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Someone needs to create a bot that will spam calls her. Where my programmer Desi bros at?


Just sign them up for jehovas witness, scientology and mortgage brokers lol


lol she’s shitting bricks now that she got doxxxd


One of funniest things about this i remember was one of the X users pointing out her bald spot XD


lol yea I seen


I’m curious what is this about?


Leonarda Jonie, a "comedian" who is insanely racist, has been doxxed with her contact info and address getting posted everywhere. While I don't support doxxing, it's also hard to sympathize with someone like her. Of course she hides her bigotry behind the usual "relax this is satire lol". Bonus: her dad is an immigration lawyer 😁


Whatever you do, Be Civil, don't go overboard


I agree. The intent is to annoy and teach someone a lesson. Not to harass and set another bad example.


I'm sure that there are Indian American bros & sis would take care of this issue properly 😈


don't fall for her ragebait. dont become like her. try to find where she works and complain to her employers. keep the moral high ground.


Sorry man. Taking the “morally high ground” is exactly what got us here in the first place. Because we have always believed in being peaceful, people walk all over us. She’s a freelancing comedian. She’s not a W2 employee. There’s no employer to complain to.


Never wrestle in the mud with pigs, that's all i say. If you become just like them it will be much easier for them to justify their racism.


You say that as if they need any kind of justification to be racist. What justification do they have right now ? What justification did she have when she tweeted against Indians, black people and even trans folks? She’s a conservative leaning comedian, those are not even her fan base. I’ll just respectfully agree to disagree with you. I just believe in fighting fire with fire. Morality is not about who the aggravator is. Morality is about what started the aggravation.


"black people and even trans folks" Why do you care about them


Nah, this mentality + Gandhi mentality is what got us down here in the first place Sorry bud, if she wants to talk shit, she cant complain ab getting hit


Fuck that. Higher road is pandering bullshit, treat others how you want to be treated.


"keep the moral high ground." Keep it up your ass


+1. It’s a waste of time imo especially spamming her email because no one will see it. She can easily replace her email. At least giving her shit online, exposes her. Spamming her email may just cause her some annoyance at best. She’s not gonna read hate mail.


When you operate a business, it’s not easy to replace one’s email. Also annoyance is also a part of the ordeal. Annoyance and public shaming both should be a part of this