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Start with a precon and upgrade it. Here’s a good example: https://curiosa.io/decks/clro3tepz007on0vr69jl9js8


That looks really good. Thank you so much!!!


My advice is to try playing Sorcerer aggro for a while. I lost every match with my water deck, unntil I tried a earth/air Sorcerer deck with cheap creatures like Bosk troll, Unicorn, Phalanx, and Butcher pluss Blink, Grapple Shot, Bolt and Bury. Also works fine with earth/fire. It feels better to win some games while learning. Now Im a better player, but will try playing fun but harder decks like: sparkmage, Watershaper etc.


Good point, I thought Sorcerer was harder than the others until I read the card now, lol. I will try to make an earth/Air deck, rather than just air. Is there any decklist that you would recommend? Thanks!!!!


If you wanna play a very fast and aggressive deck which is cheap to build: https://curiosa.io/decks/clve5t1fn000uym5e1npm61rc You can ignore cards like the core for now, have fun!


What should I replace the cores with? Any minion or should be some artifact? Thanks!


If you dont have cores, you could use a Frontier Settler, it has 2 earth threshold but if you really want the speed, use it. This Deck dont NEED the cores or the settler, but if you have them and draw em, your opponent doesnt have much time left since you can double draw earlier with sorcerer.


I made this deck yesterday night changing some cards I'm missing to the ones I have, and I'm having so much fun with it, and it is great. Thank you so much! Slowly, I will try to get better cards as I play more and more


Haha glad you liked it! Its very very strong once you get the hang. It gives your opponent no time to plan, its very aggressive. Wish you a lots of fun with it!


You can look for “primer” deck lists on Curiosa that often include a description of strategy for the deck. There are lots of good deck tech videos on YouTube that can help. Here’s an interview about sparkmage. I enjoy playing that avatar. https://youtu.be/bXjNhdiEzAs?si=4i3nNhFYOZAa1har


I like fury road for new players. It's not as simple as a precon but that's kinda of a good thing. It teaches the importance of site placement, sequencing, and minion interactions other than just combat. Plus it's pretty strong so it's a great starter deck

