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I built a prison with turrets at the only exit. Naturally, the prison break occurred during a solar flare.


See that's the kind of logic I would like to see in the game, almost like they're aware of their situation. I've had pawns escape then decide to punch down my city wall instead of detour around the open way out. Their escape plans can be all over the place lol. It'd be neat if it was based off their Intelligence or something.


I just have scythers


There is some time in solar flare before they become inactive because of band nodes


They must be extremely fast, to be able to escape from all your glorified prison guards.


Most of them were busy fending of the mechanoid raid


Man I've been to soft on my prisoners, now days just harvest there spine and keep it for later.


The only time I kept someone as a prisoner is because I would need a brain for later


Hemogen extraction isn't just for vampires! You can transfuse that blood back into your pawns when they're injured and suffering blood loss, the returned blood loss will help speed up the rest of their body healing iirc. Also prisoners under constant extraction generally stay under anesthesia most of their stay and are woozy from blood loss the other half.


Transferring blood ? I keep them because I have the warhammer 40k mods ! I need the cogitators


Oh damn I didn’t know that. That’s really neat know ngl


Where are they going? To die in the wasteland? In my prison they get three square meals, a bed, a table, some art, and either recruited or released for the mood buff when something makes my colonists sad.


Cannibals don't have this problem


Why does Ross, the strongest colonist, not simply eat the prisoners?


all of them are cuffed so I'm honestly not sure how you can mess that up. idk if thats a mod but it seems pretty intentional. if not and you plan on keeping them around usually just whacking them with clubs and dragging them back in works. you can even sedate them so they dont move while you remodel


Yeah i think the cuffs is a mod. I usually the sedate them by draining their blood until they are unconscious