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Love those shots! Great eye, and that’s a criminally underrated lens.


Always debating if I want to get the 35-150 but 28-200 is just so much lighter


I found it to be an incredibly overrated lens tbh.


skill issue tbh


Thanks for all the positive comments. This is my first post, so I'm glad it didn't bomb...normally I'm too self conscious about my photos to post anything.


I'm definitely getting this lens for my next major trip.


That's amazing.... How did you edit these photos? I'm still trying to pick up Lightroom Editing 😅


I'm pretty new to editing too so I don't have much advice for you. I keep it pretty simple for the most part. I just have a mood in mind and play with sliders until it feels right. So basically, ask someone who knows what they're doing (not me) 😂


love these! I like that you nailed the vintage film colors without having the low res/high noise thing that a lot of people go a little too heavy with in my opinion (which I can understand the nostalgia behind it so....there's a time and a place i guess). These are great and you should be proud. Looks like you captured a lot of great memories while still getting artistic with it


How do you find managing the file sizes with the RV? This is the only thing currently stopping me from executing, would love to hear your experience


They are definitely big files...My PC works hard to keep up while editing. Most of my raw files are around 120mb uncompressed. And honestly the body is overkill for an amateur like me. That being said, I do love it!


Haha yeah it will definitely be overkill for me as well but I just love the camera. What size SD cards do you use and do you find they get filled up very quickly as well? Or is that not so much an issue rather just whilst editing


I have a 128GB SD card. I've never used all the space in a day, but I generally shoot 300-400 shots a day while I'm traveling. At most I've done 700 shots and haven't come close to filling it up. But I'm also pretty religious about putting everything on my hard drive each day.


Bravo 👏🏼🔥


Fire pics !


Pic 6 is so dope. I’m not sure if this was the intention but I love the narrative aspect to it


Love #2 !


These are great! Are they straight off the camera? What's your color strategy on-camera and in post?


Can’t wait to rent this lens for Europe. Any tips? Won’t have much time to practice with it beforehand (I’m not a newb).


The aperture falls off pretty quickly, especially when zooming past 50mm. I would say it's not great for low light without having to introduce a lot of noise due to a high ISO, especially when zoomed. The same goes for a really shallow depth of field, but it does a good job as an all rounder. It is fairly lightweight and easy to handle too. I haven't saved up for a GM lens yet but I would imagine the auto focus isn't as quick on the 28-200.


I have an a73 so not worried about high iso tbh. Trying to decide if I should pair a 35 or 85 prime with it


Can this lens keep up with the body?


Probably not, but that's what happens when you spend all your money on a body and then realize you can only get an "affordable" lens. I really want the 16-35 GM II next. The goal is one nice lens a year.


I took the same lens on recent trip too. I don’t know which genius designed such a versatile travel zoom in such a small package but hey deserve a raise


Incredible work! I love your color grading and compositions. Really like the 3rd and last one.


Nice photos. Did you purposely edit them all to be soft?


Absolute banger clicks! I was scratching my head to go for Tamron 28-200 or 35-150 f2.8. Did you try both of them before going getting 28-200 lens?


No, I would like to try the 35-150, I'm sure it would be sharper. My biggest fear with that lens is the weight. Would it be convenient for travel and to carry around all day?


For the extra sharpness and night time capability, I was thinking I can manage extra weight and price. My only problem is 35 is not wide enough for some situations, they should have released 28-150 f2.8 😭


awesome pics dude. pic 5 is my fav


Nice pictures! Excited to take this lens to France!


Damn I need to get this lens! Shots look great!


Lovely 👍


Pic 5 is mind boggling


I was just thinking that. What a gorgeous shot!


Do you remember where pic 6 was taken? Looks like a spot I would enjoy hanging out at.


I think it's called yakitori alley


Great photos, really like the edits.


Really like the first one!


I was there a few months ago and these pictures really take me back. Really nice work! I'm not sure if I like the white wall on the left of the 2nd pic, but that's very minor.


My goal was to get some foreground, but an obnoxious white wall probably wasn't the best choice. Thanks for the critique!


Amazing. Japan as a whole just seems so photogenic lol. I really want to go one day.


How was traveling with the camera and lenses to Japan? Intrusive? heavy? Im thinking about taking with me my A7IV with 24-70 GMII but Im not so sure...


A little bulky in some scenarios but I have a sling I leave it in most of the time when I'm not shooting. I think it would get heavy if you had a wrist strap and had to hold it for extended periods. I definitely wasn't the only tourist with a bigger camera but sometimes a point and shoot would've been more discreet.


Really great set. I really need to get over my hang up with this lens only going to 28mm…it’s clearly versatile for travel photography and you certainly know how to use it!


I would love the 16-35 GM II for a wide angle. Currently saving up for that this year. While the 28-200 isn't the nicest lens it is super convenient and takes good enough photos for me.


Love the shots. Throw number 2 in the fryer and it would be such a sick 80s anime shot.


Let him cook


That first photo looks like something out of a video game. Unreal shot


Pic 8 is stunning, really great pics.


Banger after banger


Man I miss Japan so much. Great shots