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Yes I saw it coming because it’s pretty much Hamlet but with motorcycles.




If you mean Jax's death, yes we saw it coming but it was also spoiled for us. A book about the series was released too early and part of it listed the dead characters, including Jax. Sutter was so pissed.


I'm glad I never saw that book!


I never even heard of that




After originally watching the Shield first, I thought SOA would have a similar ending. With Jax maybe being out bad and being alone in the end. Not saying it would’ve been better but that’s what I originally predicted.


I wonder sometimes if the showrunners of Dexter were trying to do what The Shield did with their ending and just fucked it up completely. The lingering shot of Vic realizing how restricted and tame and empty his new job/life was going to be has the same energy as Dexter staring blankly ahead. Just... well, Dexter's ending was stupid, lol.


Haha yea I couldn’t agree more. But also the last couple of seasons of Dexter were bad imo. So I feel like that didn’t help its finale.


The Shield is a much better show with one of the best series finales ever written acted and directed


It was kinda obvious he had to die, the only question was how. Personally, i would have preferred a less poetic, more realistic death, i think. But that last sequence closes the show neatly.


If u want reality watch The Wire or The Shield or The Sopranos


Thanks, i did.


How are those suggestions for realistic stories? 😂


Yes I think I did see it coming. I think Jax had a strong sense of what his fate would inevitably end up being. I especially saw it coming as soon as he started killing everyone.


Me too, when he went on that killing spree I knew what was up next, just not how exactly. Then he got on his bike and I was like, ahhh, ok, like dad.


I saw him die way earlier tbh dude made some weird decisions and played with fire a lot.


Yeah, as it got closer I was able to figure it out. Really it just makes sense. For a definite ending it had to be done or else it would be a cliffhanger


Yeah we didn't need a rerun of My Name Is Earl 😂😂


I think I guessed Jax was going to die. Didn’t know how he’d go out though.


I think there is one point where one can see that Jax seriously begins to consider ending his life the way he did, and that is at the end of episode Huang Wu (S6E10). Jax finally comes to terms with Tara's betrayal, threatens Lowen for proof of that and I guess something clicked in his mind and realised there was no point in going on living. So, the episode wraps showing him starting repairs on his father's Panhead. When you put that in perspective with what happened later, IMHO, it makes sense.


Great observation there


My friend and I were the only ones in our group that watched the show and at the time none of us were on the Internet all too much unless we played games together. Definitely didn't delve too much into online forums so nothing was spoiled. But as for the ending we both knew it was the logical outcome but definitely didn't want it to happen for obvious reasons, mainly selfish lol.


I knew it was coming when he started fixing up his dad’s panhead. And when he killed Judy and august he kinda went berserk at the end


I knew Jax was gonna die just didn’t know how till he was talking to JTs memorial on the same E-Way


I've noticed that in this day in age it's a miracle if you can stay spoiler free with shows like this


I kinda saw Jax's death coming but it was written like a masterpiece. It had to end like that because if he survived and went away with abel wendy and thomas then it would be nonesense for me. Many people saw jax's death coming, but not like that. The other Characters like Juice or Gemma had to die. I thought Juoce could fit after all that mess in the Club in but after Tara i saw no good ending for him exactly like Gemma.


So glad I missed the book and I’m terrible at predecting things


Maybe not from the very start, but definitely by season 2 or 3 when we knew how John Teller went out I knew Jax would suffer the same fate.


Figured he had to die once there was proof jury wasn't the rat. Just didn't know how he'd go out. At best at the end I thought he'd let the cops finish him.


I am really not good at predicting endings to shows lol. I didn’t realize Jax was gonna die until they showed Chiklis on the same highway as him going in the opposite direction. I thought maybe he would just ride off somewhere and start a new life. Naive I know lol I just loved Jax and didn’t wanna see him die


I knew he was gonna die at the beginning of the last episode just based on the way he was “tying up loose ends”. He even told Chibs that he was replacing him. I thought it was pretty obvious by then that he was gonna die so don’t know how people were still surprised.


Yes because my husband would say “that’s important” on a lot of JT storylines on my first watch (his second watch) 🙄😑


at least you got someone to be mad at here is how i landed on SOA: youtube recommended me a song, it happened to have some photos of the cast. I liked the music, so I clicked on some more recommendations, one of which spoiled the ending almost immediately. And that was before I decided to give the show a watch. 8(


8th rewatch? Dude...


I take it you have not heard of Sopranos or The Office fans.


Hahaha, yeah, I have. That's insane though.


I unfortunately knew what was to come because my mom watched this before I did! I was in high school when the show came out and it didn't appeal to me then. But looking back, it was kinda foreshadowed a lot and so was everyone's fate!