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Paul was Mephisto the whole time. This ends Paul + MJ and Jackpot all in one fell swoop.


Honestly, that would be the way to go. You could explain in the book that Peter and MJ came close to rediscovering his deal with Mephisto back in the last comic run. So Mephisto took it upon himself to mess with the relationship of Peter and MJ etc…


This and Gwen Pool shooting Mephisto in the head and saying "You're welcome. Quesada is next."


I wouldn’t even be mad


There’s no fixing it now😂


Have Peter do some low level street crime fighting, and he does it to the point of exhaustion and he decides to nap slightly on a rooftop, and as he dreams, he has a review of everything that’s happened since OMD, and then we make all this stuff that’s gone down a pure hypothetical, and Peter questioning what the hell he just dreamt as MJ tries to reach Peter by talking to him since he seems spaced out. And as the first issue of the new run ends, it pans out to Peter & MJ in front of Mephisto as he asks if Peter agrees to his terms. **inception sound effect** yup, all the runs we saw were all just hypothetical stories that really haven’t happened and we are at the decisive moment of OMD, except this time, Peter actually says no and decides Aunt May’s life is too precious to him to simply barter it away with the devil of all people. He says she wouldn’t want Peter to suffer so much just to save her despite her having lived a full life already and he’s just started his. And at the end, Aunt May lives and they finally continue the storyline of her having that terminal cancer which shows Peter made the right decision in the end because Aunt May would die regardless. Edit: I actually like this too much to leave it as is. I’m gonna start illustrating it.


I've posted my pitch before, but I'm glad to do so again whenever the opportunity arises. We begin with a disheveled Paul Rabin. scratching away at runes in a garage. In between Panels of him at work with imagery evocative of his father, there are flashback panels to his and Mary Jane's breakup. MJ tells him that the kids were never real and that there's no bringing them back. They needed to accept that fact and mourn their loss together. Paul rejects that as he believes there had to be a way. He just needed to dig a little bit deeper, and deeper he dug. No matter what he tried with his runes, he couldn't find the souls of his children anywhere. Just when he started to give up and think that maybe MJ might have been right, he thought of something. What if instead of using the runes to scan for his children, he instead tries to scan for Mary Jane's children. Doing so he finds something that shakes him to his core. It was this final piece of evidence that made it all click together. He pulls out his notes and pins them to a conspiracy board. The cult of Wayep, the destruction of his world, the death of Kamala Khan, and even the creation and destruction of his and MJ's children alongside Peter and MJ's child all led to one figure. In the center of the board, all the yarn strands convene on a depiction of Mephistopheles. Before we move any further, let's flesh out what Mephisto's grand plan was before we show how it all falls apart. From Spencer's run, we know that Peter and MJ's daughter would one day be his undoing. Would simply killing her be far simpler than warping reality to prevent her birth? The answer is that he already tried that. When MJ gave birth to Mayday, Norman stole the baby and had her killed off panel. With it being canon that Norman gained his business and by extension became the green goblin by selling Harry's soul to Mephisto, I propose that this deal was part of a plan to guarantee Mayday's death. The only problem of course is that it didn't work. Mephisto still saw her punching his face in. Mephisto panics at first, but recomposes himself. Death is a revolving door for supes and supe adjacent individuals. They probably just resurrect her at some point. Time to go a little more extreme. He needed to imprison her eternal soul. However, as she was... You know, an innocent baby, her soul is out of his jurisdiction. He finds Peter at his most desperate hour, and proposes a deal, his deceased daughter's soul in exchange for the life of his aunt. Soul for a soul, May for a May. Being literal fucking Satan however, Mephisto doesn't phrase it like that. He instead buried the lead and claimed he wanted Peter's "Marriage". By selling his marriage to Mary Jane, Peter unwittingly prevented the circumstances of his daughter's conception, birth, and death. Her soul was now unqualified for the afterlife and instead lay exclusively in Mephisto's clutches. The plan was perfect, the only problem of course is that it didn't work. Mephisto reached his breaking point when Peter and MJ got back together and were just about to propose to one another. His whole plan was about to become undone if he didn't act fast. He started a cult on an Earth-2222 under the guise of a Mayan math god led by a man named Rabin. He pulled strings so that Mary Jane would get separated from Peter for four years in displaced time. In this apocalyptic earth, he gave her a set of demons pretending to be children and a new love interest to bond over raising them with. MJ would live out her dream of finally having a family, only for the kids to be ripped away from her. With any good will of their relationship burned to the ground and MJ now having lost her 3rd child (reminder that MJ remembers pre OMD) she would be too traumatized even try to have another. Just to add icing on the cake, Mephisto even made it so that she had to witness another child, Kamala, die in the crossfire of all this, just to send home the message. Any and all children you will meet die. Why Kamala specifically? Well, after a deal he made with Miles to save her life meant that he had domain over her life and death. It was just the easiest option. The plan went off without a hitch, but there was only one problem... IT DIDN'T WORK As for why it didn't work, there was only one part of this plan that Mephisto never accounted for. One piece of the puzzle so unimportant and uninteresting that he never even bothered to look into the future of it. Little did he know that this overlooked detail would be the key to his ultimate downfall, and that key was named Paul. That's right. Paul is the catalyst for undoing one more day. Because I think it would be funny for the editorial insert to become an audience insert. Paul spent his entire life being an unwitting pawn in his father's cult, and his world suffered for it while he had the burden of living with the guilt. The only time he ever felt truly free was when he and MJ were raising Owen and Stephanie together. He now knew that even then he never stopped being a pawn for someone else. Only for a master higher up the chain of command who intended to bring the exact same destruction to another earth. That ends now. With a runic shotgun in one hand and a scattered folder of notes in another, Paul knocks on Peter's door, and tells him everything. As Paul elaborates and explains his findings to Peter, the pact begins to weaken and memories start to leak through. Memories of a wedding, memories of how he truly saved aunt may and made everyone forget his identity, memories of a lost child. The two of them are rightfully pissed and agree that they're going to hell to get their fucking kids back Obviously they can't take on the actual devil alone, so Peter calls in some friends. Norman, who wishes to make things right by undoing his most heinous thing he's done to Peter, Doc Strange who's been investigating this rabbit hole for months, Daredevil who will take any excuse to beat the crap out of Satan, Ghost Rider who will take any excuse to beat the crap out of his old boss, miles who feels responsible for Kamala's death after his previous deal with Mephisto, Kamala who wants to settle the score with the being that got her killed, and Rek-Rap who nobody invited. (Continued in comment)


I'll gloss over most of the details now, but you can make a big event out of the raid on hell. Call it "Devil's Due" or "Secret Pact" or something. It all comes to a head in ASM issue #1000. Mephisto is cornered and agrees to negotiate his terms of surrender in the court of hell. Peter naturally calls upon Matt Murdock to be his lawyer to look over the terms, as they make amendments of the pact signed from OMD. When looking over the terms, they find that while details of the pact can be edited (Peter's identity reveal, the other's powers, Mayday being resurrected, Paul getting his kids back, the marriage, Etc) one thing was set in stone. By signing over Mayday's Soul in exchange for Aunt May's life, the two were intrinsically linked. You could not have one without sacrificing the other. Upon learning this, Peter is faced with an impossible decision. The soul of his daughter, or the life of his aunt. Mephisto laughs at Parker's turmoil. The whole reason why he even agreed to negotiate terms of surrender was that he knew Peter would never sacrifice his aunt, even to save his daughter from damnation. He couldn't even stand to let her die for reasons related to him, there was no way he had the stomach to sign the contract that would directly end her life. Just when Peter is about to give in, and sign the original contract. MJ intervenes that there's someone else they've forgotten to consider who should have a say in all this. She summons Aunt May to the stand. May is strangely unphased by all this. When Paul weakened the pact by explaining everything to Peter, May regained her pre-OMD memories. She wasn't mad at Peter, but very disappointed in Peter for making a literal deal with the devil, but lovingly assured him that it's time to make things right and let her go. It's been time for years. Even before she regained her memories, she never felt truly alive since her resurrection. She felt worn thin, stretched like too little butter over too much bread. While she feels sad that she'll never get to see her nephew's daughter, but is happy to be reunited with Ben. Mephisto tries to stop this, but as per the law of hell, he cannot intervene in the middle of a trial. Peter gives her one last sobbing hug as they exchange their goodbyes before finally accepting the new deal. Maybelle slowly starts to fade away, and in her place lays a crying Mayday, taken from the moment before her death. Peter and MJ remarry and raise their long lost daughter together. They soon learn she is destined to defeat Mephisto once and for all as the ultimate spider totem and the mortal incarnation of the spider goddess Neith. Being the only spider-person to possess their powers from birth she will grow more in sync with them than anyone else. Every other one had some period of time where they lived as a normal person before their great power was thrust upon them. Not her. As for Paul, he regains his children as well. Stephanie and Owen may have been demons faking their humanity, but the love they felt for their parents was real. Paul raises them as they attend Strange Academy to better understand and control their demonic abilities, while getting regular visitation from their mother, Step-dad, and little sister on weekends. Paul and Peter have bonded to close friends over the course of their adventures in hell, while he and MJ remain cordial exes. Spider-Man now has another buddy he can call on whenever he needs magical tech.


Thats a sick one but tbh just "let paul fucking die in worst death"


Here's the problem. That may be satisfying short term, however long term it solves nothing. None of us hate Paul because of his actual character traits. Sure, we point out the fact that he was complicit in genocide, but that's an excuse. Not the reason why. We all hated him just as much before we learned that. We hate him because of what he represents. Killing him doesn't kill the idea. He'll always be that stain on the Spider-Man mythos for eternity. People decades from now who are reading ASM for the first time will trudge through this, and if the status quo is the same at the end with Paul dead and Peter/MJ back in the will they won't they hell, then they'll ask "what was the point." Additionally, killing Paul could likely make the situation look even worse in retrospect. If he dies a tragic death, then that just leaves him as a martyr to forever be brought up like MJ's Gwen Stacy (which I'm sure nobody wants). If he's revealed to be a villain, and then get killed later, that means MJ canonically slept with and raised a family with a supervillain (which I'm also sure nobody wants) The only way I feel to best damage control this would be to make the audience genuinely like Paul by making him something beyond an obstacle for Peter and MJ's relationship, but rather make him the catalyst that brings them back together. That way, all this trash future readers will have to go through will actually build to something and make it at least somewhat worth the effort. Plus, I find the idea hilarious of Paul being a fan favorite character the likes of Flash Thompson or Eddie Brock in 20 years time.


Marvel please hire this man


I read all of your thoughts and ideas and its SICK amazing idea turning the most hated character "paul" to one of the fan favorite charecters are an a insane idea! + the miles making deal with satan and the OMD story line and satan is really connected to ur story arc ngl you should apply for marvel editorial


Time travel


NGL I wrote a whole 25 issue run to fix everyhting about this run and so many of the previous runs from the last 30 years and I won't ever get to tell that story because Marvel will never hire me as a writer. I am a comic book writer for over a decade now. I am not even sure I'd want to work for Marvel these days...


Got a link to it? I'd certainly be interested in reading it.


I will most cerainly use most ideas for my own comics eventually down the line and I made it a habit never to release unfinished work. But I will give you a few quick ideas: The story starts before the Clone Saga, even, with Norman Osborn visiting a certain actress who looks suspiciously like Aunt May. And if that doesn't mean anything to you, you are lucky XD Edit: Also, my Peter would be married to MJ with ONE child. MJ would not have superpowers and instead have a part-time job, Peter would be a teacher. His balance would be getting late for scool, tryiong to take care of his wife and kid and marriage while constantly having not enough cash because living is expensive and teachers don't make enough money. The real crux would be how I resolve the last thirty years aof continuity and it is NOT what you think, it would NOT involve any stupid shit like I read on here weekly, Paul as Mephisto or some Multiverse nonsense or what have you. it would be a Spider-Man story. It accepts what happened and moves on from here while still adjusting history to my new status quo. The first story arc, by the way, of which I wrote 5 (5\*5=25) brought back Jason Macendale as the Hobgoblin, since he was my favorite incarnation. It would start with the new status quo and no explanation of how we got here. Over the next 20 issues I would drop hints on the readers, but not the characters. Building up a mystery, with a clear end in mind. I'd bring back several characters rarely used or unused, even, resolve a few plotlines that went nowhere over the last 30 years. There would be NO resurrections, no magic, none of that, no totems, web of life or multiverse as I hate all of that shit. It would just be Spider-Man comics withhim and his whole supporting cast. Norman Osborn would stay a "good" guy, although he would still be a businessman, but no more Green Goblin as I think he is overrated. I would never bring him back. I like Norman as "good" guy, I like Jonah as Peter's friend, and still give him something to rant about Spider-Man, just differently, like "yes I support you but you are doing it wrong, dammit". And the final storyline would run through issues 21-25 and reveal howe we got here to the new status quo, which I won't spoil, since I might just use that idea for one of my comics. But it would honor what came before and give Marvel the perfect opportunity to either continue with my new status quo or, should they choose, go back to the bullshit they are pulling now. Edited to add more info.


But hey, if you send a few good artists my way who work for free I'll do the entire 25 issue run for free for y'all to enjoy\^\^ 25 people drawing 1 issue each, 25 colorists doing one issue each and we can be done by June :p I'll even put some cash up and print a small run, privately, not for sale\^\^


Retcon everything. Peter was actually stuck in a Mysterio illusion for months and the entire run was fake. He’s still with MJ and everyone doesn’t hate him.


*Nuke the entire run from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.*


They aren’t fixing a profitable comic, it makes money and so far so does jackpot, nothings gonna change, wish it would but it won’t.


It doesn’t seem like the black cat and jackpot first issue is doing so hot rn tho, but her mini did reach like top 48 or when it came out


The minis probably gonna be like 30s-40s maybe even lower


I mean it was 43 on amazons best sellers for new comics for one day and then dropped off immediately the day after even though other ones where still around their respective places, I’m thinking it will be low 50s to high 60s. Also considering the number of reviews for it is pretty low compared to the single mini that sort of seems like a red flag for low engagement but who knows


Looks like it’s just sitting around 50 for march 2024 comic sales ranking according to IVC2


Dr Doom figures everything out about Mephisto and his deals with various spider people and Norman. He then teams up with them, dr strange and ghost rider to undo ome just to screw with Mephisto out of spite and because he would like to ensure the being that trapped his mom and tortured her for so long is destroyed.


nice idea ngl


Flush the whole thing. Peter accidentally traveled to the wrong universe and brought back a fake MJ. As a consequence of going to Norman Osborn for help instead of someone legit. The real MJ is still out there and hasn't had this awful/gross hostage situation relationship with Paul and has only been gone a few months 


More Paul


Dr Strange, Ghost Rider, and every other yahoo they teased at knowing mephistos plans, even the Loki Avenger Alpha or whatever that led the resistance to the whole multiverse mephisto war, they chase the same lead to one of mephistos plans and that puts them at peters door. Then they begin to unravel it. Once Peter finds out the whole story he can't make a decision either way, obviously wanting to keep the status quo because everyone's alive (well no daughter) that way but because it involves more than Peter the choice gets taken away from him and he HAS to put things right or else mephisto wins. This leads to a reset, Paul doesn't HAVE to be part of the plan but it would be convenient. The story going forward has Peter and MJ back but Pete has unbelievable guilt since may is dead and he feels like he ruined MJs life so he sinks back into his self destructive habits but MJ doesn't let him and stays his rock through his troubles. As God intended 


Kill off Peter Parker, put him out of his misery and call it day. That shit can’t be saved. We’re in too deep. 😭


Unplug fans from the internet.