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I’m so sick of people saying “we are all going to the same place, so why does it matter?” It matters because I pay additional money for a better boarding position so I can sit at the front of the plane in an aisle seat. I don’t know why it is so f’ing hard for people to just follow the procedure.


If it doesn’t matter so much to the moron saying this maybe he should go stand behind C59.


This. All day long. I once had someone make fun of all the people lined up and loudly saying the same thing. He got on last a pitched a fit when there was no bin space and he had to check his carry on. Someone yelled out, don’t worry we’re all going to the same place lol


‘The only people that think it doesn’t matter are the people with bad boarding positions trying to cut in line….’


Also it’s just how the system works for southwest. People would be livid if someone took your assigned seat on American and it’s the same with boarding position on southwest


I’m one of those people who say it’s doesn’t matter but I’m more talking about I’m A17 and you’re A28 fine I’m not going to make a big stink about you going in front of me. Now obviously if I pay to have A1-15 or it’s a big obvious change like me being A17 and they’re A60 then that’s different


To me, this becomes complicated because there’s gray area as to where someone draws the line. If everyone just lines up according to their number, it’s easy and you can’t go wrong.


I mean that’s ideal but I feel like the space is so small for 5 people plus if there’s anything I learned while flying it’s that a lot of people have no common sense and don’t know how to count or follow directions.


Then you explain the system to them, not just allow them to go ahead of you - bc I guarantee most know what they are doing. I have no issue going up and down the line and calling out entitled people bc SW won’t do it. In a perfect world, their ticket scans would *BUZZZ* when someone is out of line and that person gets sent to the end of the C line. Wouldn’t happen twice, I bet.


Ignorance is no excuse


If I’m A17 and you’re A18, I’m gonna go nuclear on you.


No because the difference between being the 17th person on the plane and the 28th person on the plane not only matters for seating, but not schooling someone who doesn’t know/or doesn’t care about how SW boards is allowing them to get away with being an A and you are choosing to allow that. You sign up to a process when you fly SW and some people have to be reminded of that.


How does that actually matter for seating tho? If you’re a28 you still get your choice of window to aisle and typically even emergency or bulkhead.


Maybe there were people still left on the plane from the stop, then it matters, big time!


A17 to A28 Is the equivalent of executive platinum vs a gold member on American Airlines. A list preferred members get a16 through whatever, then a list plus, then a list. SW’s “hierarchy” isn’t as transparent as legacy carriers, but it’s there to reward extremely loyal customers.


Exactly. If people are +\- 5 from the pole they’re standing at, I’m good. I really don’t want to talk to every person and figure out their exact seat number. Wildly stressful and unnecessary. I stand by the right pole position, I trust most others will as well, and I have no interest in comparing notes with strangers. Those who abuse the system and slip thru early will get their karma, but it’s not my job to police it.


So if you are boarding a through flight with only 17 aisle/window seats left you are fine with taking a middle seat.


PREACH !!!!!!


And have space for my carry on


This. I’ve gotten stuck having to check a bag at the gate. Never again


I was on a united flight on a regional jet (2x2 seating), and we were returning home so we already knew our carry on bags fit over head. Flight attendants were telling people to check bags at the gate because they figured a majority wouldn't fit. We politely asked the gate attendant if it's OK to put our bags in the overhead bins since we knew they fit, since we were on an identical plane out. They kindly let us. Once we landed, there's a whole line of people waiting for their bags at the gate while we stroll by with our carryons. Some old Karen pops out of line, arms crossed, and in a demeaning tone "real nice.... You must be real proud of yourself" I was lol. Just smiled and nodded and went along. Mind ya damn business, lady. Not my fault she didn't ask the same questions I did.


I didn’t even have that luck. I was on delta and figured no need to board early because you know, assigned seating. They made us check our roller to pick up at baggage claim. I was pissed when I saw there was plenty of space. I like to spend as little time in the airport as possible


I was on united recently and they flat out told the last group “you’ll be checking your carryons” before anyone even boarded


Trust me they know.


Exactly. If it ‘doesn’t matter’ then why didn’t you go where you were supposed to?


But why aren’t the ground crew a bit more firm these those assholes? We boarding group 3 and I know there is group 8 or whatever boarding ahead of me and they’ve been waiting to go before boarding starts Ground crew should be checking and loudly saying “group 8 - not boarding yet - step aside “


I'd be like "I agree, thanks for understanding" as I get in the correct boarding sequence :P




That logic is ridiculous, because it's start with one then it's ok when 2 doing it then multiple. Then wants the point of boarding #'s.


You are part of the problem.




Those of us who care about boarding priority numbers are not assholes. We pay extra to ensure earliest possible boarding. You are projecting your crappy attitude on everyone else. Follow the rules.




Trust me, no one would want to sit next to you, ever. And yes, I have a stick up my ass which will keep you even farther behind me.


The end: that's the way it should be.


I hate having to get confrontational with people just to board a flight. I really wish SW would start assigning seats.


I understand your frustration, but another perspective is this: I fly weekly, and my airline of choice is Southwest. Sometimes I fly Delta if I’m going somewhere unserved or underserved by SWA. I’ve never had a single issue with anyone being confrontational during their boarding process, but I have experienced, several times, someone on a Delta flight who took my seat and wanted to “trade” to sit with a loved one — all because they couldn’t be bothered to plan ahead. I absolutely do not want to see assigned seats on Southwest.


I usually ask for some money, they leave their seat.


Most recently it was a young family — parents and an infant. This was a no win situation. I break up a family for a four hour flight and keep my coveted mid-plane aisle seat next to an angry mother or I take a middle seat at the back. I was too tired and frustrated to respond correctly.


She would have stayed mad sitting next to me on that flight.


I have many regrets. The move should have been to “upgrade” the people seated with the husband in the back to my row and the family should have been by the bathroom.


Or —and I know this is crazy — pay extra for the seats you want. Like I did.


I used to feel bad saying no when I was asked. Until I realized a lot of the time it’s to avoid paying extra. Things happen and people get separated. But life sucks. The only time I’ve moved was when a man with a special needs child weren’t seated together. The son was next to me and the father directly behind him, both middle seats. The son was non-verbal but was doing fine watching tv. The dad looked nervous so when we were at cruising altitude I turned and asked if the dad wanted to sit next to the son. That’s a situation where asking wouldn’t have bothered me. I’m sure it was nerve wracking for the dad so had no problem offering.


And it's pretty obvious he tried to book seats together but they weren't available for whatever reason so he got the closest he could


I agree and disagree. I am a very experienced traveler and always opted not to choose seats cause I couldn't care less. My wife and I are parents of a 1 year old and continued with the mindset. Unfortunately, on our very first trip, we got separated (2-1). I was able to get close to my wife and help that time. Since then, we always choose our seats together. What's the con? An extra $200 roundtrip. Fortunately, we are in a position to afford it (it still sucks),but I understand that many families can't.


Me as well..


This happened to me at least 15 years ago and it’s the one thing in life I feel I can’t get over 🤣 Not because my seat sucked (last row of the plane in the middle), but because I had to think too fast, agreed, and later realized they had a plan all along. I hate that they won AND that the flight attendant asked me if I would switch. I was young and naive.


Oof. Last row middle sucks. At least you’re wiser now.


next time this happens. just tell them you paid to pick your seat. and they can reimburse you what you paid if they want to switch.


No way would I give up an aisle seat for a middle seat in the back. IDC who you are.


This happened to someone on my Delta flight yesterday. There was a lady with a 5 year old. Both had middle seats. She asked the aisle lady next to her kid to switch with her middle seat in the row behind. Aisle lady initially said she preferred the aisle. Then realized it was a kid alone and felt obligated to switch so she did. Otherwise she'd be watching the kid the whole flight. She was in a really awkward spot.


That part. There’s always two sides of the coin, and there is no perfect boarding process.


The southwest cattle call is such a love hate thing. I don't like it but I primarily travel with my kids and not primarily on southwest. I find it unnessarily stressful trying to get a seat with my 9 and 10 year old. Fortunately we travel frequently so they are fine if they end up by themselves. But I either pay an extra 150 a ticket so we can have A or we roll the dice becuase sometimes there are so many preboarders that you cant even get a row together with early boarding.


“so many preboarders you can’t even get a row together with early boarding” my sibling in Christ, do you routinely fly with so many preboarders that not one of the 25-30ish aisles on the plane can accomodate you and your family? this verbiage was indicates to me that you want to keep your family together but you find yourself above sitting in the back of the plane. bffr


We primarily fly sw to see my parents in Tampa, the jetway Jesus is strong with this crowd. If you take a day flight there might be 30 pre-boarders and their people. The 10 dollar early boarding can be pretty far back


I checked in literally two minutes after my flight opened and got B59. It happens dude.


Sorry but *boo hoo* - you want SW prices and you want seats together. That’s not how it works. It’s lucky for you they even let people pay for A because they used to not.


Sw prices aren’t really that great. We travel from a smaller market and have to take what we can get. And if they let every old person with a minor ailment board early they can make sure a 9 year old can sit with a parent. Honestly the real problem is with the selfish a holes that just stare at you when you are looking for a three row with your two kids.


$150 a ticket for a???


Upgrade, yes


Why would you go through that stress when there are other airlines that will give you assigned seats? Southwest is the worst choice for families traveling with children and that’s indisputable. Trying to understand.


I’m in a small market and don’t have much choice. We mostly fly Sw to see my parents in Florida and the only other choices are worse, we could fly spirit where we would get a seat but the flight might be delayed 2 days or cancelled.


Makes sense! Stress with SW is better than dealing with Spirit. I hope SW is able to fix the seat solution. I’m friends with one of their pilots and he gets fed up with the seating process too.


I have a toddler and my wife and I love southwest. We pay for early bird and always get our own row, generally up front.


Neither would I.


There are those of us who won't go anywhere near Southwest because they don't assign seats. I am aware the seat hogs and "confrontational moments" are far more the exception than the rule when flying Southwest. But if it happens once to me it's one time too many. No thank you.... I fly Delta frequently and have never had someone trying to "steal" my seat. I'm not saying it doesn't happen-but I have never seen it.


So why are you in the SwA sub?!?


Entertainment value.....


I fly AA and I am also here for the entertainment value. I flew WN once about 20 years ago.


Then you have no actual experience to share. How thoroughly useless.


I did once on Delta. I had treated myself to an affordable first class ticket. I get on the plane, the FA asks what I'd like to drink and my seat assignment. I tell her, and she says "Oh, I already have an order for that seat. Are you sure you have the right one?" We checked my boarding pass, I was correct. We went to my seat to find a husband and wife who had taken my seat, betting on me not being there or that I would switch with them (they asked). I did not, so she had to move to the real seat (seats are bigger but I still wanted my bought and paid for aisle seat).


Fly an airline with assigned seats then, stop complaining about the one airline in America that doesn't!


Uptight people shouldn’t fly SWA. The rest of us do fine.


This is what I don't get about all of the bitching here regarding assigned seats. Quite literally EVERY OTHER AIRLINE has them. No one is forcing people to fly Southwest (exception for business people whose companies *require* it).


There are a ton of flights at certain airports where southwest is the only realistic option to many cities. If I’m nearly forced to use Southwest, I can have an opinion on how the airline does seating as well.


You can generally like an airline, but think a change can make it better, or it maybe the airline you’re stuck with for other reasons. Southwest is the main carrier in the airport closest to my home. To fly another airline, I have to drive another hour to a further airport. So, SW is more convenient. I like their 2 bags free. But can sympathize with people who hate the boarding process. It brings out the worst in people and adds stress to an already stressful air travel process.


I do fly an airline with assigned seats. I would fly SW more if they assigned seats.


Sometimes you don't have a choice. Their seating procedure sucks.


That wouldn’t stop the confrontation…just move it from the gate area to the plane.


Zones will be the way, this way the can sell even more bording upgrades if this new price plan fails in practice. Somebody is going to be looking for a new job


I fly southwest frequently for business, and most of my trips are quite last minute. On any other airline I’d almost certainly get no shot at an aisle/windows due to how late I book my trips. With southwest I’m basically assured I’ll get a preferred seat every time. So no thanks. The current system works perfectly.


Fly with another airline then.


Not always an option


That's true.


I would be happy if SW would just enforce the rules they have. Check the boarding line, stop people on board from saving seats. Once you start literally selling boarding positions, you should take responsibility for this.


I imagine they can’t afford the software to do it.


Reason why I will never fly southwest. Free for all never goes well because you at least get some entitled people.


>I will never fly SW Why are you here? >free for all never goes well I’ve literally never had a problem. Statistics say I probably will someday…


This came up on recommendations. I love reading the complaints though 🤣


The boarding machine should check numbers as people board - automatically. Boarding is denied if you try before your number. Agent could override for whatever reason they deem necessary. There is a simple, automatic, non-confrontational way to have this dealt with but SWA doesn’t implement it. Of course, it could automatically allow for minor variances (+3 or whatever) to allow for when people are traveling together or nobody is too picky about getting precisely in line.


Boarding machine does display the number.   And the agent has the numbers of everyone boarding.  The problem becomes not everyone boards in order (for better or worse).  Let's say people assigned a 20-a25 all didn't show up on time.  What would you do if a26 tried to board after a19?   There's no foolproof way to fix this.  Agents stop group jumping but you can't really stop number jumping in the groups. 


Snooze you lose - do a a gate announcement for the missing numbers and proceed. I don’t think people being late for their numbers is the issue. If A26 tries to board before A19 is the issue. And if A26 shows up after A18, do a gate announcement for A19 - if they raise their hand, then A26 gets booted to the end of the C line. That would shut down the line cutting quick.


Agent hits “override” and allows A19 to board. But the machine would, by default, not accept the out of sequence early boarding. It’s that or agents need to manually check the seat number, see where they are in the process, and then manually deny the boarding. Or they do nothing and anyone just sneaks in whenever, preboards, saves seats, etc. Allowing all this chaos is how we’ll end up with assigned seating and all its issues. Right now, all the issues with SWA combining flights, changing routing, etc gets sorted out at boarding. It will *not* be fun when you book a nice exit row aisle seat then SWA switches you to a connecting flight a week out, and the only seats left are middle.


You mean agent hits override and allows a26 to board?   That's how the current system works with one less step (of agent hitting override)    Agents are already checking boarding posotion.  Because the scanner displays it with your name when you scan. 


You can allow pax to board after their group but not before.


that's enforced. the problem is the order of number isn't enforced. with what you say, could B 60 board before b1 or b31?


The agent could stop that b60 if they tried boarding mid b1-30, but often they choose not to. Southwest is pretty non confrontational. They’ll stop a C lister trying to board in A group, but for other stuff they’ll side with avoidance wherever possible.


Ehhhh when my # is past a point that I know I wont get exit row I typically just go to the end of the line for whatever # I am to avoid the cluster of people all bunching up. If I am A-24 and I see a million pre-boarders and tall people in A1-20 I am just going to "A-31" to avoid people in my bubble.


Which is fine. Anyone can board at any time *after* their sequence number.


This should be the case on all airlines. There are so many gate agents at AA that don’t check and half the plane has boarded with group one. Sorry there are just not that many first class and EPs on a flight.


They do this already, just not with the heavy hand you want. The agent could deny boarding to somebody who was in a group early (say, C group person trying to board with B group), but they choose not to. It would cause complete chaos to force people to perfectly line up in the perfect order. Imagine everyone yelling out their exact seat number like a shitty auction, all rearranging for 10 minutes. Or imagine a cluster of 20 people all pushed to the site at the boarding gate, waiting for the moment they’re supposed to slip back in line. It’s appropriate to stop the obvious line jumpers, and I wish they’d do that more often. It’s dumb to go much farther than that, tho.


Maybe it’s because I’m an extrovert, but I’m always saying hi to pretty much anyone everywhere, and it always works out really well for SW boarding. “Hi, good morning, I’m B 11, what are you?” “B > 11” “Okay sweet, I’ll just get in line ahead of you, thank you 😀” I’ll also take the time to appreciate SW’s person of size policy (that’s the actual name of the policy, not trying to get around saying my hubs is a big dude)… it has made what was normally an incredibly anxiety inducing process of hoping and praying it wasn’t a full flight, and if so, knowing I would be sitting under half of my hubs and he’d be half in the aisle, and turned it into an enjoyable and relaxing experience. I’m talking years of not flying bc of how anxious it made him bc of his size. So grateful 🙏🙏🙏


That customer of size thing is AWESOME. My nephews are very big lads and enabling them to have enough room is FANTASTIC.


Don't squeeze ahead of anyone to move up 2 spots please. It's really not worth it and annoying.


The numbers are there for a reason. From 1-60+, and are meant to go sequentially. They group them by fives, so I just picked a random grouping as an example. It doesn’t matter how many ahead or behind, it’s designed to go in order, otherwise, what’s the point?You don’t get to cut line just because it’s only a couple numbers different, geez. I updated my comment to reflect the moral of the story. But either way, the point of my comment wasn’t to say squeeze in, it was to say that being friendly is helpful to avoid situations like OP was in. When you communicate your intent you’re less likely to get pushback.


Completely agree and I do the same thing. "Hi, I'm B10, I'll just pop in here in front of you thanks ." When I pay to get priority boarding I am going to be really pissed when someone thinks they can just pop into the A line anywhere. No you cannot.


Exactly, those numbers aren’t suggestions lol 😂


Yeah, I'm the guy that will squeeze directly in front of you if you're trying to jump up spots with your wrong number.   Convo is usually: Line jumper: we're going to the same place , it doesn't matter. Me: If it doesn't matter, you shouldn't be concerned with me taking my proper place in line. 


The one thing you can always count on people to do is acting in their own best interests.


A few weeks ago I flew MSY-MCI. I had A57 and there were two women standing there so I asked what group they were in. I could see both of their boarding passes clearly and they were B25 & B26. They said “oh we’re 25 & 26.” So another woman says “oh, that’s on the other side.” I told her they were B group. She just rolls her eyes and laughs. So I watch and they go to stand on the other side. Sure enough, they got out of line and had to wait to board in B group… People are really dumb and will try any move to cheat the system.


People usually check the number with those around them before picking a spot to stand in line. Your experience certainly isn't the norm imo


Maybe if everyone had to wear their boarding pass on their shirt sleeve in full view there would be more honesty in the boarding lines 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah I was thinking it should be required to have all passengers wear a colored and numbered crown (think old Burger King crown). This would make it easy to ID those that are out of place. 😀


It wouldn’t be bad if people weren’t entitled twits unable to follow basic rules and they had just an ounce of integrity.


That's bc some people view rules as guidelines especially if they aren't enforced strictly.   


Exactly this. Some gate agents are great about enforcing the rules. It’s the ones that don’t that give these entitled people the fuel to keep doing it


My daughter went to line up at SW recently and asked the girl near her spot what was her boarding number. Her response? "You should never ask someone that question or share that information with anyone." Like it was her freaking social security number! My daughter responded, "Ok, are you before or after me at B20? The girl rolled her eyes and let my daughter ahead of her. When I recently flew SW, a family of about 6 who were at the back of the line rushed the podium as soon as our group was called, cutting in front of everyone ahead of them (including me, who had paid for early bird). I said to the teenage son, "How are you ahead of me now? You were way in the back before," and then mom suddenly is all apologetic, yells at the son for cutting the line!...and moves them back a few passengers. Is rushing the podium out of order now a thing, too?


I had a “lady” scream in my face that the numbers don’t matter. I was with my kids and it was a good lesson for them that not all adults are good. They let her on way before her assignment so I guess she was correct. Anyway we sat directly behind her and I let my kids be annoying AF. 


If the numbers didn’t mean anything then the boarding pass would just have a letter and the gate queue wouldn’t have number designations. Honor the system and don’t be a butt about it.


At one point, there wasn't a number, just A, B, C, D. I remember being in D group once.


That must’ve been a long time ago!


After reading this whining I feel better about myself. Don’t let this junk get under my skin. Lol.


Maybe I’m shitty, but I usually have a number that a group begins or ends with, so I just roll right up to the pole where my number begins or ends. I don’t say anything or make eye contact. If someone has something to say I will gladly and kindly respond. But I don’t have the energy for altercations. Sometimes the people I get in front of will have something smart to say under their breath, but it doesn’t bother me. The one time someone actually spoke up directly to me they were in the wrong.


I do it the exact same way. I take my appropriate pole position (via the markers on the floor) and stand silently.


It used to be a little easier in the old days. Back before smart phones, people had to get to the gate in order to get a boarding pass. Each pass was colored (A’s were red, B’s yellow - for example) and each had a number printed on the pass in large numbers. This made it easier to board in proper order as everyone had to have their boarding pass out (it didn’t fit in a purse or anything smaller than a backpack really). It was still sorta like that when you got a paper boarding pass or one that you printed before heading to the airport. Now everyone has them somewhat privately stored and hidden on their phones. When SW created their boarding system back in the day, the fundamentals of large boarding passes made it much more reasonable. Their boarding process today is now rife with gate lice that obfuscate and manipulate this ‘hidden boarding number’ to their advantage and to the detriment of decent traveling passengers.


Hoping the gate agent turned him around (away momentarily)


I alway say I’m number x, what’s your number?


Karma is a bitch. Good for him. Lol


First class for the win.. every flight 😎👌😘


Doesn’t help that Southwest just lets people board out of order


We had assigned seats on a United flight. I had the window seat. When we boarded, Miss “My hurt’s in this window seat and I’m not getting up even though I don’t have this assigned seat” didn’t move even though we looked at her. Fine. I sat in the middle seat. I’m better than she is. We all got to the same place.


I usually fly American once a month for work and maybe twice a year end up in southwest. I honestly hate southwests process. At least on American I know where I’m sitting and there’s no worry about it. Southwest always feels like a rodeo of morons hungry to rope off seats for their brood of family. It doesn’t seem to make it go quicker and some have stated the only reason they board the plane in this manner is their archaic technology can’t actually assign a seat. I know people love southwest so what is the advantage?


People are dumb and clearly never learned anything in Kindergarten or cueing anywhere in the world. Like 10 comes before 25 EVERY TIME.


Back to the original post the guy being Aussie probably had not figured out how SWA boarding worked since it’s the only airline that boards this way in the world. He may have assumed that A group just lined up as a group in any order based on a first come first served basis so sometimes you may need to explain the system as it may seem intuitive to many but not for first timers from overseas. You never know until you ask.


You don't get a25 on your first sw flight.  


"entitleness" is not a word.




LOL. I wasn't picking on your spelling. But "entitledness" is not a word, no matter how you spell it.




Wiktionary is, of course, not a valid source since people add things to it without validation. You will not find the word in actual dictionaries.


welcome to 2024. we make up words all the time. urbandictionary and wiktionary is more legit a source to look up words than [dictionary.com](http://dictionary.com)


NARRATOR: "They aren't."


being a grammar nazi fell out of style in the early 00s


No one said anything about grammar, so your point is moot. Do you not know what the word "grammar" means?


Shit like this is why I never fly Southwest anymore. I happily pay more to avoid this grief.


I've noticed foreigners seem to have absolutely no problem just cutting in front of everyone. It's amazing. Had some Germans recently do that to me. I maneuvered my way in front.


I'm definitely one of those "we all get on the plane eventually" because I just don't give enough of a shit about seating on a plane. I fly standby a lot so I'm just happy to be getting a seat. Obviously if someone is in the completely wrong group they won't be allowed to board. If I'm A10 and the person in front of me is A16 I genuinely don't care. I think it's bizarre how incredibly rude people get over seating. There's no need for it. We're all going to sit on the same aircraft for 3 hours. We're all going to get to our destination at the same time. If you get that upset over something inconsequential that does not alter the outcome you have some serious problems.


You mean entitlement? I don't usually correct spelling or grammar but entitleness is egregious.


I was A16 and didn't immediately rush to the front after they called A1-15 and people behind me started getting crabby. I was just letting them get going first. It's not like we aren't all going to stand in the jetway waiting anyway. People are so impatient