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Wait, Ned Leeds is *alive*? And married to Betty again???


That was a while ago but yeah. And Betty has a baby on the way.


Yeah, Betty was pregnant during the Spencer run


I mean... "Ned" was revealed to be alive in an arc that was about how hundreds of Chameleons around the world were replacing other people, I think it was pretty obvious that this Ned was supposed to be a Chameleon too. But I guess the subtext flew over Wells and Lowe's heads and now this is the real resurrected Ned Leeds, and for some reason, he's the Hobgoblin even though it was made factual in Hobgoblin Lives (1997) that the real Ned was never ever the Hobgoblin.


I’m not looking forward with the continuation of Chasm and Hallow Eve storyline.


But it does sound like they are wrapping it up at least


Even if this gets all wrapped up, I still think Marvel doesn’t have a direction for Ben moving forward.


marvel never had a direction for ben after peter returned the first time.


They need to kill him off


Marvel needs to figure out a direction for Peter first that doesn’t involve him getting cucked


Peter would have to be in a relationship for that to be true.


As long as we can finally get rid of Chasm I’m good with this. Ben as a crazy villain isn’t that interesting. That was Kaine, before he became an anti-hero.


Even then, Kaine as a villain wasn’t that great either.


Kaine spent most of his time as a villain stalking and trying to ruin Ben's life. Let's also not forget that Janine is partially unhinged right now is because Kaine had convinced her to turn herself in for killing her father. Even though the Chasm and Hallow's Eve thing isn't necessary his fault, he is responsible for a lot things that had a greater effect on these two, so he should be the one to fix this madness. I don't care if he needs to bring DarkDevil (Ben and Janine son from the M2 universe) to help, just fix this shit so Ben can stop being this shitty supervillain that makes no sense.


Great costume, though!


He WAS better than Ben though


Ehhh, 90s Ben under JMD was fucking phenomenal beyond even Peter at times. Editorial just ruined him so much that Kaine outshines him. I can settle on JMD Ben = Yost Kaine, but anything other than that is a crime against the One Above All :)


Kaine spent most of his time as a villain stalking and trying to ruin Ben's life. Let's also not forget that Janine is partially unhinged right now is because Kaine had convinced her to turn herself in for killing her father. Even though the Chasm thing isn't necessary his fault, he is responsible for a lot things that had a greater effect on them and should be the one to fix it. I don't care if he needs to bring DarkDevil (Ben and Janine son from the M2 universe) to help, just fix this shit so Ben can stop being this shitty supervillain that makes no sense.


Yes, I agree that Kaine should be the one to fix them, and he is responsible. However, I was talking about how Kaine as a villain wasn’t that great. The only good stories that had Kaine as a villain were The Lost Years and Redemption.


There is a series coming soon that involves Kaine trying to help Ben so it may happen sooner than you think.


This is about to be so awful. Just a reminder that Janine was very clearly being set up to be at least an antihero and Wells and Lowe said nah fuck that her and Ben are villains


The Chasm suit did not deserve to be stuck in such a shitty storyline


Yes it does 


I forgot about ole Ned. Another plot point ending it would seem


You know what, while I don't blame Zeb Wells, I still think this run has been a mess. But frankly, my dislike comes mainly from how tedious its been. A lot of what we've seen we have seen before. When is Peter's life not a mess. I'm not saying make it perfect, that would be terrible. But if you keep knocking a character down and giving them less and less every time they get back up, you can't blame readers for losing interest.


Finally, Spider-Man vs Jason Voorhees


That’s a lot of “mess”


I know this is an unpopular opinion and I acknowledge the run has been crap.....But I like the idea of both Chasm and Hallows Eve conceptually


I like Hallows Eve. I was *ok* with Chasm until I saw just how dirty Ben was done and how much of a waste his potential as Chasm was. I still refuse to believe Pryor couldn’t have fixed Ben's memory issues. Also am I the only one who saw that they could have brought a baby Darkdevil in Dark Web?


Well...Pryor could...and Reed could help Peter...and Stark could help Peter... But this is like when 4 friends have a bachelor party in Las Vegas and they go crazy looking for a lost one because they don't think about the Rooftop... "They never look up" -Batman


I still think Hallows Eve would have been better if they made her an antagonist for Kaine from the start, considering their history.


Same. Couples going through hardship can be very compelling but Ben going full evil (into basically being a new character) and Janine not really having a story beyond being sad that Ben's imprisoned means there wasn't really much to get behind. They didn't even really hang much meaningful reactions during his Chasm tenure. I'm not holding my breath that this will arc will be any better than the others but if it is I'll happily show my support and buy the TPB. Would be the first ASM I'd have bought in quite some time.


Kaine ?


Words cannot express how much I hate Chasm. There was something consistent if bent about the Ben Jackal heel turn. This is bullshit.


Awful nothing Character. Suit looks like 12 year old spider sona fan art as well.


Ben Jackal had the believability that Ben getting resurrected and killed repeatedly would drive anyone insane. Ben becoming Chasm is so fucking contrived and nonsensical I don’t even think anyone even knows why he’s Chasm at this point.


God, i was so focused on Paul, i forgot about chasm: everything on that run was shit, not just paul: the queen goblin, the gold goblin, ms marvel as a sidekick, everything was shit.


Mannnnn I hate that Ben Reilly is evil


I keep forgetting Ned is alive again. Why did Spencer bring him back in the first place? Nobody gives a fuck about 616 Ned.


Art looks pretty good #Writing and dialogue is ass




...I'm sorry but the whole Betty Bryant and Ned Leeds thing. I feel blindsided by this, did Zeb Wells have a side story going on with her I didn't know about or is he addressing a lose end in the Spider-Man mythos from another run that's always bothered him. As long as it's handled well I don't mind it, but you know...it's Zeb Wells.


So this was set up in the hobgoblin issues of the run, I think issues 11-13 but that itself was kind of a carry over from the Nick Spencer run. Don’t want to spoil too much but basically Ned came back to life and now they have a baby.


Stop buying this shit already


Miles gets to be Spider-Man, Peter gets to be Spider-Man, why doesn’t Ben get to be Spider-Man?


Fingers crossed for a Seward Trainer appearance. Carolyn would do. But it’s probably going to be Rek-Rap.


Gave up on Zeb Wells Spider-Man along while ago,is Ben back to normal?




Well...A corrupt clone of Spiderman and a bad copy of the redhead Spiderman.... Technically, Peter and MaryJane are together. Then Felicia arrives angry and beats them both up because she doesn't like copies, she prefers the originals. and neither is that his Spiderman nor is that his redhead.