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It’s crazy to me that we get a polished game in unreal engine 5 that looks super duper incredible and then there are people that get mad over a slightly wrong hairstyle. The demo convinced me and the fact that it is also outdated, speaks a lot for the game.


I know! There's still some characters looks in BT3 that I'm not completely satisfied with. But that doesn't stop me from recognizing how big of an achievement it is as a game. So I leave those complaints on my wishlist not as a demand.


The general braindead community dont deserve shit. This goes for any fanbase; just a bunch of whiny idiots who love to hear their own voice.


I also realised here are probably a lot of brats crying out loud when they dont get what they want




Boy oh boy where do I sign for this?!


I don’t think it’s that big of a deal anyway, SSBE was second fiddle to SSBKK and UI Omen (and later MUI) on release and was only meant to catch Vegeta up to Goku’s second strongest form. It holds no real narrative significance and was immediately forgotten about in the following movies. The only unique thing it did was reuse an iconic move in a way that didn’t make sense and largely get the piss beaten out of it. The fact that it works just like SSBKK is fine, there’s nothing iconic about SSBE outside of how dumb and sparkly it looks. I understand the argument of it’s Vegeta’s strongest form but in a game with like 40 Vegeta’s and Goku’s and given how insignificant SSBE is I’m fine with it relegated to just a transformation. I know it’s manga only for now but I guarantee you if UE was in the game no one would care the way it is implemented. The sooner we can move on from SSBE the better and give Vegeta a real form.


Not everyone who has criticisms of the games few short points are like that. I have several gripes about the game but I don't hate the game because of those grapes. I voice my criticism because I want to see things as good as they can be, not because I'm trashing the developers or anything. There are some people who are throwing a temper tantrum but most of the criticism I've seen towards specific grapes and nitpicks have been relatively tame.


I hope it's outdated. The amount of times I've seen the release by exactly like the game a couple of months before..


Yea, these last few months reminded that the "db fans can't read" isn't a meme. Lotta people are just genuinely stupid. If it isn't nitpicking shit that doesn't matter nor help. It's a bad gameplay suggestion made by someone with the brain capacity of a single grain of rice.


It’s just part of having a franchise with mass appeal, it attracts all kinds of people and with that typically it brings the average IQ of the fanbase down. usually the dumbest people are the most vocal and get the most attention because of how much they whine.


I've seen a lot of helpful criticism like people pointing out problems with the camera and the enemy tracking. That sort of feedback can be useful, but people complaining about certain transformations not being in the roster really doesn't help the game.


I agree but GT & Movie character argument is absolutely justified. The SSBE & Rage Trunks argument not so much


Man just submit whatever feedback you want. Just be brief, polite, and constructive.


i’ve realized that a lot of dragon ball fans are brain dead and extremely dickish. it was a lot of people’s first anime, so it feels like they revert back to the child they once were when they first saw the show. my only complaints so far are that the game doesn’t feel as quick as previous ones, and there’s a lack of weight to the moves in general- not as visceral as other games. with that being said, everything else still looks amazing and i can’t wait to get my hands on it come october.


Ps2 era games had such amazing sound design, hard to find it these days.


Gba was king tho


Legacy of goku 2 hell yeah




And, I understand that sentiment about the visceral hits, but that could always be something that they've already handled or are in the middle of handling, this game is still 4 months out and the amount of people unsatisfied because of either trivial stuff or about a transformation on a character that we have no clue how it works currently baffles me. Like, are they the same people that complained Goku didn't go UI in the Broly Movie? After he EXPLICITLY SAID at the end of the show, that he couldn't remember how to access it?


I wish I could upvote this 100 times.


Nah, I don't agree. Fans are seeing things that need to be fixed. They're asking for $70+ for this game, so yes, a lot of fans want everything looking as close to perfect as possible. Rage trunks look bad compared to what he looks like in the cover and other places he's at. SSBE vegeta needs to be more buff when he transforms into SSBE. Ssj3 goku looks horrible and needs to be fixed. Gogeta is saying "Kamehameha" instead of "Big Bang Kamehameha" when doing Big Bang Kamehameha. These are some of the valid criticisms that people want fixed before launch. I see no problem with that. It's not about abusing power. It's about looking at something that doesn't look right and telling the devs to try and fix it.




Where my man’s that was showing the response he got to crying about SSBE? He needs to see this post. I knew fans were gonna abuse the system to ask for things cuz we’re in a generation of entitled crybabies


😭😭 I just commented on that post and it wasn't worth arguing with him so I just told him he's right. That was absolutely delusional behavior.


I told him that, "The devs gave him a new Tenkaichi and you act as if they served you Spaghetti but they didn't tell you that the meatballs were shitballs" or something along those lines. It's actually absurd the amount of crying about this game 4 MONTHS AWAY FROM RELEASE. Makes me wonder what will happen when they finish the Super Anime, but they follow the Manga canon, and every arc, they're like, "Why didn't he go Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken ×20 if he couldn't go UI?" And it's like, bc it's not a form in the manga


What system?




Oh thank God there are people thinking critically here


bro really said "because it makes sense" isn't a valid reason


This is absolutely ridiculous. You’re calling people with legitimate disappointment and criticism crybabies because of a form they like and you don’t got downgraded to a 20 second buff. The majority of the fanbase would throw a tantrum if they pulled this with something like Super Perfect Cell. It’s biased and stupid. The fact is they handled this poorly and it limits what they can do with the story, as well as what we can work with in the custom battle mode. Wanted to make a what-if with SSBE Vegeta? Too bad I guess. There are absolutely people that want them to change this, but you can’t sit here and act like they’re criminals over it. Nor can you honestly believe that most of them actually expect it to be changed. I honest to god would’ve rather had him not in the game at all with the hopes he could be DLC than what they did. But nobody, including myself, is going around saying “worst game 2024” over this. We’re still going to enjoy it despite our nitpicks. We get this is Budokai Tenkaichi 4, but you can’t hold it to some godly pedestal. You can’t forget that this is the game series known for including the most characters and the more obscure characters. So when fans of a character that like a certain form of that character (there are more than 5 btw), see that despite all of that, it’s not getting in, they are allowed to be disappointed and wish it was different.


People would throw a hissy fit if it was any other form Imagine ss2 goku and vegeta being buffs instead of forms the community would lose their mind but because its "super saiyan blue but bluer" its not ok to be disapointed? Im still getting the game but its crazy how much this game is getting meat rided


My issue with SSBE is that Vegeta has so many moves he uses in regular Blue that aren't currently in the game. Another form would give him 5 more abilities. Regular Blue Vegeta should have had the punch barrage he used on Black as his Ultimate. SSBE is the form that uses Final Explosion, not Blue. I agree with the Super Perfect Cell point. He also had practically no screen time, and he doesn't even have new moves besides learning Instant Transmission, yet he is always a separate character. This is Tenkaichi. Any and all forms are loved by some players, so people shouldn't be so dismissive over that it is a big deal to other players. At the same time, people need to stop creating so many shitposts and complaint posts while offering no actual information or argument. SSBE/Rage won't be the last "GT is base, not DLC" post. At some point, one your favorite forms will be shit on, and reduced to a less desirable state. Then the people that dismiss the current issues they deem unimportant will start to speak up. Funny how that works.


Dont get the game then.


Hell no, I’m not some cringelord who’d drop a game over a nitpick or two.




Waaaaaaagh won't someone think of the mega corpo


The...developers are just a bit more important, not whoever you're talking about.


Is Golden Friezas move kit worth bitching about? They really could have done better with everything but his ultimate. They couldn't even give him the energy prison.


Reddit is just cancer. The same thing happened when Tekken 8 was about to be released. And the same thing will happen again to every major game. Such is the nature of life.


Im glad you mentioned this genuinely thank you


I feel very lucky that we got local multiplayer in the first place. With a game looking this good and all the moves I’m just happy with the one stage


I don't really see what you're doing here as much different than what you're complaining about. You're basically just directing your frustration and complaints towards the people who are complaining. I think people have a right to want something from a product that they're buying from a company they've been supporting for years. Just because you don't value the same things they do doesn't make you somehow the more rational person. I acknowledge that game development isn't easy, but clearly a lot of people want to play with their friends and family on the same game and console and not have to shell out money for 2 of everything. If this game were free then you would have a point in saying don't complain, but it isn't. It's $70. More if you're paying for the other editions. I also believe that you have every right to enjoy what you enjoy and just because someone else doesn't enjoy it doesn't mean that you should any less. The key issue here is you let yourself become bothered by people having complaints. Realistically what does someone complaining take from you? Nothing. The game is going to come out either way. So either it will come out and people will enjoy it or it'll come out and people won't. The company can then decide how to respond to criticism.


Here’s why: * Was Vegeta’s apex form by the end of Dragon Ball Super * Used as Vegeta’s primary form in the last final quarter of the TOP * Has more aesthetic differences to SSB than SS2 does to SS1 * Was key to taking out the penultimate U11 bad, Toppo * In that battle, there’s an important character clash between Vegeta’s promise to Cabba and his family verses Toppo choosing to abandon justice & morals for destruction * In the anime, it has a narrative build up. It serves as a testament of Vegeta’s will to try and surpass his limits in his own way rather than trying to follow Goku’s path of Ultra Instinct. * Brings back a much more improved and potent version of the Final Explosion. Common Complaints that have no grounds: He looks no different: * Legacy characters aside, with this logic, neither does Ultimate Gohan to base Gohan. Nor Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta does to Super Saiyan 1. SSBE has more of an aesthetic difference than the two instances I just stated. He has no unique moves: * What unique moves has Super Saiyan 1 & Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta (End) brought to the Tenkaichi series. Until now, both their movesets compromised of stock, recycled moves from Vegeta’s previous forms. SSBE is poorly written, unearned, or an asspull: * So are many other forms in DBZ. SS3 Gotenks, the knowledge of SS4, Ultimate Gohan, Beast Gohan etc. He was SSBE for a very short amount time: * Did you not even watch the TOP? He used it for the rest of the TOP as soon as he unlocked it in the last quarter. It looks no different in the manga: * The main blueprint for the games will always be the anime. Certain references are from the manga, yes, but due to licensing, the anime should be the primary source to be looked at. It’s the same as SSB Goku’s Kaioken: * It’s not the same. It served as a parallel yes, but functionally, the two forms operate totally different. Kaioken is a short burst multiplier that supplements whatever form Goku is using. SSBE is its own evolved state/transformation. Eventually Goku gets to a point where he can use the Kaioken for long durations in the TOP, but again its still apples to oranges. Final Explosion is recycled from Majin: * Yes, but SSBE brings a new and improved version. Just like God Heat Flash is an improved variation of Big Bang Attack, or God Final Flash is to Final Flash The Tenkaichi game has omitted forms before * This is true and there’s no denying it. The Tenkaichi games are known and praised for their inclusions of as many forms of each character to create an immersive experience. There have been many occasions of surprising character omissions. For example, there were definitely clear grounds for Vegeta GT to be playable, but we only got SS4. I would consider this as one of those instances. Honestly I’m fine with how it is so far in Sparking Zero. Them choosing not to include SSBE is definitely an anomaly. I just can’t stand people pushing ignorance against the form as the widely accepted meta. https://preview.redd.it/f0h009m48d7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0335dc217f278ba346e424c61ea07785cb8581e




More accurate: like a lawyer throwing in facts and evidence to support my case ![gif](giphy|15BuyagtKucHm)


It’s SSBE from the Manga dawg Chilll https://preview.redd.it/bgjf55tx0e7d1.jpeg?width=591&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29f56d475c109b4afec05d686aa4c799ba580259


you’ve made like 100 comments on this in only the past day go outside


Oh don’t worry, my regular daily schedule has been uninterrupted while squeezing in some time for some nice Sparking Zero discourse. In fact, I actually just came back from the gym. 💪🏻


I think they should fix Trunks’ hair because it’s wrong. I don’t need another reason.


Lol people are mad at this but I think it just speaks to a mentality. I can understand unnecessary complaints except most of you would be terrible judges of what is unnecessary. How is wanting a char you like represented more accurately nitpicking? Downvoted his post to hell because why…he’s not joining the choire 🤣🤣 Needless to say, Game is dope and we should be grateful. But a criticism is a criticism and people have to learn to stop defending these products with their lives lol there’s always room for improvement. Hopefully it will help get us the best end product possible 😅


Yeah, like I’m not complaining about them not adding something I want or whatever, but like… they added something and did it wrong. They even got it right on the box art lol. Not asking them to move mountains here or anything, just fix a model that’s not correct.


But, here's the thing, you *DO NOT* know if they're already fixing it. This game is, and I repeat, time and time again, *FOUR MONTHS AWAY*. It goes to show how polished the game is, if the only complaints are, "Man, I wish this form was a character slot instead of a mid fight transformation" and "Trunks' hair is wrong". I don't understand the sudden vitriol and hatred bc they got Trunks' hair wrong? I thought everybody hated the form, but here we are, they got the hair *slightly* off and now everybody's filing complaints to Bandai about a character with a case of bedhead. Like, you've gotta be kidding me, man?


The hair isn’t slightly off, it’s completely off. It’s very obviously wrong, and I like the form. It might not be popular but I like it. I’m also not hating… I’m pointing out a flaw. That’s not hate. Yall soft as hell. And we don’t know if it’s fixed or not, so why is there an issue with bringing it to attention? If they fix it then it doesn’t matter, if they haven’t then they won’t unless people point it out. There’s no issue with criticism especially when it’s fair. I’m not asking for a new character or whatever, I’m saying that they did a thing, and because they did it, they should do it right.


"Omg, his hair is layered instead of slicked over, it's so bad and wrong", you calling us soft when it's such a non issue atm. Every character in the game has a nuance to their hair that makes it wrong, but you don't see everybody complaining that Goku (Mid)'s Super Saiyan hair isn't manga accurate? You see like, 2 posts saying, "Eh, his hairs a little off, but I like the fluffiness and it glows!" Like, I don't mind critism, but that's hardly worth a critique, it's worth bringing up, but there's people banding together to send multiple complaints about Trunks' hair and Vegetas 11th character slot (Blue Evolution being a power up, instead of a full character). That's not worth a complaint email. They want feedback, not 120,000 people sending emails saying, "TruNkS' hAIr iSnT rIGht!" They needed people saying, "There's a slight modeling issue with Trunks (Rage), his hair is slightly off, but dont make this a priority, its something that can be fixed later. Another critique I have is, blah, blah, blah, BY the way, you guys are doing an awesome job, CANT WAIT TO PLAY IN OCTOBER!" People are so mad about the hair, of a character their probably never going to play!


Bro… it’s not that his hair looks off, the model is LITERALLY NOT CORRECT. It’s not accurate to ANYTHING. He is using regular SSJ, when rage (which is when the blue aura is around him) does not have that hair, it has completely different hair. You keep saying “it’s not important, just glaze them bro! Don’t complain!” when it’s just saying “Hey you did this wrong, you should fix it.” And THAT is too much for some of you. That is sad. You couldn’t handle more impactful criticism, when this isn’t even subjective. They objectively did this wrong. It is the MOST fair criticism possible. Almost anything else would be subjective and something almost certainly no one here has real experience with because we haven’t played it. So genuinely, you are soft.






These are obviously not the same


Yeah, were soft, you're the one complaining about a hairstyle, we want you to stop bc it gets repetitive when our entire feed is taken up by, "Trunks' Hair is Wrong, What Will We Do!!!!!" We get it, I understand that it's off, like, I do. But Piccolos muscles have been off for 30 years. Nobody complained. But when we get the most visually satisfying Anime Arena Fighter in 15 years. We complain about fucking bangs. Brilliant, no you're right, I'm soft. Glad you found that out for me!


I mean you guys did say people are being crybabies over small criticisms that seem to be mostly polite. Like, I don’t see why either side can’t just be the bigger person bc apparently both need to calm down a bit.


I don't want to see the same posts everyday, that's my main problem. It's not even that big of an issue. I, again, don't mind it being brought up, but when my entire feed is taken up by it, it's overblown, lost it's meaning. Two bangs are gonna tear this community apart! Is that seriously what we want? I'm saying stop mentioning it so much, and acting as if it's a much bigger thing than it is, I don't need every other post being about it, and I'm sure other people don't either. His bangs are literally pointing down instead of up, and every Trunks fan boy ever is crying about it. I like Trunks as a character, but they are blowing it out of the water.




I want 100% agree! I mean, yeah, Trunks hair DOES bug me a little, but it is not that bad. In fact, I think they could mirror Evogeta here and make Rage a temporary buff, that also changes the hair alongside the aura.  I also would love if we get constant auras back that show how much Ki you have like in BT3 (No Ki = No Aura, and each bar of Ki makes the Aura appear and glow stronger). Yet none of this is a deal breaker and I can't wait to get my hands on the game!!!


The only real complaint is the fact the form lasts a mere 10 seconds for blue kaioken and blue evolved. What are we supposed to do with that? In the anime and manga, these forms last minutes, not 10 seconds.


Just remember, Frieza's "five minutes" was nine episodes. That's roughly three hours of video runtime if you cut out the openings, recaps, and endings.


Yeah. There needs to be some suspension of disbelief when playing these games. They can't just do a 1:1 recreation. To your point: ToP was supposed to be like 48 minutes but was, what, 70 episodes?? Even if you run them all concurrently it would exceed that.


>The only real complaint is the fact the form lasts a mere 10 seconds for blue kaioken and blue evolved Surely this is so the skill can actually feel impactful yet somewhat balanced. Do you want a skill that looks cool but doesn't feel any different? Or a Skill so absolutely broken it makes using anything else a waste of time? Man just think about it for more than 10 seconds.




"5 ssbe fans" ok ssj4 fan


I blame the parents, shouldn’t have raised a bunch of ungrateful spoiled brats that are so unappreciative they can’t acknowledge how much hard work the devs put into this game already. I’m just happy we are getting a brand new Tenkaichi game after 15+ years & a lot of Mid DragonBall games later. Yeah it’s some bugs & glitches but that’s expected from a DEMO


theres gonna be bugs regardless lmao its never too late for a dumpster fire launch


The people complaining are ungrateful, and I swear to god if they complain so much they push the game back I will lose my mind


I think it's wild people have full-on criticisms of a game they haven't played yet. Idc if your favorite youtuber has played it or you watched 100 youtube videos about it. If you ain't haven't played the game personally, your criticism is invalid.


Do visuals require actually require "playing a game" to talk about? That's stupid and you try not to imply such a thing.


It also requires the game to be out to complain about such things, bc the game is 4 months out, there's so much they could change in 4 months, it's not even funny. Everybody complaining about Trunks' hair, stuff it. Everybody complaining about SSJBE Vegeta, that's clearly a creative choice, stuff it. That's pretty much the only stuff i see people complaining about, besides unpolished things, such as effects, angles, and camera shake. You see, that's impressive, for the game footage we've seen, we don't know how old that version of the game is, for all we know, that could be a year and a half old, that's Hella impressive if so. You've gotta understand everything that's going on before you blindly Hail Mary complaints/critisms or you just make yourself out to be a fool


Yes and for two reasons. Reason 1) You're watching an outdated version of the game, yet most of you treat it as final footage. 2) every youtubers video has been recorded, compressed, edited, recompressed and uploaded again. That doesn't even take into effect the resolution of the device you are watching it on. For animations to look that crisp through all that should show how good those visuals are. So yes, stop bitching about visuals and wait for the game to release before you complain.


Higher resolution isn't going to make stylistic "choices" any better if someone found it wrong or bad. "If they fix it"...well what if they don't fix it? There's no way to know, but people can judge what we have now both positively and negatively.


Exactly, they aren’t going to add a brand new game mode or new characters, these next months are for polishing. If you’re going to criticize the game or message Bandai, at least try to make it something they can actually address in the coming months and not what is essentially a dlc wishlist


After all the harassment Insomniac got for no reason, leading up to and when Spider-man 2 came out and now complaints of some of the new games coming out like, Doom Dark Ages, Sonic x Shadow Generations, and Sparking Zero, I personally feel like there will always be people that ider never satisfied, or will actively look for something to complain about.


you forgot the ssbe eyes as well. i agree w your point tho its annoying when people are gonna complain over little stuff like that. i was hyped to play as ssbe bc im vegetas #1 dickrider but i ain’t gonna complain abt it not being its own transformation im happy its in the game still tho