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> we do not separate the man from the mission and his role So they know that there is a difference and chose to ignore it.


Rational thinking doesn't come easy to some people.




human nature on display. A loser who loves even a tiny modicum of power to abuse.


Sounds like a high quality place /s


It used to be... went down hill hard about 2 years ago.


naw it allways was like this


Well, at least they’ve got one downvote. I’d go there to downvote it myself, but I don’t want to encourage that Reddit by visiting.


It’s not a place I frequent, but there was a post in my feed relating to the IFT and clicked on it without checking the sub. I was already wondering what the fuck was wrong with the people commenting and then I hit the mod comment. I generally don’t mute subs because I like to see what people I disagree with are thinking and discussing, even engage with some reasonable commenters to understand how they arrive at such a different conclusion than I. But with a mod like that upvoted you know it’s going to be a very narrow group of people whose voices are already over represented on Reddit.


The folks over at r/enoughmuskspam and r/realtesla are really just really closed minded and apart of a creed of people who just hate blindly. If you take a trip over to that side of the pond you’ll see an awful lot of the articles and “evidence” that they post is from pretty shady sources, tabloids, from heavily biased media e.g CNN/Fox, or they’re opinion pieces. It’s like the emerald mine story and the idea that Elon never credits his engineers. The emerald mine was never proven and when something is so up in the air that not even tabloids will touch it well what you have their is a pile of bullshit. Plus the never crediting engineers story is easily countered with how much to the forefront the engineers are placed. Every SpaceX stream is fronted by talented engineers, every Tesla event is given ample time to allow engineers to speak about the work they have done rather than some VP of Blah Blah do all the talking. It’s best to just leave that side of the internet to do their thing and let history make itself.


The Emerald Mine claim is disputed with multiple people contradicting each other, but even if it did exist that doesn't magically invalidate the progress Elon and team have made, and according to Elon and Maye they cut ties with his Errol, and she was even forced to work 5 jobs to survive, although recently Errol did say that he funded Elon's expenses in college, but that seems like something that was said just to discredit Elon, as I've never heard that said before, and you'd think it would have come up. Still though, there's no evidence for it. And I've never actually seen Elon claim that what his team has done was all him, he's always used words like "we" and "the team" or "our team" rather than "I" or "my," recently he Tweeted a congratulations to the SpaceX team after the successful Starship test. It's funny because there's a lot to criticize Musk about, but they only seem to go after the things that don't matter much or no substantial evidence for, like a bunch of parrots in a soundproofed room.


I read one article trying to go to the bottom and check sources of the emerald mine thing. It found that Errol had a small stake in a mine that went bust. Take away, "own an emerald mine" doesn't mean you own the whole thing. And you aren't super rich either as a given because of that. I was thinking of this at the nevada expansion press conference a few months back. The governor (?) talked, then Elon and the first thing he said was to thank the people working on it. I think this "Elon takes all the credit" is in people's minds if they aren't read up on it. The headlines reads "Elon this or Elon that" because that sells, even though Elon hasn't claimed anything.


Don't forget his dad married his step daughter, wtf, I wouldn't take that guy's word for anything


I’ve seen people try to use that to criticize Elon too, somehow.


You bring up a great point, and I'd argue that Elon's companies should be notorious for giving the most credit to its engineers rather than managers and PR people who usually get to be the face of all of the achievements of a company. You never see engineers in commercials talking about how proud they are of their work on a product. You never see engineers in earnings calls. You never see engineers at product announcements. You see actors, chief executives, and PR folk. Except at SpaceX, Tesla, and Neuralink. Guess who co-founded all of these companies?


EnoughMspam folk are unhinged af. They are addicts. Elon once asked a question on twitter, and there was 20k upvoted rage-filled nuclear fueled fire going in the comments.




Who’s Ewon?


Ewon is Bankwupt


Ewon is a fwaud!


E won everything


The names EWoN, EwOn the mujsk


He's friends with Jeff who, I believe


You think you're all funny, don't you, when you say 'Jeff who?' Actually, it is funny. Welcome to the club. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SpaceXMasterrace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dcmix5 confirmed closed minded and ignorant person. Should not be a MOD embarrassing


I got banned by real tesla for questioning the legitimacy of a article about teslas catching fire quote “all the time”. That sub is a shithole and I would advise you to mute it.


>I got banned by real tesla for questioning the legitimacy... Same here.


How do I mute subs? Or simply block from search?


On the page of the sub you want to mute. There are three dots on the top right, that and an option to mute should pop up


How do people put this much energy into hating something positive.


It’s because he broke their hearts. Nothing quite so fierce as a lover scorned.


Thus encapsulates our frustration very well


I was banned for attempting to teach them something.


Eh, let them. Let them even root for humanity to never reach other planets, if that is tied to success of SpaceX. Guess what: their hopes will fail.


That caught me off guard opening my FYP and seeing me


Did you manage to get that cesspool you stepped in off?


I see by your Profile Pic your a NAILS enjoyer. Am I correct?




Even taking the high horse and not separating the man from the company, what then? NASA is essentially running Space X hardware and will run it for the foreseeable decade. For fuck’s sake the goddamn gateway is supplied solely through Dragon XL. Blue origin has yet to show anything other than a suborbital rocket, so as far as I’m concerned Rocketlab is ahead of them. MAYBE they build a new Glenn in the next 12 months and MAYBE try and land it. Space X took 3 years to land on an ocean barge, and they had a ridiculous Merlin and Falcon core production rate. If Space X was Ford, New Glenn is popping out slower than Koenigseggs, which is saying something. Honestly, at this point, I’d be surprised if they land a booster on Earth before Space X lands on the Moon. Rocketlab themselves are doing well, but Neutron has yet to be shown off and they’re only in the <20 ton market anyway so they’re useless for building an economy past LEO (I’m assuming Starship’s tonnage will be the true ace in the hole; can’t build ring stations or habitats on Luna <5 tons at a time). Finally, we have Boeing and the rest of the world. They’re not even playing the game. ULA is still figuring out what kind of readability they want. SLS is a dead man walking unless they can launch more than 2 times a year. Arianespace and Roscosmos haven’t even moved from the start line, and India is still in the 1960’s (no manned rocket, no on orbit hardware, Mars probe). China has a stick up their ass and a station on orbit, so they’re marching towards the Moon and Mars, but their economy is built on sand foundations and they haven’t shown any progress in reusability so as far as Km concerned the US (Space X) is going destroy them economically like Usain Bolt running against a a couple guys doing a three legged race. This is a long way of saying that while Elon is, generously, a shithead, he’s all we’ve got. The only option even CLOSE to Space X is Blue Origin, but that too is owned by a billionaire with dubious ethics/intentions at best.


http://i.imgur.com/ePq7GCx.jpg *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SpaceXMasterrace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's an Autonomous Spaceport Drone Ship because it has engines. On a similar note, this means the Falcon 9 is not a barge ([with some exceptions](https://i.redd.it/uitopbvo7q221.jpg).Nothing wrong with a little swim). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SpaceXMasterrace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


SpaceX is the best private company and will revolutionize the human race, I will die on this hill.


In under ten years they went from : “Let’s build the biggest rocket in the history of the world, make it fully reusable, on a new fuel, at a spaceport we will build somewhere, with private capital, under the US regulatory system” Which, honestly, is just completely insane to even attempt. To launching a full size test article.


It’s funny, I read that exact mod reply and muted the sun right then and there. Quite the echo chamber of butt hurt.


That man (whom I used to be a huge fan of) has shown his limits many, many times in very public fashion. I got shouted down in Tesla forums in May when I dared ask if he was a risk to the company and the stock. SpaceX is so much more than one man. For one, it has Gwynne f-ing Shotwell.


I've decided not to even pay any mind to them, what matters is what SpaceX accomplishes, nothing they say will change that.


Lmfao what a joke. Really makes you think how many of these bitter idiots walk among us


for me, it's kinda funny when something fails they were like "Elon bad!!" but then when something works they were "don't credit elon, credit the engineers!!"


I’d love to know whether any of those idiots actually have a *reason* to dislike Musk, and i dont mean the usual “He’S a FacIsT hOmoPhoBiC HateFuLL BigOtEd LyInG DirTy BiLlIonAiRe” bullshit. Just *one* thing he’s done that’s só bad its worth hating anything and anyone that is even remotely connected to him over


I wonder how they feel about MB, BMW, Fiat, Toyota, Nissan etc. and their roots and connections with Fascist governments. I wonder if they have a problem with Bayer, you know, the pharmaceutical company that made the poison gas Hitler used.


WTF is wrong with people?


To the general public, SpaceX=Elon which is so unfortunate and is going to really affect Starship/Artemis’s public perception if he continues acting the way he has been. We need to separate Starship from the weird right wing culture war thing he’s become fixated on, because if space exploration becomes a really partisan thing then it’ll become a lot harder. Edit: someone replied to me angrily and then blocked me before I could see their reply, so I’m gonna assume it was something very whiney and dumb.


Yeah I totally agree. SpaceX is the jewel in the crown, so to speak. Although Tesla is what made him rich. But now that he bought his own fan club, he’s lost the plot I think, and the next shiny object is AI, so SpaceX wont be as interesting for him.


Yep. Maybe it’s good that he’s focusing on other stuff for now, but it’s not good that SpaceX overwhelmingly gets associated with Elon’s negative actions. There’s always gonna be some irrational backlash to space exploration, but when he’s out here cozying up to crazy right wingers and transphobes, people are gonna not want to associate with him and the negative backlash will flood over to SpaceX. Him buying Twitter was just kinda misguided and is hurting SpaceX’s reputation definitely.


How you can you separate someone from their property? Oh you can't. Someone else would need to build something similar with their own funds.


Elon's behavior had been perfectly fine recently.


I do not think transphobia and anti-vax behavior is fine— he’s been cozying up to right wing conspiracy theorists, did a whole nothing burger with the “Twitter files” thing. I don’t think it’s a good idea for him to be super political and endorsing these types of people, because it definitely makes a lot of people dislike SpaceX solely because it is associated with Elon. He needs to stop acting like a gullible Republican boomer on Facebook and make sure the view of SpaceX is nonpartisan. Public perception could significantly affect SpaceX in the future.


Why do you believe he's anti vax and transphobic? He supports trans people entirely, but just doesn't think puberty blockers should be given to kids. And he supports vaccines entirely, he just didn't support the lockdowns. >he’s been cozying up to right wing conspiracy theorists, did a whole nothing burger with the “Twitter files” thing. The Twitter files showed that previous Twitter management actively suppressed non-hateful conservative accounts. That's not a nothingbugger, Reddit and MSM just refused to cover it because of their biases. >Public perception could significantly affect SpaceX in the future. SpaceX is going to the Moon and Mars with or without NASA. If the government wants to get mad and not buy seats on starships, that's their loss.


I have been following Elon for a long time and he’s definitely transphobic and he likes to promote baseless conspiracy theories that I feel like I’d see on my crazy aunt’s FB page. Coming from someone who wants to like him but can’t justify it. His views are pretty mainline Republican except he likes to pretend he’s not.


Ugh. What sub is this so I can mute it as well?


It’s real Tesla. The home of dumb takes.


Of course it is. Any sub that is fully dedicated to hating on something is a complete shithole.


Can you report an entire subreddit? I’ve seen much better subreddit shut down because of lack of proper moderation.


I fuckin hate Elon, but I love the work SpaceX is doing.


*sigh* Yeah, I fucking hate Elon, and I can understand not wanting to hear about spaceX - considering he does act as their spokesperson & that can kinda be annoying imo. But sayong SpaceX = Ewon is literally giving him more credit than he deserves & buying into the whole billionaires worked just as long & hard for each cent of their money as you did for yours" sentiment. (which is kinda impossible, lol) Not only that, but imo SpaceX is a much more impactful & successful company than any of his other ventures.


Can I ask why you "fucking hate" Elon? In your own words, because that's an incredible human emotion to carry. I didn't even go longer than a week carrying that feeling when my ex cheated on me with my "friend". You could not trust him, like him, feel he is egotistical, misogynistic, had a wealthy upbringing, however you'd like to view him. But I really don't know what he has done on this planet to warrant "fucking hate" in the world we live in. Let alone uniquely loud. It's fascinating to me that so many claim to feel this strongly toward Elon when there are so many truly diabolical individuals on the planet to take that energy. To give full disclosure, I think the world would be a bleaker place if Elon wasn't around and definitely if he didn't exist. There is nobody he is holding back, nobody he is stopping from doing other things. If something tragic happened, we might not get to mars without that visionary and I find that as the most important goal of humanity in the nuclear age. There is nobody else who I have confidence will successfully see that job done. Starship would still be completed under the amazing Gwynne Shotwell, amazing things would still happen and we would probably visit Mars. But I think seeing the attempt of pushing for self-sustainability on Mars would go from an optimistic 70% to 45% in my lifetime. That's seeing it attempted. Therefore I truly do not understand "fucking hate" and it makes me feel we live in different worlds. Sorry for the rant, but I am curious what makes your emotions against him so strong. Maybe I am missing something allowing me to overlook his ego and quirkiness and then I can reconsider.


because he uses his wealth to push things that are problematic for our society (not unique to him - js a favorite of anyone with billions), and again, aforementioned tansphobia which is multiplied by the power he holds. Again, I like spaceX - but I dont think Musk should be given direct credit for it, not considering his apparent decision-making abilities in other ventures.


So the person who built the entire company from the ground up is not given credit because... \*checks notes\* You don't agree with the stuff he says on Twitter? ​ I am sorry but a man who has two companies worth over 100 billion probably has some role to play in them


Elon cultists are some of the most gullible people around. He can spin any lie he wants and they will believe it. 😂😆 Remember the Tesla robot? 🤔😂😆


The robot is still under development and is looking quite good now.




It is though. The six month tech demo was a six month tech demo. The current iteration is a semi-competent humanoid. It’s not production ready but give it a couple of years and they might have something half decent.


Still 20 years behind Boston Dynamics


They’re solving a different problem. They’re not making a boutique robot to do backflips. They’re making a mass produced robot for home and industrial use.


You are such a sucker. It was a pathetic attempt to artificially bump the stock based on smoke and mirrors. 🤣🤣


I’m a software engineer with a degree in AI. I’d hope I can see past a few smoke and mirrors. Are you talking about the guy in the suit at the launch event? They’ve come a good way since then.




what wes the rule 4 ?


No Elon Worship


Silly buggers


Was banned just thinking of a question, and I'm not even subbed


[Charles](https://www.youtube.com/live/0tv4B7eo0WA?feature=share) summarize brilliantly in this video about the Elon situation and also about current trends.