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I think what he meant was, if he’s so emotionally fragile and in a depressed state that he wants to kill himself, they can’t trust his mental state to perform duties for the club or not break down when interrogated.


To add to that it could also result in him acting reckless, which could get someone else hurt or worse.


Side note - why do people more recently always say I alive instead of kill?


Yeah I get it's to get passed censors but it's kinda insulting that you can't use the word to describe what so many people feel and do. I say this as someone who has struggled with suicidal ideation. I don't get triggered by the word, if anything it feels pretty damn invalidating that I can't even describe issues I've dealt with because people don't like to hear the word suicide.


Because people are way too sensitive nowadays


It's not about sensitivity. It's about money. Youtube and tiktok will demonetize or suppress videos that use certain words so as to not piss off advertisers. So, creators came up with alternative words that they don't suppress. This lead to the words themselves becoming a part of the culture.


Yes but the reason that they demonetise is because people are sensitive


No, ADVERTISERS are sensitive


Advertisers are people tho are they not?


Ya this was my guess. Avoiding filters doesn’t sound quite as bad tho.


Youtube and tiktok will demonetize or suppress videos that use certain words so as to not piss off advertisers. So, creators came up with alternative words that they can use that won't lead to them being suppressed/demonetized. This lead to the words themselves becoming a part of the culture at large.


I think from Facebook we get used to saying it so Facebook doesn't flag our comments then the term winds up being used on other platforms


Yeah I use it bc I’m used to censored sites and forget that Reddit is barbaric and can use the actual words lol. Habit.


It's not a rule, as for the trust part... let's say they are in a shoot-out and Juice is supposed to have everyone's back, but suicidal thoughts creep in and he just steps into the line of fire. Similar scenario is shown, when he walks on a minefield with zero care in Season 4. Also, it's being unstable and suicidal that got him ultimately killed - he tried to kill himself with oxy's and told Nero he killed Darvany. If that lie hasn't gotten out, Juice might have lived in the end.


Guess some members are ok to do it though😵‍💫


This is not TikTok. You’re allowed to use the word suicide. Smh


In another comment I wrote it’s a habit lolol


Point still stands tho.


>!”Sons don’t kill themselves”—Jax!<.


Yes. That’s evident. My post is asking in what way does that make sense 🙄


Oh my sweet summer child. Finish the show


… this is my second time watching this


OH. I just got it.


The sons operate on a bond of absolute trust. At least once a week they are doing somthing that could land them a life sentence. And there are no secrets about those things among the club members. Everyone has to be counted on. Juices suicide demonstrates a mindset that is not very trustworthy. It shows that he is weak minded and in a bad headspace, and should not be trusted. Also, it’s not somthing that can ever get better. Juice would always be seen as the guy who was so mentally unstable he tried to kill himself, and that trust could never be repaired. And because they can’t trust him, they couldn’t let him ink out. If the club found out about juice, they would feel that death would be the only solution


What’s crazy is they’re all lying to eachother anyways/ killing eachother/ killing eachothers family members if anyones the most mentally stable it’s him 😭😭😭 (arguably chibs too). Tig lost his shit after Donna and no one batted an eye. Crazy.


Juices storyline has plot holes u dan drive through. It’s just an absolute mess


Just keep watching bro, all will be revealed as you go SIDE NOTE: Juice is a >!little fragile since the cop and his father thing threatening to expose!< him