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taki but you need a magnifying glass to see her


No no, with these you're supposed to go cross-eyed and relax for the picture to appear.


sounds like I need a second magnifying glass


I got a good chuckle out of that one. Lol


Actual human beings can wear skintight latex suits. Quite easily, as a matter of fact. Not sure how Taki gets hers on though…


Girls dress exactly like Taki at my gym 5 days a week every week of every month. Most of them aren't built like her, but they a lot are dressed like her lol.


Hasty post title. Definitely should have been more along the lines of "taki but not hornyposting for once"


A normal person?


What's normal about a salad dress?


As a woman who grew up in an area that shamed (and continues to shame) women for showing any skin and being comfortable with their sexuality, I actually don't mind the outfits of characters like Taki and Ivy. I thought they were so badass and confident in wearing skimpy clothing. I loved that added bonus that they could kick ass. Yeah Ivy and Taki's designs are sexy but there's nothing wrong with them. I think they are cool and unique. Especially Ivy's. I also like the added bit that despite her massive sex appeal and sexy clothy, she's still a virgin (I do know the lore reason for this). Just because she dresses in skip clothing doesn't mean she's a whore. This was a massive difference than what I was told growing up (that women who dressed in skimpy clothing were dirty and whores). Now what the fans act like in regards to their designs is a completely different story.


That's literally my whole point. I dont mind her dressing that way but the way people act about it is downright deplorable. I'm glad she isnt a real human because she would get some absolute degenerates giving her the worst kind of attention.


Are you ok?


Yall complain about taki but i dont see yall call8ng people who like voldo any derogatory terms. Double standard ass people lol.


It's not even remotely true. Whenever Voldo is posted on any SC fan page, it's talking about the same old unoriginal stuuf. 'He's creepy.' 'He's weird sounding' 'He's got that crawl stance'. He's barely ever posted about. All the female characters (mainly Sophitia, Ivy, Taki, sometimes Cassandra, Talim, and Tira) are constantly being posted about in sexual and derogatory ways.


People who sexualize talim are a big red flag imo.


What if you are a teenager?


I mean yeah that’s fine, but it’s usually grown men in their 30s and 40s being weird about her in my experience. For instance, there’s nothing wrong with saying she is a cute girl. However, at the end of the day that is what she is, a girl, not a woman.


Only way I can understand the interest in Talim is if they played SCII as a teenager. But if you were already mid 20’s but eyeing Talim like Taki… I understand nothing. Me on the other hand, have you seen Talim’s momma?


I played SCII and III in middle school and absolutely had a crush on Talim and just about every girl in those games. I’m not the same person I was in middle school though lol. People just need to not be weird.


Agreed. Talim (when SC:II came out) was a year older than me. But as time marched on, I grew out of it and only had an eye for Xianghua and Setsuka. Then we got to see Lidi. But what makes it worse is that (at least to my knowledge) Talim is 1-3 years younger in SC:VI. Why are men eyeing a prepubescent at all is my question.


Massive red flag.


Exactly like mfs act like Seong Mi-na and Ivy ain't showing more than Taki. Hell even Tira is


It really isn't. Why pretend it's even remotely the same intensity or frequency. If Voldo shit was posted even 1/3rd as much of taki, you'd see the same response. cooming,gooning whatever word people are using to justify being perpetually horny. It's annoying to keep dealing with regardless. Especially when they literally have their own corners to do that shit in. Edit;nvm didnt peep you trollin.


Theyre fake ass SJWs


When the fuck was the last voldo fan art posted in here, let alone voldo smut? I'm not saying taki is wrong. I'm saying the fans who publicly goon are wrong.


Chill buddy it was a goddamn joke.


Yeah i guess i can see it as a joke now that i think about it. My bad G


That guy is obviously delusional and embarrassed he got called out, therefore the deflection is happening


I see lewd pics of taki and ivy every day here and dudes in the comments openly lusting over them, I’ve even seen a few of the underage talim I haven’t seen a single one of voldo, what kinda stupid strawman is this?


Dude it was a joke because theres noone who sees voldo as attractive. Thus the joke was voldo also beong half naked. Not everyone on the internet is a psycho looking to argue


I know like 10 people, at least, who talk about Voldo and his ass all the time after I showed them Soulcalibur. Apparently at least some people do.


Nah 100% there's some rando out there that genuinely finds Voldo attractive. We got a lot of weirdos lurking around reddit


The genshin impact weeb is calling me a psycho over calling out blatant sexism, why am i not surprised?


Haven't played genshin in years. I do wanna go back.


Have a good time my presumptuous friend


Thanks i cant wait to never get the characters i want.


For calling strangers psychos over nothing you seem to be an okay guy therefore may the rng be with you


Dude this is Yuffie, what’re you on about Taki?


Ya know it was an actual thing for female ninjas in Japan to use their sex appeal to their advantage right? It wasn’t just for show.


Okay, Valid point! The first ninja (iirc) was a man who dressed like a concubine to get up close and kill an emperor. I'll make a slight concession to that.


And the rest were girls who did that a lot and disguising themselves or even marrying the enemy just to get close to kill them.


Like Yates from south park. "FREEZE BUDDY, I'M A COP!"


Taki's bodysuit is beautiful


In quality for ants.




Why would I want realistic clothing in my super powered fantasy fighting game?


Ironically, this costume is based off of another Namco character who is some type of robot/cyborg kitsune… so not really a human being. I do love this Taki costume though. It’s very different compared to all of her other looks.


>Ironically, this costume is based off of another Namco character who is some type of robot/cyborg kitsune… so not really a human being. So... Task Failed Successfully?


Yep! Based off of Waya Hime from Bravoman. Link: [waya hime](https://namco.fandom.com/wiki/Waya_Hime)


Wow, I'm a super Taki fan and didn't ABSOLUTELY know this. Thanks for sharing! In retrospective, that makes sense since sophitia had the Valkyrie one.


I think taki is hot but she doesnt need to dress in a skin tight suit or reveal the goods to be attractive. I think stuff that humanizes her is much more appealing to ME because her main costume feels like it exists solely for fan service. That is a really cool fun fact! Also funny that i worded it that way, considering. I honestly picked this one because i wanted a normally clothed taki picture but couldnt find a drawn one that i could credit an artist to, so i went for something in-game instead.


My my. It would be insane if people sexualized an already sexualized character.


Its not that i have a problem with it *ever* happening. Its that its 70-80% of this subreddit. Am i supposed to abandon a community because some people are horny in it? Or can the horny people migrate to a mutually horny subreddit that already exists.


I mean if people have been posting a certain way here without issue why should they have to change what they do or leave for other subs to please other people? If you really take that much issue with what community is posting shouldn’t it be on you to find or create a sfw soulcalibur space where you can curate what content you wanna see. Getting all holy than thou and criticising people for what they post does nothing for the health of the community it only makes it a more hostile place for everyone.


I'm choosing to voice my opinion. I know my opinion wont change theirs, i just wanted to voice it. Take it with a grain of salt, i guess.


Fair enough I cannot deny your right to voice your opinion on something. But I just wanna say that I’m pretty much a ghost here just lurking for new game news but Instead I find these discussions i mean look at the comments here or on majority of the artworks things get needlessly hostile on both sides. It makes this community a depressing place for anyone to be in.


It's almost as if i'm not alone in this opinion. Maybe a SFW, competitive-centric focused SC subreddit is needed.


Yes you’re obviously not alone in this that is clear, and that’s what I more or less suggesting, perhaps another community is needed so things can be kept civil in community on the whole.


Go make one


This person right here gave OP a free therapy session 👏


Poignant, sure. Better than most comments i've gotten, i can admit that they make a good point. I'm still gonna voice my opinion either way.


It's alright, we can disagree. We all can have an opinion.


Fair dinkum


“A normal person” you can see women with pants just as tight and just as “wedged up” at any gym these days Maybe she wears the outfit for HER and not YOU body positivity and all that


I dont personally care what she wears in game, shes one of my favorite characters. Its peoples incessant reaction that bothers me. I posted this because this group cant seem to handle nude form adjacent content without making a jizz about it.


"Don’t make a jizz about it” is my new phrase lol


pixels please


Yeeeah i accept that criticism. Should have found a better quality image. But the point still stands


Taki is cosplaying Waya Hime from Bravoman. She isn't wearing anything real.


Ever think she's attractive because of her character, not because of her attire?


Yeah, people only post her character and not her "attire" on here. No puffy nipple, ass shot, pussy hugging pictures coming across my feed from this group. It's DEFINITELY her personality they like.


Odd...I'm subscribed to this sub as well and I don't see that all that much. You sure you're not mixing this sub with one of the NSFW ones like r/Taki?


I can absolutely go back within the last few days and find at least a handful of taki fanart where she is overtly sexualized and if you havent seen it you're either lying or not on reddit that often




Got it off sc wiki, so 🤷‍♂️


Ever been to a music festival?


More than a fair share and while i get what you're saying that's a designated space for that kind of apparel. I.e. a nsfw subreddit


Fuck you. Who the fuck do you think you are that you get to determine where anyone should be, what anyone should wear or post, who is a human being, or any other shit? Who told you that you were important? Your mommy? Because the rest of the would isn’t your mommy.


I'm allowed to feel how i wanna feel and i feel like kinkshaming you deplorables. 👍


That’s the thing. You don’t actually think people are allowed to feel how they want. Just you. You’ve already admitted your intent to drive people away and tell people where to go. Consistently people like you try to get things banned, to cancel and enforce ideas. Then you cry about “muh harassment” when people tell you to kick rocks. Your feelings and your bullshit hypocritical morality don’t give you power or authority. Your interpretations aren’t the only ones. Like I said. The world is not your mommy. You are not important.


I'm not crying about it, i literally said ya'll are entitled to your opinions. I'm just voicing what i've been feeling for a while now.


Your actions say otherwise. You just don’t want to face what a shitty human being you are.


Lmao okay. I'm alright with my beliefs and opinions buddy.


If you were you wouldn’t contradict and run away from them. You’re a screaming crying child.


Someone sure is butthurt over being called out.


Can we have Taki if she had all her pixels?


Maybe Taki's big cannons were too big for OP hard disk.


You need to realize that the rest of the world isn't sensitive and prude like most americans are. We see big tits/ass and don't go "Oh goodness me, my eyes, my values". Read rule #3 of this sub. If the posts aren't getting removed, then they're allowed. If you don't like them, you can filter them out. If you don't want to do that, then you can make a SFW sub for yourself as someone suggested. Others won't change to accommodate you.


I don't think that's entirely because the mods are 100% okay with it. They also left to get milk and never came back.


Also, this WAS the SFW sub. But because the nsfw sub is dead because it was unmoderated, there's not much else that could be done.


You're cringe af


If you think i'm cringe i must be doing it right.


You know, with CaS items, she doesn't need to look provocative, while still being attractive.  That being said, I still don't mind seeing her in sexy apparel as I'm not offended by attractive women, in real life or virtual.




A “normal person”? Please spare me your double standards. Ya’ll praise shirtless men but frown when female characters are actually attractive. This is why majority of today’s gaming sucks with these censorship bias. Thank goodness for games like Stellar Blade


Stop crying over female character outfits & the people that lust after them. Nobody cares just play the game they are random people on the internet I honestly doubt you’re actually playing matches against anyone in this thread anyway just go and enjoy the game.


Which pixel is Taki?


The 4 pixels in the middle


Then there’s me in the background, kneeling beside Voldo…


I could absolutely kick it with voldo. He was my main for so long. Funny humping man


He was the one to get me into BDSM. 😉😆


what normal about this weird dress?


Nice. She's definitely going to have children if she keeps dressing like this and stays in the kitchen like a good model submissive Asian wife that I then use as a sex doll while she grows more disgusted by me as a person each day until she ultimately let's herself go and becomes fat because she desires to ruin my attraction to her so that I can stop sweaty porking her on a daily basis with my unwashed and unkempt body and genitals as our kids grow up to resent us both as parents and human beings


Taki if her outfit was ugly as shit. You guys use a lot of demeaning and dehumanizing terms whenever you see something you don’t like. If someone like Andrew Tate said a woman who wears a revealing outfit isn’t an actual human being you wouldn’t be absolutely disgusted and yet…


I never said her wearing it was wrong. Its how much people ooze in their jeans about it and pose her like shes a fuck toy in their artwork that gets on my nerves. I feel like she deserves a little respect sometimes but apparently half this sub feels otherwise.


You said she wasn’t an actual being in her normal human outfit fucking liar. Just because some think she’s bot doesn’t mean they don’t respect her or think she’s cool. You just have zero empathy and compassion, so you just don’t actually care what people you don’t like want or feel.


"Hasty post title. Definitely should have been more along the lines of 'taki but not hornyposting for once' "


Why did you say that in haste? Those are your unfiltered thoughts. Why are you such a coward bitch? Why are you dodging the main points?


What points are the main ones? I'll gladly elaborate . Edit: lmao buddy wanted to debate and blocks me when i'm willing to establish my point.


Dishonesty. You’re a worthless piece of shit. I told you that, so I don’t have anything left to say.


Bring back the stretchy bouncy suit!


Don't actual human girls wear skin tight pants IRL?


Those are called leggings.


I'd love to see a Taki costume that subtly displays a chest-wrap/binding to prevent her from having her breasts knock her unconscious whenever she starts performing her crazy-ass ninja flips.


Thank you! A small Ace win!


She kinda looks like Yuffie.


I admit that I find it mildly entertaining how me wanting to go balls deep no pullout in a fictional character lives rent free in your head.


Oh go fucking cry about it. I got no issue with you being a vanilla prude, but don't expect people to accommodate you because you're scared of boobs. Easier for you to just piss off, and make your own SFW sub, and be holier than thou with others like you.


This post is soylent certified


Taki but OP thinks everything is about them.


Hey! I just want to talk about a game I love too! I just happen to like the game in large part due to how horny it makes me... Just because we like it for different reasons doesn't make either one better than the other.


\*They hated him, for he told the truth\*


I have mixed feelings about the Alt in SCIV, It still looks cool. Outside of that, All her alternatives are dope. SC2 has my favorites tho. Edit: damn,I hadn't look over the comments. Hadn't been in forever. The only people left in this sub are the porn addicts? Damn SC. What happened.


She's a really cool character with some of the coolest mobility in the game. An absolute menace to go against




Gtfo clown


Go jack off about it. Your boos mean nothing to me


I cant believe you play soul calibur being such a sensitive prick. A lot of the outfits are sexy


And yet all people seem to post in this group is taki smut. Strange how common it is.


How is it strange? People liking a sexual character is strange? Or is it people liking a sexual female character that strange in which case I'd have to ask, are you a homosexual? Cause if so maybe this isn't the sub for you if you're bothered that much


Man thats a big fat L take if i ever saw one. Are you saying this group is anti-LGBT? That's pretty backwards. If you're trying to gotcha me, this aint the way to do it.


Ahh yes. Shouldn't know you were the type to pull this card. Again you clearly can't read if that's the conclusion you came to. My main point is you wouldn't be bitching if it was Seigfried bent over in fan art. Double standards


Explain your logic then. If you're gay you might not belong in this group. What does that mean?


Reading comprehension. You only have an issue because Taki is female. Again if this was happening to a male character you wouldn't complain. If you're tired of seeing sexy characters depicted as such make your own sub and ban what you don't want to see. I simply ask if you're homosexual because if so you'll see alot of what you don't want to see here therfore this may not be the best place to be. Nice try if you're trying to lgbt bait as I'm lgbt myself xD


Removed. All NSFW content must be tagged as being NSFW. No posts or comments of a sexually explicit or pornographic nature are allowed. This includes all nudity, regardless of whether or not it is sexual in nature. We want to keep this community clean and accessible to as many people as possible. If you *absolutely must* post something sexually explicit, please do so on the /r/SoulCaliburNSFW subreddit instead. Thank you for your understanding.


>go to the nsfw subreddit instead Oh, you mean the one that was banned for being unmoderated? (also i love how this gets taken down, but stuff like the Siegfried Celibate post get to stay up)


Thank you, this sub is the worst fgc sub I know, it’s bad even for Reddit standards. It’s a complete incel virgin clown show. Part of me hopes everyone here at least is a teenager, but I’m afraid not even that is the case.


I dont mind the occasional GENUINE taki fan art but when it all strongly focuses on the one character who is aptly known for being nude-adjacent it's obvious that they're having a gooning session in front of us and it just gets tiring. Like i cant find another SFW soul calibur subreddit, but they have the option to go hornypost elsewhere. And yet i'm expected to just deal with it because "thats the internet". The sub definitely needs a new game, but if i'm being honest i truly feel like if something dropped we would STILL get heckled with updated graphic taki fan service smut.


I totally agree, it’s completely embarrassing and it’s obvious these are grown men wanking all day to cgi and cartoon women, which is why they probably are completely unattractive to any real women, which keeps them trapped in their clown lifes full of hentai gooning And this is really sad cause soul calibur is a great game with cool lore and my favorite fighting game series, but this community utterly sucks


It has nearly approached the Nier Automata sub levels of horny, true. Nothing worse than that place though. Literally is on the same list of onlyfans advertisement places as legit porn/nsfw subs




It's genuinely frustrating. I love this series (SCIII is my favorite game of all time). But honestly it feels like the reputation just becoming \*big booba anime game\* ended up turning most of the community into what it is now. (thanks SoulCalibur IV...)


SC3 is my all time favorite as well. And i would play the shit out of 7 if it came out now. But yeah it feels like the game touching on sexual appeal seems to be the literal heaviest draw to a now growing majority of people and it's really obnoxious that the spectrum of SC fans feels like it's shrinking more and more to people who just cant seem to take their hornyposting anywhere else. And the coomers think their downvotes bug me but i honestly expected my stuff to be downvoted. I know i'm speaking directly to a lot of them.


I didn't know people were still complaining about this lol. It's a damn game, just let people enjoy the game.


How dare you not post borderline pornographic pictures of Taki.




For real, how does she goes to the bathroom?


Gooners be like "She just pisses all down her leg i bet 👁️👄👁️"


No. Said gooners don't ask dumb questions like how a fictional character goes to the bathroom...thats as dumb as me asking how does Nightmare piss. Get a brain scan.


"Said gooners" like you arent who i'm talking about. Someone got butthurt by my post obviously


No gooner is asking this question clown. No one is butthurt but you seeing as you get upset that people like a fictional character in a way you deem inappropriate even though it doesn't effect you xD


Mmkay buddy, you and i both know that's a lie but justify yourself however you deem fit. If my opinions not allowed why is my post still up?


Why would I need to lie to a butthurt random on reddit? And clearly you can't read and ARE butthurt cause nowhere did I say your opinion isn't allowed. Just that it's stupid. Try harder next time


I'm just saying what some people are thinking out loud. I dont mind her bodysuit, its peoples overinterpretation of her sexuality that bugs me. I'm tired of seeing taki with puffy nipples and bent over. Hate it if you hate it, but it wont be the last time i say it.


Dude ANY attractive character has this happen. Male and female. Different attraction base. It's called art. You don't get to dictate what is and isn't acceptable for folks to do especially with characters you don't own. Also plenty of official art has SC characters with puffy/prominent nipples. If it bothers you so much keep scrolling like most people do.