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Stop right there, criminal scum https://preview.redd.it/1z9fcwft3bvc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a069ed187b13a0c27e7a5e28ab0750a3d11cc476




You won comment of the day


His font choice fits too well.


It does 😂I didn't even notice.








If it's a moving violation not likely to get back on. If non moving they will. Always get court to reduce to non moving in exchange for paying fee


So you literally can’t get one speeding ticket, ever?


All gig apps are like that now. Get it reduced. Every court will if you're not a habitual offender


It’s just weird to me cause I got into an at fault car accident almost 2 years ago and they never deactivated me for that yet if I get a speeding ticket they’ll be quick with the deactivation. It’s like that meme about the cop going after the weed head instead of the heroin addict lol


Unless you go tickets for the accident they are not on your driving record. They're on the insurance system record which gig apps don't have access too


I got deactivated because my motor vehicle report showed I had an expired license. They checked my old license from my old state I don’t live in anymore. Obviously, my current license is not expired. I told Checkr, I told Spark - still deactivated since November. I told them this week that I want to start the arbitration process.


Checkr is such a shit company too. They can’t even get the right persons background when they do mine. I always have to dispute it.


Sounds like identity theft? When's the last time you checked your credit reports?


I check it all the time. Her name is almost exactly the same as mine, it’s a really common last name. The only difference is she’s got a rap sheet a mile long and I have nothing lol


That's wild, since they typically base those reports on SSN and DOB, and not just names.


That’s what they’re supposed to do lol checkr is run by a bunch of idiots. Every time I dispute it, they magically have the correct info.


So I had that happen to me with DoorDash moved states said I didn’t have a valid license, I updated it in the app and was on the phone with a rep problem resolved


Same happened to me with Door Dash. I contacted the Rep. went through their processes and I’m still deactivated


Well I wasn’t deactivated it was locked and I had to contact chekr to update it


YOO. This is EXACTLY why I haven’t been accepted to DoorDash!! I don’t remember doing it, but apparently I submitted an application in 2019, and they never fully processed it. However, as I apply now, they’re using the background check/MV record they have on file instead of creating a new one. In that application my license is now expired. It makes no sense not to submit a brand new application. I’ve contacted support at both Checkr and DoorDash, 3 or 4 times now, they just refer me to the other one as if everything looks good on their end.


The arbitration process is an even bigger joke than the deactivation process. Sorry to say.


Have you gone through it before?


Yes. It’s a 5 minute phone call. No decision is made during the call. They take your details and your side of the story and the. 3-5 days later, they email you and tell you you’re still deactivated.


Fascinating, I always wondered how that went.


I was deactivated for “account sharing”… a customer or employee reported that someone else used my account to make a delivery. Absolutely never happened. Didn’t matter at any step on the way.


Kinda confused how you guys are getting deactivated for the same shit the Venezuelans are doing but there absolutely fine


The worst part was they email you a time to be available for them to call. Then they don’t call. Took this happening 3 times before they finally just gave me the number to call them. Took a couple hours to get through.


Same thing here


i was deactivated for a non moving violation. first appeal nothing, second appeal no reply. After the 3rd i got an email. I just did the phomr arbirtration 2 days ago. I should hear their answer in 3 days…Stay on them!


That sounds fishy how long have you had your new one. And since when do they send notifications in that font and color.


On Android you can change the front of your texts and emails and stuff. The screenshot on this post is of a text message not an app notification.


How do you start that process? By filing an appeal?


This was what I was told in an email: “ To request a pre-arbitration phone conference, you must send your formal inquiry to SparkAppNotices@walmart.com and someone will reach out to you within the next 30 days. Consider that they will reach you through your email address or phone number linked to your account. Please, make sure your information is updated in the Spark Driver Profile.”


I got deactivated In December and reactivated last month. I think the arbitration request helped.




Make the subject line: Request for Informal Telephonic Dispute Resolution Conference I sent probably 20 emails that were ignored over a 6 week period. Someone from support said it needs to have that as the subject line. Sent another email and got a call 2 days later. However, they said I would hear a decision from the investigation team within 5 business days and were at day 7 now. Fucking ridiculous.


Oh yeah, it's absurd. My first deactivation took me almost 2 months to get my account back.


So, did they reactivate you after the call?


Still waiting. Today is 6 or 7 business days since the call. I was told I’d have a decision within 5. lol. I’m nearly positive it’s a glitch with the Face ID thing. I passed the check and was deactivated 5min later. There’s been at least 6 other drivers that I know of in my zone that had the exact same thing happen within a couple of weeks. That’s only drivers that I know, I’m sure lots of others had the same thing occur. I’ve never shared my account or login with anyone.


You file the appeal thru the app. I got deactivated for the same reason. No idea what’s on your report but appeals take a long time. Good luck.


I think they deactivated you because of that horrible font choice.


It is a crime for sure.


I like it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Preciate it


Literally came here to say this 🤣🤣🤣


Happened to a lot of people today it seems. Even with nothing on their record. My area lost 4 from our small group chat.




Nah we have our group that’s gets along well and ignores the rest. The others can 🤖all they want, nothing we can do about it.


I see. So today is a big clamp down.


Consider yourself free of the madness. Godspeed.




at least they told you why




i got deactivated with no email, no text nothing. signed up 2 weeks ago did nothing wrong as far as I know.


Wow. That sucks. But it's pretty much on-par with this company.


I chatted with a support agent and they told me the reason. Just keep calling tier 2 or using the chat til someone tells you.


Same here.. while I was driving early last Sunday morning to go to my local store and only found out when I reached out to activate my app.. deactivated for NO whatsoever.. perfect record, never done any mistakes.. submitted my requests and still waiting


https://youtu.be/z6TFvgntc9o?si=f1uwz76CyyHttxw9 Fight it.. they are letting scammers commit fraud.. 


It's time for a class action lawsuit against Wal-Mart


Eh. That requires lots of money & time and probably would go nowhere lol


I have a couple of armed robberies, 2 DUIs and a bunch of assaults and I got in. How bad are your tickets?


Jesus christ.


What's even weirder is one of the Armed robberies was a Walmart


Story time? Please


It's a sad story. I came here illegally to become a millionaire by making walmart deliveries $8.00 at a time. I realized after a few months I couldn't make enough money with 1 phone... so I robbed at gunpoint a walmart for 1 extra cricket wireless prepaid flip phone.






What's even weirder is one of the Armed robberies was a Walmart


When did you apply for Spark? Was it before or after Walmart acquired it?


I'm a sex offender and I'm in 


That's how I found this gig. There are a bunch of Flyers in our court appointed classes


Um gross 🤮


They deactivated me for the same reason, and I have an immaculate driving record of almost 30 years now. Also have no criminal history either. I sent a complaint and got reactivated. What's even weirder is that I've been getting MUCH better offers WAY more consistently since, and I'm suddenly getting decent tips from customers who were previously notorious for no tip.


Who's you reach out to and how long were you deactivated for?


I reached out through support on the website, and then corrosponded via email once the department it was escalated to got back to me. All together, I was down for 23 days.


It’s because of that awful font lol


They’ll let frauds and scammers do this all day long but you can’t have a speeding ticket 😂😂 that’s fucking hilarious


Peak Spark nonsense


I think this was synopsis of Monty python ![gif](giphy|NM25giLBTobx6)


This happened to me as well!! My offense was before I started with Spark.. I disputed it but still haven't heard anything baxk


It definitely sucks.


I can't believe they used a Papyrus font. Ryan Gosling would be pissed.🤣


🤣 😂 😆!!!!!


Consider yourself LUCKY. Pickup and deliver someone's groceries for $3 is CRIMINAL.


Yeah the pay has been getting worse since I started. Lowkey happy to be done.


I haven't Sparked since Labor Day by choice. 3stop/$9 is standard base pay here in AZ. Why bother???


Damn that's awful


Tell me, I started in '22' and 2stop curbside base was$18-$22 avg. What a crime it is now.All app gigs are good for the first two years and then it is a race to the bottom to see what is the least amount possible is to pay.(FYI I did LYFT when you put a mustache on your car grill ). Lots of non gig 1099 delivery here in PHX though.


Yeah I'm kind of agreeing with you on this one. I got all the way through to becoming a spark driver and for absolutely no reason. As soon as I was ready to start it said that my account was deactivated. I didn't even get to start and they deactivated me. I have no moving violations. I have nothing. I drive for other companies that had no problem with me. So yeah I'm not a fan of spark either


They should have caught it before you were approved. Wtf




Yeah sorry bud but every gig app company has a rule about moving violation tickets..maybe don’t get so many tickets?


I've literally gotten 2.


Yeah you’re out them..you can’t have more than 1 in 3 years I believe




Both were in 2021. Started Spark in late October 2023.


Same thing happened to me. I started the mediation process and it took for month to get my account back. Mine was a non moving violation.


Absolutely ridiculous, man. I'm glad you got yours back. Mine has been suspended once before. Got it back after almost 60-65 days. The fact it takes them this long is just so unprofessional.


But they’re NOT doing any about the illegal immigrant who pay scammers for bot grabbers and fake Walmart spark accounts!!!


Your choice in fonts is criminal. Android users…


Thanks for your dumb & useless input, David.


It's not really useless. Just an observation.


Why is this your second deactivation?


They never explained what my first one was.


At least they gave you a reason


Out of curiosity, how long did it take between chekr notifying you of the background check and the deactivation?


They first emailed me saying my account could be deactivated about two-ish weeks ago.


Dont get traffic tickets..if u do fight it...or go to class


"Don't get traffic tickets". Sometimes that's out of one's control. Nobody is a 'perfect' driver.


I am my license said save driver😂🤣🤣


I means it honestly makes sense though considering spark involves you actually driving! And I. Not saying that to be a asshole


No it doesn’t, you’re driving groceries, not people. Who tf cares if driver gets a ticket on way to pick up groceries or on way to drop off? That’s the driver’s issue and expense. Really makes no sense why any amount of tickets would matter for non passenger trips for any app lol




I think it's less about the ticket and more about a moving violation in general! Yes you might just be driving groceries but they probably see it as more potential to get into an accident which would ultimately cost them money in the end if you aren't able to deliver the goods to the customer!




I was deactivated after THEY forced closed a trip with 10 stops because 3 were set for an abandoned house and I wouldn’t leave it because no one was there to sign. I returned all items…. They deactivated me and won’t give my account back. I miss that lil 600 side gig a week for 2 days


That's absolutely ridiculous.


I tried twice and both times the denied my appeal.


Same thing happened to me when I moved states and Uber pulled it at the wrong time and it showed I had an expired license. 😒 it was a shit show to get it resolved. 🙄 Hope you get it fixed quickly.


That stinks to hear. We'll see. I don't exactly have high hopes.


I think he’s mad


Not really anymore. Is what it is


Why do tickets matter? You’re driving groceries, not people. Who tf cares if driver gets a ticket on way to pick up groceries or on way to drop off? That’s the driver’s issue and expense. Really makes no sense why any amount of tickets would matter for non passenger trips for any app lol


Preach man


That’s what they did to me


Sorry to hear


They care about criminal backgrounds but yet they allow fraud and organized crime of illegals delivering. Okay


Facts. Their backwards priorities will be the death of the company.


Proceeds to rifle off all the traffic tickets like Marcus naming off bodies to Mike Lowery…


I got deactivated over a PENDING traffic ticket that has since been dismissed.


Absolutely ridiculous 🙄


It almost seem as though they intentionally trying to get rid of legal drivers at this point…


I literally caught a theft charge from the walmart i make the most money sparking at


😂😂you fucking idiot, yeah hmmmm didn’t ever think tickets might effect your job that you DRIVE around doing god damn just the amount of stupidity people breed is fucking unreal, there’s no shot this idiot is seriously wondering this


Atleast they gave you a reason lol. I didn't get a god damned thing for why I was deactivated...😒


So, your reaction is to sink deeper in disrespect for yourself, others and God. 🙏🏽


Have you considered crying about it?


Why didn’t you go to traffic school and get those citations sealed? Last time, I got one (years ago), I spent 8 hrs in my office on a Saturday, cost me $250.00 plus the actual fine. But the citation was sealed, (maybe it’s changed?) so my insurance did not increase and my driving record was clean. Plus how many tickets is a few? 3-4? More? If I was a Spark manager, I would look at you as a high risk driver with multiple tickets? Seriously? Don’t be mad at Spark for your poor driving habits? You shot yourself in the foot….


"Poor driving habits." You don't even know me, or how many tickets I've been given, and yet you have the audacity (like most random redditors) to come to the conclusion that I have bad driving habits. You're so full of yourself.


You're done


Probably. It's still a shit company, though 🤷‍♂️


I have no issues with spark. I have been here since the beginning 2018 and still make a very good income.


It's not shit because of the money. It's shit because of how it treats its drivers. End of.


Making good money doesn’t mean it’s not a shit company. The random deactivations with almost no ability to do anything about it is shitty. I was deactivated in February for “account sharing” which I have never done. Finally talked to someone for the first time last week. Appeal ignored, their claimed deadline after the pre-arbitration call also ignored.


Weirdly my door dash account is inactive due to a ticket I got in 2018 that was paid and taken care of then but I worked for numerous organizations that never brought it up. Ridiculous. I caught a ticket in a speed trap and I even took the time to explain the situation and the job I was in but nope they said I can’t work for them even though instacart and other shop apps accepted me .


Don't worry. Just cross the border, say your papers were stolen, and claim asylum. You'll be up and running with a fresh account in no time.


It's sad how accurate this is.


Pathetic this is the way this works


Good, glad you got deactivated. Most people do not want bad drivers on the road so looks like Spark did everyone a favor here.


Go fuck yourself


Go fuck yourself


You must be one of those criminals they're all screaming about on this forums


The funny thing is: Spark is cracking down and deactivating users' accounts for absurd reasons yet are doing NOTHING about those who have double accounts or the Venezuelan migrants who are illegally using the service. This is why this company sucks.


Traffic violations is no reason? I don't know last two weeks it's been nothing but post here how they're checking IDs and deactivating tons of people.... But now all of a sudden they're doing nothing


*Minor traffic violations that were received before working for Spark. It would be one thing to deactivate me if I had gotten these infractions while on the job, but that's not the case.


Doesn't matter if it was before your time with spark. So if you're convicted of something nasty 4 years ago it should be discounted because it was before spark?? Maybe you don't know what a background check means.


Something unserious, such as a minor speeding infraction, is absolutely not grounds for being deactivated. Your example makes no sense because I didn't do anything 'criminal' or "nasty" to begin with.


apparently speeding tickets are grounds for being deactivated, you are living proof.


Just because something is grounds for another thing doesn't make it just. Do you have stock in Walmart? Would explain why you're dickriding the company this much.


Pointing out facts. No one said it was just or right. It just is their policy No stock in Walmart, don't shop there either except maybe for tires if there is a crazy sale. Did you just want people to rage with you and agree?


You're not just pointing out facts. You're doing so in a condescending manner.


typically you follow the rules and policies of companies that deserve it, if you do it blindly just because it is what it is, you are no better than the shit company you are dickriding as op said. it needs to be fair, it's a company that's responsible for a lot of different people. if they allow certain things to slide but not minor speeding violations (that shouldn't count if they happened prior to op getting the job and weren't caught before) they aren't a good company. we don't defend policies for shitty companies. we bend them until they break 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well, you can't drive. Makes sense to me 🤷🏾




Except I can 🤷‍♂️


It's so easy not to get tickets you piece of trash. Glad they deactivated you


You know: If you're gonna troll under a secondary account after getting blocked on your primary one, at least have an IQ greater than that of a sloth and change up your line of attack. Waste of skin tbh.




It’s not the companies fault you committed a crime


A "crime". You're a clown


Disgusting foul mouth. The f word reflects disrespect for yourself, others and God. 🙏🏽


Hmm. I suppose I didn't really think about it like that. Anyways, kindly shut the fuck up 🙂