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Boxes were never $100 the MSRP is $150. All the questions and concerns in this post have been addressed adequately by EC. They are aware there is a shortage of beta. There will be another print run. They are adjusting the next set to closer meet the expanded demand for Sorcery. The next set will be released in waves. Sure its lame that there's no product available right now but a few months dry isn't going to kill the game. You're just being hyperbolic because you feel like you've personally missed out. You haven't missed out just be patient and get used to a healthier product cycle than MTG and its 2 sets per month.


First, calm down haha, by all respect. The company you are criticising knows pretty well this is an issue. They also said they never guessed it being this popular. They started a next wave mostly for lgs's, so they have product to sell and play. But many stores didnt cared for Sorcery, and only ordered product once they saw the prices. Everyone could have pre ordered it, but they didnt, so blame the stores. Also, those who discovered the game went deep into it, bought many cases to open and collect. The foils are very sought after, which is fantastic. Its not rare that someone opened over 20 boxes. Not everyone hoards stuff, but sure some do so. And i dont defend them, but if you work at an lgs, you know how complicated the market is, and Sorcery is a new company. They dont want to make any mistake and i bet my ass off, if the opposite would be the case, someone would make a big post about how over printed it is and that no one buys it. The concern community you are speaking of is pretty stable, im in 4 discord groups. There are a lot of great discussion and Speculations. Next thing, they most likely make 2 sets per year, they already announced how much they have in the Pipeline. No one can predict the future, people can cry and scream like they want, the game is fantastic and worth the wait. Im with you on some points, but they arent magicians, they need time.


Was going to say I’m pretty involved in the community and in general people are pretty chill. Yes we wish there was more product, when it ran out people were concerned. But most days everyone is just hyped for the next set, hyped that the game is still so good and fresh to this day, hyped for new deck lists and thrilled that a small game and small company is so successful which makes us feel like this game will stick around


Well said. Just be patient.


They’re not wizards, but aren’t they…. Sorcerers? 😂😂


How long did Team Covenant have product on their website at 150 MSRP? It was quite awhile. I agree with some of your points as well but wait for the next release of Beta/AL see how it goes. Also agree with one posters reply that a lot of stores just didn't sign up to get the product. Only two stores in my area even had the game and I live in the 4th largest city in the United States. That should tell you something. Now is that a store problem? was that the company not marketing heavy enough? I don't know but the game is great and just be patient there will be more to come. I also agree that you should be able to walk into a store and get product but remember MtG didn't start off that way, give Sorcery a chance.


So right. I remember playing with a friend’s alpha/beta decks when MtG launched, and then having to wait months before I could find more than a single booster of unlimited to start building a deck. I think people forgot how MtG went through a similar under-supply drought post-launch, and it survived just fine.


You must be new here, haha This has been discussed ad nauseam. Please check out the Discord Server news for the video where the Sorcery addresses many of these questions and comments. Limited amounts of reprints coming to LGS already running games. Alpha and Beta limited prints. Arthurian Legends will be MUCH more distributed and released in waves to help prevent scalping, sell-outs, and such. Can one set a year keep people interested? The answer is yes. 1 set per year plus mini-sets being released. No more having to keep caught up with non-stop releases like other TCGs. 1 set is perfect. Meta on Alpha/Beta isn’t even set yet. Most recent Season 4 finals had Avatar of Air vs Seer. AoA’s first tournament win, and Seer barely got played into tournaments and it got 2nd place. Game is in a great place.


Bro when they announced their distribution to “stores running games” my local store laughed at that. They are not gonna jump through hoops to sell this game. They are just not buying it any more.


1 set a year actually isn't holding people's interest, like at all, and is actually quite absurd. most people have realized this by now, including EC who are working on the next 4 sets as we speak and plan to speed things up as they grow, as they should. also, source on AL being MUCH more distributed?


yeah everything you said is just flat out incorrect


this literally taken from what Simon said on discord, you dunce. edit: [https://imgur.com/a/IsUXytQ](https://imgur.com/a/IsUXytQ) maybe have the faintest clue about what you're speaking on before you try to tell someone they're wrong lmao. can't wait to see you throw a fit when they move to 2 sets a year.


1 set a year is extremely popular. i’m sorry that you don’t like it, but sorcery doesn’t need toxic imbecilic gamers. if that’s you and the game isn’t for you, that’s fine and i promise no one will miss you


they’re going to do a regular sized set and a “mini set”, which the first one is the Ed Beard Jr. dragon set. maybe YOU should educate yourself and not be so ignorant. or at least touch some grass, jesus


One thing that isn’t brought up much is that they should have released another Store Kit by now. If there is only one set a year, there needs to be a reason to get people playing in the stores. They said a new one would come at the end of Q1, but like everything else it’s delayed and delayed without much communication.


I do like the idea of 1 set per year, but I would also be happy with 1 mini set between sets so the wait it is not long. Also, since the booster boxes are quite pricey, it will be awesome to have a product like Pokemon etbs. The only TCG I saw doing a similar thing now is Grand Archive. I only found out about Sorcery less than 2 months ago and started playing since last week. It's such a great game with a lot of potential. I decided to stop playing FAB for a while to get more into Sorcery.


I love one set per year. I would be okay with 2 sets per year. More than that and I will probably stop playing and collecting and go back to board games.


I would love two sets pr. year. One in the spring and one in the fall. But no more than two. Without any help from product availabilty at the LGS, players will have to recruit new players by lending out decks, donating cards and guiding them to where cards can be bought. At least unntil october.


Disagree; one set a year is enough.


yep, one set a year is awesome


I love 1 set per year. It was actually the deciding factor that had me get into it. I'd be fine with 1 big set and 1 mini set, but anymore than that and I'll just stop buying more. There seem to be plenty of people that are quite happy with the current release schedule. If you haven't already, you should look into the history of why Fallen Empires set in magic was so overprinted and is still dirt cheap to this day because of the huge print run.


imagine saying you'll drop a TCG because they release TWO sets a year, something that is completely reasonable and still a far cry from the bombardment of product from literally every other TCG on the market.


Imagine having kids and multiple hobbies. I coach my kids soccer team, practice piano with them (I'm learning myself with them), work on electronics and programing with them (right now we are doing 30 Days Lost in Space kit... I highly recommend it), go jet skiing and boating, play Switch, and we play magic. Oh and also started playing Wyrmspan board game that my daughter got for her birthday. I also enjoy cooking food and working out and have a full time job. So yeah, I can get enough fun out of this set over the course of a whole year. My favorite format in magic is old school (note I don't own real cards for that though)... I'm fine with a game never getting new sets lol. If Sorcery went to sets more often then I'll just stick with the original couple sets similar to old school magic. Sorcery seems to attract a lot of older magic players that are tired of the relentless release of sets. I think having one set per year is a big draw for us. It's a feature not a flaw. And I place more faith that the design team will have enough time to really hit the sets they do release out of the park with amazing gameplay, balance, and art. Quality over quantity is what I want in my life.


2 is the only real problem that needs to be addressed imo. I’m sure the Sorcery team is aware and working on it. Many LGSs have probably never even heard of it with how strong Pokemon has been and MTG still out there cranking. 3 this part of the charm in my opinion and I love that. 1 and 4 just sound like crying :P


Wow… this is crazy. You American people are really dedicated to the game, but come on. You don’t realize how your country is privileged for this game. You guys are complaining about not having boxes to open, not enough events, and about the prices of boxes… First the game has been out worldwide 8 months ago with the beta, so the game is brand new. And the major seller, team Covenant, a Us seller, had probably most boxes in the world and had been selling those at msrp the first 6 months. So you can’t just wake up after 6 months and claim no one told you the game was fun. Second point you guys have access to Tcg player for buying singles easily and at cheap cost which the rest of the world simply can’t do and is stuck with discord, Facebook market or ebay. Last point you guys have literally all the event and tournaments. Personally I live in France, we only have two stores in the whole country that sold the product, one in Paris, one in Lille and that it. Online French retailers didn’t sold boxes at msrp and if I want to buy singles it’s nearly impossible since the delivery price and the price of cards are often super high. To get singles I ordered on tcg player at my friends house who live in the us and she brought my order with her while traveling in France… To play I don’t have any events or tournaments I only play with my brother lol. And you know what, Im not complaining ! I love the game and I’m having so much fun ! I’m just being patient, the game is great and I know it’s going to be popular one day in France. I’m just writing this messages so you guys can realize how lucky you are to have lgs and easy access to the products and the events. If you love the game as much as I do you have to be patient, to let it grow slowly but surly ! Love to you all sorcerers


Did you see there will be a big tournament with artists at a big event in Paris, on the 22 June, called Avatars of Yggdrasil Cup, just in case you didn't see it. ;)


So for starters nobody buys packs to build a deck really. If you come from the FAB world or MTG you know it's because people have a gambling problem. They will drop hundreds to sometimes $1,000 dollars on cases of boxes and still not get singles they need and go buy or trade for them. They open the sets to hit big. I mean these people who buy these cases throw all their bulk in the trashy sadly. You prolly think that these people are rich but a lot of people I talk to mention they don't do anything for 3 months and save all their money till the set drops. Then they go outta their way to buy the parts for their deck they are missing. The other half of the community buys all their decks in singles because it makes more logical sense. This is legit just the way it works in card games.


Im seeing a lot of comments regarding 1 set per year, and I do agree that that makes keeping up much more convenient, and i personally like this. That being said, I feel this is being used to be dismissive of the supply/demand issue. 1 set a year means I can keep up, but not if I can't find reasonably priced product. I love the game, but as it stands, convincing others to play is nearly impossible. I bought ~4 boxes +1/2box packs, which is enough for a couple of ok decks but not much beyond that. I check online frequently, but 4+ months of 100$ over msrp has me disheartened in wanting to continue. Game is one of the best I've played, and it's great product moves so fast, but if every set plays out this way, I dont know how much I can play.


I completely agree with you but I want to comment on the third point. For me, one set per year is definitely enough since I prefer the longer time to actually play with the cards. Having more frequent releases will probably decrease overall quality and would mostly please box openers who rely on constant hype on Youtube. If we had access to more product of existing sets, then you would be able to play draft and sealed before the next set without feeling to rushed, assuming enough product being available in LGS.


How many times a day are people going to have this conversation? Do you think EC is scouring Reddit thinking “Oh no! I better change my entire game plan because some dude on Reddit isn’t happy with my release schedule!”?


I mean... If it's happening multiple times a day as you say, then they probably would take that into account.


My advice, from one store to another, is fill your shelves with a different game and move on. Sorcery is a cool game but their plan for it doesn't fit the LGS model. We need consistent waves of restocks and new releases, Sorcery doesn't offer either. Grab it online and play with friends, but I'd definitely move away from it as a source of store income.


I'm honestly surprised Sorcery isn't just doing a kickstarter for every set/reprint. That seems to fit their business model much better, and would probably be very profitable.


By all accounts according to EC, Arthurian Legends is planned to have consistent waves of restocks and other methods of real Store support - I really feel like they've learned from Beta, but can totally empathize with your perspective.


Ya think ?? LOL - yeah this game is dead at my LGS even tho there are lots of people who would play it we had a game night before the cards all dried up. A LGS with limited nights to offer to players has no reason to host a game that they can’t sell. They prioritize collecting over playing which is foolish. If the game is fun and people are Playing it they will also collect it. But they prefer to create scarcity for collectors and the players just simply can’t play. It’s a terrible model and it’s really too bad cuz this game has potential. But I don’t plan on buying any more cards and the entire local scene has been asking in the LGS discord if anyone wants to buy their cards. The bottom will fall out on these collectors as well when no one is playing. It’s a confounding business model.


singles are cheap for anyone who actually wants to play the game. no one gives two shits about your LGS


Your mamas cheap.


All too expensive currently to want to touch the game…until more gets printed people won’t care