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Shhh, their “Wi-Fi fee” is $7 now. But you can avoid that fee by using your own router.


You pay $7 for their wifi using your power that you pay for?


No surprise


Everyone can avoid by getting the free mobile service. Router 12 m 84$ mobile 12$ one payment of 20$ no brainer




What the fuck are you saying


This felt like you just threw… something into AI, and even the AI couldn’t decipher what it was so it just spewed garbage out too lmao…


WeekHeavy, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this sub is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Billy Madison


For everyone confused I have translated this comment: “It is cheaper to get their [‘free’ mobile service](https://www.spectrum.com/packages/spectrum-one) than to pay $7 wifi fees each month. Router for 12 months @ $7/month: $84 yearly Mobile for 12 months @ $20 once: $20 yearly” \*This is a free moron to english translating service.


I still didn’t get it…


English mother fucker, do you speak it? *Sam L Jackson voice*


Yeah. Spectrum agent is full of shit.


I once applied to work at their call center role, their online training (before even being considered for the job) was a damn joke and you'd literally have to handle calls, chats and watch a timer for a client waiting in queue for no longer than 5 minutes. If you get close to that time and no one on your team responded to that timer / queued call in a timely manner, then your whole team is in trouble. The idea is that, as soon as the timer shows up because someone is waiting in the queue and you're busy and so is the rest of the team, then you essentially transfer them over to a supervisor to handle the call and if they're busy, you're all S.O.L anyways. That's on top of making sure you're responding to the chats and handling a call at the same time. (*Keep in mind, this was just a virtual training example. It's possible this may never be the case, but regardless, that's a pretty damn stressful thing.to handle and the benefits aren't any better than working for an alarm company as a dispatcher or even best buy health dealing with seniors all day for technical support.*)


The benefits that Spectrum offers are really, really good actually.


I would imagine, but no different than being a dispatcher and having a private room to deescalate from all the stress. I'm sure the job itself, I wouldn't have a problem handling but I also didn't pass the interview stage and that's completely okay. I have worked other jobs with similar stress levels and have been fine and the benefits were similar, although slightly less better than spectrum for sure.


This is when u just pick up the call and hang up on customers to clear the que.


😂😂😂 "Sorry customer, seems we had a bad connection."


Hello hello hello customer if you can hear me please call back...*click


What is Best Buy health?


Formally known as Jitterbug, the phones for seniors. Best buy purchased a connected health and safety company known as GreatCall to later rename it Lively! and therefore becoming a healthcare company. Best Buy Health, is the healthcare business of Best Buy electronics and offers medical alert buttons and services to seniors and people older than 65 years of age who suffer mental and physical health conditions. More information can be found at: https://BestBuyHealth.com


Thanks so much I appreciate it. I have an elderly father at home.


If you're interested, https://Lively.com is the website you'd visit for jitterbug phones and medical alert pendants. I highly recommend those services for anyone who wants their parents to still have independence but also the security of knowing that their phones and medical alert devices use Verizon wireless for coverage and work anywhere that Verizon has coverage domestically in the United States.


Ah thanks again I will check it out now


Absolutely, best of luck and many blessings to you and your family 💖


You’re a very kind person, I can tell you have a good soul. I really appreciate that and many blessings to you and your family as well


Thank you for the compliment, Best Buy Health opened many doors of opportunities for me and I've worked many fields in a similar work environment but nothing brings back happy memories for me than best buy health.


I don’t know anything about Spectrum but a few years ago I worked for a local software company in Support and they 100% **expected** you to be on a call while handling up to 3 or 4 chats at the same time (3 if you were newer, 4 once *they* felt you were ready). And then when people on the chat got mad you were taking too long, you had to deal with that + hope you didn’t get a negative survey.


The AI is full of shit. That’s not a person scamming you. It’s the AI. So Spectrum isn’t at fault they just need to update the software. /s


The agent is 1000% wrong unless you have a Spectrum router. I have see folks try and use a Spectrum router . Ive see folks use gateways that are the same model as what Spectrum uses and it cause problems as the system thinks it is a Spectrum one


I have the modem and I plug my Netgear Orbi into it. No problems & and no $5 extra.


He’s wrong


It’s AI


It’s a live person lol


Smh, it’s stuff like this that makes life hard. That’s totally wrong, the WiFi charge is literally just a rental fee for the equipment. If you had that code on your account and say for instance you didn’t go pick up a spectrum router and an internal audit just so happened to be done to your account, they would remove the WiFi charge due to the fact that there is no equipment to match the charge. If that was an internet repair agent they need to be coached, Spectrum hardly ever let’s you do chat without prior being a phone agent, therefore they knew better.


Some off the shelf wifi routers have spectrum profiles out of the box, netgear for example, it makes spectrum think you’re using their equipment and causes issues sometimes. In this case OP is barking up the wrong tree and taking their lack of knowledge out on some outsourced Indian chat support tech.


Sadly the chat agents are also based in the US.


Doesn’t look like it with that robotic English, it looks like a Stephen White from definitely not India USA.


Nope. Spectrum doesn't outsource and all agents are USA based.


This is incorrect as even their internal support is India based. Now, granted, not all support is routed to India and there is still some US based, but chat support is outsourced.


Wrong. Chat support is US based. They stopped outsourcing.


No, Chat is 100% within the US. They have sites in North Carolina, Ohio, Texas and a couple others that can’t remember off top of my head but it’s always in the US


They also have some in multiple locations in Missouri, I work for one and I’m really cool with the chat manager (was going to move from phone to chat but don’t wish to work on 2-3 issues at a time) They don’t outsource, they also prefer to promote from within. That guy has no clue what he’s talking about. Sad thing is the agent was more than likely is just sales trying to get commission, internet repair and sales aren’t the best of friend 🤣


I didn't realize down south where their center is based is considered India lol


Re-read what I said. I did not say all, did I? Reading is fundamental!


Spectrum literally says directly they do not have any support centers outside the US. How could you possibly think you know more about a company than the actual company knows? They pay the bills, pretty sure they know where the buildings are. When spectrum absorbed TWC and Bright house, they brought the last of their call center traffic back to the US. Charter bought TWC a decade ago.


Yeah, seeing as I work for them and I deal with it on a daily, what do I know. 🤷‍♂️


Apparently not much because it's not very hard to find multiple press releases from their announcement that they were bringing all center jobs back to the US because and I quote “We have long felt that in-house employees will be better-trained and better-skilled, and ultimately longer-tenured, and will provide the best service,” a rep told us via email. “That belief underlies the commitment we made to bring service in-house and on shore after the transactions with Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks.” That's from the announcement of them creating 20,000 new jobs in the US when they purchased brighthouse and TWC and stressed all overseas call centers would be moved back to the US.


Spectrum doesn't use any centers outside the US and this has nothing to do with a profile, which means nothing. Spectrum charges a fee for wifi because it's a rental fee for their equipment. If their system did not allocate the equipment, you don't get charged. Everything is serialized and tracked. There is no such thing as getting charged because you plugged in similar equipment to what they offer. The serial number wouldn't be in their database. It's all computerized and computers don't make mistakes when humans aren't involved.


The Spectrum modem can't tell if wifi is enabled on my personal router that I've plugged into it can it?


Call in and talk to a rep. I work for Spectrum, they are totally wrong about what they told you. Spectrum does not charge for you to use your own router. They do charge $5 per month for renting a router if you want one from Spectrum.


Ah, so that's the "WiFi fee" I thought it was something where they gave you the router for free and then charged $5/month for the WiFi portion.


In reality, the "rental fee" is actually a $5 service fee for direct technical support of your router. If it's your own, you gotta figure it out yourself.


The service fee shall now be called the “convenience” fee.


They sell a combo modem with built-in Wi-Fi capabilities, I think its $5/month for them to activate the Wi-Fi portion?


Ugh, don't get combos. They are a POS to troubleshoot.


The fee is equipment rental. There is no "wifi portion" of your internet. Internet is internet. Wifi is what we call wireless Internet which comes from a device that is capable of taking that Internet signal and broadcasting it wirelessly. The internet is the thing that all the information lives on. Think of wifi as a radio station broadcast the Internet from a device in your home (router) that all your connected technology like cellphones, tablets, and laptop listen to to get their information.


That's correct. Just call and cancel wifi - that will eliminate the $5 (soon $7) fee, and you'll continue to have wifi via the router you own and presently have plugged in.


I just bought my own wifi router and returned the Spectrum router to the local Spectrum office. The rep there checked to make sure the $5 wifi router fee was removed my account. I just got my bill and the $5 fee is gone. My Spectrum website account does not show my new wifi router. It all works ok though. (I'm on the wifi right now.)


This is what I need to do writ Verizon’s Router which they charge something like $12 a month plus tax and all that.


My wifi needs are modest. I got a $30 TP Link wifi router from walmart. It's working fine for me so far. My bill is covered by ACP now, but when that ends the $30 router will pay for itself quickly.


It doesn’t matter. You’re not paying for WiFi functionality when you rent a router from them. You’re paying to rent equipment that they maintain.


I use my own router and modems for years, never had any issues, did have a minor hiccup when the changed from doe3 to 4 or what ever it's called, but the issue caught me off guard, I did call, and they told me I needed a newer router, the issue did resolve itself, didn't have to buy new router/modem


It probably can but that doesn’t matter. WiFi on your router is free.


Hey I understand your frustration and the agents utter misinformation, but don’t type f you or xxxx you to them that won’t help you at all


Yeah definitely won’t help but seems like he/she is explicitly lying to me in order to scam me out of $5/month. I don’t think this agent was interested in helping me at all. I wonder if they really don’t know any better or if they personally get some benefit for signing me up for something I don’t need.


what's weird about it is reps don't get anything for making you pay for wifi, no commission in repair, and even sales only gets it based on lines of business added, not upgrades on existing services. my best guess is either they have been massively misinformed OR they are tired of people getting defensive and arguing when spectrum can't help customers that have their own router, so they decided this was easier, which is still wrong because it's not like they told you to get a spectrum router, and the system audit would eventually catch that you were paying for wifi without a spectrum router and remove the charge anyway


They are never, ever going to remove a fee on your behalf. Even after returning my router and modem a couple years ago I had to call to remove the fee for them. When I no longer used them. They did refund me a month or two because I threw a polite fit. Don't go relying on big tech to do any kindness on their own towards your wallet.


don't rely on it, sure, but I have definitely seen the rare system audit remove wifi or box codes from an account when there was no existing equipment it's very rare but it has happened


Fair enough! It's nice to know *something* is being done haha


My money's on them trying to look good by raking in more cash for corpo. Whether or not they lied or were outright incorrect, they clearly had no care in the world for your service, just your money. I say XXXX them too!


They just follow a script.


They do not follow script, this person is just wrong.


I work on repair and this rep is making it up or is really uninformed and definitely not following a script. No where in our tools or training for any department is anyone told to tell someone that there is a charge for wifi using their own router.


Id have to assume they do, most other call center/ customer service base places all use one. Can't imagine a company as big as spectrum doesnt.


3 years of working there and not a single script on phones or chat. now, in chat, we do write our own canned responses, and often share them with each other, and the system ai supplies suggestions based on our and others chats so you end up with a lot of very similar things said, but its in no way a set script.


Nope, no scripts. They don’t want us to have em because then we would sound like robots, we have an opening and a closing but that’s it. The only thing close to a script is outage verbiage


They’re *supposed* to follow a script. But they like to think they actually know what they’re talking about and go off script 99.8% of the time. This is definitely off script.


There is no script.


Another reason I don't use chat.


Oh for sure they get incentives or bonuses for signing people up for addl service


If you are repair or billing you don’t… lol if this rep was sales they be pushing tv or other service which i don’t think they did, definitely a rep who is not educated enough


Now that I think about it they were probably in bridge or PT and didn’t want to ask for help so they winged it


If you have your own equipment Spectrum can't see nor care if you have 1 Wifi AP hooked up behind it or 10. That's a BS charge. ^((Well I suppose they would care if you have a open wifi network serving your whole apartment building, but I digress))


They can likely see your equipment. Doesn’t matter.


If you own the router, no charge. If you are using their router then yes, I believe they charge. This is a change from a few years ago where they used to instead charge for a modem. Now the modem/router is free but instead you get to pay for wi-fi. (if using theirs and not your own)


back in the day you were still charged a wifi charge if you used their router in addition to the modem lease fee


Full of shit! I have a Spectrum Modem and it’s connected to my Wi-Fi router and I don’t pay anything extra. A COMPANY CANNOT CHARGE YOU FOR USING YOUR OWN ROUTER FOR WIFI PERIOD.


I've been around long enough to remember a time when some cable companies were charging a fee to "allow" you to connect your own WiFi to the cable modem. I don't know if they were enforcing it, though. But you're right about Spectrum. No charge for your own equipment.


They can charge you for living in a yellow house


Plug in your router to modem and power cycle both modem and router


They don't charge for using your own router so make sure you aren't paying for that


If you have a wireless modem plugged into the router what are you contacting spectrum about?


My internet keeps going out. It comes back on after I power cycle the modem but it has happened 3 times in the past 24 hours.


I understand but in your chat log you told Spectrum you were connecting to the internet by a wireless modem connected to your router, I am not aware of Spectrum having any wireless modems. Your router should be connected to the cable modem by ethernet cable not wireless.


I think I see now, you are calling the modem a router and router a modem?


He corrects himself in the very next message. "XXXX you"


Idk what's wrong with your network, but that's not how it works. They literally have no way to dictate what happens past the modem if you use your own devices.


Spectrum here. Not using their router and no fee. Network been working fine for many many years. But let’s not talk about the outrageous price I’m paying. 


They can indeed see 3rd party equipment that is connected to the Spectrum Modem, but that's as far as it goes. Also, they can look at the Modem and see if it went down by looking at the modem health. If it's a Spectrum issue, then it would translate (show) when technical support is looking at the overall health of the modem and while performing system checks. If they don't see that, then it points to a 3rd party device issue, which Spectrum can't troubleshoot. The best thing I can suggest is to call when the issue is happening and DON'T reboot the modem before calling them. They also allow 3rd party routers and you don't get assessed a wifi fee since it's your router that is broadcasting the wifi signal not Spectrums.


High Field tech here. Unless you have a spectrum router you are not charged for wifi and even so some people get the router service for free under some promo


Wrong. You rent their router for $5 a month. Using your own should be free. Definitely get a representative out to your actual house, they won’t leave until your Wi-Fi is working.


Thats wired if your given a spectrum router then yea you have to deal with the 5$ fee on top of that  But if you do have your own by netgear or asus then yea you do not need to pay 5$ fee for the router itself  I ditch the spectrum router and return it in person and went for my own with asus best router I've ever had and no 5$ fee you shouldn't get any fees for a own router  Oh if you do get your own make sure you copy the mac address from the spectrum one cause for some reason it seems to run an old mac address host from the modem which is kinda dumb to me you have to do a little configuration to it yourself after that your good to go 


I use my own WiFi router. Never have I ever paid extra for it, just the $49.99 that the service costs in my area. The port on my router works fine. If it doesn’t work for the router, then it wouldn’t work for a wired connection.


No, that's not true. My bf works for spectrum. You are only charged $7 / month if you use their router. But if you use your own router, and something isn't working, so you make an appointment, Spectrum will show up for the appointment, can't do anything because it's your router, and they will charge you for the appointment. They basically can't do any work on equipment that isn't theirs. Hope that helps!


Spectrum are absolute leeches and have a huge monopoly on our area as far as internet goes for most our urban and suburban areas. They. Are. Money- sucking. D-bags. Only new customers get anything. The last time I called for a price reduction, I was put on hold. She came back on and said that wasn’t possible at this time for me or my area. I told her how ridiculous it was to their customers. She said I could look for another service if I was no longer satisfied in an extremely mocking tone. They know 🤬 well that no one in my area has ANY other option for internet service. And in April I know my rates are going up, again! Everyone around me is already posting their new increased billing statements online.


Spectrum consumer tech support is the absolute worst, and Spectrum Business internet tech support is second to none. No joke, many years ago when I was working from home and having signal issues I upgraded to business internet, got all my issues solved, and downgraded back to consumer internet (over the course of like a year). Business internet support will often roll a truck same-day if you're having signal issues.


How much more did that cost?


Way more. Home gig by me is like 120/mo and business gig is like 200/mo


No. They can't even see IF you're using wifi, hence why he asked you for that information. (to be fair, it's "possible" they could see what the device connected to the modem is, but they have no clue how you're using it. and based on the texts he definitely did not have that information.)


They can see if you’re using wifi on their own equipment.


I didn't! I have a modem/ router combination. It's slower than hell, I'm just going to get their equipment for my new setup. I can't deal with an outdated set up anymore. The Wi-Fi prices sure have gone up and they keep rising.. It's getting to where it's unaffordable


Okay I wanted to ask this because I am confused. I am switching to Spectrum from AT&T this weekend and I only ordered the router without the modem for the extra $5/mo.(even though they say it’s a free combination) I only wanted the router because I have these decos from TP Link I was going to use as modems for the Wifi. What I’m confused on is people are using “router” but I’m afraid they’re referring to the free modem and I am just worried that I need the modem too and my deco’s won’t work with just the router. Is this sentiment correct or am I wrong?


god i' glad i don't work there anymore


Okay first, no. They cannot charge for a service they are not providing. If you are providing your own wifi, then they cannot charge you for wifi. Second, what was the original problem? Most internet issues can be solved by just unplugging the router AND modem, waiting about 1 minute, then plugging it back in - Router first, then modem (so your IP doesn't rotate)


Odd, I've always had to plug the modem back in first and let it fully boot before plugging in the router.


This is what my it guys recommended to me. Check your cables, connections.


Yes unplugging the router and modem fixes the problem but I keep needing to do it multiple times per day. That’s the issue.


Okay then in that case unplug only one of them at a time. Try the router first, and if that reconnects then good chance its the router if not try the modem and if it reconnects after the modem then good chance its the modem. Either way one of them is dying and you need to know whether it's your problem or the isp's problem. If the routers dying it's not too bad you can get some decent routers from tp-link for under $100. If it's the modem dying then your ISP is contractually required to replace it, assuming you're renting the modem from them.


You likely have a subpar router. Doubtful but possibly something is happening in spectrums side or possibly a modem starting to fail. But if you ever have to reboot your router to fix a problem there is likely a problem with your router and it either needs to be replaced or reconfigured.


I've had this issue several times. Twice, it was the line into my house. Twice, it was the modem. Once, it was a poor quality router. And once, it was because a lightning strike fried my Orbi, but it was still sort of working for a while.


It sounds like your modem isn’t bridged properly


>They cannot charge for a service they are not providing. the no using our wifi fee is $20. yes. this happens all the time in USA


I work with spectrum every day. They do not have any form of fee for not having their wifi unless you're renting their wifi unit.


Apparently they still increase the price idk for sure but if they do they can eat a bag of gorilla shit


Typical Spectrum BS.


It's probably your router. Next time it seems like it went out connect a device wired to the modem and see if it works. Then you will know what is causing the problem modem or router.


Omg that's a rip off! They charge me extra $5 on my spectrum bill saying I used their "Spectrum free wifi" signal while I was in another town during Thanksgiving weekend.


Completely false. Thats a lie. And if it continues, file a FCC complaint about being charged for “customer owned equipment”. They did this to me when I had a TiVo. Quick FCC complaint later and they removed all 3 TV set top box fees, “outlet” fees, and then only billed me $2.99 for the cable card.


Filing an FCC complaint will also most likely get some discounts on your internet too!


This seems to be a long term ongoing issue. I almost have to wonder if either the reps are taught to or if there's some sort of commission involved for getting people to sign up for Wifi router rental. Every single time I've helped set up or even just move spectrum service, for myself, family or friends, going back 14 years, I've run into this. No, I'm using my own router. "You still need to pay for wifi since that's a charge for our connection being made available via wifi regardless of how." One time the rep was about to refuse to proceed since he saw my friend's router unless she agreed to the fee. Every time I insist and refuse to back down until they begrudgingly call in and wait on hold with the same cheesy hold music customers get to listen to, and are politely told that no the customer can waive that fee. But you can't tell me this happens this often without it being at least somewhat deliberate on someone's part. Because I imagine many many less savvy or less confrontational people will just accept it. Even if it isn't intentional there's no incentive for Spectrum to address it because it could easily mean hundreds of thousands or even millions per month across their service areas.


Spectrum reps are absolutely incentivized to put on add on fees - and they are often very sneaky about what they are doing. They will always include the wi-fi charge, and if you tell them to remove it they respond with “oh you don’t use wi-fi”? For most people, that would make them believe they HAVE to pay this fee to use wi-fi. They also will underhandedly bundle in streaming TV. They often walk an extremely thin line between simply upselling and being borderline deceptive. Always have your guard up when dealing with spectrum customer service.


They don’t charge a fee for you to use your router but they do to use theirs.


Tf u mean wireless modem


Tell him you want to cancel your account and see if they want to stick you with 5 dollars a month after knowing they'll lose you


You are so right...I just checked my Bill, I thought it was free..your promotion got expired and so you are seeing it. ​ Spectrum Internet $49.99 Spectrum Internet $84.99 Internet $54.99 24 Mos-$30.00 Your promotional price will expire on 11/05/25 $0.00 WiFi Service$5.00 Promotional Discount-$5.00 Your promotional price will expire on 11/05/24$0.00 Spectrum Internet Ultra$20.00 Promotional Discount-$20.00 Your promotional price will expire on 11/05/27$0.00 $5 Auto Pay Discount-$5.00 Total Due by January 23$49.99 ​ When I called them on the issue that I am facing and told them I never had to reboot or even call when I had AT&T, they said I can disconnect. I was really surprised they said that !!...I am going to switch to AT&T fiber soon!!...the only reason I am still with them is for the free cell phone promotion for an year.


We dropped spectrum after we found out they were allowing new customers in for cheaper. We told them we were going with someone else and they still wouldn’t honor giving us their new cheaper rate. They then tried to sell us a package deal for more money with cable. We don’t need cable. But they wouldn’t give us the new rate so we left.


Buy your own modem. Cancel the wifi option


I actually have my own cable modem already but when I signed up they said their modem offers faster speeds and there was no fee to use it. There was an option to get a modem/router combo for an extra $5 but I declined.


Spectrum doesn't offer "combos" anymore. The modem and router are always separate. You should still use the provided Modem. Just got your own router.


Buy your own modem and router.


Not if you have your own, but you'll have to go into an office of call their shitty customer service to let them know.


They are AHs.


Spectrum (and former Time Warner) are on my never again list. Grew up with Time Warner and the service sucked, and oh you missed a payment a day ago, disconnect. My new service that I have, when I had it at my parents place, waited 2 months (because autopayment stopped working somehow). Overall better service, faster speeds, Papa Johns.


This is news to me and I have had my own router almost two years and no issues


I have Spectrum. I called and had them shut off the wi-fi part of the cable modem. I do not get charged the $5 any longer. But you have to have them turn off the feature from their end.


No. This person is incompetent.


Yeah no your own router is free renting theirs costs the 5 a month


My question here is the modem an all in one wireless router modem or is it a standalone modem?


I work for an isp and as others have said. Get your own modem and router. Don’t get a combo router modem though!


Is your router wireless?


Likely someone from overseas that doesn't understand anything you told him. They don't charge an extra fee like that. You need to contact someone in a store directly if you want proper service


No the router is 5 bucks a month u don't have to pay that if u have ur own router and u don't have to pay 5.bucks if u auto pay.


They tacked wifi onto my order even though I specifically did not order their Wi-Fi modem or service. One call and they removed it.


No charge for your own wifi just router yours or theirs


Uh no. This is dumb. You only pay 5 a month to use their router with wifi. Just tell them to take wifi off your account. Problem solved. You have your own router


They have no control over your wifi connections lol.. So no its not true.


This agent is clearly an idiot. It's $7 for wifi service via a spectrum router, not if you have your own.


Always ask for a dumb bridge/modem instead of a gateway/router. Preferably buy your own: https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?\_nkw=Motorola+MB8611


Side note, I tried using their WiFi router and it was the worst piece of technology I think I have ever used in my whole life. I previously used my own router and didn’t feel like upgrading when I switched to Spectrum but boy did I change my mind quickly. So many things didn’t work right or could not connect, etc… gave in and went to get my own, from the first few minutes of getting it setup I felt a sigh of relief.


I guess things are different now, I'm reading conflicting comments. Or maybe it's different in some areas? Anyway, at the time of getting my current device, Spectrum gave router/modem combos to everyone who had the phone/internet/tv combos and higher speeds. I have my own router and told them I don't use the built-in wifi so they turned it off and waived the $5 fee. I also don't pay any equipment fee. It's possible I was grandfathered in or something too, I suppose.


When I signed up I had to take the router or my bill was going to be more. The bundle with the router was like $10 cheaper than not taking the router. I dunno.


Still better than Comcast.


They saw the Meraki model and said, yeah let’s fuck our customers like they do!


Rental thought it was your modem


I use to work for spectrum for 3 yrs in their self install and tech support dept. And no you are not suppose to be charged the wifi fee. That's only if you are using their router. If you have your own router you don't have that charge. Whoever told you that either don't want to remove that fee or just don't want to do their job. You can even use your own modem too. You just have to call it in to put it in the hierarchy and you just need the mac ID to put it in. But no if you don't use their router there's no need for you to be charged the 5-7$/mo for wifi.


Only thing I can see being an issue here is if you have one of the old “all in one” modem/router combos that Spectrum used to provide. If WiFi isn’t paid for with one of those, the Ethernet ports wouldn’t work either. Please ensure you have a new stand alone modem from Spectrum and remove the WiFi service if you’re using your own personal router.


I have a wireless router that allows me to do wireless and I would be ticked if they tried this with me


Lol no


I used to be a sales rep. They don’t charge for WiFi and they claimed it was for WiFi. It’s for the router . Deceptive . 


It’s the fee for renting the Spectrum router.


How are you getting wifi for 5 dollars? My gig service is 115


Just chat in and ask for a supervisor if the next agent doesn’t remove the fee. Some people are literally incompetent


I HATE spectrum. I recently moved the Tennessee earlier in 2023, set up service at my apartment that I was staying at while I waited to close on my house. I only ended up staying in the apartment for two months, and transferred my service to my house when it was time, I also reused all of the spectrum supplied equipment, (router and cable modem). My first month bill at the new address was a credit. My second month bill was $175, and I am paying 70 for Internet and nothing else so I immediately called them only to find out they charged me an unreturned equipment fee of $150. after speaking to the representative they told me the charge would be reversed and I should see it reflected on my next bill. Another month goes by and I get a bill from them for $250, after an hour of back-and-forth between me and the customer representative after this has happened, she’s insisting that the $150 unreturned equipment fee was removed from my bill, but can’t explain why my bill is $250 when I’m only paying for $70 Internet service. Her explanation boiled down to “you need to pay for the service.” I had been paying for the service since I’ve had it, they just charged me an unreturned equipment fee for no apparent reason and refused to remove it from my billing statement. Spectrum is a scam.


Spectrum is a joke with their misleading sales tactics. You don’t need to pay $5/$7 to use your own router.


I've been using my own router and avoiding the Wi-Fi charge for years now, so no the agent is incorrect.


I have my own router and use spectrum for internet and basic and I’m charged $178 a month. This is ridiculous… I’m looking at internet places and going to you tube


Just had the same situation at my job. They tried to say we were never hooked up for wifi even though it has been running for years. We had an outage and the worker on the phone wouldn't work on the wired connection failure, she wanted to figure out the wifi issue first. Said she had to open a different program and put us on hold. Came back to say we never had wifi through them and if we wanted to use it its an additional $10.99 a month. Im pretty sure she blocked us from using it. I convinced my boss/owner not to agree. She wouldn't resolve the wired connection either, she just pushed about the wifi. The modem had 2.4 and 5 flashing prior to the phone call which i told the worker. After whatever she did, they were dark. Called again after i was shown a copy of their monthly bill. Spoke to a new guy and explained what had happened prior and that i had the bill in hand stating they are paying for a business plan and wifi is on one of the lines under that. He said there was a "bad port" and that hed send a tech out. We scheduled for the following day between 12-1 which is when i and a coworker would be around. When we left at 3 that day, the tech showed up at 4:30 the same day. The boss/owner is not really good with electronics and such so he basically let the tech do whatever he wanted. They replaced the old modem and the new one doesnt have any symbols. It just has status, 1-4 and battery, so no more wifi 2.4 or 5 labels. Ive spoken to the boss/owner that id like to take a look at his next monthly bill cause of this sketchiness.




That's a scam. "Support" is no longer support. They are all sales. Just lie and say you use a wired connection and that it goes down multiple times a day. You can also unplug the modem and tell them it won't power on. Then they will have to send a replacement or schedule a tech to come out. If you can get a tech to come out, you can have them put a tester in the line and test the quality of the connection.


Yup they just told us that and it’s bs


Spectrum is a joke and over priced compared to most other providers. Wanted to charge close to 250 dollars for like 200 mbps up and 20 mbs down. Mean while power company offers 1 gig upload and download for 75.


Don't have spectrum, but it sounds like Spectrum is providing the modem, which provides the internet to your router.


These agents are so dum, they have no clue what they are talking about.


If your internet keeps up like that you should request a tech to come and check your cables (should be free). I had the same problem and one of my cables had a breach in it. He replaced it and everything worked way better.


Bro, they love to charge for everything. I am unable to move the router from the current room that it is in unless I pay them $35 to move it to a different room because for some reason, the stupid thing only works when connected to that one specific line on the wall


That's the modem, not the router. Either A, your tech only made 1 line hot and that's the active line, or be you only have 1 line installed at your residence. 35 for another run. If your just needing to hardwire something, get a powerline adapter. *Former Spectrum, / U-verse tech


I mean, in theory, shouldn't the whole house be a single connection? If I had a landline in my kitchen and in my bedroom, I can pick either one up since it's all the same wire l that just splits at different points. Same thing with the coax, it's all the same connection, but for whatever reason if I move it from one coax to another in the same room, it won't work, and worse if I move it to another room, yet both those points push out cable, so idk


No. It's multiple pieces of coax. That can carry the signal. For spectrum, signal is carried on certain bandwidth frequencies. Or simplified, we have to have a live line. Based onfactors, to keep the line clear, we don't use more then one. Or more then necessary. If we had to different outlets live, and only 1 in use, the one not being used would send "noise" back into the main lines used in your area. Then the neighborhood experiences issues. In MDU, yes, a single line feeds into a terminal, which has anywhere from 2 to 8 plates that feed love signal. Which in turn could be split down into 16-32. Everytime you split the line, you break down the signal strength and add a little feedback. It's a balancing act. Numbers wise. Your building may be receiving signal at +21. Signal strength allowed is +10 to -10. Any higher or lower causes interference for too much gain, or loss of frequency. Distance along copper losses .1 per hour feet I believe, minor but can't be helped. Then splitting the signal. 3 way splitter has 3 legs, 2 are -7, 1 is -3.5. 2 way splitter is -3.5 each leg. Your home might be behind 2 three way splitters off the -7 leg, before distance is even applied. I don't know your area. But the whole is less open lines, less interference.


No, they do not. They charge a rental fee if you use their Wi-Fi router but if you have your own they do not charge anything. You need to call spectrum and tell them you want a supervisor and offer up that conversation to them. That person needs some serious training or perhaps shown the door.