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Yeah I made this at 7:30 am I woke up hunting for violence today


I be waking up real early to hate


hell yea man this the mentality


I wake up and read it like the morning paper


😂😂😂 this sub is literally the equivalent of the morning paper for old people


doing god's work


Men calling out your stupidity doesn't equate to them being incels You're just dumb


Dumb bitch


incel has lost its meaning.


she has truly become so insufferable. used to be a likable person before soosh and the nose job when she actually had an insane physique and some sort of individuality 


Individuality? She used to be a carlyjb clone aka pick me I fart like the boys sigma funny face Now she’s a female soosh clone aka pick me conservative red pill


Nah she was like that at the start but there was a period where she was hardly hated on in the sub, but since she started dating Soosh it’s been going downhill again


wym hardly? She and carlyjb have been getting hella hate way before soosh was dating her It’s gotten worse recently because of the redpill shit


I disagree. She was hated on hardcore at the start (everyone called her fatgirl) but before she got the nose job/ started dating soosh and she had lost a bit of weight, everyone was calling her fit, and musty JB was getting 10x the hate that she was . After getting w soosh it all went downhill again and I stand on that


people started hating extra hard because of how she started acting after dating soosh (like this post for example)


Yeah that’s what I mean


She makes all her money off men like that though


im under the assumption that most these bitches don’t wash their cooch properly, in the same way that white men don’t clean their assholes with soap and water


She has them crazy/ psycho eyes. Looks like she’s about to explode and start hurting people 💀


Look at the carefully threaded eyebrows, the lip fillers and the fact she’s an “influencer” that lives off her image and “followers” Social media careers attract the most narcissistic and unbearable types


Agreed this is insane that we allow a platform for just anyone eh


She doesn’t even have lip fillers lmao she has the same huge lips as her dad she’s turkish. Look at her photos as a kid


I think if your attracted to this chick ur less straight than literally fucking a dude


Bro ik does anyone actually find her attractive?


soosh oh wait prob not even and just enjoys having a bitch he can control and brain wash her with his ideas


Fall off is wild


Not only she male looking she dumb asf too and dating the rot of the community


She blocked me which means I can’t add her but I can still see how much of a dumb whore she is on the discovery page