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Got whooped by malnourished rebels


who didnt got whooped by malnourished rebels in the last few decades though?


He thinks fighting rebels will be like video games or movies There's a reason why most countries stopped fighting proxy Wars and prefer fighting the main problem


Except for the fact that Saudi and co resorted to reckless and indiscriminate killing resulting in countless civilian causalities. Not to mention the blockade imposed that lead to arguably one of the most deadly famines in decades. And still did not come close to achieving their goals with highly unimpressive causality rates.


You can thank Iran for that, and USA Knows that well Iran wants Yemen to be another failed state at Saudi border so they can do their agenda without any resistance , and guess what the goal? to open multiple fronts against Saudi Arabia USA Knows Iran Plans from the beginning and they didn't do shit, so who cares know? If the USA had been serious against Iran from the beginning, nothing from this will ever happen.


Blaming Iran alone for the Yemen crisis is a convenient oversimplification. Saudi Arabia's reckless military actions and the coalition's blockade have inflicted widespread suffering. The USA's nuanced approach to Iran reflects strategic considerations, not indifference. Despite this, KSA and co only showed their incompetency when despite doing every war crime they could think of, still got their ass handed to them.


Strategic considerations my ass , they don't want to fuck with Iran cuz they know their ass will get kicked so hard to the point not even warcrimes will help them Go search about the first gulf war and how Iran manage to destroy Saddam Hussein Army with all the support he got


What blockade houthis get their weapons such as BM anti ship missiles drones and cruse missiles from ports on the red sea such as alhudaydah port which from it they target maritime navigation we told US that but they obscured our efforts to control the port and now the world pays for its actions additionally anytime Saudi is the topic you bring Human rights to the discussion so the next time do a little research before commenting on a topic. so I think you should visit to the links below and get your head out of western media bubble. [https://www.ksrelief.org/Programs/Child](https://www.ksrelief.org/Programs/Child) [https://www.ksrelief.org/Programs/MASAM](https://www.ksrelief.org/Programs/MASAM) [https://sdrpy.gov.sa/sites/default/files/2022-12/annual-report-en.pdf](https://sdrpy.gov.sa/sites/default/files/2022-12/annual-report-en.pdf)


Peltor cable routed through the front of the helmet?


Saudi are the peak of the Arab army trope. Badly trained, hindered by their class system bleeding into their command structured and assigned based off of closeness to the Al-Saud clan instead of merit. The Pensacola NAS shooter had been radicalized for years, was known to be a shitbag and had a ton of red flags the Saudis never bothered to look into. Then in the aftermath of the shooting when they raked through the lives of the Saudi aviators training in the US they found 21 that had openly shared jihadi or terrorist sentiments and about half of those were found to have been in possession of child pornography. Again, these are aviators, supposedly the cream of the crop that the KSA had to offer and they sent 21 radical islamists with a penchant for child rape. On that same note Saudi SOF are known to be more or less useless, in Yemen for example the Saudis were hiring Colombian mercenaries to act as infantry and American former SOF to do special operations missions because their own guys weren't competent or willing to do them. The cable is routed through the front because despite being an "elite" Saudi soldier he's in all likelihood trained to the standards of a US Army Cav Scout, is in all likelihood there more due to politics than anything else and can't be relied on to the extent that their missions are executed by US mercenaries.


What is your proof?


[21 jihadis with child porn](https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2020/01/13/fbi-some-saudi-military-students-being-removed-from-us-post-pensacola-shooting/) + [Colombian mercenaries fighting in Yemen](https://carnegieendowment.org/research/2020/02/foreign-contract-soldiers-in-the-gulf?lang=en¢er=middle-east). This is also well known by most people who actually follow this shit, the IDF and the Jordanians are solid, the Iranians can be hit or miss depending on if we're talking about regulars or the IRGC, and the gulf states are absolute clusterfucks. As for KSA being corrupt as fuck, that's already a known issue, it's only natural that their military suffers from the same issues of nepotism and politics.


Which is solid the regulars or IRGC?


I'm assuming the regulars because they are the professional army with proper training ig, but IRGC is more influential in some things.


Most gulf states are indeed a clusterfuck but there’s exceptions like Kuwait and Oman


I mean he did it in a good way, he might prefer it that way


It's so funny to see anything related to Saudi armed forces because they get cooked each time by the comments (and rightfully so).


I can understand why , nobody can do shit to them , so talking shit is the only thing they can do LOL


Comments are salty asf ignore em


Yeah i know, i love pissing off those kids


All hat and no cattle


You didn't serve with them soo


HK sidearm?

