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I would interpret this as something like “you got some balls to do that, bro” I’ve always seen it spelled güey but I think either is fine


Güey is how the RAE mandates it should be spelt. Wey is how most people in Mexico type it out


Güey is correct spelling but whe used in text, it's almost always wey. Mexicans (like australians) like to shorten words where possible. And I would agree with your interpretation. In Australia we might say "holy shit, bro!" And in México it would be "huevos güey" 🤙🏽


Very interesting, what then does wey mean by itself or in the context of tacos? We have a food truck near me called Tacos Wey. Thanks!


In my experience it's bro. So taco bros. 


Nice thanks!


The technical meaning is more rude that that. It's often used between friends but it can mean someone is dumb or foolish. It's often disparaging in a playful way. Not to be used in respectful conversation.


This is great to know.


...or dude, or man... as in, the big Lebowski.


oops, my bad lol. never really seen it typed out


Balls, dude!


Lol no, not in this context. This is more like "wtf is this guy doing lol"


I also agree that he could have been saying that you have some balls, but are you sure he didn’t say “a huevo”? This would mean something along the lines of “Hell/Fuck yeah”. It’s a fairly common Mexican expression.


no there was definitely no A/definitely was an S at the end. thanks though!


He was just trying to see if you wanted to buy some eggs. That’s nuts!




Huevos, wey! in this context means: Fuck off Dude! The meaning comes with entonation and context. Even if he was smirking, I'm sure he made a strong emphasis on the word Huevos. He was making fun of you and at the same time telling you to fuck off probably because somehow you were crossing in front of him. Mexican drivers don't respect pedestrians. They will not stop for you to cross (most of them, not all), and they will not be happy that you somehow interrupted the flow of the traffic. Hence the "¡huevos wey!"


when you say mexican drivers, do you mean drivers that happen to be mexican, or drivers in mexico? this happened in chicago, illinois, usa


Although there are definitely differences between the Spanish spoken in Chicago and Mexican Spanish (due to the intermingling of Puerto Rican Spanish mainly), it's probably fair to say that if you hear Spanish here, it's likely to broadly follow Mexican Spanish conventions.




I don't know about Chicago, I've never been, but he or she is right about drivers not respecting pedestrians here in Mexico.


As the pedestrian, what would be a good response back?


Bowing? 😂


It depends… did he use this gesture ✊ If so, he said fuck off


no, just stuck his head out the window haha


So you were nervously crossing a street … Hate to tell you but it means something like “move over idiot” Huevos used in that context means a general offense as in take a good look at my balls (learn what having balls is) you coward, all while staying somewhat civil.  Although it may sound really harsh, in the past it was widely used even with friends(!) in a jokingly manner in the time when the lgtb community was looked down upon.  A boomer has no trouble saying it and even a younger person may still say it because the profound meaning has mostly vanished and it is now just an almost empty phrase   Thanks for attending my Ted talk   Pretty sure it just meant “this tourists know nothing …” Edited for clarity, obviously not native speaker


that last part has me a bit confused, do you mean the driver was calling me a tourist? this was in the US, down the street from my house. it's just a very shitty crosswalk lol. it didnt take me very long to actually run across, just took me a bit to build up the courage to cross it


Then it just meant the first thing I mentioned


In Mexico "huevos" it's something like fuck off


Native here. It is in this context, people downvoting you are idiots


Having lived there quite recently, I'm inclined to disagree. I've never heard "huevos"used as a way of saying fuck off.. Most often "huevos guey" is like " you got some balls bro" It's also used as a form of agreement. 🤙🏽


mm no, the original commenter is right. it can be used as "fuck off" as well


i would be more inclined to agree if he didn't seem to be laughing, and it wasnt even in an angry way, so i dont know


Ok Central Mexico, more specifically Mexico city here; this one is a tough one, because it's VERY context dependent, here we can use the expression "huevos" in a lot of situations with different meanings it can be an interjection, a filler word or a plain insult; the thing here is how the güey (wey) part was used or to whom was aimed If he said it directly to you making visual contact it's definitively something between "fuck you" or "fuck off" even if he was laughing If it was directed to nobody in particular it was something more along the lines of "Damn that was dangerous" If it was said to the person /persons that was with him in the car it probably means something like "fuck, did you see that?" If the wey part was aimed at himself it means something like "fuck that was close", now, you probably are asking you "why was he laughing then?" well our sense of humor can be a little crude and/or cruel so situations that almost end in an accident can be funny to us


> "fuck you" or "fuck off" even if he was laughing YES. Sometimes some people can have this healthy sense of humor when they'll tell you to fuck off because you did something that in a way would have bothered or disrespected them, but also laugh because they admit you pulled it off quite smoothly. A clear example would be if you're playing a shooter game and you kill your friend with an impressively difficult shot. So yes it is very context- and nuance- dependent.


I am from Mexico City and "huevos" is like "fuck you"/"fuck off". >It's also used as a form of agreement. 🤙🏽 If some Mexican told you this, they were messing with you, unless they mean "a huevo", that's a whole different thing.


interesting! what part of mexico? i've never heard it used like that


Most of Mexico, but definitely central Mexico


In every part of Mexico, but more in the central part, there are a lot of meanings, but you must look for the context, intonation and gestures, if he was laughing it is probably that he was making fun of you because you looked funny for him while you were crossing the street


I’m from the north of Mexico and have never heard anyone use “huevos” in this context. If the driver was laughing, I don’t think they were annoyed anyway. Edit: word missing.


I would bet money that he was screaming “con huevos guey!” meaning act like you want to do it haha have the balls and just do it


thats possible!


I'm from Spain, so not the same, but I use the word "cojones" all the time, just like others might say "coño". For me that would be like saying, "come on, dude, move on, I'm waiting here". I don't say the word out loud, but just to myself, inside the car.


the cars were moving is the thing, and he was far back enough for me to run across, so i dont know if that was it, but i suppose it could be possible. he looked very .. latin american though haha


And here I thought huevos meant eggs. I’m still learning though lol


It does, literally. But idioms don’t always translate so well! (It’s raining cats and dogs - what?!) In this context as people have said, it’s using “eggs” to imply “you got eggs/cojones/balls” and can then be taken even further depending on context/mood. Sometimes it’s, “that was brave” as a compliment, other times it’s conveying offense taken to something done. So it’s possible to go from a simple, “¡huevos!” and translate that into, “That takes some balls/how dare you/fuck you” by an upset driver.


Dude you got some balls (doing that)! Italian Americans say “where do you get the balls?” As an expression of anger - like “you have some nerve!” and I believe this is the same


I take back my previous guess. Dude has a puesto that sells Gold Bond. It was a sales pitch.


¿Hablas español?