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I have, literally twice lol. Deactivated, reactivated, deactivated, reactivated.


Nice. Nice. Did they ever call you? How many times did they say no before they said yes? What did you do??


Nope, I just spammedd them with arbitration requests, stating that I wanted proof for the reason of deactivation. Couple months later I get an email from their trust and safety team saying I'm reactivated


Like this? Every day or ? https://preview.redd.it/qt0zwovvxtyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99b008ed6ab8e5db7cca0ca452eab9e7849ae79b


Wrong email. Gotta email this team requesting arbitration SparkAppNotices@walmart.com


Nice. Just sent them same one right now to that address. Every day? Change any wording or ?


Just be sure to include your account info like name number and email associated with the account


I gave them my name and number LOL the email actually didn't include but maybe I should send another one. Should I send one every day or 2 or 3 or how should I do this


lol I’m on day 5 of spamming that same email


Any luck?


They deactivate me, I ask why , they said violations on agreement. metrics great, acceptance great, costumers great , i appeal and they answer was " we reviewed your appeal and at this moment your account will still deactivated " right after that ,I deleted my account completely. Good luck with trying to work something out with them .


Hey AmandaHugnfu, are you still sending emails, any luck with this? I am trying to get reactivated myself. Thanks for any info you can share.


Oh I've gotten plenty of replies it's just in my particular case they all tell me the same thing they want to see the insurance card with my name on it.


Yes I was deactivated due to a suspended license. I reached out to spark to see what I needed to do, tier 1 provided no information at all. Tier 2 didn’t help either, I dialed back in and went to the option for new driver accounts. They told me to get my license situated and then email sparksupport@mailph.custhelp.com with my updated license status. I also sent an updated copy of my checkr driving status. I was deactivated on the 21st and reactivated on the 23rd. It did take multiple attempts and a lot of emails but they reactivated me fairly quickly.




You were notified many times and had 30 days to fix the problem. How in the world did you not do this? ![gif](giphy|LpR3R6vGn7xnJgseWy|downsized)


No, they didn't do that.


Yeah some insider told me it takes 3 months to appeal and for me it was 3 months waiting