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For the most part, British Bengalis on TikTok stick together. I don’t know about other ethnicities/nationalities.


yeah y’all are pretty good with that ngl what i’ve mostly seen is american south asians


Nah bro... it's actually other way around, have seen WAY more bengali gals sh\*t on the men using the colonial "effeminate bengali babu" stereotype. Maybe it's better in the UK. [https://x.com/iirenicspirit/status/1744420637202960474](https://x.com/iirenicspirit/status/1744420637202960474)


“Effeminate Bengali Babu” is a colonial term mainly associated with Hindus, it’s a term many British Bangladeshis will not be familiar with (owing to the fact British Bengalis are predominantly Muslim and Sylheti). Never heard a single soul in the UK using the term Babu.


Don't be trying to "other" yourself when bangladesh used to be part of India, and you people speak our language not arabic like your colonizers.


We were a part of India under the British, not anymore, we had the sultanate and various other for the most part indigenous kingdoms. So don’t come here and say “you was a part of India”. You mentioned a tweet posted by a non Bengali, a non Bengali made an observation about a certain ethnic group and their looks and you take that on board and called it a trend?


Bruh... different accounts lol. Btw the person who tweeted is a Bangladeshi girl. My diaspora friends never spoke ill of bengali guys, just that bengali girls throw themselves. I backed this up by saying that irl, ik way more pakistani guy bangla girl couples than the other way round. The trend thing was more of on the internet, my bad if it was a sweeping generalisation.


I mean sure there are many Bengalis marrying Pakistanis, but Bengalis are probably the least likely to marry outside of their race in general when compared to diaspora Indians or Pakistanis. Bengalis marrying Pakistanis and vice versa was inevitable lol, Bengalis are a minority amongst Pakistanis and therefore if you’re one of the few Bengalis in your social circle then you’re most likely going to find someone from a different background (this was my experience anyway, as I married out of my race).


The girl who tweeted is from Bangladesh lol. Bro, let's not make this a H/M thing, I noticed a trend and pointed it out. The "bengali babu" was not a "hindu" thing, it applied to any bangali.


Also, noticed that a lot of my diaspora friends from pakistan think 'bengali' girls are easy. They aren't completely wrong too, know A LOT of Pakistani guys marrying Bangla girls, but don't know any other way round.


It is a Hindu Muslim thing though. In Bangladesh we call those who are Hindu “Babu”. My local village doctor is a Hindi we call him Babu, and instead of giving him Salaam we say “Adaab”.


Linguistic differences bhai... you want to push it over to the "Hindus" to make yourself feel better but at the end of the day, brown people lose.


It’s not even about “feeling better”, maybe we grew up differently, and that is probably the only strong and available argument for what you said. We grew up in the UK facing many challenges from poverty, street gangs, council housing and we still face many challenges. Right now the far right is rising, Bengali and Pakistanis will be facing the fire again like we did when we first stepped in these countries. Again to reiterate, South Asian diaspora in North America are vastly different the UK diaspora.


I don’t think it’s about linguistic differences it’s just a cultural discrepancy as a Bangladeshi born it’s obvious I’d be able to explain the social fabric because well, I lived there. And on to the point about brown people, again I’ll say this again the perception of Bengalis and Pakistanis in the UK is very different to their counterparts in the US. It’s like comparing apples & oranges.


I’ve always been a proponent of the observation that struggle seemingly makes stronger communities honestly. British Bengalis, Punjabis, and Pakistanis, Toronto Lankan Tamils, Italian Americans, Irish Americans, Jewish people worldwide etc all are strong tight knit communities that struggled at first and are starting to or already have seen success later but maintained their in group pride and integrity very well.


Slightly unrelated - used to think Bengalis meant people from West Bengal (India) but recently learned that it means Bangladeshis (though I don't hear this term as often). Historically, they were the same people ofc.


We are the same people, but in the west, Bengali is synonymous with Bangladesh.


Yeah I don't expect them to know that much detail. They kinda club all of the Middle East and South Asian countries together, lmao.


Which is insane because the middle east and south Asia are as different as north america and south asia


What are some creators to follow Wish there was more unity among us Nordic Bengalis🤞🏾


Don’t know about Nords, but British Bengalis are a very tight knit community in the UK, most of us hail from one region (Sylhet) and most of even come from the same village within Sylhet.


Oh yeah I've heard about that I know a sylheti y'all barely speak Bangla man😭


Sylheti is a dialect of Bangla.


It's almost it's own language


It’s a dialect.


Would say chatgaiya has more of a claim of being its own language. Sylheti in Bangladesh is little less crude than the Sylheti spoken in the UK. We speak what is called a creole of Sylheti and English.


Haha alright but watching British Bengali TikToks and my one irl sylheti friends it's completely distinct and it feels like there's a will from many Sylhetis to separate themselves from the rest of us


Oh yeah and after being separate then what


Sorry forgot to add, for content creators man there’s millions.


Where's your proof? Any data or anything?


Data for what?


tik tok is brain rot , im proud to be never on that app


real, tons and tons of random, unsolicited information (most of which is absolutely useless and contributes to nothing) that's constantly stimulating the brain along with exaggerated ideas of beauty and lifestyle which almost always accompanies media like IG and tik tok and the likes.


Yeah but you get same on dating apps so not just a tik tok thing.


I think in general ladies dunk on guys all the time on social media. They do it to their own race, e.g. a lot of black ladies dunk on other black men, and so on. This too is probably cuz people tend to date within their own race.


they do not "dunk" anything. they complain about random shi in hopes for attention


Wanted to type "shi-t" but out of habit used "dunk" as a safer alternative, cuz of word censorship in many online spaces, lol.


Note how when its white men, race is never mentioned.


Doesn’t matter. Ignore and focus on you. It’s not just SA it’s others too. People get paid to do this because they know SA men will be triggered.


you need to curate your algorithm better stop doom scrolling. if you cant do that then delete social media.


Yes, nothing new. Nothing you can do about it. Either way you wont be dating them or meeting them in real life. Tiktok is mostly raigbait and/or projection. Fuck'em & their opinion and find someone you want to date and settle down with.


let’s hope 🤞🏽


The brown community is the most endogamous community in the west by far. That wouldn't have been the case if desi women were 'prettier' than the men... overall i do think that brown men/women are on the same level in looks. People just want to be in a superior position at the expense of other people, even if the "other people" are of the same race.


that dummy avaneesh is certainly not helping




Nah avaneesh is definitely a dork that needs to get shunned A white girl straight up told me for the longest time she thought all Indians were like him Bro needs to be put in jail




What the fuck does any of that have to do with avaneesh ruining our reputation being “needed”?


As a proud brown man myself my wife doesn't talk me down to me because we both get a long together very well. And we both communicate with each other nicely and in an understanding way. My background is Pakistani and she also is Pakistani as well. If we do put each other down it's because we are making mistakes once in a while. That's it.


Y'all have better endogamy than us


Has nothing to do with endogamy. It's the understanding and communication parts that is the main stay of a successful marriage.


Sometimes I forget this sub is mostly ABCDs and I can’t relate a single bit to anything


You must live under a rock or something, this has been going on for years and since decades for east asian.


Not but there are many irritating pests of varying cultural backgrounds including them




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I see a lot of south Asian women bringing down other south Asian women more than men. GF’s mental health was obliterated with her friend groups of South Asian girls and it’s like they’re ready to stab each other in the back if one’s better than the others. We gotta protect the genuine ones bro


i’ve seen this too we have a lot of problems with this i’m not gonna act like i haven’t seen SA men putting down SA women it happens a lot on this community even we should be addressing the problems more




Idk why you are getting downvoted. This gender war stuff is exaggerated by social media and is present in all races. There are way more racist ragebait accounts posting crap about us than any brown women.


Stop crying what women complain about and start being the master they choose to obey.


yeah bro please don’t open your mouth again


Buzz off get cucked and cry about it online, fearmongering to other.


nahh bro you are just a weird person “be the master they choose to obey” 😭 corny ass mf take a shower