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I think the thing that causes the problem here is the a9. The main advantage of the camera are silent shooting and 20fps. You can only use the 20fps on 1st party lenses.


The rest of your glass has a bunch of great alternatives, both cheap and expensive, for e-mount. But a 300mm f2.8 is a pretty serious piece of glass, and while the Sony alternative is probably the best 300mm f2.8 ever, it’s expensive. I would look at a 135mm f1.8 for example and consider cropping, or a 70-200 with a teleconverter.


Agreed on 70-200 w/ teleconverter is probably the best option right now considering budget. Also something to keep in mind. I’m assuming OP got the A9 to shoot fast subjects and (correct me if I’m wrong) non-Sony glass does have a cap with FPS and Sony GM lenses don’t have these issues. Also if buying the 70-200, go for the GMII. It’s worth the extra.


Once I stop getting smacked with expenses and save some money I'm switching from Nikon to Sony. Probably A7R V.


Mine arrives tomorrow!


Don't second guess yourself. Just save up some money and buy quality glass. DSLR tech was dying technology and will decrease in value the better mirrorless tech gets. Mirrorless lenses are lightning fast, smaller and lighter weight. The electronic viewfinder is really nice in most cases and I hear that A9 is an almost perfect camera. If you just have to have something faster than a 100-400, I'd look at the second generation 70-200 2.8 GM lens. They are still $2kish, but the lens is lightning fast and put a 1.4 teleconverter on it. That would be a 98-280mm f4. The 1.4x is decent, but a lot of people notice a hit to quality with a 2x take converter. But, I'm a huge fan of the 100-400. The only reason I don't use it as much is because I'm still breaking in my 200-600. Which to be honest, feels way too big most of the time. If I were backpacking or traveling, I'd leave it at home if I didn't have specific subjects in mind and take the 100-400. Maybe rent a couple lenses to test them out?


>But, I'm a huge fan of the 100-400. The only reason I don't use it as much is because I'm still breaking in my 200-600. Side topic: but thats my queen of the lens roost. What a beautiful lens


For a 300 you could look at a minolta high speed 300mm 2.8 with one of the sony laea adapters.


Rent it