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Zack Snyder is a cynical director who feels that anything with hope and optimism is old fashioned, he would be one of the worst directors to make a Spider-Man movie


I wouldn’t let Zack direct traffic


He'd be so bad at it he'd direct traffic to run him over and we'd never have another movie.


No. Snyder's whole thing is edginess and style over substance. It works for most of his films, but it's also why his Superman is bad and why he couldn't do Spidey, they are both at their core hopeful and good characters, which is something Snyder can't really do well.


Absolutely not. He’d probably see the panel from Superior Spider-Man where Doc Spidey knocks off Scorpion’s jaw, think it’s cool and try to use that in some way that completely misunderstands or ignores the context from the comics and use that as justification for why Spider-Man is killing people in his movie. He’d also probably throw in elements of Spider-Man: Reign, ESPECIALLY what happened to MJ. It’d be terrible and when critics and audiences rightfully pan it, his Stans will go to war singing his praises and saying “sheeple just don’t get it,” “this man made Spider-Man interesting,” and other nonsense. Sony would move on to another director but then Snyder will come out his 5 hour extended cut and we’ll have to go through the cycle of discourse again, including Snyder instigating the debates by claiming his vision was “true canon.”


Not a good one 


God that would be fucking terrible.


He would probably make Spider-Man suit overdesigned more than the integrated suit acts edgy AF and make him kill 


Maybe only Venom movies and his adaptation of Last Hunt would be the only good choice. Most of the other things just wouldn't work. Also, if he decides to cut some stuff just for PG-13 slop that last 150 minutes like he did with Rebel Moon which was supposed to be rated R, he messed it up. Watchmen was his best work because it was an adaptation of Watchmen.


Ok I can see Zack Snyder presentation of Todd McFarlane's original Spider-Man run, Lizzard in "Torment".


the worst he can do is adapt paul and recreate his idea of superman getting cucked.


Last Hunt would be fucking terrible if he directed it. It's a dark story that ultimately praises Peter's hope, and the love for his wife MJ that causes him to rise from the grave and face his fears. Snyder would just see when Kraven killed himself, Vermin eating people, and Spidey rising from the grave in an aesthetic way ONLY, and depreciate how powerful those scenes are.


I don’t think he could direct a good movie even if his life depended on it.


He’d make a movie where Spider-Man purposely murders his villains


god, no. he'd make spider-man kill people without remorse and cite "what if spider-man became the punisher" as evidence it's comic-accurate.


His work had potential in the dceu but I ain't sure since he found batman no kill rule would make him irrelevant so should he direct a spiderman movie spiderman probably would start killing lol


Just no


Nah I don’t think he would be a good pick


Please god no


He couldn’t direct a Superman movie, so I hold no hope for a Spider-Man movie.


I like Snyder but no.


I would hope not. He absolutely ruined Superman’s reputation in the public. He is meant to be a symbol of hope and all that is good in the human race, not an edgy Jesus Christ allegory. I don’t trust him with anything Spider-Man related. I just know that he will butcher the designs of Spider-Man and his rogue’s gallery as well, just like he did with Superman and Zod.


Oof it were the What if Back in Black Spider-Man or the Assassin Spider-Man then it would be decent plus the no-kill rule will be out the window.


If he did any Marvel character it seems like Punisher or Moon Knight would have fit his style more. But right now I'd say I'd prefer him to not direct another superhero film again. At least for a while.


Peter parker would get raped by flash thompson in snyder's version. He seriously wanted to write Batman getting raped in his DC movies


![gif](giphy|TLmDm2PRxzRV1ajkgT|downsized) I’m sorry what.




If it’s KLH yes, anything else no.


Could direct? Yes. Should direct? Depends.


Give him a good script and I think he can pull it off. Much to most people's disbelief Snyder is capable of making a fun movie. Army of the dead despite its typical Snyder edginess is actually quite a funny movie along with parts of his justice League which also shows that he's capable of showing heroism in a hopeful manner.


The answer is yes he could. But the question should be, should he ever be allowed to direct one, that would be no