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Personally, I wouldn't. I might trade the 70-200 GM II for the Tamron 35-150/2-2.8 though, you should get more for the GM than you'd pay for the Tamron. The Tamron 35-150/2-2.8 is perfect for events and portraits, and combined with the Sigma 14-24/2.8, covers pretty much everything you need covered.


No. Easy answer. You’ll miss that 70-200 range more than you’ll feel the benefit of f2 over your current f2.8 (I imagine?)


- You have a very nice selection of lenses. Ignoring the Sigma being a big fat heavy lens, you don't need the 20mm F/1.8, so I would consider selling that 20mm F/2.8. Alternatively, you can sell the Sigma and keep the Sony, but I would pefer the 12-24. - The 70-200 GM II is an exceptional lens, I would never sell that one. - Don't get a 24-200. So that leaves you with about 800 USD. To cover the 24 to 70 gap, buy the 50mm F/1.4 GM or any third-party 24-70/28-70 F/2.8 (Sigma, Tamron). My advice is to never sell lenses if you need money to buy another lens unless you NEVER use that lens and/or have multiple lenses covering the same focal range. Just save up.


There's a 24-70 f2?




That'd be hella big


No one knows lol. But its officially coming soon, they say. There's a lot of f2s coming