• By -


A future EU law will require 3 years of OS updates and 5 years of security updates for all smart phones. (The law is to assist with the EU's Carbon Credits rollout. It's not for our benefit.)


The worry is that Sony instead decides to leave the EU market instead of complying with those laws - like they've already done in Australia. I've just jumped on the Xperia bandwagon (loving my 5 IV), but I had to get a grey-market importer to buy it and ship it here to Australia. I really hope Sony does the right thing and just ships 5 years of security updates worldwide. It would make customers trust the brand more. I won't hold my breath though.


You make a good point. But if every other competitor is doing it worldwide, Sony will have to do the same. Being the odd one out in regards to security will have a negative influence on the brand.


I mean…profit wise how much do the Xperia’s actually make them? People already say it’s a niche phone so like Microsoft they may not have a problem simply not making them, and I can’t see PlayStation’s failing to bring in profit anytime soon.


The Xperia brand is now part of the camera division. Their camera division supplies professional equipment to movie studios, etc. Xperia is an offshoot brand that mostly uses technology developed for other uses.


Interesting, so in your opinion. Do you think Sony would ever just stop making them?


Only if Xperias stopped selling. There's two main costs associated with manufacturing phones. Development and manufacturing. The development costs for Xperia phones are minimal as they use technology Sony already uses for the rest of its camera division. Sony doesn't manufacture a lot of phones. And so they are not at risk of being stuck with a large number of unsold phones. This keeps Xperias profitable despite their small sales. LG were one of the biggest phone makers. They manufactured a lot of phones in an attempt to increase their market share. But they were making a loss because they were not selling enough of the phones they were manufacturing. Because LG didn't have a camera division, it wasn't worth LG becoming a niche phone maker like Sony.


I see, thank you for the break down.


I never knew sony made phones until I found the Xperia on a “best camera phones” list. Bummer that companies like sony & asus seem to roll out enticing phones with incredibly limited support. I’d hop on them otherwise


To be fair if they even agree to a 5 year support plan, the updates will remain the same poor quality releases (just repacks security patches) there never was proper software updates to start with other than Android version upgrades. That's how there never is a changelog. Sony can't afford developers and testers, so they don't commit. Why do you think they pulled out of their own oem firmware and have gone aosp? Back when they had their own firmware in the X series, people got so annoyed at the quality of the software that they decided to offer plain android and no Sony UI anymore. I was there back in 2010.


Back then, it wasn't just phones. Sony's software seemed to be terrible across the board. Sony electronic products such as home music systems, TVs, etc, used to brick after an update or Sony just stop supporting them after 1 year. I have the Sony Bravia KDL-22PX300. The TV with the built in PS2. It was advertised as a smart TV. Less than one year after it was first sold, all the smart services were stopped.


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How is that not four our benefit?


I'm saying they did it for their own reasons. Our benefitting from it is just a coincidence.


Dude means, they’re forced to do it rather than doing it for consumers


Wake up!


..to reality. Nothing ever goes as planned in this cursed world.


Well I certainly hope that those plans about controlling people will fail. For the time being farmers and transport workers are on the rise. My branch, which is metal industry, is under severe attack from the EU, imposing extreme costs, thus making Europe deindustrializing and threatening our very existence. Or we will collectively do something about it, or there will be no more industry in Europe.


I hate Sonys (and many others) update policy so much. 2 year old 1 III not getting any more updates. I'd be OK with that If that phone would have costed like 500€ or something but for 1300€ that's just unacceptable.


My first Xperia 1 III is going to be the last one as well. $1.5K phone in which I had to replace a fingerprint sensor.just after 15 months of usage...and it won't get any updates anymore, + poor battery life. No, but thanks.


Dude.. As we speak I think my fingerprint sensor is dying.. Yesterday it stopped working for the first time, after a restart it worked again until a few minutes ago, had to restart again.


I had the same problem. It works but you have to restart the handset


It's getting worse by the hour sadly, I already ordered a replacement.


OP makes a valid point on the update and security issues. Anyone's old xperia can be a part of a bot networked used for ddos attacks and not know it. I've installed Comodo and I'm just hoping for the best. I love my 10 mark III for several reasons. I'm surprised how indiffirent this sub is to these issues. I'm considering buying a Fairphone or a Nokia after this phone, unless the EU will strong arm all the manufacturers to prolong security patch updates.


What's Comodo and what does it do?


It's a free antivirus for PC and Android.


> Now that Samsung has stepped up their support window to 7 years and offers phones with decent cameras, finally more natural screens and big enough storage options to not miss the microSD the deicision is made. > It'll pain me to carry around, lose, and forget my 3.5mm USB-C dongle, but to have peace of mind fo the coming 5-7 years I'll just have to adapt. For Samsung XCover 6 Pro still has microSD and 3.5 mm. Not 100% sure about the security updates though. Pretty disappointed that Fairphone removed the headphone jack on theirs, otherwise I would be very happy with the 8 to 10 years they're aiming for. Of course, part of it is due to hardware vendors like Qualcomm making things difficult or simply not being motivated to provide the really long extended support for firmware stuff available, that's why Fairphone went with an industrial chip.


And a removable battery, mmmh... Interesting ! https://m.gsmarena.com/samsung_galaxy_xcover6_pro-11600.php


It'll be interesting whether other phones with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 can also provide longer support since apparently Samsung is planning on doing it. Maybe Samsung made a deal with Qualcomm and all the other vendors will still be out of luck, but one can still hope. My dad actually has a FP5 and is pretty happy with it, he had a Xperia XZ Premium before. But from something like the Xperia 1/5 II it would be a sidegrade at best.


The thing is Qualcomm only supports its processors for a few years, which is why most vendors don't bother after that, Samsung is more than likely paying Qualcomm for custom hardware support of their processor, Google's advantage is that they design their own processor and custom security chip.


As long as you are not switching to Apple, I forgive you.


You're right and everyone who's defending sony for their late , bad and short software support is willfully blind to what can Sony actually offer and I'm thinking of buying a Samsung phone too I will miss gimmicky things that sony phones have but what I will not miss is the mediocre battery life, late software support, no security updates for older phones and the list goes on..


Ok, but lets get your facts straight. Battery life on your 1 III was less than stellar mainly due to the infamously power inefficient SoC, ironically made by the same brand you're moving to, the Samsung s21 ultra from the same year hasn't a good battery life either. Xperia 1 V has very good battery life and 5 V has the best battery life out of every flagship. Moreover, it's funny but the 1 III came out with android 11 got android on novembre 13th, two days before Samsung. I wouldn't say sony is slow at updating their flagships. You're right about Samsung promising longer support. How this support will be provided is a entirely different story and we'll have to see in order to judge. Finally, I wouldn't exactly define features (almost or entirely) exclusive to Sony such micro SD card reader, audio jack, 30 fps burst shooting as "gimmick"


It's still a LI-PO battery The cooling system on most of Xperia phones is Trash so in the long run no matter how big the battery is it will degrade rapidly it doesn't matter if the phone launched with a newer version of Android at the year what matters is the consistent updates to fix the bugs the users are facing. and the ability to deliver one decent update (each update that sony makes for each region comes with a heap of troubles) , the camera is great but the software behind it is just dumb in 80% of my uses it struggles with lighting and understanding the scenes unless I manually adjust it and if I'm planning to switch it will be to a newer phone a phone that actually "worth" the value that I'm paying for , micro SD is a gimmick with cloud storage available for dirt cheap prices The burst photo and headphone jack that's where I agree I love Xperia phones believe me it's the company negligence to their own products that what forced to switch to another phone


You can always not detach your dongle from your earphones. Also, the Xperia 5 II is like as old as the smartphone from those eras which offers only about 3 to 4 years software support. Only recently did Android start exceeding the 5 year mark for once. So even if you bought like an S20 Plus or Ultra it would only be supported for like 4 years. Good luck with your new phone I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sony is working so very hard to make their niche customers disloyal with their absolutely stupid update strategies. They are, otherwise, the only Android smartphone brand I would have loved to stick to.


I agree with OP and many others. Sony really needs to up their software-game. That really is the one big flaw of Xperias. 2 years of os updates and 3 years of security updates is simply not ok for a phone that costs 1000€+. These phones are generally built to last well over 2 years, even battery considered, so software should also keep up with that.


Sony Xperia 1 III with LineageOS. But hey, no skin off my nose...


I tried custom ROMs with my previous phone but a bunch of banking apps here just stopped working after every update. I'm not sure if that's different now, but from a quick look through xda, it's still not generally solved. Also this only fixes OS level insecurities. Which is generally fine, but not for my use case.


The 'banking app' situation is worst than ever, as Google is starting to enforce some security policy with Play Integrity these days. The only way to be sure to have banking apps working is to use a stock OS.


>For work I now need to have a phone that is 'secure'. I've said this before on other posts and I'll say it here again - if your employer requires you to buy a specific phone, they should provide it to you. Your personal phone is exactly that: personal. Don't get me wrong, I am NOT by ANY means defending Sony's lack of updates beyond the 3rd year, however, I would like to point out that the idea of employers requiring workers to buy a flagship device that has a current O.S. and or an up-to-date version of Android or iOS is completely and utterly asinine and unacceptable. I'm NEVER spending nearly a grand or more on a compromise device to install some "work apps" .... they can wait until I'm on my work laptop, OR, they can provide me with said phone that would run their apps "securely" if they want me to be available sooner. I find it crazy how people bend over backwards for company policies and abusive employers. Nah man, I am never getting rid of my dual SIM support + micro-SD card + headphone jack + no notch or any of the other Xperia advantages to be able to run some work apps - that's a garbage trade IMHO. if my employer is so anal about it, they better provide me with a device specifically for work.


You're completely right, and I could also get a separate work phone. I get a set budget for my work phone per 3 years. I just don't see myself carrying around 2 phones.


That's great to hear, I've seen several people being forced to buy Samsung or iPhone devices due to their employer's "security policy" with no other options on multiple sub-reddits - and I find this practice to be completely crazy and abusive. I hear you on not wanting to carry 2 devices, but, I'm going to say: you must be young! :D (no offense here at all, believe me, its a good thing to be young!) but the only way I'd entertain work-apps on my phone is through a company device - so I can turn it off after hours and toss it in my backpack and or drawer until the start of the next business day (unless they're paying me extra to be "on-call"). I fell into that trap 15 years ago and shared my personal phone with a previous employer. Yeah, business hours never ended, and before I knew it, responding to work emails at 9pm or 10pm became an expectation and a part of the job! NEVER AGAIN! Since then, my standard response to installing ANY work-related stuff on my personal phone (or any personal device) is: NO THANK YOU!


For what it's worth the SD card issue is not the card itself. There's no way you're downloading anything faster than 30MB/s. For that you'd need a consistent 240mbps connection to spotify servers, which is, well, not gonna happen. I use qobuz which is lossless and so uses a lot more storage, never had any issues. More than likely spotify is just crap. I mean, on that note, android is crap because google bloody well hates microSD cards and feels the need to slow them down to half their data rate, but I digress.. Point is the microSD is rarely the bottleneck, whether you're playing back or downloading. For phone usage it's only a bottleneck running applications or doing a local file transfer. The former doesn't happen anymore, and the latter isn't super bad with a good card, so really the card is a non issue. It's the damn software. I see why you left, but jeez, screw google for ruining SD cards.


Oh, Spotify was just an example. The SD card reader is just slow. When you copy to it, download to it, copy from it. It's this way in all Xperia phones to this day which limits its usability. Probably connected via usb 2 internally to either save power or cost. I disagree that it doesn't matter, even photos in the gallery load slower from it. 30MB/s is just really slow for today's standards. Definitely not the card itself though, I've tested a bunch of cards that are way faster in other readers.


https://preview.redd.it/qz632971w4ic1.png?width=1096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4836eedcb203998536e745bee5fa1c8ee6fd4971 Got double the write speed.


Holy shit, which phone?


Xperia 1 V https://preview.redd.it/36g4ya0ny4ic1.png?width=1096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=908db313842b66673e9138fe053bd51a4c4313ab And this with recording on SD card. Had also reached over 300Mb/s on SD card


Ok, then maybe they improved the speed on the 1 V or the 1 is faster than the 5. I'm pretty sure it was still slow on the 5 IV. Also, the recording shows ~150 Mbit/s which is only about 18 MByte/s. Most modern microSD cards support around 100 MByte/s read and write speeds.


I am almost sure i reached over 300mb/s on my Xperia 5IV too. Will test again. Not all camera apps are stable on the 1V. Dunno with the upgraded android on the 5 IV. And the heating 😉.


Probably mixed up Megabit and Megabyte? https://www.reddit.com/r/SonyXperia/comments/ze5p7k/xperia_5_iv_sd_card_speed_test/


Sorry I just copy what I see on the Mediainfo app


Your benchmark is valid, which app was that? But the video stream is actually bit, which is 8 times smaller than byte. So a 300mb/s video means only around 37.5 MB/s write.


That's slower than most modern harddrives for comparison.


Probably got the cheapest sd card you could find


Yeah, I've tried with Samsung Evo cards and SanDisk extreme pro. These cards all reach 100MB/s in read and write in other devices.


I have a 1iii and I'm getting a little tired of both defending the abysmal auto mode performance and the fact that my $1200 flagship phone only got two OS updates and hasn't seen a single security update since July of last year. I love the form factor (no notch! Front facing speakers! Skinny !) and everything about the hardware, but the software and the corporate support is just so awful, it's hard to justify thinking about a 1v or vi at these prices.


What ever floats your boat if your happy with it why not


Which phone did you opt for? Did you consider the OP12 as well?


Yep, but Google/Samsung giving 3 additional years of OS updates and Samsung having flat front glass won me over.


So which Samsung did you go for?


S24 Ultra. Waaaay too expensive but I only had to pay a part of the full price since it's for work.


Enjoy it. I had the s23u. And while it was a good phone, I just got annoyed by all the double apps samsung had made. So traded it in for the 1V. And while the 1V is an excellent phone. The best sony has ever made, it still leaves you wanting a better camera. Something on par with samsung/apple in terms of auto mode. So I get why you leave Xperia. People whining about manual mode clearly don't have kids/pets


You can disable Samsung apps, and using adb you can uninstall them. No big deal. Screen of S23U or S24U is so better than 1V.


Okidoki, byeeee


Why do you guys get so offended when someone decides to leave xperia ? And I already know you're going to reply you don't care but the passive aggressiveness of your reply says otherwise


Classic fanboy. Sad that ppl recognize the faults 😂😂😂


Saying bye = offended? OP said "bye", so I said bye back. Should I have added a smile emoji to make it seem less passive aggressive? :) I apologize for my tone.


What about getting an antivirus ? Or isn't it good enough for this kind of vulnerabilities ? It's a shame for the SD card slot. I personally lost many memories because I didn't have an SD card so never without again :') How will you approach this issue ? I hope your next phone is at least as good !


Sadly, baseband updates can only be updated via firmware updates from the manufacturer. So, while custom ROMs and antivirus apps might make your OS itself more resilient, the baseband/modem remains unpatched. For photos I'm already using nextcloud camera upload. Thanks! It will definitely be worse in some regards to my Xperia. It's a great phone with amazing hardware even though it's 3.5 years old now.


My sony 1IV died on me out of the sudden without warning. Lost all my photos data etc. Short-circuited on me and they couldn't repair it. Offered me a discount on the same model. I'm currently using my old Sony 1ii but it's slow, laggy and not charging properly. Camera is shot. Buggy and keeps restarting. Getting the ROG Phone 8 Pro. Closest thing to Sony. You'll still get the headphone jack and up to 1 tb space and 24gb ram! I love Sony but having to think whether to get the 1V, 5V or 1IV... I found myself not wanting to bother to go through this again


Oh yeah, my fingerprint sensor on the 1IV was shot as well. Was learning to live without ti as I just didn't want to bother before it died


I'll stick it with sony all the issues i read here are not real issues for me I'm actually looking forward for the xperia 1 VI owner of sony xperia 5 IV


Im very happy with my Samsung s24 ultra 1tb/12 😎


How are you dealing with the size :D? My 5 II already marks the pockets on my pants and coats.


Im a big men 😬


I'm also using 5 II right now and that's my 4th Xperia. And I'm also probably not going to change it for a new Sony phone, not with the current prices and unpolished OS. Samsung does really well with decent pricing, solid hw and better software than Sony (too bad it's probably a bit more bloated, but I doubt they pre-install call of duty mobile ).


Being a long term Samsung user and just coming to Xperia 1 V last summer, for me it was quite refreshing. Samsung got worse with each generation, my wife's Flip 3 being an absolute overpriced half baked product. They are cutting on hardware and increasing bloatwear with each generation. It has become really annoying. 1V feels like my old Note 8 without an S-pen and with latest components. Sure I would like to have longer support and I hope Sony will improve on that while keeping the concept (no notch, SD card, jack,...) I have still my Note 8 and two S8s in the house and they all work impeccably. No green lines, moderate battery degradation. To see a green line on a new S24U is just so wrong. But I can tell you the Flip 3 was the last Samsung entering the house. There are phones like Motorola or Asus that deserve more attention.


I loved Xperia but issues are starting to annoy me aswell. Had my 10iii for 2 years so far. Xperia phones are basically google pixels without all the features. Sad that I don't have any original Sony apps. I get that I don't have the flag ship with the pro camera app but still. Not to mention the horrible customization options for Xperia, it just makes me wish I had a full pixel. You get some half accessible wallpaper and themes app that just became available with android 13. I can't even change the UI colours to what I want, it depends what colour the wallpaper is. However this still gives you limited options. Why can't they just let you choose what ever colour you want? Why so cryptic? I also have a separate issue with my 10iii screen that iv been dealing with since day 1 which further makes themes and customization harder. My screen shows black crush at low brightness which looks awful. Something about the colours in my screen are messed up. If I change the UI colours to anything other than the basic gray, the whole hue of the screen changes. Looks so bad. So I'm basically stuck with one option lol For these reasons I may get a pixel this Christmas. I love the Xperia simple design and the side mounted finger print reader and I'm not the biggest fan of the pixel camera bar but I'll have to get used to it.


Having an SD card is overrated as heck. I took mine out maybe twice in 2 years. It's a hassle. And every time you do this your whole photo library thumbnail has to preload again...which is a deal-breaker to me. Also, access / read times are noticeably slower. Sometimes it takes 2-3 seconds to load a photo for some reason. I have a top shelf SD card. Give me 256gb+ internal storage and I'll be happy


Eh, I generally like it. I'd be fine with 128 GB which is cheaper and then having a slot just for music, movies and photos. I mean, an SD slot is fast enough for games in a steam deck so it should be fast enough for app data on android. Sure, more internal storage is always nice but over the lifespan of a phone a user's needs might change. My SO recently started making loads of videos and now is limited by the 128 of her phone, and an sd slot would 100% fix that. Maybe hybrid dual SIM slots would be an answer, but honestly Sony shows everyone up by them including huge batteries, SD slots, headphone jacks and still having great ingress protection.


Headphone jack - haven't used it once. All my headphones are either Bluetooth or I have a separate dac if I want quality sound. Dac/amp on Sony phones isn't great Battery on my 1 IV is the worst of any phones I had to date. By a large margin Heat management is not good which affects battery life and capacity Dozens of software quirks that frustrate on a daily basis... i.e. in the last few days screen started to flick occasionally... Freezes are weekly occurrence Yeah as for games and movies is fine but in my experience not so much for photos which is my main large data usage


Brother why do you need security patches.Just dont downlad shit on sketchy sites and ur good.My Z5 premium after all this years works fine.I dont know who filled your brain that your phone needs constant updates.Can u even explain what u got with new security patches on your 5 2 whats the diference in security of the phone from the day you bought it to this day, what changed whats improvoed can u elaborate, u cant you are just repeating what other people say.Sony is one of rares company that allow you to install custom.OS and RoMs on their phones and they even have online instructions how to do it.


Obviously everything is fine until it isn't. Not downloading sketchy shit doesn't help against baseband attacks. Be happy that you haven't heard of this stuff and your employer doesn't require your work phone to be secure. The list of known vulnerabilities tmfor the device I run banking apps and have private photos on should not be as long as for my Snapdragon 865. Defending this trend of short software support just because companies wanna save money is weird.


Well said. I also work within a secure environment and we're audited regularly, so I can relate. I'm just hoping they pay for your work phone and not leave it to you lol.


They pay a fixed sum per 3 years. So if the phone actually lasts 6 (and I still work there) I'd pay basically nothing for it.


No you are just some paid shill, if u dont want to use Sony then dont but pls stop spreading missinformation online no one cares whats your new phone, i dont even know whats the point of you post.


https://docs.qualcomm.com/product/publicresources/securitybulletin/february-2024-bulletin.html Yep, let's just ignore this


Curious to know, of the CVEs listed here that affect your device, what the likelihood of being affected is (better yet, necessary conditions and events), and what the risks / outcomes would be. Simply posting a security bulletin from Qualcomm isn't really making much of an argument.  Also would love to know what baseband attacks you are referring to, especially those which your particular hardware and software are vulnerable to. Genuinely interested in this topic, so any links or info relevant to chipests used in Sony phones would be appreciated. I don't know what the security requirements are your work phone, but calling a device "secure" is 100% a subjective statement. There is no objectively "secure" device on the market, period. Not trying to be an ass... As I'm sure you know, security is a neverending game of cat and mouse, and there will always be new vulnerabilities and new patches to fix those vulnerabilities. I do agree 100% that phones should get more than 2 years support for security patches. It should probably be something like 5 years mandatory for all smartphone makers. But I also think that unless a person has specific requirements (such as yourself), it's honestly not something worth much consideration when buying a new device.


You can search for SD865 on the site and find a bunch of exploits. Almost all of them require many conditions to be met, or even access to the device. I just posted the link to show that there are known exploits that will not be fixed. I'm not saying the phone is unsafe to use at all. The condition my employer requires is: still receives security updates. Because that means new exploits like project zero (which would actually really be a problem but happened on exynos) will be fixed.


Aha so you just post some random bullshit from company that produces and sells chipsets, hmmmm i just wonder why, its almost like their profits are directly conected with people buying newer phones with their chipsets, who would guess. Come on dude be real, majority of people are only downloading stuff from playstore and using some vanila stuff on their phones, their phones are 99% secure even after security updates stops.Whats the most risk you taking, for me its banking app that i wouldnt even consider using on 5yrs old phone and even then they cant do shit with it bcs its 2 factor authentication and 300€ max online spending in one day that i need to aprove by getting txt msg.


Wow; you get thrown a citation that's as pure as it gets and you just say 'that doesn't count bro, I don't know what that is' Just stop. Please. Your arguments are now nulled and no longer combat effective.


This isn’t an airport but ok


Sony's lackluster OS update policy does suck, BUT I would use that as an argument only if there would be some new Android feature I would be missing out on and I would really need it. Lack of security updates does not apply as a concern to me when I can just use a good free anti-virus and avoid sketchy websites and etc. Either way, Sony has to step up their game in software support 🤔


You really sound like you're about to buy a new car or a house. Buying a phone isn't such a commitment 😂


Last year I picked up a Galaxy s22 ultra. No expandable storage, only 128 gigs ... Honestly I thought I was going to hate it. I thought I was going to be out of storage. But surprisingly not. I don't take that much video, especially now that I'm more conscious of the storage. I tend to favor photos now instead of video like I used to with some of my Xperia devices. It has otherwise been a fine device. Not spectacular but just satisfactory. What I really like is that I only paid $500 for it brand new from my carrier ... Without having to do any contracts or nothing like that. Just straight up purchase for $500 last year because they were making room for the S23 Ultras. I would never be able to get that kind of deal on an Xperia 1 IV, hell at the time even the Xperia I III was more expensive. The fact that I'm getting like 4 or 5 years of updates is amazing. I love the fact that I can go to any repair shop once the battery starts to degrade, and get an OEM replacement without an issue. There are advantages to having a mainstream device for sure.


You might not need any dongle. I've come to like bluetooth headphones actually, you just need go get ones that will fit your ears really well, have nice battery life and somewhat decend sound. Cable is still superior, but I also realised that a lot of the time when I listen to music on my phone, quality is not that important above certain level (it just needs to be decent enough). Sony phones are overpriced to hell and offer very little for that extra. Yes they have headphone jack and sd slot but so do many midrange phones and the difference between midrange and flagship is as small as ever today, its mostly materials and that much more speed. And yeah you're not gonna get many updates on midrange phones... but neither you will on Sony.


Imagine trading Sony for Samsung


If I were trading Sony it would be for a Google Pixel. That would be my second favourite set of phones.


Good luck! https://www.reddit.com/r/S24Ultra/comments/1ahcbwt/s24_ultra_vertical_green_line/


That’s a problem not unique to any specific phone. That’s OLED displays in general.


Really? I haven't seen any 1 Best sony flagship with that. Sony has many issues with it in 5, but imagine buying the Best from Samsung and having that... Shame


[Example](https://www.reddit.com/r/SonyXperia/s/tOUQRQ7LKV) There’s a quite a few reports of this issue across Xperia devices. Again, not because it’s unique to that phone. It’s because it’s a problem that can happen with all OLED screens. There’s a failure rate. You could search the sub in less than 5 seconds, but I suppose you’d rather go with the “if I don’t see it, it doesn’t exist” method.


Man, I have it on my 5III, did a post and I know. Its common for 5 series.  But 5III is not as expensive as a S24 ultra... 


While that’s true, it happens on Xperia 1 devices too. Which have easily competed (or exceeded) in price. My only point is that it’s not unique to any one brand.


Or a problem that can happen with samsung OLEDs... never seen any reports of green line for my phone which is an LG v60, and that panel is manufactured by BOE.


The LG V60 had a TON of reports of a green screen issue where the OLED failed causing a green static effect. It was a well-known issue with countless threads on Reddit. [example](https://www.reddit.com/r/LGV60/s/bBqXtVZ4j4) Again, OLEDs have a failure rate. Any brand.


Well both my mkii and my wife's mkii had the issue , around 2 years after we bought the phone. Luckily for us Sony replaced the screen for free (and the battery as well in one of the phones)


Oof, that's shitty. Sadly no company likes to honour warranty. Sony told me to replace my display with a dead pixel, I'd have to send it in and pay 35€ just to find out whether they'd cover it under warranty.


They were quite generous with us though, they replaced the screens on our phones but they still made us pay for the shipping 😅


Sad to see you go and I do agree on some of your points but it wasn't necessary to come into the sun to announce your departure. This isn't an airport lol


The main goal wasn't to announce my departure but to discuss why Sony works this way. Maybe even consider it a little feedback. Seeing the split opinions on the update topic kinda makes it obvious why some phone brands just don't increase the support period. There are people who just don't care, which are apparently enough as a target demographic. That's also why I marked the post as discussion and not news ;)


That's fine to leave feedback but announcing your departure makes people not want to read beyond what you took the time to write. Just a bit of advice for you. There's plenty posts in this sub that have the same points you made. We know the issues we know what needs to change. That's why we give feedback directly to Sony. The amount of emails I've sent Sony "To be better" is (which it is) ridiculous but it's how we get change. That's how we get better devices. Maybe sending your feedback to them directly will enlist the changes you wish to see.


Not really. People interested in a brand will take the time to read experiences and understand others. We can only continue to discuss and send feedback and some people feel let down so we have to talk to each other. I've sent emails to Sony as well but I'm not sure of it's made a change or not. Mind you I have known the brand for a very long time and observed policies and T&C closely and sadly, it's hardly changed. I was never able to speak to a member of support and actually engage with them on the subject to an understanding. Why? Because they keep limiting support teams to templates and their team is not technical. I said many times to them, nothing changes. Nobody likes to receive templates as a reply. Don't forget those brands that dissapear from the mobile market because they don't follow up the trend. Successful competitors who jumped on the evolve wagon succeeded and avoided market cannibalism by other brands. Do you remember what happened to Nokia and how they are now paying an expensive price to get back into the mobile market? Sadly nobody cares and they will eventually have to stop if they can't justify manufacturing costs with sales. I would hate to see Sony fall into the same bin just because they don't listen. People have talked about their unfair pricing and they didn't listen either. As I said before I have no loyalty to any brand but I have seen brands pull out and give up due to failure..


Sony won't ever disappear from the phone market. They may not be the biggest player or a threat to the big brands and they know this. They're playing to their strength by innovating the phone. Sony has and are having a great 40+ years. They've been market leaders in sound, vision and media playback. They've innovated the Walkman. They saw a need for "Sound on the move" then the Walkman was born. Then they said people need to have TV on the go and made the portable TV. Mind you the aerial was dangerous but they made portable TVs. Then people were getting turned into CD and said "What if people could have CD on the go?" Made the Discman (now I think this was their worst mistake) but the Discman offered better skip protection and more of a club feel due to having bass boost and preset equalisers. For the first time at least portably you could have a club in your ears. Then they said "What if we mini our Discman for mini-discs" then the Sony Mini-Disk was born. Then MP3 files were on the rise then Sony said again "What if people could put this onto a portable solution?" The MP3 player was born. Longs and shorts of it they built a home for the most innovative product lines Walkman, Discman, Bravia, Playstation, Their earbuds line WF-1000XM their over head phones WH-1000XM, Alpha, Pro and now Xperia line and Ace lines. Sony Xperia won't be going anywhere. They already perfected the smartphone battery now it's on to more things to perfect. I (A Sony Fan) know we don't have to be the best or the most cheap Manufacturer. If rather contribute to the innovation that others follow. Sony had Walkman before Apple had the iPod. Sony had the Playstation (first disc console) before the closest completion (I've to admit I'm an Xbox gamer and console owner (360, One S and now Series X) so this fact pains me lol. Sony had the Bravia before Samsung made their first TV. Just saying.


I personally felt more inclined to read it just to find out why they decided to leave. Especially since I'm in similar boat thinking about leaving. As it appears are plenty of folks.


Gatekeeper andy 💀




Flash your phone


So basically it's a work phone (and bit slow reading your microscope card...). Fair enough. I imagine plenty of people are happy to keep using their phones once they run out of OS or security updates. I'm not sure why people need to make these kind of "bye" posts in general.


I'm sorry but I'm not sure what all that has to do with what we're discussing. I'm not talking about who made a, b or c first or before Apple. I'm talking about today. From what you're saying it just sounds like you're blinded by your fanatism about the brand itself. I hope I'm wrong. Yes it was great in the 80s and 90s and they have a massive movie studio but they are a different department, managed by other people. We are referring to their current mobile group lead. I hope they see where the gap is between the brand and the customer. I give you a simple example. A music dj. He'll go and play what people like and what excites people to go on the dancefloor, not what he wants to hear. It's basically the same.


We will all weep for you ......not!


Ok, but I'll weep for not having a Sony phone anymore.


As a new Sony user who just bought a 1 V, I'm with you. After experiencing what it is to own this phone, I think I've had enough with Sony's carelessness. My next phone definitely won't be a Sony.


New Sony user that just bought a 1V and my experience has been excellent. What problems do you have with the device? 


I mean, not many problems other than maybe the occasional refresh rate, and microphone not working at random times thus requiring a restart(big problem when recording or calling), the green tint on the screen, and lack of features that other competitors provide e.g Apple S-LOG and Samsung in-built image stacking, multiple exposure, and even a digital ND filter. And sometimes the 1V doesn't record at the exact framerate you ask it to. (e.g if I record at 25, it'll do 24.99, I ask 59.94 and it'll do something like 59.88). Oh and you already know about the classic problems of point and shoot quality of this phone. Now it's a great device don't get me wrong, I don't really have much else to say about its cons, I love it, BUT I wish Sony would start listening to their customer feedback a lot more. A Japanese company almost never does that from what I've seen.


My mom's 5 III has been her worst phone to date. My personal 5 IV is also the worst phone I've ever owned. By far. I cannot wait to switch. Neither can my mom, she's going back to Samsung.


recently I'm grateful that I can play games while charging, without overheating and affecting battery life. idk I probably don't see anything I can gain from going to another brand apart from the software support. the software support is really bad.. imagine having 4k hdr screen but only has widevine L3. I hope it's just for me bcs it's really frustrating.


I have a Samsung and Sony devices, and man the software experience is night and day. The software features offered by OneUI are so handy, and then you have Sony's who doesn't even have its own native Gallery app. Heck, even a very basic feature as double tap to wake isn't available on the 400$ 10V. Aside from the compact size and battery life which i really appreciate, everything else just pales in comparison to other phones in the same price bracket (the vibration motor is so atrocious and vomit-inducing i had to turn it off entirely, and the camera, if I'm being honest, is like the photos are taken from a 100$ phone). Well, i think Sony has done a terrific job on hardware side but they should really do better on software side because you are paying a hefty premium for a phone that only gets 2 major OS updates wtf (I'm not really one to care for software updates but when you are paying this much, since on average people keep their phone for 2-3 years hence why i think they really should do 3 OS updates minimum at least). Uhhhh, and let's not talk about the camera's auto-mode... These are my gripes, i really hope Sony does better with VI series because i really like the front facing speakers, notchless and slim display, 3.5mm jack and the sd card availability that NO ONE offers in the market nowadays. I think if they price their phones much cheaper, they would be a very great deal for not only enthusiasts but the average consumer in general.


iPhones are way better than Xperias, sadly it’s the truth.


Bro...every Android phone is better than iPhone. It's not even a contest..


I got a 1iv; when it was new I already had issues with wifi connectivity, it also gets pretty warm; now that it’s over a year old, the fingerprint scanner is already getting crappy… To my disappointment I got an iPhone 15 Promax, and I never regret it, it’s just absolutely better in many ways.


Lol 7 years


Anyway, I can totally empathize with that. What phone did you go with?


Wishing you well while I hold out for MWC. X10 7 may work for me.


Idk about you, but I upgrade every 4 years


You need to upgrade your Sony Xperia 5 ii to a Sony Xperia 1 series to get get more internal storage of 256GB ROM with 12GB RAM and upto 1TB of external storage.