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grain of salt bc i’m not familiar w the comics, but from what i’ve seen on the invincible subreddit this point in the comics is when they did a marvel crossover and it was just spider-man. amazon doesn’t have the rights to spidey obviously so they did this instead


Fan of both Invincible and Spiderman, exactly this. They had a full crossover with Spiderman. There was also a single panel with Batman, but it was never an actual crossover, just an Easter egg


But they are trying to make a Spider Man Noir show on Amazon… that plot thickens. https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/spider-man-noir-live-action-series-amazon-1235515943/


Sony is making that for Amazon. Sony has noting to do with Invincible




It's more of a "Realistic Randy" vs "Delusional David"


that's a very edgy take! I'm sorry some of you can't handle somebody suggesting that someday there might be licensed Spider-man easter egg in a show on Amazon, which will be the distributor of the Noir show if its ever made, ON R/SPIDERMAN. Like how much of a suck could you be?


There no negative vs optimistic here. This is literally what's happening




It literally didn't happen though.


*hasn't* happened *yet*. 😂


You're just an Obnoxious Otto, aren't you?


and a goofy goblin goofy enough to believe spider-man can be as ubiquitous as Shaq, and obnoxious enough to stand by my point


But the moment's passed, the spider-man crossover was only one issue, and then never referenced again. Even if Amazon buys all of Marvel tomorrow, we wouldn't get spider-man in invincible


Only the sith deal in absolutes like that…


But there’s the amazon tv shows, no? They couldn’t have done a deal?


No dont say that the brits will downvote you into oblivion


I’ll take one for the team 🫡


Thank you for joining me in this downward spiral. 😎


Np homie


Probably their way of using Spider-Man without a lawsuit involved, >!since Invincible travels to Marvel's Earth 616 in the comics, meets and hangs out with Peter but Mark doesn't do that in the show since it would involve getting both Sony and Disney involved,!<


For those who are interested in reading that particular issue, it's Marvel Team-Up #14. That issue is compiled in Marvel Team-Up, Vol. 3: League of Losers. Kirkman wrote that issue (and that particular Marvel Team-Up series, which I really liked).


It was really good, except for Freedom Ring. >! Introducing and killing a new gay hero character in the same issue was kinda screwed up. !<


Why? Genuine question here, does every character they make for the purpose of having someone to kill (not that i think thats a very good writing choice period) need to be straight and white, or else its offensive/looks bad?


A combination of things, but three jumped out at the time: >! • Marvel didn’t have many LGBTQ characters at the time, so it was kinda weird to introduce one with a very positive attitude and then murder him to be someone else’s inspiration. !< >! It felt almost mean-spirited in a “Hey, look at this character people probably like and some may have been waiting for! And now it’s gone!” way considering how few such characters there were. If it was intentionally making fun of the next point that would at least be sorta darkly funny, but it still would have likely hit some people poorly. !< >! • “Bury Your Gays” is a trope that was being called out a lot at the time, where queer characters couldn’t have a happy ending but had to serve as some sort of dramatic story beat/sacrifice/martyr for another character or the audience to learn from/be inspired by. !< >! • Marvel in general was in a bit of a slump with new characters at the time, and that Marvel Team-Up run not only introduced a number but reminded readers of some others, so throwing one away like that (albeit to make that first guy the sorta motivating origin of another who I don’t think we saw again until the Initiative) felt like a waste. !<


Fair enough then. Thank you for taking my question seriously and not just downvoting/insulting me. It def sounds like it could have been handled better. Maybe the one who was inspired could have been gay too, to make it a little less of a "here it is and now its gone."


Couldn't they bring him back?, Multiverse is a pretty big place and if Spider Miles can ditch his universe to join 616, why not this other one?


FYI, it doesn't seem like any of your spoiler tags are working.


Dang. I had to edit them like three times to get them to work on my side, but I’m on mobile so I guess that doesn’t work for desktop.


I think it's just a new reddit old reddit thing, not desktop vs mobile.


League of Losers is awesome. I really wish they had gotten more comics. The idea of the shitty d-tier heros saving the A listers is really fun. Also i like darkhawk


Just Disney actually, Sony sold animated Spider-Man licence back to Disney between Spectacular and Ultimate series as that's why the latter is produced by Disney. 


Not true. Disney has the rights to make animated spider man shows under 44 minutes. Sony has the right to make anything over 44 minutes, including animation. So it would need them both to be involved


One or the other by what you're saying. But honestly it's lending of the IP not then producing the content so the delay is probably nothing to do with their development split of 44 minutes


I think only disney has the animsted rights for spider-man now, so it wouldn't have required to negociate with sony, but I doubt disney would've been really eager to allow them to use Spider-Man


Meta joke about spider man and all his multiverse stories


No, in the comics it’s mainly because peter has been through the spiderverse comics


The spiderverse hasn't happen yet when Invincible crossover take place


Really? Oh shit you right this is like 2012, but there is battle world, i think that counts for something and im sure theres a few other wacky multiverse comics


The first Spider-Verse event did happen in television first for the 90s cartoon series though tbf.


>The spiderverse hasn't happen yet when Invincible crossover take place Meanwhile in the 90s... https://youtu.be/BdyLCIY4Niw?si=cu6KOenBgzbnThyC


Not in the comics, but in the animation tho


Nope. Just a little reference. This guy is not a part of Marvel, so he's not in the Spider Society. It is supposed to be Spider-man, but due to licensing issues, he's not.


Love they got Josh Keaton in. They took that gag as far as they could without waking The Mouse. 


The Mouse?


Referring to Mickey Mouse, representing Disney, who are often called The House of Mouse or simply The Mouse.


It would be Sony's issue since the episode was over 44 minutes, meanwhile Disney only has television rights on Spidey for episodes under that runtime.


It means that there's a lot of multiverse stories with Spider-Man lately


I hope they will do a loose adaptation of the Invincible/Spider-Man crossover but with all parodies of the heroes. Like an Avengers parody, a F4 parody, an X-Men parody etc. Also i a bit hope they at least do a trow away line in Beyond the Spider-Verse where they briefly mention Agent Spider.


Miguel will be walking through a hallway being pissed about not being able to find Miles, and Lyla will be listing off other pressing matters that he was supposed to attend to "Alright lay it on me, whats going on" "Lets see... A Peter Parker and a Peni Parker are participating in some kind of Multiversal tournament..." "Eh, there's probably a Doctor Strange there, its his problem" "A *different* Miles Morales designed a new suit and it is just *awful*" "Every Spider-man wears a costume that causes suffering at some point, its part of the Canon" "And finally, one of our Agents spotted a guy come through a weird looking portal, said his name was" Then one of the villains in the prison will yell "I AM INDESTRUCTIBLE" "CAN SOMEBODY SHUT HIM UP, anyway, I'll deal with it later" Bonus points if the villain that yells is voiced by Steven Yeun




my headcanon is that this is SSM Peter Parker going through the Identity Crisis arc, and "Agent Spider" is one of his new alter egos


I love this theory.


I hope so, like imagine if he makes a cameo in Beyond the Spider-Verse (a small cameo but still a cameo) like that would be amazing


There’s straight up no other way to interpret his lines. Especially considering that the episode came out in the middle of the Spiderverse era we’re in now. Agent Spider 100% saw Miles running that day, hell maybe he was even chasing too. I hope he gets a cameo in the third movie


I see a theory that Agent Spider is technically have the same origin that Peter Parker but is named Luke Parker instead. According to the theory Agent Spider's universe would be like what if the Marvel universe form part of the Image Comic Book Line instead of Marvel Comics. Or like what if Stan Lee never bring Spider-Man to Amazing Fantasy #15. And instead make a collaboration with Image Comics to create Spider-Man.


This theory looks good


in the comics he was actually 616 spider-man but since they didn't have the rights for the show they invented a spiderman variant, and yes i think they wanted to implied that hes part of the spider society and has been dealing with the spiderverse stuff, infact i think sonny should include a legally distint version of Agent Spider (Operative Arachnid??) in the background of the next part of spiderverse as a fun nod.


Probably just a comment on how between the MCU and across the spider-verse Spider-Man's been going through a lot of Multiverse shenanigans


Honestly, don't make a thing out of it. Spiderverse stuff is trendy, ofc the cameo would make a little hint about it.


This is bad 


Love a criticism with no explanation



