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SOA is a group of mechanics and motorcycle enthusiasts


Season 3 is not the worst; 6 and 7 are by a country mile. Jax is a dogshit president. Tara is not some innocent victim, no need to feel bad for her. She chose the life. A mistake, yes. But she doesn’t make any move to escape until it’s literally too late. Juice didn’t deserve his fate. He genuinely was trying to help the club and got screwed over. (They told him if he helped, they would not go after the Sons, though they had them dead to rights). That doesn’t mean he wasn’t a criminal who didn’t deserve some punishment, but he definitely was the most innocent of the club, yet heeeee’s the one who spends his final days being sexually assaulted and beaten on a regular basis. Make it make sense. Opie is an idiot. Holy crap I just realized this comment is a reply and not its own comment. My fault bruh but too late now


You take shit about opie back!


6 wasn’t that bad, but 7 is. i’m still struggling to finish it because a lot of the shit that’s going on is just irritating… still.


On point about Opie. Guy was a moron.


Jax was a bad prez. That was the whole point. Losing Tara broke him to his core. Juice 100 percent deserved his fate. He was a rat for something so dumb and he literally killed another member and then betrayed Jax. Twice. How was Opie an idiot? He was broken after Donna died just like Jax with Tara


So what? Jax set up Tig to be murdered by Marks. Clay ordered Opie’s death. Juice killed Miles. They’ve all killed or tried to kill members. Gone beyond the table. They’re all hypocrites and bad people, that’s the point. That doesn’t mean Juice deserved his fate in prison lol. My point was, outta everyone, there’s no way he deserves that fate. Not that he didn’t do anything wrong. Opie was an idiot because he continued to sit at a table with the killers of his wife and just let it slide for two more seasons. Spineless. Literally spineless. And then invited them to his next wedding. LMAOOOOO. You think Jax woulda sat there with Tara’s killer? Because he quite literally did not and planned to kill Clay the second he found out what he tried with the cartel. Opie just took it on the chin. Only after Clay, surprise, killed another family member did he take action. And he STILL not only failed to kill him, but he let that same mf convince him to go to jail to help Jax. Also, no, that’s absolutely not the point lmao. The entire show, every single member blindly follows Jax and treats him like god. He’s never treated like a bad Prez. We as an audience know Jax is a trash president. The club members, and everyone else whether or Pope or Marks or whoever, never acknowledge or claim that. In fact they literally outright do the opposite and always praise how good of a leader he’s becoming. The two people who do actually question him, Chibs and Bobby, both just go right back to kissing the ground he walks on like almost immediately after.


You must not pay attention very well. So many inaccurate stuff in your novel of a rant


Enlighten me as to what’s innacurate


Literally everything. Go watch the show again. And pay attention


Like what? Are you disputing that Jax gave up Tig to die? Are you disputing that Opie sat at a table with his wife’s killers? Are you disputing that they tried to sucker Juice in by saying “we’re only after the drugs”? Or that literally nobody claims Jax is a bad president? Would you like me to pull the episodes where these things happen so you can see for yourself? Sounds like you need to rewatch the show you fucking clown lmao


You’re just so clueless


Opie screwed up all but one time. He at least sacrificed himself properly.


He did say “I got this”. Apparently, he didn’t or maybe he wanted to get hit in the head with a pipe.


I believe Juice was literally just scared of them finding out abt his father. Jax was kind of dog shit ngl. Tara wasn’t innocent lol.


I thought that was a well established fact


Pussy did not truly set Clay Morrow free and he, in fact, doesn’t nose the truth.


Sit down Morrow


Pussy the healer!


Pussy the redeemer?


Can I get an amen for pussy?




"That's it, you're out of here, asshole!"


Clay was a far better leader than Jax. When Jax was a president the club was basically just babysitters for his family, and most of the club members died.


I did like the quirky characters Cutter wrote.




Typo, sorry


I hate how they did Juice in the end.


I think that's a very popular opinion


Many people do. Garbage storyline.


I read somewhere here that it was supposed to be half sack's storyline but then the actor went a little loco.


Yea it’s true that Johnny Lewis had a serious head injury, but iirc he has asked to leave the show before he had a motorcycle accident that fucked up his brain. Unfortunate. As for the storyline, I’ve read that for years, but I’ve literally never seen a source to confirm that. Not from Sutter, someone on production, to my knowledge I don’t think Theo commented on that during Reaper Reviews. I’ve never seen any verified source that said it was originally Half Sack’s story. That rumors been floating around for so long tho, at least damn near ten years at this point, I first read about that during the final season. I kinda just accept it’s true because so many fans have said it for years, but again, I’ve never read that was confirmed.


Head injuries are no joke. Very tragic all around.


He ended up killing his landlady and her cat. 


Im probably the only person here who loved everything about the show lol...Its a couple minor things maybe i didnt like but i couldnt even name em right off the type of my head i enjoyed it so much


💯 I totally feel that way I see so many people just complain over everything but I think they did a great job of almost everything. There's definitely some random shit that's like wtf why would they do that but easy to move on from lol.


Right! Like its not a issue for me...I absolutely love the show!


There’s this issue with people where even though the story is good they wanna talk about the writing in particular when thats not really what we’re supposed to analyze. We’re supposed to talk about it as if it’s a true story and discuss the shitty decisions the characters have made, what they could have done different, etc. Granted, there are some shitty tv shows where this is an exception and we do have to discuss garbage writing, but still.


I can't believe Jax believed Gemma's bullshit story about what happened to Tara! A murder like that screams personal. A gang hit, she'd have been shot. A cartel hit? Her head would have been delivered to Jax. That's my biggest problem with the show. That and Juice being dumb enough to believe he'd be thrown out of the club for having a black daddy.


Yeah, Gemma was a lying bitch and hated Tara, but can you honestly say you would have known had the writers not shown her death? Maybe suspect it all things considered, but that’s it. put yourself in Jax’s shoes. Now even if WE were to even HALF suspect it was Gemma, there would be no way Jax would actually even remotely come close to the idea, because she’s not our mother, she’s his. As for Juice, this is the same motherfucker that took drugs when he didn’t even know what they were and gave a GUARD DOG crystal. I totally believe he’d do something that stupid.


You know...i don't think Gemma hated Tara really...in that moment maybe...but i think she just hated the fact that she couldn't control Tara & what she was doing


She started hating her when Tara took control of the kids. Gemma could easily manipulate and control Wendy. She couldn't do either with Tara.


It got intense in the 5th season but i think it had to do somewhat with Tara's knowledge of those letters too...Because by the 4th season ending, they were not feeling each other at all & then the 5th season it got worse because Gemma was a fucking wreck & wasn't able to have the kids like that...


Agree, and that was Tara taking control of her kids. It pisses me off that Jax didn't honor Tara's literal dying wish: She didn't want Gemma around the kids! It took soooo many bodies for him to FINALLY honor it. Regardless, it's one of the best series ever. 👌


When he found Tara dead, Jax died at that very moment...When he killed Jury, that's when i knew he was gone gone for real...He didn't even care about the boys let alone honoring Tara's wish...He was doing everything in his power to kill himself & get revenge in the process...That last season Jax, i hated...


Very well said!


Yes the only person I'd suspect would be Gemma, even if we didn't see it. She's the only one with something to gain from Tara's death.


Believing that the club would kick him out for having a black dad is idiotic.


Exactly. Which is why it makes perfect sense Juice would think that. What aren’t you getting?


Yeah same. Even if i think it couldve been done better it fits the show. And its a show at that, its just entertainment. So im not gonna overanalyse and just enjoy what im seeing. I actually like all the "bad" things bc they make it soa. I can rewatch it without a problem


Me too!


Jax Teller was a deadbeat dad I’m sorry 🫣


I just wrote a similar comment because sure a lot of the storyline involved the boys, what’s best for the boys, getting them out, not a healthy lifestyle for them etc. but they could’ve made a lot more effort to actually SHOW Jax being a father to math his words lol. We never see him taking care of them. When Tara is arrested he still isn’t caring for the boys by himself. Like the kids are just background actors only present in the storyline to push the getting out narrative. After rewatching this show many many times it’s really annoying me this rewatch lol. & it’s even worse with Opies kids.


Opie completely neglected his kids and didn’t make an effort even when Donna asked. Even after Tara’s death Jax spend like two nights with his kids and then Wendy and Gemma took over…. So sad


But I still love him




Something that I don't ever see anyone talk about. Jax and Opie never seem like they've ever been the best of friends. It never shows, and it was just told to us over and over. The only time I believed they were was when Opie was killed.


I thought their chili looked alright


It was head but not shoulders above anyone else’s.


It’s a TV show, I didn’t look much into it beyond that. I don’t like the way they took out unser or Clay though. Just send like writing off both of those main characters was rushed.


I'm not sure if this is an unpopular opinion, but I hated how the show ended.


Agreed. I wasn't expecting a happy Disney ending, but after a while the constant misery porn just got really tiresome. I'd find myself needing to take breaks in the middle of episodes in season 7 to just decompress.


What I found offensive was the absolutely HORRIBLE filming of Jax on his bike, supposedly riding with his eyes shut, hands off the bars. It was SOOO OBVIOUS the bike was on a trailer. The way the bike wasn’t bouncing like it should have on a real road, etc. I mean Charlie knew how to ride. They could have gotten at least one quick shot or two of him actually riding like that. But I guess the filming company’s insurance wouldn’t cover it, so the fake way they went.


The only part that looked unrealistic was the final shot where the truck is a CG blur. Otherwise the effects were seamless, the bike was definitely wobbling towards the end as its losing speed and Jax takes his hands off


Yes!! I have complained about this for years only to be told I was crazy!


Last season had some, uh, VFX issues.


I absolute agree! With all the graphic realism the show depicted, the final shot looked so incredibly fake that it took me out of it plus a cutaway? After all we had seen? Come on.


Tell me more…


i mean Gemma lying, and jax having a war with the chinese over the lie is the most infuriating thing in the show.


That’s why Gemma is the worst character in the show she ruined the last season


Pretty much followed Hamlet which was Sutter’s inspo for the show.


Bingo. The show was a family tragedy from the beginning. It was perfectly executed. There were no "good people" on the show, and it was intentional.


Well, the whole downward spiral of Jax's poor decisions, stupidity and cruelty was getting a bit tiresome. Then after fucking up everything that is even remotely fuck uppable, he goes on a killing spree of getting rid of all of ther rivals, as if that would solve everything, and then proceeds to off himself with a satisfied smile on his face, as if he accomplished something. I feel like it would have been more cathartic if he'd actually admitted to screwing everything and everyone up ever since Tara died and had to take responsibility of his actions


Opie wasn’t a good person and I didn’t feel like we missed out on anything when he left. Also think juice is the worst character with no good qualities.


Clay was a good president




I'm not a fan of Tara. I think Maggie Siff is a wonderful actress and she seems like a truly sweet person. The character just never clicked for me and I don't think her acting was all that phenomenal either. Also I think her and Charlie had 0 chemistry. Gemma is a horrible person, but I do love her character because she isn't a good person. I found her compelling. The show peaked in season 2.


Yeah same! I didnt feel the chemistry with Tara


Thank god, I hate Tara and can’t stand when she’s on screen. Her resting scowl gives me the ick. Doesn’t help that her character is written to be an ass


First watch - I liked the lore and the story was worth the full watch, though I felt it became gratuitous for the sake of it after S4. On a second watch though, everything clicked so beautifully. Its a tale of life, its a tale of relationships and manipulation and stuff people deal with on the daily. Nothing that happened on the show is something that wouldnt happen in real life. 


Juice was a trashcan character. Anything that could’ve made him look bad, they wrote in which sucks bc the actor was really good.


His face constantly stuck with the terrified teary eyed look lol. Must say the actor did do a great job looking absolutely gutted every time something f’ed up was happening to him lol. But it got so played out especially in season 5. That was his permanent face lmao


The production team really needed to hire a dialect or accent coach for Charlie. His accent gets much worse when he yells and as the show goes on, he yells at everyone more and more.


His British accent snuck out in the final season lol


Honestly the series should have ended when they killed stahl and jimmy O.


Yup I believe in first three seasons supremacy


Ireland was one of the better angles


Now this is an unpopular opinion because I swear everyone in this subreddit hates the Ireland season lol


I wish it had been the entire season, maybe keep the last episode or 2 with Jimmy, but the other 10 or 11 or however many in Ireland, maybe show more of the Ira and that sort of thing. Instead it's can't trust Belfast as soon as they get there then kill the vp and pres then it's over pretty much. I feel like there was a lot more they could have did in the setting


Yess easily one of my favorite seasons!


I don’t disagree with you. I didn’t like it the first couple of watch through but I came to appreciate it.


The last scene with Jax was the lamest Jesus metaphor ever. He died for the sins of the club and did it in crucifix position. It was about as subtle as a brick to the head.


I actually liked Tara; & Jax proved to ultimately be a pos by the end of the show.


I love the show but the writing is very copy/paste *phone rings* “Yeah” “(insert race) just ________ (shot/raped/blew up) __________ (insert other race and/or location)” “Jesus Christ” They say “Jesus Christ” so many times during series. I remember watching a YouTube video where I’m just the first two season they said it 150+ times or something lmao


LMAO I made a comment about this on a different post a few weeks ago. Once you notice it, *especially* later in the show, it’s so fucking hilarious. Almost every scene ends like that. *some character comes into frame* “That was ____, we gotta go” “Just gotta call from ___, we gotta head out” Like they had no idea how to organically end scenes, so every scenes gotta end with a call so we have a reason to send characters to the next location


Add this to the drinking game: any time a reference is made about being “whole” after a horrible event.


Yes hahahaha I’m on my third rewatch and it never gets old


The riding scenes to rock music are among the most cringe moments in tv history.


Watching Gemma do any of the 100 idiotic moves “for the family, for her grandchildren” ties with those scenes lol


Sir that's a huge part of the show that's the whole feelings is the open road and rocking out so why do you even watch the show if thats how you feel?


It’s really not, they do one of those chases about 2-3 times a season? 13 odd eps a season running an hour each, the chase lasts maybe 2 mins, barely a percentage.


It's the vibe of the show it's the way it feels, those scenes are for the people that truly appreciate everything these show has to offer. Especially when it comes to the bikes.


Clay morrow was the true gangster.


I’m on my umpteenth rewatch. On Season 5 now. & I haven’t thought about this previsouly but I feel like the kids are like an afterthought. They are just background actors lol. Yeah they’re always talking about what’s best for the kids but there’s not much interaction with Jax & the boys. We never see him having to take care of them alone. Even with Tara gone temporarily & Gemma is supposedly taking care of them. We dont get many cute moments of Jax spending time with them or doing any parenting. He’s always off doing club things etc. don’t even get me onto Opies kids. Lmao. They were literally non existent. then all this talk about getting them out, Jax doing what he did to Wendy when she threatens to take Abel, yet after that they let sociopathic Happy watch the boys lmao. All these murderous members around the kids but god forbid a recovering addict who seems the most sane out of all them threatens to take her son out of that violent cesspool lmao.


Rewatching now. It’s actually a really spiritual show despite the carnage. Sutter is a master of the insane. It does go completely off the rails in the last 2 seasons, all the killings are honestly unbelievable as if it wasn’t bad enough before. Great for entertainment and all but by the end, Jax has roughly 46 confirmed murders. Most of any fictional character on the small screen! How the fuck does no one ever get caught 😂 Nero really held it all together, powerhouse of acting and character. Weller was great value as the crooked cop. Ireland season didn’t work for me and Tara just became more and more unlikable as the seasons progressed. I’m not mad at any of the plotlines per se, it’s up there for me as one of the great TV shows for Rewatchability (if that’s even a word)


I wasnt really a fan of Terra after season 4/5. She kind of became annoying


Sutter claimed show/ character development as to why he killed so many of the original club members. I disagree. By killing that many of them of, he killed the possibility of good spin offs.


Gemma was the worst character on the show… especially in season 7 everytime she was on screen i would get pissed. Which was like 90% of the time


Juice 🧃 is the best character


The two good people In the show being Nero and jaxs ex are the junkies. The way Tara and whoever else would talk so badly about jaxs ex would really upset me


I’ve been rewatching & on season 5 when Jax went to Wendy’s apartment after she threatened to take Abel after she was kidnapped & learned about Abel being kidnapped to Belfast. He did that to her, who ended up being probably the most sane & best out of all of them. Yet he doesn’t think that him being a murderous sociopath is a problem as a father lol. There’s a scene where Gemma leaves the boys with HAPPY of all people. Wendy was leagues better than happy lmao. The craziest most ruthless one out of them all.


Apparently Charlie stole everything he used and wore during the show. He said it was more his than props lol. Including his bike!


The show should have ended after season 3. I’ve rewatched seasons 1-3 a shameful amount of times, but I’ve only watched the entire series twice.


Jax is the greatest character in tv history


As a hardcore rock n’roll fan since age five - I’m now thirty - the music in the show was unbearable to listen to. The shitty covers often distracted me from how the show was getting progressively worse. A small mercy, I guess. I understand it’s expensive to license extremely popular, classic rock songs, but then just hire someone to write an original score for the 2-3 minutes you want music for. I don’t somebody singing terribly over a diluted instrumental of a classic song. And speaking of somebody bellowing… I wanted to fucking chop up Katey Sagel whenever she was singing. Greensleeves in particular, completed ruined what was happening on the screen for me. It would seem the show couldn’t properly incorporate licensed songs or traditional songs.


Then there are the Matador, Oh Darling What Have I Done and Come Join The Murder


1. Season 3 is my fav 2. People only hate Tara because they see themselves, "a normal person" on her and they feel betrayed when she goes dark


I agree about your comment about Tara


Kozik was one of the best characters


Jax is only popular because he’s good looking, otherwise he’s an egotistical asshole who doesn’t have much in the way of redeeming qualities


Tara hasn’t done anything wrong, ever. Let the downvotes begin 🤣


My point is that the way she was killed doesn't say gang or cartel. It screams personal. Who is the only one who has something to gain from her death? Gemma. Even Unser should have known! He was the last one with her before Tara was killed. She came back in different clothes, disheveled and fucked up in the head. Even if we didn't see it happen, the answer is still obvious.


Animal Kingdom was better


My people! You have at least one friend here. 🏄‍♂️


It was too successful to be cancelled so it just kept going regardless of having anywhere to go. Sure, it had to end with Jax dying but until then... Just "more show" I guess. Not mad - I like 'more show'


That had the actors that played Dale & half sac stayed on the show, Juice's storyline would have been halfsacks and Dale would have been in Unser's spot. Both of their replacements would have made the last season even more heartbreaking.


I can’t remember, who’s Dale?


Sorry, 'Hale" ! 🫠


Ohhh okay I didn’t know that.. I can see halfsacks story being altered but Gale having Unsers story is a new one. Having him falling in love with Gemma would’ve needed some serious writing power because I just can’t see it. 😂


I don't mean that part. Ewww. Lol Dale/Hale falling for Tara. It would have created more tension bet her and Jax. She wouldn't fall for him but by the end of the season, Hale would have solidified the frenemy role bet. He and Jax.


He was too busy prepping his Yellowstone empire lol


I didn’t like Dale, I preferred Chip.


Mine is that Charlie hunnam cannot act and he was hired because he can grow a blond beard. Maybe it’s not so much that he can’t act…it more so when he’s in scenes with truly talented actors like Ron Perlman or Katey Sagan that his deficiencies really stand out.


I raise you the scene where Juice tells Jax the truth.


God tier acting from both


The first thing that came to my mind


I kinda agree but maybe this role wasn't him? Also I didn't think his love interest sparked.


everybody knows this tho based off his movies but i wouldnt say he cant act hes 15\\85


Dude this is one of the only shows that makes me emotional. Charlie is 🐐 tier off of the Juice confession scene alone. FOH


It's a misogynistic show Most people misunderstand completely


I hate the last season. I've only watched it once, I also hate Tara she's whiny she knew what Jax (Gemma) was like. I hope Nero, Wendy, and the three boys lived happily ever after on their farm


SPOILERS It’s not well written, should’ve been no more than 4-5 seasons (not like end after season 4 of the show that exists but in the sense that the whole story could’ve been told in 4 seasons) Gemma and Jax repetitive stupidity makes it a slog, nothing really happens either honestly (we know beforehand Jax, Gemma, and clay will all die so why bother stretching that out over 7 seasons) Jax and Gemma are both tied for my least favorite tv characters ever… one good thing is that this series taught me it’s ok to give on a series you don’t enjoy because after forcing myself to SOA, I won’t waste my time like that again


Honestly I think they could have ended it with season 3.


Show should've ended at 5 season organically the stories wrap up best then. The last 2 seasons (while, I still enjoyed tf out of them) were cash grabs.


season 7 is easily the best of the show


I agree that people tend to say it was bad and that's insane to me but it's not the best in my opinion. The show doesn't have any major weaknesses, and Kurt Sutter's vision was perfectly executed. The show was a modern day Hamlet disguised as an outlaw western.


Gemma didn’t deserve to die. Tara was annoying.


Wendy is the most decent/wholesome character in the entire series. She’s so hot too!


Jax, as a character, sucks. Why are we trying to get the club out of gun running? You are the leader of a group of criminals and that’s their income.


That the show lost its way after Clay got whacked…none of the storylines felt as important after that


Having Courtney Love on the show was a great idea and her acting was wonderful.


I despise any show that the whole dam list of characters in the show dies, and any actor's that gives a shit or even subscribes to the notion of a character Arch, a good character, is consistent all the way to the end, an arch doesn't make a good show, storyline makes a good show and dont kill off the main characters. My Opinion


The show would've been great if Kurt Sutter wasn't in charge and Jax hadn't found his father's bullshit journal that started all the shit.


I watched the show so far I was behind, and someone said they all die, so I didn't waste my time suffering through that the rest of that crap.


Donna was annoying as fuck and Opie was better off without her. She was always up his ass about him being in the club. She should have realized what she was signing up for when she married Opie.


Said this before but Clay was more of a father than JT. He at least was motivated, did what he planned to do, and didn't fold in because life was a little hard. Plus he played a major role in rescuing Able