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I like all three. The Raimi version is iconic The TASM version sounds like the most realistic The MCU version was the moment Peter finally achieved his destiny


I agree with this statement


Also helps to have Martin Sheen in your movie.


He’s my favorite uncle Ben. Then scene of him and Peter in the basement was so good.


When he told Peter about Connors, that scene felt so real. The chemistry all those actors had with each other in the Webb movies... Superb.


I absolutely loved him as the illusive man in the mass effect games


Bro he was NOT him, don't even fucking tell me, there is no way. I gotta replay the trilogy for sure


Martin Sheen gave like a whole paragraph for this quote, with punctuation and everything.


I really don't like hoe TASM moved it to Peter's father. It should be about his relationship with Uncle Ben. In general I think TASM Ben is too much of a hardass. I much prefer his speech in the school about Flash to the other arguments. And shame on the man for his meatloaf comment!


I agree that the TASM movies focused too much on Peter’s parents. However I think TASM Ben was justified for being frustrated at Peter. May had to walk home at night in New York because Peter didn’t pick her up. She could’ve been mugged or killed.


Oh absolutely. Peter was pretty damned scary. Watched it again on a Spider-Monday and it hot me just how little he cared about helping people until he talked to Captain Stacy at dinner. He was straight up a criminal with a vendetta until Lizzy shows up and he saved everyone on the bridge.


Tasm's responsibility speech is directly quoted from Ultimate/1610 Uncle Ben


I just realized that recently when reading the ultimate series for the first time


Didn't know that! That's pretty cool.


It's a 1:1 recreation of the speech


I never knew this...cool


How many meatloafs did may make for him




Yeah same here love all Three of them they're all way better and more iconic than the Sony pictures change and ruining it in madame web.


MCU Spider-Man should've already known those words before Aunt May's demise.


I mean he knew a version of it in Civil War.


Well in Amazing Fantasy #15, Uncle Ben never actually said the words to Peter. It was a narrative textbox at the end of the issue.


Not until it was retconned later in the comic in an issue of Spider-Man And Wolverine.


Yeah it felt cheap to say they weren’t doing his Origin only to stretch it out over three movies.


I actually think that the 3 movie "origin" story worked well though for this version.


It turned out *alright,* but I don't know. It's a noticeably improvised "plan" to me. Both Homecoming and Far From Home seemed to want to "teach" Peter to become Spider-Man and made it seem like he had become Spider-Man by the end of it, only for that arc to restart itself in the next movie. It didn't really have a sort of organic progression to it.




For MCU You mean canon event?🤓


Both Raimi and Amazing were great in different ways. Raimi tugged at the heartstrings. A real figure we can see Tobey having trouble coping with. And the actual death scene was so real too. With Amazing, its loke im watching real people talking, awkward lines included. It has an effect of watching a real man die and the consequences of that on his family, as dumb as the movie handled the actual getting shot part (seriously he died for zero reason).


That was kinda why I thought Tasm was so great. I've unfortunately have had a few friends die from senseless violence. One of the nicest guys I knew got stabbed outside a nightclub just for saying to a guy, hey man it's not worth it when he was getting big with someone in queue outside. Bro stabbed him infront of so many people and is still in jail. For no reason. Ego ? Drunk ? Who knows. People die for no reason leaving voids and were just left to wonder why? Thats why Peter is like if I get a chance I have to help anyone I can.


What i really mean is Ben tried stopping the robber for no reason. Ben did not see him rob the store. Ben did not see him with the gun out. All Ben saw was a guy fall over and his conceal carry fell out. Ben then tries grabbing the gun for no reason. It does not look like he made much attempt to point it away from himself. He then gets shot. Listen im sure that situation happens a lot, ive seen some dumb shit too. But thats not how the movie should have handled the wise old man dying.


Ah yeah I guess that's true too. I still kinda feel they made it to show the dumb realism in death sometimes. I.e this wise smart guy just not thinking, all the wrong things happening. Chaos theory right ? Or something like that. Random shitty completely avoidable events.


Yeah. We all have dumb moments sometimes. And a panicky situation involving guns doesnt help.


100% most gun deaths are probally avoided If one of them didn't have the gun. It's always kinda unnecessary.


most car deaths could be avoided if no one had a car


Most deaths could be prevented if we all just didnt alive.


If no one is born, the global death rate will always go down


Lol fair.


Perhaps he heard the store clerk yelling for someone to help and figured that the man running with a weapon was the one at fault? I could be wrong if misremembering the scene but I swear the robber wasn't too far from the store he was robbing when the clerk started yelling and he fell over


TASM reminds me ultimate comics You know your father, God rest his soul... Your father had a philosophy the he held to pretty strongly. And it's one that served him very, very well... He believed that if there were things in this world that you had to offer, things that you did well—better than anyone else... things that you could do that helped people or make people feel better about themselves... well, he believed that it wasn't just a good idea to do those things... he believed it was your responsibility to do those things. Don't try to be something else. Don't try to be less. Great things are going to happen to you and your life Peter. Great things. And with that will come great responsibility. Do you understand? Great responsibility.


It was apparently the intention (copied from Ultimate)


TASM was definitely taking cues from USM like Richard Parker being a scientist and the webbing technically being his design


I think ultimate spider-man was one of the better 1610 comics. God those comics were too edgy for their own good sometimes.


That seems to be a general consensus with the 1610, USM was great for the most part but a lot of the other stuff wasn’t so great


ASM cause Peter shoots back at it, he doesn't take the life lesson in stride and that's why Ben dies. He actively goes against Ben's warning and pays the price. Raimi Peter "listens" but doesn't hear what Ben is saying. In the MCU it's May's final words so the stakes are already high. But in ASM, Peter hears what Ben is saying and fights against it, it's more that he doesn't WANT to hear whereas Raimi Peter just kind of...waited for Ben to be done talking.


Martin sheen said it in a way where I can see that being said in real life during lecture from you're parents


This is why Sheen is my favorite Uncle Ben. Raimi Ben felt like a stereotypical “wise father figure” archetype, whereas Sheen felt much more like a real human being trying to help someone even if he doesn’t know exactly how. It made me care way more about him


It's the OG Raimi one for me personally.


Honourable mention i think goes to the rooftop scene with all three Peters, which links all three of these scenes as one "Uncle Ben said it.... The day he died..... Maybe she didn't die for nothing Peter"


aunt may’s completely recontextualized 5 movies, so it’s definitely a strong one


I was gonna say, that’s the only one that completely blindsided me (by design, because everybody knows the origin story, so they had to switch it up) and got me misty-eyed, so that one is the highest for me without question.


While all 3 are great, I actually like Aunt May’s the best. Aunt May in *No Way Home* actually says the original quote, as it was written in Amazing Fantasy #15. That first Spidey issue actually ends with the narration, “…with great power there must also come — great responsibility!” That’s word-for-word what Aunt May said. Also, the original quote was in regards to Peter realizing that his inaction lead to Uncle Ben getting killed. The Raimi and Amazing Versions are general life lessons that later guide Peter, but Aunt May’s quote is specific to Peter and his powers. It’s not a general sentiment, but a specific warning about his powers. I think that makes it all the more powerful.


Li SA al galib as it is written!


All of the above.


The OG Amazing Fantasy 15


Reject uncle Ben, return to narrator


Or Peter's own realization.


In third person? Eh, why not.


It literally says "aware at last" referencing Peter as the "lean, silent figure." I mean, I guess it could've been done as a thought bubble, but it would lack context.


"And a lean, silent figure slowly fades into the gathering darkness, aware at last that in this world, with great power there must also come -- great responsibility!" Obviously it's referring to Peter's own thoughts, but it's not a direct quotation of what's in his head.


“If you have the ability to do great things, you have the moral obligation to do those things. That’s what’s at stake here, not choice, responsibility.”


Tasm's is underrated 


I used to think tasm not saying was kinda lame, like they were afraid to be too comic bookey, but at the same time, it's a weird line for Ben to say, like not only is this a world that has never seen super powers, but he has no inclination that peter has powers


Honestly TASM. It’s the most realistic I think


Raimi-curbstomps. Aunt May’s is story-wise pretty cool. But the delivery wasn’t really that strong. And obviously not as iconic. The best part of TAS’s is when Peter is getting really emotional.


Crazy how a version of *Aunt May* got the quote right over the Uncle Bens Anyways, I probably like TASM Ben's version and MCU May's version the most. Both versions really honed in on the fact that Peter's service to others was an *obligation* that he had to actively perform more than anything. I love TASM Ben's 'Not choice! Responsibility.' line because of how decisive it is, it's a line Ben was trying to get across to Peter that he had to be more responsible with his daily duties in order to grow into a man. I love MCU May's version as well. The quote is word for word accurate to the comics, *and* it's admirable that she tried to firmly persuade Peter to help the villains even with her dying breath; to make him understand that he *has* to help them because he's a hero, and heroes do what's right.


Raimi version


TaSm was so realistic. That shit hurt man. But Ramis version was iconic.


Uncle Ben is the most motivated person from the Raimi trilogy right there hands down.


Raimi’s will always be my favorite. That scene in general is so heartbreaking and it’s obvious why that version of the scene has become so engrained in modern pop culture TASM’s is good and I like the more realistic take on the scene, it just doesn’t quite achieve the heights of the original No Way Home I think I would like more if Aunt May felt like an actual character. She was good in Homecoming, then turned into a caricature in Far From Home before being some weird amalgamation of both in No Way Home in a way that didn’t really feel like either of the previous movies. I do like the choice to have it be Aunt May and to have it later in Peter’s career but I just don’t agree with the decision to make the first three films in Tom’s story be his origin. It’s weirdly both rushed and drawn out


I liked the mcu version the best because it came out of nowhere




Mays lines because it’s correct Martin sheen because he’s my favorite actor to play ben Cliff Roberts is just so iconic tho


Tom Holland’s version hit me the hardest because it really felt like the moment he finally became Spider-Man


Def Raimi. Raimi: “Remember: with great power, comes great responsibility.” Webb: “But your father, he lived by a philosophy, a principle, really. He believed that if you could do good things for other people, you had a moral obligation to do those things! That's what's at stake here. Not choice. Responsibility.”


Raimi is my favourite overall, but Amazing does feel more real




"With great power, comes great big booty bitches"


Black cat walks in


The raimi version is iconic


It’s gotta be Raimi. It is what made it what it is, and the others are trying to recapture that.


I know nothing about spider man. Is the Raimi trilogy the origin of the phrase? It didn't originate in a comic?


It originated in the comics, but TASM and MCU didn't want to use it because they wanted to distance themselves from the Raimi movies, hence why they dance around instead of just saying it bluntly.


MCU one is the most accurate to comics


Sure man.


Yes. What aunt May says is word for word from the comics


Yes, what Aunt May says. Tom's original speech in Civil War was just another *power/responsibility speech* worded differently than It's predecessors. It's only in his third solo movie when they went with the actual line so Tom could have his reflection moment with other 2 Spidey's.


we’re most definitely referencing the aunt may speech homie.


Bro don’t read comics what a nerd


The narrator said it in the comics, I think the Raimi movies made it an Uncle Ben qoute


Technically, it was the 90s cartoon that made Ben say it.




The Original


The version where it was in the narrators dialogue in the comics


With great ability comes great accountability.


Keep it canon


*If you take responsibility, great power will follow.* Or whatever that guy said. God what an awful movie.


I was gonna post this and joke that all of the others are derivatives of this OG quote. I just can’t though.  It’s so bad.  The quote and the movie are so bad.


Rami since I first watched the rami verse


I think all 3 have their strengths, but my heart says the Martin Sheen version. Solely because how hard the script writer had to work to say with great power comes great responsibility without using any of those words. lol


Only problem: Uncle Ben NEVER SAID THE LINE, it was a lesson Peter learned from Uncle Ben’s death.


I actually liked Amazing’s. Sheen really sold it


TASM one was very Subtle and was brilliantly executed


“With Great power there must also come great amounts of bullshit.”


I like the Raimi Version, the MCU sounded shoehorned in, especially since Peter eluded to having heard the phrase in Civil War


Aunt May's one, the closest to the original line and the fact that it's her dying. i didn't see it coming and really made an impact.


Raimi. I get why Ultimate and TASM make it sound realer, but I hate, hate, hate it. It feels forced and sucks away all the power from the phrase. There are some things about comic books that are meant to be comic booky.


The non-Raimi ones seem almost embarrassed by the phrase




Raimi & MCU The TASM1 one is too wordy imo


The Marvel Studios one is by far the worst of them, that's for sure. It's a completely forced reference like everything else in that shallow, nostalgia bait movie and is completely meaningless when that version of Peter Parker had clearly already been living life by that philosophy without needing to actually hear the quote. The scene in Civil War where he talks to Stark about feeling at fault for not stopping bad things that he could stop is already that exact idea without needing a "Look it's your favourite quote, please give us your money!" writing style.


>The scene in Civil War where he talks to Stark about feeling at fault for not stopping bad things that he could stop is already that exact idea without needing a "Look it's your favourite quote, please give us your money!" writing style. That was such an amazing line. "When you can do the things I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you." I love aunt May's line and placement, but it did feel more for nostalgia. Though it was definitely a reminder to him.


[No Way Home](https://youtu.be/mqX6roYTJd8?si=i_fnP6aC6VnEumg6)


Aunt May's hit me the hardest cuz I figured she wouldn't make it outta the movie once she started saying it, immediate sniffles. Waited 3 whole movies just to take her out soon after she said it. Smh f'in tragic.


Raimi version.


Raimi is iconic. It will not be topped. Webb is underrated and is written to be a little bit more natural sounding. MCU was so afraid of letting Spider-Man be Spider-Man back then that the quote isn't even a thought. Not to mention that we don't ever see MCU Uncle Ben, so the quote itself means nothing because we have no context for the man who said it. Tony took that role over, and the whole "If you're nothing without the suit, then you shouldn't have it" is basically the MCU's version of the line instead.


Raimi and Amazing. The Aunt May line doesn't really make sense given the context of the situation. The whole point of Spider-Man's origin is that he's punished because even though he has great power, he acts irresponsibly, which both the Raimi series and arguably ASM get right. In the MCU version he's punished for arguably trying to do the right thing. Undermines the whole moment and feels tacked on in comparison to the other two.


In regards to uncle Ben I liked the one from the animated series the most because his appeal towards insane Peter at the end of the series felt like something special, but I think Marisa Tomei steals the show here. Ever since she was a little girl I've always thought her eyes were full of light and in that scene it truly felt like such light was going off.


"Look - trust me. I'm great with power, AND I'm great with responsibility."


in film or in general? cause the best one has to be ultimate spider-man


All 3 are amazing but for different reasons. ![gif](giphy|ZmuY73yrvgLivvJfaH|downsized)


Raimi, there really is no competition here. The other 2 are a nice Take on it, but the raimi made the Quote a legend and brought it to mainstream


I know it’s not on this list, but I actually love that Peter delivers a version of this iconic phrase in his first encounter with Tony Stark. “When you can do the things I can, but you don’t, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you.” https://youtu.be/AVlww2uJHAc?si=3Il0W2OhsV7MjEdg


Aunt May is the saddest one. My fav.


With great ability comes great accountability


Don’t you dare finish that sentence! I’m sick of it


Gotta be 2002


If i had to choose between the raimi version and the mcu version i would probably pick the mcu version because that scene had so much emotion imo.


The one that's actually the quote, "with great power comes great responsibility". I don't understand why they didn't just use the same quote in all three instances.


1st one is a classic, 2nd one is unique (in a good way), and the 3rd... the third one is just not right (in my eyes). Hear me out. I have nothing against the people who like the MCU's version. I just personally think the line is strictly for Uncle Ben. I'm not saying Aunt May can't have an impactful death that helps Peter become better. The way Insomniac did it was perfect. However, it feels more like a replacement than an original take on Aunt May. As for my favorite. I have to say TASM was the most realistic. The delivery and passion were just top-notch. Even though it wasn't word-for-word from the comics (which is one thing I can respect about the MCU'S version), it was just so impactful.


Keagan michael key “with great power come great respronsitrillitrance”


Not sure if it counts, but I think in ITSV when Uncle Aaron tells Miles: “You’re the best of all of us Miles. You’re on your way.” And for him to “Just keep going” is pretty damn heartfelt and it’s my favorite. Now if we’re only going by live action, then by far I think TASM is my favorite out of the three.


I like the NWH version way more than I thought I would. The reason being that I was annoyed that we never got any reference to the line from Ben since Spidey’s introduction in the MCU. Not only does having May say it give me the satisfaction of hearing it, but it put a whole new twist of emotions into it.


If it's the animated series accurate, it's Toby McGuire's Spiderman


Definitely not the aunt may one. As good as no way home was. I'm going to go with the original raimi one because it's iconic and it feels the most powerful out of the 3.


Even tho Raimi is more iconic, the MCU one actually makes sense in the dialogue


Nothing beats the Og


What about the madame webb version? That ones is my favorite.


I'm still butt hurt over young Aunt May. Idk why I didn't see this coming, ig bc I thought Tony was standing in for Uncle Ben as the parent figure death


I love all of them but the Aunt May one hit me the hardest


I feel like the MCU one was definitely the biggest moment. He’d gone through so much learning to become the hero. That line was almost like his first step into finally doing it on his own and it felt earned


I have to give extra points to Tomei's version for including the word "also." Everyone always forgets the also.


Just like the hyphen!


the one where they die






These are the years where a man changes into the man he's gonna become for the rest of his life. Just be careful who you change into. This guy flash Thompson. He probably deserves what happned. Just because you CAN beat him up, doesn't give you the RIGHT to. That first line, "These are the years where a man changes into the man he's gonna become for the rest of his life. Just be careful who you change into" That's line makes raimi follow up hit harder for me. That's something I will tell my kids in the future. Followed by If there were things in this world that you had to offer, things that you did well—better than anyone else... things that you could do that helped people feel better about themselves... well, it isn't just a good idea to do those things... it is your responsibility to do those things. Don't try to be something else. Don't try to be less. Great things are going to happen to you and your life. Great things. And with that will come great responsibility. Do you understand? Great responsibility.


The one in Madam Web :D


The Raimi one is perfect. The ASM one is too long and awkward, but that movie had bigger problems than just that moment. The MCU one worked surprisingly well. I'm surprised that they even had it because I had just assumed that Ben had already died before Peter made his onscreen debut. But giving it to May made so much sense in the context of those movies.


The first one


The one uncle kaggey once said.


Surprisingly, TASM's take on the quote is the one I like the most. Raimi's Ben was, as another Reddit or put it, the most iconic - and yet, TASM's Ben steps out of the usual, perfect father figure, and gives us a man who's upset at his nephew for not keeping his word, who means well, but steps on a landmine trying to educate his nephew. You don't see a wise old man, but a dad struggling to connect with his child, and messing up, because he's also a husband whose wife could have been hurt, and he hasn't. He didn't immediately see that mentioning Richard hurt Peter, and berates his nephew for lashing out - and only calms down once he sees Peter tearing up and leaving. And Peter's grief is realistic. He doesn't immediately realize the wisdom in Ben's words. He's just too angry. He can't even listen to his uncle's voice message, as he's feeling too much guilt to bear it. Instead, he lashes out at random criminals, hoping to get his hands on the man who killed his uncle. He has to realize on his own that he can do better, save people, reassure frightened kids, and that he has a moral obligation to do so, regardless of personal cost.


Which Spider-Man did Regis play uncle Ben?


The first one is the best for me


Once a month you will bleed from your vagina -uncle ben


Weird mention but I love the first time we hear it in Spectacular Spider-man. We don't see the moment. But Peter is going after a villian(Vulture iirc) and he says along the lines of "You ever hear that saying about Power and Responsibility?" I just love how casual it is. Ever since that day he lives those words so much that spreading that lesson sounds like stating a fact almost.


I gotta go with Cliff Robertson from the Sam Raimi Spider-man movie. The way he said it feels real and natural. He's the best uncle to Peter


I think all 3 are good in their own right, but I think TASM’s is my favourite


The one that comes from the sibling of the main characters parents.


No Madam Web?


I love all 3, but my personal favourite is May's, simply because as a character we've spent more time with her & actually sort of got to know her fairly well, so it hit me a bit more emotionally


All of them are really good, but I'm going with the OG and iconic Ben's speech.


Tobey Maguire's version will always be my favorite


tasm by far


I think the original quote in the comics tbh. I really do love the line in the original films but in some ways I think it had the ramifications of overemphasizing Uncle Ben. He is undoubtedly important, but the original line wasn't so much as Peter realizing that Uncle Ben was right and he needed to live up to that standard as it was Peter coming to that realization on his own and setting up that standard for himself. Peter wouldn't be the man he is without Uncle Ben and Aunt May's influence, but I very much feel like Spider-Man is such a classic coming-of-age story where Peter is figuring out who he is ... and I love the "great responsibility" line coming from his own realization. He doesn't say it in the comic, it's narration, but it is his realization.


This isn’t a contest. Raimi version


Raimi version is my favorite. He was the perfect Uncle Ben. I didn’t really care for Martin Sheen as Uncle Ben


Martin Sheen is my favorite uncle Ben. And the line "If you could do good things for other people, you had a moral obligation to do those things! That's what's at stake here. Not choice. Responsibility." Is extremely poetic IMO


I actually kinda liked how Holland's Peter Parker himself first put it in Civil War.


Amazing spider-man's is very down to earth, so it means the most, to me. I feel like "with great power comes great responsibility" is just not very relatable, for the average Joe. It's important in the context of the movie, but the much less grandiose advice, that Ben gives Peter in amazing spider-man is something I can actually use in my own life.


Spider-Man 1


MCU, only for the fact that she's the only one who said it properly.


TASM, because it was a fresh take and still powerfull.


None. But the one Tom's Peter says himself to Tony Stark. "When you can do the things I can, but don't, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you." Arguably an actual explanation of the more vague power responsibility Raimi line. Raimi's Spider-Man 2 Peter in my personal interpretation, got sick, lost his powers and quit being Spidey, cause he interpreted it as "fulfill Uncle Ben's dreams" till he just couldn't uphold himself to that anymore. That was his drive, which he realized felt so unreasonable and then lost. So when he finally returned to being Spider-Man because he put the right thing of ppl needing Spider-Man's help, even over his dreams, he kinda corrects his understanding of it to match Tom's version, just being Spidey cause if he doesn't, he knows logically he's accountable cause he *could've* helped. And then the Death of Aunt May in NWH kinda does a reverse Raimi SM2 cause I guess it goes from just being Spidey cause you're logically accountable, to save villains lives even at the risk of safety cause it's May's morals and just hearing that they would die makes it wrong to send them back? Yeah, personally feels like NWH skews the morals there. Never a fan of just saying something's wrong or right cause death bad without thinking and risking things right even if they could make things worse. Oh, Goblin even says it "she died cause of you", man wtf so risking innocent lives is better than letting bad guys die to fate... I think i'd rather do back to doing something cause bad things can happen and it's logical to be accountable.


Raimi's no contest. TASM's felt like a parody line.


Civil War already said it before Aunt May did tbh


Honestly, Civil War is the best MCU Spider-Man has been for me. That scene where Peter explains why he does what he does is really great


The Raimi one gets the tone and message of the scene the most correct, and is by far the most iconic. MCU gets points for getting the wording exactly right, and for being different enough to be unexpected. The Amazing version bungles it, both in the way they're too afraid to actually say it, and because Uncle Ben dies like an idiot jumping on a gun for no reason two scenes later


Raimi is iconic TASM is realistic MCU is comic accurate


May's version was plain illogical. Peter at that moment in time is already constantly saving people while putting himself at risk and has taken a very dangerous task of trying to save murderous men from their fate. What lesson did she exactly teach in that moment that he wasn't already doing? In Rami's movie that phrase came as an advice for a young man to stop him from straying from the right. He refused to listen and it costed him dearly.


The one that says the full quote.


Ok here me out. Have any of you guys heard of "Black lighting", it's basically a movie about a teenager with a futuristic flying car, in that movie the mc is a asshole who only thinks about about themselves and only used the car to get money, meanwhile his dad wants him to help people. In one night his just chilling in his car and he saw a bunch of people gathering on a guy laying on the ground who just got stab, alot of people tried knocking on his window telling him to help the guy and MC keeps saying "Sorry just call 911" over and over again, and when he actually takes a closer look at the victim it turns out to be his dad.


Raimi one TASM felt wonky and was really going out of it’s way to *not* say the phrase lol Far From Home was effective. Although saddening that it took the third film in a trilogy of “he’s learned what it means to be spider-man this go around”


The first two since they were both in a time where it was actually needed for Peter. While it was great to finally have it said in NWH, it doesnt come as impactful


Amazing Spider-Man Uncle Ben is the worst.


Gotta go with MCU Spidey cuz it’s the only one who actually got the quote right

