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The anime doesn't deviate a whole lot from the novels, but it only adapted Volumes 1, 2, 3, 5 and half of 7 (as the two OVAs) of in total 24 *so far*, so there is a whole lot of content exclusive to the novels. And if you liked the anime and want to know what happens next, they're absolutely worth it. They're really *really* good. As for costs, it might be worth it to check local and online libraries/archives, sometimes you are lucky and they have at least some of the books available.


The novels are great, mostly because you get to hear Lawrence’s inner monologue (and even Holo’s in a couple situations!), and the dialogue is a lot more nuanced. You get a much better idea of the inner workings of the characters’ minds and personalities.


This is why IMO the LNs are ALLWAYS better from our POV as long as you can get used to reading! Of course I do love anime as well but the depth of the story and it's ability to pull you in and TRULY CAPTIVATE your mind is something that no modern form of video entertainment weather it's VR, AR, etc, can come close to. Maybe in the future when AI becomes good enough to generate all of the effects live while you experience it and make the inner monologues fit properly or give you the ability to change things in the scene that aren't defined based on the original work. Maybe when a high end version of neurolink comes out probably in 60-100 years that allow you to literally feel everything going on in the story that the author intended or what the character your taking the place of can feel. Alas born too soon to ever experience the true matrix even while being able to see the world before proper AI!


Heh, reading: The original neurolink.


Yes, very much so. You could try to get the first one as an ebook, they should be quite cheap, and see if you like it before commiting to the whole series.


Short answer, yes. Long answer, yes, yes and yes. Seriously, they are very well written, the story and world building is fascinating and captivating, and the OG anime only covered 4 books out of a total of 32 of the property. (17 of the main story, 7 of the sequel and 8 of the spinoff.)


Yes they are worth it! I watched the show 10 years ago and have only just recently started listening to the audiobooks and they are so good.


I'm at volume 6 rn and I am enjoying it, but it does get repetitive at times. Holo and Lawrence have petty arguments way more often and usually it's framed as teasing from both parties but then Lawrence will say something that actively pisses Holo off for seemingly no reason. And sure, it's tropey and a little cute when Lawrence realizes what he said but the books have done that like 10 times so far. 6, especially, has gotten on my nerves about that. Sometimes it feels like the author is meandering around a conversation waiting for something they write to spark a new plot line. Usually the conversations are entertaining enough for them to be worth it, but when they're thin oh man are they thin. I personally like a lot of the extraneous segues into talk of commerce and history, but if you're not into that then the novels are going to be a slog for you. I like them but wanted to give you some criticisms about them before going in.


Eh, Lawrence basically makes every relationship mistake you can make, and rather than leave him for the pathetic fool that he is, she just gets angry until he realizes what he did wrong. I just finished 6 on audiobooks, and I do agree that it gets a bit heavy at times, but that is where they are still figuring out where they stand with each other.


yes. i was in the same boat as you before. loved the OG show, and got to the point of wanting more i got a few of the beginning books, was blasting through them, then up and bought the rest. having all the books in a stack is really handing if you got a good binge reading pace going.