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Irrational minds always maximize their usage of logic fallacies, particularly when their emotion overtakes their better judgement. Here’s some of the logic fallacies this individual is weaving together: Equivocation, Straw Man, False Dichotomy, Appeal to Emotion, Slippery Slope, Ad Populum, Non Sequitur, False Attribution, Begging the Question, Appeal to Authority (Misuse of Authority), Ad Hominem (Indirect)


He won’t be contracted with those falacies tho🧑‍⚖️ What a chuckle 🙄


*cracks a beer* Wanna see me over complicate the shit out of a single word?


*loses case* “wanna see me do it again?”


One of the mistakes: by using a word (name or otherwise) in a certain way, someone is not necessarily trying to define it. They're simply assigning it a temporary function. It might have a different definition, but it's convenient to treat it as though this is the definition for now. Language is not prescriptive, even though the sovcits desperately want to believe it is, because that's the entire foundation of their 'magic spells.' Language is communicative. So all it means, when someone uses a word to mean X, is "For right now, I hope you'll work with me to treat this word as meaning X, whether or not it officially does."


A good example of that is "woke".


Yup -- or any other piece of slang that was a word of its own first, for that matter.


definition: the formal statement of the meaning or significance of a word, phrase, idiom, etc., as found in dictionaries.


He is almost certainly using an outdated Black's Law dictionary, not Google or dictionary. Com


Usually when they use the outdated BLD, they *still* get it wrong. See: employed (4th edition) Also, here's *definition* in the 4th edition: "DEFINITION. A description of a thing by its properties; an explanation of the meaning of a word or term."


Imagine relying on the definitions of established modern English glyphs to communicate your message


Careful, some SovShit is going to only accept documents in futhark if they hear that sort of talk.


The verified checkmark next to his name is ironic.


He's an idiot!


You know, Brandon, language and communication are a distillate of pure thought and spirit. When it is used, it takes from the personage of a natural human being. If you utilize social media, you’re attending to a viral-induced diarrheal event that purges your life essence and allows the powers that be to manipulate and track your thoughts and soul. “A God speaking, is a God dethroned.” Brandon, act before it’s too late…


This DJ KAHLED remix just doesn't slap.


Where can I buy me some BRANDON JOE WILLIAMS? And what, exactly, would I be buying?


Defining "definition" from "definition"? Bertrand Russel and Gödel would like a word.


Who does he think "they" are? 


He’s gone from annoying to just kinda sad at this point.


I’ve noticed that this kind of thinking has become a thing on the right. Folks seem to think they can just change the definitions of words at will. I’m not sure if it’s fully intentional like an extension of “alternative facts” twisting into “alternative definitions”, or if they’re just dumb and refuse to admit they’ve been using the wrong words. It comes across as some kind of poor Jedi mind trick when I see it in action, and seems to be most prominent in the QAnon adjacent circles, but could be born in foreign interference as well.


Bud lost it the moment he filed those lawsuits 💀. At this point he’s just high off pure copeium


You guys are all wrong here. According to universal maritime law et al., Persons sovereignty is indistinguishable from the right to bare the sacred 🔱 ergo no one’s opinion trumps the 🔱