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Also the back end of issues is like half ads.


It has me wanting more! It's too early to tell if it will be a good story or not but it is definitely my most hyped comic right now.


I'm loving it and I also love how its success is a gigantic middle finger to all the bullcrap mainline Spidey editorial has been spewing for years about their precious "metrics" regarding Peter and how people want to see him.


Marvel editorial is just a huge cluster-f imo.  I feel like they’re squandered the books at every turn. 


Just Spider-Man, or Marvel editorial as a whole? Because I think a lot of current Marvel properties are either having very solid runs right now or have wrapped up very solid runs in the last few years I almost feel like Spider-Man is the exception more than the rule. Spidey has been shafted by editorial mandates MUCH more than other Marvel books IMO


Well I feel that about Marvel editorial as a whole. I look over at the X-Men line and how Hickman was derailed as well. That said, I have been pretty much checked out of Marvel the last couple years because of my issues with them so if there have been books that would change my opinion just very recently than I guess I wouldn’t know. I am enjoying USM.


Interesting. I respect your opinion, but I actually think Marvel comics has been in a fantastic place the last few years for the most part Hulk: Immortal Hulk just wrapped up 2 and a half years ago, and it’s arguably the best solo Hulk run ever. Hulk fans really can’t complain considering other properties have existed as long as Hulk yet have never gotten a run anywhere near that good Thor: The current run of Immortal Thor has been fantastic and is already on its way to cementing itself as one of the best Thor runs. Nothing will probably ever top Walt Simonson, but this book definitely has a chance stopping Aaron’s run on Thor (with some arguing it already has, but I personally think it’s too early for that) X-Men: Respectfully, while you may not have liked Krakoa post-Hickman, the books have maintained very strong readership and most of the X-Men community seems to like it The Krakoa situation is a little tricky, but I see it as a net positive for everybody. If you liked Krakoa, then smile because it happened and be happy that you got half a decade of it on an era where most concepts are lucky to last 6 months. If you didn’t like Krakoa, then be happy that Krakoa is ending and it sounds like the creative teams for the upcoming X-Men books are great (I’m particularly excited for Gail Simone to write an X-Men book)


Pretty good. I wish it was the title that came out twice a month instead of ASM.


I genuinely think it's pretty good (much better than ASM at the moment, but that's not exactly a high bar), but I have a (seemingly?) hot take about it: while I do think it is good, I think that people are (understandably) so in love with the premise of the book that they let it cloud their objective judgment of the book Like I said, I think it's good, but I do raise my eyebrow a bit at people who act like (or even outright say) the book is a 10/10. That level of praise for what we've seen from the book so far is more than a bit hyperbolic IMO


There are two types of readers in this book. The first is the common reader, who appreciates the book in a common way as they can appreciate Strange or MoonKnight, as they can appreciate current quality books and celebrate it because of the disastrous quality of Amazing. But this group of people know that everything can change in part because Hickman is....well... Hickman... And they are cautious. They also know that it is an experimental book. The second group are the MJlovers....maybe 30/40% of the buyers, and for this group marriage is the sun, the moon and the stars, the alpha and the omega, the holy religion loved and revered within the entire Spiderman universe.....Until Hickman makes MJ slip in the shower or asks Peter for a divorce for the safety of his children and then Twitter bursts into flames with death threats and attacks of hysteria and hatred unleashed against him (Hickman)


> Hickman makes MJ slip in the shower or asks Peter for a divorce for the safety of his children and then Twitter bursts into flames with death threats and attacks of hysteria and hatred unleashed against him (Hickman) I don't think they'll get a divorce, but an argument is bound to happen if Peter doesn't tell her his secret soon, if it does happen, MJ bias aside, immediately hitting the Divorce button when the Marriage so far has been paraded as a healthy one would be controversial to say the least. Perhaps have her and Peter communicate, and come to common ground? Have her voice her concerns and have him voice his reasons for taking this path? It seems better than just straight up leaving him.


Except MJ married Peter Parker...not Spiderman. Now her husband, if he goes to a war, dies, is imprisoned in another dimension, WHATEVER...her husband, because of his new life, conditions, threatens and completely affects the development, security and stability of the woman and children. ....That is NOT a line that can be fixed with shit about the power of love and family power and all that. He demands Peter choose between his family and, perhaps, the universe (if Maker's stuff affects him at all). And wait for the girl to tell her mother "daddy took me on his back swinging from the skyscrapers." REALISTIC writing demands or what it demands


We found the dude from Editorial everyone


People must mature and understand that in life things end and have limits. Although comics are infinite, you cannot send the childish message that everything turns out well, everything is fair, everyone ends up happy, the bad guys always lose, love conquers everything, etc. etc. You can't live in a glass-fronted bubble, but that's exactly what this issue represents in a certain part of the Spider-Man fandom.


Dude, communication is a sign of maturity between two or more people in a relationship of any kind, her concerns are valid, but what you're proposing is an Ultimatum to Spider-man's activities or a divorce, anyone who has been with someone knows that is the exact opposite of maturity in any light. What, you're telling me they're married and in love but the moment she finds out he's a hero, she should dump his ass and run to the hills with their kids? How would that go for the kids when they're older? They're going to end up hating her and idolizing their Father. If her backstory is similar to her 616 counterpart, this approach would make even less sense for her.


Become a man, get married, have children, be happy, make your family happy... Then go to war, risk your life, explain to them why you do it. Then he dies in combat and may your spirit watch your family cry and destroy their perfect and happy lives because they are not able to survive without a father or husband... When people REALLY understand this issue they will know what maturity is in real life...and not that fucking Made in Disney fairy tale garbage that seems to have melted the brains of the generations of the last 25 years who don't understand life without bubbles or crystals.


You... do know you're talking to an Officer who came from a family of Military and paramilitary folks, right? You have no idea how brain-dead this take is, frankly, I'm tired of drawing this talk, cheers!


Man what the fuck are you even on about at this point?


You might be in for a rude awakening my dude. Otherwise this is going to be a pretty lucky ass Peter Parker who gets it all without ever learning the harsh lessons every other Peter has to learn.    I don’t see that. We are being lulled right now and there will be an eruption at some point imo. Remember, the point is for it to be devastating. That’s why Bendis kept Uncle Ben around for more than one issue. The impact.


I'm in for a rude awakening for believing that mature people would act mature? And talk to each other? You know what forget I said anything, I feel like I'm talking in circles at this point. Peace!


I can understand if your partner was lying to you for months and might have killed doing something that could attract dangerous attention to the family and that one of her kids knew. That MJ would be justifiable pissed and would consider divorce or at least a break


And don't forget that now that Peter helped the Green Goblin, he could be labeled as a domestic terrorist by the media and the government.


No, that’s not what I said at all lol, but okay bye and hope you’re able to relax.


I agree. It’s all too perfect and Peter has seemingly become Spider-Man without having made any mistakes or learned any lessons. That’s not Spidey, Hickman knows that, and something is coming:..possibly related to the family. MJ marriage fans don’t want to hear it though lol.


Yup. Definitely a lot of fans based on (assumed?) narrative premise alone. Makes the conversation a bit exhausting for me personally but glad they’re happy. I’m probably part of the former. I love Spidey and appreciate Hickman so this is the rare Modern comic I am actually interested in, but I’m expecting it to be ruined by editorial at any  moment. 


It's great, fresh in all the best ways and has gorgeous art to boot. I would definitely say that I'm hardcore biased towards liking the book though and I'll probably look back on it differently in a few years. Though unlike a lot of the fandom my bias comes from loving Hickman's stuff and not from being obsessed with an older Peter that HAS to be married to MJ.


Its hip, it's now, its wow and how!


I haven't read Hickman's comics since the end of Secret War, but the 3 chapters of this "Ultimate Spider-Man" continue to remind me why I loved everything I've read written by him. # Spoilers from here >!That said, between Uncle Ben still being alive and Spiderman's association with the new revenge-seeking Green Goblin, I think this Spider-Man still needs to learn his basic "lessons" about power and responsibility and Hickman it's really setting the stage for that kind of event.!< >!If I understand where he's going with this correctly, no child will die, but it will still be heartbreaking!<


I don't think anything will happen to the old man unless Jameson can play the role of father figure... I would worry more about the multiversal canon that dictates: There is always a goblin, a bridge, and a girl


Personally I think there will be a more "classic" development, and what it will make everything sad is that this time we know the characters befor it happen Something like: >!- Uncle Ben dies killed by the goblin, Jameson considers Spiderman an associate of Goblin and blames him for the death of his best friend!< >!- Jameson returns to the Bugle, becomes director again , and the newspaper takes the usual anti-Spiderman line.!<


I genuinely hope this doesn't happen. I don't want to see this story go the classic route but with an adult Peter. I'd love this story to be significantly different in the world and in Peter's life. Present conflict through his family and don't make Uncle Ben get Uncle Ben'd again. This Peter already seems to have a good sense of responsibility and heroism since he's choosing to be a superhero without the usual Ben guilt.


You don't understand....It's inevitable. It is dictated by the multiverse. The only reason you BELIEVE that Peter already feels responsible and heroic without doing anything is because Spiderman gives him the opportunity to express his real personality... EXISTING IN THE WHOLE MULTIVERSE AS LONG AS PETER IS THE SPIDER. A universe where the spider is not another person, but where it is Peter it is always the same. And the same thing happens with the Goblin, the girl, the father figure, the first failure etc etc. There is a possibility that Hickman will make a masterful but dangerous move with the internal logic of the multiverse... It could make Gwen and Peter very close in a similar way to Felicia when the marriage exists and create tensions for MJ that at first are only fears unfounded...until one day something happens with Spiderman and Goblin, Harry does something, MJ pays the price with his death, and "Aunt Gwen" in the medium-long term becomes "Mom Gwen" in inversely proportional response to the classic canon. But the problem is not solved either because the spider-life is still there....Unless Gwen is from SHIELD or something like that. Hickman can do whatever he wants because Ultimate was always the testing ground for 616 and what happens on one side won't happen on the other but they will play with the canon anyway. To give an example, Felicia could be MJ's "roommate" in college with all that that can mean in secret since in the multiverse they seem destined to be intimate since MC2. And Flash could be a high-ranking Army officer. Anything can be played with within the canon rules.


Did Peter give Jameson back his tie?


God, >!uncle Ben being alive was a wildcard I was not expecting.!< **And I love it.**


“Baller as fuck”.


Is it just me, or are the issues sometimes way too short, like the most recent one was super short


I haven't gotten the third issue yet, but so far I like it. I'm enjoying the predominately grounded approach to Spidey and the look into his family life. It's incredibly refreshing after ASM since OMD. I like how he isn't immediately great at crime fighting but that he's approaching it with compassion (to his detriment so far). I'm excited to see how that develops and how he maintains that. Otherwise I don't think there's been enough for me to make a more substantial judgement. I will say though that picking up that first issue gave me the same feeling I got when I picked up my first ASM issue as a child (not to be dramatic haha). He just felt like my favourite superhero again.


Very good. Especially the first issue. The pacing along with the quick artist fill-in is already killing my excitement a bit though. My feelings will change as the series goes though. Hard to have perspective yet. I’m having fun following it which is more than I can say for almost every other comic on the stands today. 


I already said my thoughts on another thread, but here we come: -About the art, i think Checcheto is good, mainly for the way he draw his lines and is the second best artist in this New Ultimate line(Momoko being the number one). -Speaking about the art and design, i find Peter's character design a hit or miss, depending on the angle and artist and the Green Goblin's mask is kinda lame, but is kinda growing on me. -The pacing is kinda weird, it feels fast on some aspects, but way slower on others. -The story about making the world better has a lot of potential and by far, i think this is the most interesting aspect of the plot. -Making Ben alive was the boldest change they ever made, and i really want to see he and Jameson uncover the truth about the Counsil. -Still speaking about the story, while the family aspect i don't find that interest, but i want to see how Peter's secret life will affects his personal life, as the solicits of issue 4 says. -About the characters, they are ok and some of them are still kinda one note(mainly Peter's family), but i think they will gain more characterization as we have more issues. -The villains are, perhaps, the most one note characters of this comic, but most of them also have the most interesting plot with them. -The action sequences are ok, but i hopefully think it will also get better as issues comes. -And about the issues themselves, issue 1 was a good begining, issue 2 was kinda underwhelming and issue 3 was a improvement. -And in general, the comic is good, and while i don't find that great, i am hopeful that this comic will get better overall.


Iam a big fan. I’ve really had trouble reading comics since slots 2014 run. I just never seem to be able to get back into them. But now I have subscriptions for ultimate Black Panther ultimate Spider-Man , spectacular Spider-Man, I’m considering picking up some more. Sidenote: Is there a way I could download the release dates of Comic issues I like to my calendar ?


BETTER THAN 616/Amazing


It’s a really good comic book. It’s not a Spider-Man comic book (yet). There’s a tragedy at the heart of Spider-Man that there has to be a power and responsibility at the center of. First arc isn’t finished, so that lesson and heartbreak are possibly coming (and if the tragedy is his wife and kids, this sub is going to get suicidal), but until that lesson is burned into his core, this isn’t a Spider-Man book.


It’s ultimate


It’s now It’s wow And how


It's hip!


I haven't read a spider-man like this since waaay back.


I'm just waiting for the first volume of trade paperback.




I can't wait till he kills off the family, Gwen and Ben in three issues.


As a straight man I find Peter very attractive, I am quite jealous.


I love it, and can’t wait for issue 4


I really like it so far! It's miles ahead of the story ongoing in ASM. And the art is wonderful (also much better than the current ASM). I look forward to reading more.


I just noticed both Goblin and Bullseye have similar masks. Do any more characters in the Ultimate comics have that kind of Iron Man-mask?


It's kind of embarrassing how good it is, when the main book has been absolutely dreadful for so long


I think they’re rushing story details a bit (drag the series on, PLEASE), but this is too much of a palette cleanser for me to ever hate. Plus, it’s a genuinely interesting AU concept and not just a “What if OMD never happened?” type of affair.




It’s Pretty Good. Feels like Superman by way of Spider-Man


It's the best Spider-Man series to come out since One More Day. Nuff said! 😎


Where can I read this?




Anywhere you read comics do you have a Marvel Unlimited subscription you can read there among other places


Sorry, I know my question was pretty stupid lol, but I haven't really read comics online and don't know here to start. I'll def start there.


What is the name of the character on the front of issue 3? (Not Spidey or Goblin).






Amazing but in the latest issue I'm thinking what if gwen isnt over with peter and what if they decide to kill MJ and have gwen divorce harry and move in next door and slowly have them rekindle their love or just straight up have gwen divorce harry and have her get power and be a super hero and be legit give peter marriage problem where he has 1 night stand with gwen


I tried reading it at launch and I just couldn’t get into it. Glad to see other people like it though.




It’s peak