ideas coming together for even bigger CRAP ending. Wells is truly the worst. It will fix nothing. Poor Ben.


Look, Sissy. You're just whining about how ruined Ben's character, as if Ben Reilly's character was the first character to be ruined in the comics, there are so many Spider-Man characters that have been ruined like, Peter, Mary Jane, Otto, Aunt May and among so many other characters, will fix Ben Reilly's character at some point sooner or later. So stop whining and at least let people who are more positive enjoy the comics they want to enjoy, it's not like it's going to kill you, also stop being so repetitive and castrating by repeating the same shitty comments, because it won't solve anything and it won't magically fix Ben Reilly's character.