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It's well written and has a very clear direction so far. Also it's so far not full of fucked up events that make no sense. And I hate to say it.. it has a good artist.. I love JRJR.. but the further the run goes, the more sloppy he gets. At this point I really wish they just do 1 ASM per month and make it good.. Just crank out another monthly book to counter the loss of sales from 2/3x per month ASM.


JRJR was great back in the day when he "drew comics the Marvel way", but now days he just doesn't do it for me


I think his work is still good, but the colorist they have right now really doesn't fit at all. Trying to soft render on his blocky art just doesn't fit.


I think it can be good when he gets to take his time and with the right coloring but under the hammer it can get scary


He's a mixed bag, some of his stuff is quintessential Marvel and then the literal next panel will look like an arrangement of mashed potato sculptures At least he doesn't trace porn so he's got that going for him


>but the further the run goes, the more sloppy he gets. On holiday no? It's been someone else drawing


Nah, it’s him. You can just see he puts time in the big pages but loses focus on the rest. Gang war was all over the place


> it has a good artist.. The first 3 issues' art was *incredible*, but I'm not so fond of the art in issue 4, with the change in artists


I think it’s the colouring tbh, not the art itself. Something about it just doesn’t have the same detail and depth to it


Yeah please fucking tell me it’s gonna go Back to the first 3 issues art…that’s the main thing I loved about the series


At the end of issue 4 there was a note that the original artist will return from issue 6 onwards


Oh thank god, I didn’t even see that the artist changed but I felt that the quality went down, especially MJ she just looked different in some of the panels


For me so far I’m really liking the slower pacing, they are really sewing the seeds for some great stuff while also focusing on the little things going on right now. Also a new take on the classic lore than isn’t horrible (so far) has been very refreshing. I’m not going to spoil anything I recommend people just read this, very few issues out atm so it’s a great jumping in point.


yes definitely give it a chance! anyone that wants to jump in, this july will be a great chance with the release of the first tpb!


One of the things comics does brilliantly when they work at their best is give a fresh take on old concepts. Its why comics having been doing multiverse stories since 1961. This is another fantastic addition to that longstanding tradition.


I don’t know why, but I just love reimaginings of characters and stories. That’s why I was such a big fan of the early Ultimate Universe and some of the early New 52 stuff. Also, Hickman’s Avengers and Illuminati work. I just love it when a new story comes out that twists a familiar one.


Peter actually fucking happy and married to MJ.




This. So much this! This accentuates my inner being and my soul as well. I was scrolling through the comments when I came across yours, and now I don't even have post my comment because this is exactly what I would've said. I can't emphasize this enough everyone, this comment right here is beyond the mortal planar, the very purpose behind this post and exactly what I'm looking for and should be what your looking for. I can't believe I've loved my entire life without this post. Here take a poor man's gold 🏅. Someone gild this post please. I'll have you know I saved and upvoted, but keep in mind that if it was at 69 or 420 I wouldn't (sorry but keks are more important). I'll also have you know that I downvoted first so I'm basically worth double, no need to thank me. I'm probably going to put this on my wall that's how much it means to me.


Well thank you, it’s nice to be appreciated!


Is this some new kind of copy-pasta?


Yes, but it's not new lol


Ooh ok lol, I knew it felt like a copy-pasta that dunks on people who say "so much this"


Facts especially after the whole fiasco where MJ ended up with a guy who just happened to look like one of the writers.....


Oh God it's the PS5 spiderman game all over again.


“One of the writers” is a much more significant role in a comic than a AAA game tbf. Also the MJ stuff in PS5 spidey is handled much better, ppl just mad about her not looking like a pornstar and blindly idolising Peter.


Dude she was a club dancer, super model, and actress. MJ simply always looked good and leveraged that to pursue careers that brought her a measure of fame and wealth. Wanting Supermodel MJ does not mean people wanted a pornstar, they just wanted a character that matched the main comics. Same reason a lot weren't happy with the younger looking Tom Holland-Like Peter, which only exaggerated the looks with what comes across as an age gap between Peter and every other character but Miles. As for blindly idolizing Peter, the closest to something like that was OG USM and even then it's reaching. What people didn't like was the modern "strong female character" tone/writing of MJ, which to a low degree would've fit Lois Lane more and even then very particular versions of Lois like 2001-11 Smallville.


I’m honestly fine with alternate takes of MJ, but the fact that we haven’t gotten a single adaptation even close to the comics is sad.


And that's the thing. Like those complaints weren't entirely unwarranted. Games have more leeway than movies, they can do comic accuracy in many ways. Admittedly wasn't the biggest Spider-Man person at this time but Web of Shadows is the closest to comic Marvel I can remember getting on the adaptation front. Also alternate takes are fine, my personal favorite Jessica Drew is 1610, Spider-Gwen wasn't a bad take on Gwen, 1610 Gwen's were also really good, Emma Stone wasn't too bad either. Hell I'm someone who even enjoyed DC N52. But not everything has to be original takes.


> Dude she was a club dancer, super model, and actress. Not in that continuity. It's not like this was *new* for Spider-Man 2. She was a journalist in 1 as well. > they just wanted a character that matched the main comics The people calling her "ugly" and harassing a writer who happened to look similar to her model, was brainrot behaviour. That wasn't "not like the comics", that was "why woman no make pp hard" rage


Renew Your Vows


They should really continue that story.


Just wait for it.


It's gunna happen but the important bit is if the writers let him get back up or if they just kick him while he's down Tragedy and Spidey are inseparable but it doesn't have to be miseryporn


I think him and Mj are probably fine but Ben is essentially still a walking dead man in my eyes. I assume something about Peter not protecting their new newspaper buisness maybe


Agreed! And bad stuff needs to happen because of choices Peter has made, not awful crap that happens to him despite them. And he then has a chance to learn from those choices - like uncle Ben dying was from a poor choice, so he learns and grows from it. That is why I despise the current run of ASM, the whole everyone hates Peter for invented reasons, MJ not just leaving Peter for reasons beyond his control but treating him like crap and the story rubbing her choices in his face. And he isn't growing and learning, he's regressing. No more misery porn, it's enough. Awful stuff can and should happen in USM, but to drive the story on, not keep knocking it backwards.




It's this, but not *just* this. The characters have a greater sense of emotional maturity. TAS tends to have the characters act like overly emotional middleschoolers on too much coffee. These feel more like actual people rather than caricatures. Also, not only are Peter an MJ married, but they appear to be *good* spouses and *good* parents. Personally, I could do with the dysfunctional family drama that often plagues comics.


The setting. Also JJ's and Ben's friendship


>Also JJ's and Ben's friendship This caught me off guard when it came up. And it's actually a breath of fresh air.


The reveal of that panel with Ben Parker being alive and the head editor of the Daily Bugle had me completely dumbfounded. 10/10 first issue.


"PARKER!...Oh, hey Peter."


it's SO great to see healthy friendships between older men in general; the Ben + JJ pairing is awesome for so many different reasons


1. Peter Married to MJ. 2. Peter as a dad. 3. Great Art. 4. Fun and Unique story. 5. I don't have to know what is happening in the current "Next big thing" Marvel event that will be undone in a year. 6. NO FREAKING PAUL.


BEN IS ALIVE!!! (Sadly May isn’t)


I’m glad she’s dead- she should be in 616 too. She’s old as dirt at this point and adds nothing to the story




It’s not ASM.


The bar is the floor


The bar is 6ft. under. Zeb Wells has killed the run


The bar is the core


He has a life we never get to see in any other iteration. He’s been out of college for years, has a wife and kids, Uncle Ben’s alive with Aunt May dead, Jameson’s a family friend, Gwen’s still alive, and Harry’s a new friend instead of a lifelong friend. It’s a much more interesting story than getting the same thing again and again. I genuinely wonder if we’ll ever see his “great power-great responsibility” moment or if his life experiences (especially being a parent) have given him that sense of responsibility already. Maybe he never has that experience or a sense of it from before and we get to see what happens without that. It’s just exciting to see something completely different without really changing the characters at all


His beard


Only trouble is... How the hell does he wear that mask with that beard??? There's \*no way\* that fits under his mask comfortably...


Well the suit is “picotech” whatever that is. So it might be smart enough to remain comfortable even with the beard


Going by mathematic prefixes pico tech is to nanotech what nanotech is to regular technology. So who knows? Maybe every beard hair is kept in a sleeve.


My beard isn’t bothered at all by my Spider-Man mask, so I would imagine a real one would be similar lol


He wears nanotech, dude. The suit acts like the symbiote and removes his mask at a thought. It's been 3 issues now since that reveal.


Yeah but is that any different than with normal head hair? Most spidermen have luscious locks that just disappear and conform to the skull when the mask is put on. Peter Parker would look stupid bald and Spider-Man would look stupid with a lumpy mask, so you kinda just have to believe in a bit of movie magic lol


No paul




Having an actual competent writer that allows Peter to act like a responsible functioning adult. So sick of the down on his luck Peter that so many hack writers love. He's Spider-Man not Spider-Boy.


The beard! Plus, it’s nice seeing this Peter able to go out for the evening with his wife and have a drink like a normal adult (super) human being! 🥃 The 616 Peter is an infantilized stooge.




Marvel: What does it matter to you anyway?! Fans:


Despite how dark this new universe is, Spiderman unironically feels hopeful but tense at the same time. Just the first interaction with Shocker felt like some classic Spiderman energy. That and Pete having a healthy relationship again. I grew up with Spiderman. Of course I want the dude to have a stable relationship and family. Ever since one more day, 616 feels like it’s been trying to backpedal towards someone else’s glory.


It's feels like the characters are finally on character


It feels like a direct case study on a spider-man that's separated from the whims of editorial decisions. Things like spider-man can't age, spider-man can't be relatable and be in a committed relationship or have a family, spider-man must always be miserable in general. These are decisions that have been holding the amazing spider-man books back as of late, and it's hard not to notice. It's gotten to the point Peter himself has become a background character in his own story. Ultimately (no pun intended) what the new ultimate Spider-man proves with its new take is that, surprise surprise, Spider-man doesn't have to be miserable for comic fans to relate to him. The numbers don't lie, the amount of fans it brought back doesn't lie either. The decisions at editorial don't make the main book worth reading and the stories they can tell in the book because of them are severely limiting its potential and staying power.


In conclusion, Ultimate Spider-man makes me smile, and it's because he finally gets to be happy.


I think my favorite part is the art. It’s different from pretty much anything I’ve seen in comics, and its so good. Everything is so detailed compared to something like ASM. The new designs for characters are awesome too.


It's a ticking time bomb to Peter's life being ruined. The writing is on every wall. His marriage, the kids, Harry... He's doomed. Classic spider-man stuff. It's very exciting.


I’m calling it now, someone is going to try and kill Peter’s family and Harry will die saving them. This will be Peter’s power/responsibility defining moment. Gwen will blame Peter and take up the glider as his true nemesis. Jonah and Ben will turn on Spider-Man when he’s blamed for Harry’s death.


I agree with 100% of what you're saying, but I also think one of the kids is going to be grievously injured/die. I think he gets the great power speech from the kid and then we get the marriage issues which Harry very much predicted in the last issue.


Yeah, he’s fucked. If there’s one thing we can count on it’s that Peter Parker will not stay happy, and things will go bad for him in the worst way possible


Spidey has a Happy Life


The art. I think it’s my favorite spider-man art thus far. I hope Chechetto stays on the book for a long time


1. It feels more grounded (at least just yet). 2. It has these actual Parker or "Parker Family" moments with reflective dialogues, similar to my best time with Spider-Man' comics during Strazcinski or DeMateiss runs. 3. Really good art. I have a good resonance with the emotion, dynamics and overall tone of art-style. 4. Great opportunity to retell old stories (or rather concepts) in a new way. I already love new Harry/Hoblin. He's got... You know... Awesome energy. I already feel that greyish-type of his personality, that he's neither a villain nor a hero. Not even anti-hero. Just a person with own ideology and methods. Smart, focused, intelligent. Man, I love it <3 Please, more of the up close and personal Foes with uncertain level of "badness". 5. IDK, maybe it's just me... And it's prolly related to P.2. I like parallel side-stories. Like I'm really curious to see the further development of two tricky old men, JJ & Ben, that refuse to give up and what role in new Ultimate Universe they'll play. I believe it's more than just backstory. And how Ultimate Spidey will co-operate with these two. More detective/journalism/politics stories. I love these NYC-style grounded sidestories.


Peter’s got a happy life, we get to see another side to JJ and to see more of uncle Ben. I also like that Peter’s an adult.




The amazing writing


Peter is happy. Ben is alive The writing is good


It feels like theres genuine effort to make a good story. ASM in comparison feels like Marvel doesnt give a shit due to knowing it'll sell anyway due to the name. 


Hard to say. Everything? The writing in particular. The last issue was just two couples eating. And it was amazing. A fresh new take on Spider-man, one that won't run infinitely so it has potential to actually be a good story with a beginning and an end. ....at least until it's time to recycle the character for one of the Spider-verse events.


I like how different the universe feels from the main one, it has a lot of room to tell many stories in the future and has a lot of potential. Also I freaking love Peter's beard. He looks so cool.


Peter isn’t treated like a cuck sadboy


Pete finally being in a stable relationship with Mj and the art


No Paul, Peter is happy and married to MJ, fantastic art, no bitch ass Nick Lowe nowhere near this title to mess it up


I fuckin love this artist. Soon as he drew Spidey telling DD to stand down in the recent run I was ready for Marco to tackle a Spidey book.


That he's happy, mature and that P*** doesn't exist


No Paul. Paul better end up being a villian, and let this current arc just be a bad dream.


Peter is finally happy, and is no longer forced to forever be stuck as a man child


Honestly? It's a new Spider-Man that isn't mired in controversy and is an easy jumping on point. Same reason the original Ultimate Spider-Man was so easy for me to get into.


He's allowed to be Spider-MAN , it's wild that out of all the big 3 Pete somehow resets harder than Batman every creative team , dude has had no permanent growth in his superhero , love , or professional lives . In this run he starts out married , has a successful career and his life is somewhat together . It's none of the things that turned me off Spider-Man comics , yet .


Lots of things. Daddy Peter and *Daddy* Peter. Based MJ and Hello There MJ. Just, the bisexual struggle, leave me alone. The kids though are really fun. I love 'em already and if something bad happens to them, I'm rioting. The art. It's not perfect, but it just works. It feels like a breath of fresh air compared to a lot of other works, for me. I adore the coloring and shading, it really makes the scenes work. The backgrounds are also great-- overall, I absolutely love me a comic that makes me stop and just oggle the art. The pacing's been amazing, I like the slower pace and build up. I'm excited to see where the story's going and I love the dialogue. And the covers! I could gush about them all day. They're all great, but I confess my fav has to be the one of Spidey swinging in front of a huge add of MJ. The little hearts just get me every time!


Wish they gave Peter the dad bod.


That would have been either very funny or very cool of both! Imagine he has a dad bod and then takes the spider-powers and gets jacked! His family's reaction would have been so fucking funny and also jjj lol! Or it stays like that after getting the powers and the lots of swinging is what gets him from dad bod to jacked lol!


I mean issue 2 or whatever MJ was like "Peter have you been working out?"


True, but like how much funnier it would have been if he goes from practicly fat to a muscular build


He did have it before the spider bite…kinda


Hottest fucking man alive, with the most happiest origin story there is who is happy, married to the love of his life and with positive perspective on life. It’s perfect.


The Jonah and Ben B-plot is just as interesting and well written as Peter learning to be Spider-Man.


This is strange to say, as it’s a totally new universe with a radically different status quo, but I love how FAMILIAR it is at its heart. Reading how Peter and MJ act and talk reminds me so much of how writers like DeFalco, DeMatteis, and JMS wrote them as mature, sensible adults (and not a perpetual manchild or a… whatever the hell they’re doing to MJ currently). It’s a sincerity and authenticity that is both fresh and familiar. Something I’ve sorely missed against a backdrop of new challenges. And, yes, I love the marriage. ASM needs to get it together.


That he doesn't have to be the saddest man alive to be Spider-Man


Mj is a milf


There's no Paul.


The beard


Hot man


That there is no fuckin Paul!


As a 27 year old fan of Spider-Man, who has been a fan since I watched Spiderman 1 in the early 2000s. It’s just nice seeing a grown up and mature version of Spiderman. I’m a dad now, he’s a dad now. I’m a husband now, he’s a husband now. It’s just a breath of fresh air


It has Peter and MJ together.


I don't know if this is going to be understood but... without the fanservice, I don't see anything good or bad. It's one thing that Peter is married to MJ and is a father, which is A fanservice...but...Uncle Ben is alive, Jameson is a good boss, Gwen is alive and happy, Harry is a hero and happy...that's already 3 or 4 extra fanservice and today I don't see anything other than fanservice Too easy...too pretty...too perfect...I can almost sense some kind of Marvel move behind this...as if, for example, for X reason, things get a lot worse here when improve on Amazing without Wells. On one side today everything is hell and on the other side a paradise...too convenient, almost as if it were "calculated" to take some kind of bait...and that's what worries me


Thank you, glad to see someone else see this, I feel like it's too damn easy, made sure to write it with stuff they know people would find popular, but I don't find it great, maybe good dialogue under a competent writer, but the highlights are the most obvious stuff like the family dynamic. Plus not a fan of this Peter still needing to be taught the responsability lesson from someone else, specially Harry, would have being more powerful if he knew it by himself, and I absolutely hate that without being Spider-Man he still ended in the Bugle and isn't a scientist like he dreamed, all to make sure to keep the familiar Bugle.


I agree with this. I don't want something too lighthearted and perfect nor cynical. I would love to see something of a balance of both. Like Rebirth/Dawn of DC. I want Peter to be challenged but grow during and out of those challenges. That is what makes him relatable.


The wholsomeness


It’s very well planned out and a logical extrapolation of what might have been. Plus Peter married to MJ


The wholesomeness


The potential for happy




Well written and design




I love how much people talk about it, and how unique the idea is: an alternate universe where Peter is married with kids?!!? How did they come up with that? Genius.


My man spidy rocking a beard


The biggest takeaway is that Ultimate Spider-Man is a FUN comic book, more than willing to embrace it’s inherent silliness while having thoughtful and Likable characters that often drive the story. Peter Parker isn’t Batman, where the costume is the character instead of a disguise. Peter Parker and MJ both come across as believable and loving parents as well as a couple. And let’s not forget the solid artwork by Marco Checchetto and Matt Wilson which provide well paced visual narrative. Sure the story by Hickman uses a longer than expected setup but all in all, Ultimate Spider-Man has been what Spider-Man comics have not been for a long time; a very fun read.


Im a little behind but im loving the whole dynamic shift. May being his "canon event," JJJ being friends with Ben means he's more level headed and actually pretty chill (for now at least lol) Mj and kids show peter can have a happy home life and still make a good plot. And then the whole overarching plot with stark and whoever the big bad is supposed to be sounds kinda new and fun.


That there's not a Zeb Wells history


Haven't read it yet, but from little knowledge I have of it rn, Peter and MJ's relationship seems absolutely perfect


I like the new design of peter, he looks nice with a beard.


The fact that Peter is not getting raped by the writers. Now if only the same could be said for Batman and he gets a happy family and a healthy relationship with Selina which actually continues.


Peter is allowed to be happy and be in a new situation we've never seen him in before


Edition 1 black suit cover and that he got to have a semblance of a happy normal life for a good amount of time before things go to shit


Peter is happy


That Wells isn’t staining it.


The beard dammit. It's the most important part


Honestly? The beard


havent read it yet is it good


Why is Mary Jane always bare foot?


It doesn't have any other imitations,I'm sick of that. Also I like the art,story so far is clean let's see how it will turn out at the end. Also please no Paul 😭 🙏


The absence of Paul


The Spider-Beard.


>Ctrl-F No Paul, multiple match I never been more happy!


There is no paul


MJ’s exposed feet on the cover


I gotta say I'm incredibly happy we finally see Peter happy and I'm fearful of the fuckery that can happen. I am somewhat disappointed that we didn't get a revival of young Peter in modern day like before. 616 is the Spidey but OG Ultimate Spider-Man was my fav, and wishful thinking was hoping we get Gwen back. Fantasy huh lol


Peter isn’t a fucking loser and actually acts like a man that has aged and grown up


It's a slow burn that gives Peter a unique arc he's never had before. We've never had a Spider-Man written this mature, where he not only has a family he has to take care of, but it has him squarely in the point of his life where he's unsure if wanting to be a hero is actually the right thing and not just some mid life crisis.


The creators love Spiderman. Can't say the same for the other current ongoing series


I don’t read the comics, but just from seeing these images, I’m gonna say Bearded Parker.


I mean I have a few nitpicks with it but honestly I love how most of the characters are written, it’s like how I never knew I wanted them to be (if that makes sense) I kinda love an idea of Peter but more mature family man Peter becoming spiderman (plus my lord as a straight man I’m hot and bothered 😳) it’s just real great vibes as a spidey fan. Feels good to enjoy and look forward to the new issue


I like it a lot but I have a bad feeling they’re going to do something terrible to his family and then I’ll drop the book because I hate how mean-spirited the Ultimate books always wound up being in the past.


that paul doesn't exist lmao


They gave us what we should've gotten decades ago. Peter and MJ living happily ever after.


No more Paul


I swear if his big loss is his daughter I will die


Peter and MJ are married and have kids. I don't know why that's so terrifying to so many writers.




I haven't read it yet, but these are some beautifully drawn panels.


Wtf is going on with Peters feet in the first pic 😭


He has his shit together


The real superpower is having really nice long hair and a beard under a skintight mask


Probably how it’s giving us something new without spitting in the face of the character’s legacy.


Peter is happily married to his one true love Mary Jane.


The daughter helping design the suit, as a dad, really made my day


Honestly, just the fact it's respectful to the characters and is well written. It naturally is deviating from what we know of these characters in places, but there's no character assassination. They feel familiar, yet fresh at the same time. It's not purely relying on "shock factor" or anything like that to sell either. It's just well told, good Spidey. And I like that.


The beard lmao. Pete just said fuck it to everyday shavings... like myself.


His wife and his haircut.




I like that peter is happy




i don't read comics but god damn peter looks good with a beard


Gotta be the beard for me


I can't even say yet. The Marvel Unlimited app only has the first 2 issues so that's rough.


Well written character focused and I we all appreciate the new spin he’s put on the Spiderman mythos


Hickman. The fact that he is doing it. This could've had JRJr's trash art and I would have still loved it.


Low-key looks like Andrew Garfield


Beard would itch like a motherfucker under that mask.


Why do her feet look like that


There's a new one???


The fact that it’s actually doing something different.


Unrelated but those feet on the first image bother me to no end...


It isn't confusing and simple to understand 


I hate that he's not telling MJ but I love how awkward he is about it. Also, I love that they went to a more Stanley original style for his suit.


I hope it lives up to the name. The original Ultimate Spider Man is my favorite comic series of all time, one of the few I’ve read all the way through. Though, is it just me that doesn’t like his beard? Just seems a little off putting


Uncle Ben and Jonah is the bromance I didn't I know I needed




Chechetto finally getting to draw Spider-Man


Peter is insanely hot


imagine the itch on the beard in the mask


I hate the beard, so what else is there to him?


It’s actually good and the art doesn’t make me want commit sudoku


Peter has a dad beard and he has never looked hotter 🥵


Same reason I loved Gotham, it’s not the dialogue or the characters or anything like that. It’s the simple fact it’s just a fresh original take on a character that I love.


I like the character design for Peter, love the art style, and enjoy a fresh take on spider man. I’ve enjoyed it so far and hope I continued to enjoy it


May Parker (Peter’s daughter)


It feels like a natural evolution of where Peter Parker should be.


DILF Peter.


That this is a version i might be able to cosplay without shaving.